Papers by Giuliana Parisi

Due to the limited application of insect meal in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergi... more Due to the limited application of insect meal in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture, the present study aimed to (i) produce spirulina-enriched full-fat black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae meal (HM) and (ii) test, for the first time, two experimental diets characterized by 3% or 20% of fish meal and fish oil replacement with full-fat HM (HM3 and HM20, respectively) on M. rosenbergii post-larvae during a 60-day feeding trial conducted in aquaponic systems. The experimental diets did not negatively affect survival rates or growth. The use of spirulina-enriched HM resulted in a progressive increase in α-tocopherol and carotenoids in HM3 and HM20 diets that possibly played a crucial role in preserving prawn muscle-quality traits. The massive presence of lipid droplets in R cells in all the experimental groups reflected a proper nutrient provision and evidenced the necessity to store energy for molting. The increased number of B cells in the HM3 and HM20...

Czech Journal of Animal Science
Post rigor mortis changes of texture, chemical and sensory properties in rainbow trout (Oncorhync... more Post rigor mortis changes of texture, chemical and sensory properties in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared at two different temperature conditions (8 and 12 °C) were examined to better understand how different stunning methods, i.e. electroshock (E) and asphyxia with carbon monoxide (CO), can influence their evolution during refrigerated storage. Seven days after rigor resolution (T RR 7), considering ATP catabolites (K-and K1-values), the freshness remained well preserved regardless of the stunning method applied and water temperature. During refrigerated storage fillets from fish reared at 8 °C maintained significantly higher (P < 0.001) pH at the day of rigor resolution (T RR 0), whereas at the end of the storage time (T RR 7), 8 °C-reared fish showed a significantly lower pH value (P < 0.05). CO treatment was effective in ensuring a more intense red colour of the fillet and high chroma, whereas E treatment exhibited the lowest a*, b* and chroma values. The texture profile analysis showed a significant effect of the stunning method (S), water temperature (T) and S × T interaction on fillet cohesiveness. TBARS values were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in fish stunned by CO when compared to E group in the first 76 h post mortem (T RR 0). At the end of the storage period (T RR 7), no TBARS value difference was detected between treatments. The stunning method had a relevant impact on fillet sensory traits, revealing that CO fillets were the juiciest (P < 0.05) and presented the lowest saltiness (P < 0.05), aroma (P < 0.05) and odour (P < 0.01) intensity. Rearing temperature, instead, had a moderate effect on fillet sensory traits and indicated that the water temperature of 12 °C enhanced juiciness (P < 0.05) and tenderness (P < 0.05) attributes. Overall results suggested that CO is a suitable stunning method for trout that, coupled with 12 °C water temperature, are able to preserve fillet freshness, enhance colorimetric characteristics which are maintained during refrigerated storage, and provide desirable sensory traits.

In the present study, an organic substrate (coffee silverskin) enriched with spirulina (Arthrospi... more In the present study, an organic substrate (coffee silverskin) enriched with spirulina (Arthrospira platensis; 15% w/w), as a source of lipids and bioactive molecules, was used to rear the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae. Three grossly isonitrogenous, isoproteic, isolipidic and isoenergetic experimental diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) juveniles were then produced: a control diet (HM0) mostly including fish meal and fish oil, and two other test diets named HM3 and HM20, in which 3 or 20% of the marine ingredients were substituted with full fat black soldier fly prepupae meal (HM), respectively. Experimental diets were provided for 6 weeks, and at the end of the trial the physiological responses and marketable traits of the fish were investigated using a multidisciplinary approach. Generally, all test diets were well accepted, and fish growth, gut and liver health status, and marketable characteristics were not impaired by the experimental diets. However, ...

Carpione (Salmo carpio, Linnaeus 1758) is an endangered precious endemism of Lake Garda (Northern... more Carpione (Salmo carpio, Linnaeus 1758) is an endangered precious endemism of Lake Garda (Northern Italy), the largest Italian lake. To date, several bottlenecks about its culture remain unsolved, including the identification of a proper growth-out diet. The aim of the present study was to test four different grossly isolipidic, isoproteic, and isoenergetic diets in which the main ingredients had a different origin. Specifically, a diet currently used by local farmers for carpione culture, largely based on marine ingredients, was used as control (CTRL), while the other three diets were formulated by partially replacing marine ingredients with plant ones (VEG) or with different percentages of processed animal proteins (PAP1 and PAP2). The feeding trial was run in triplicate, over a three-month period. No significant differences in growth performance among the experimental groups were observed. However, remarkable histological alterations and inflammatory markers upregulation were obse...

This study compared the nutrient-energy retention, digestive function, growth performance, and we... more This study compared the nutrient-energy retention, digestive function, growth performance, and welfare of rainbow trout (ibw 54 g) fed isoproteic (42%), isolipidic (24%), fishmeal-free diets (CV) over 13 weeks. The diets consisted of plant-protein replacement with graded levels (10, 30, 60%) of protein from poultry by-product (PBM) and black soldier fly H. illucens pupae (BSFM) meals, either singly or in combination. A fishmeal-based diet was also tested (CF). Nitrogen retention improved with moderate or high levels of dietary PBM and BSFM relative to CV (p < 0.05). Gut brush border enzyme activity was poorly affected by the diets. Gastric chitinase was up-regulated after high BSFM feeding (p < 0.05). The gut peptide and amino acid transport genes were differently regulated by protein source and level. Serum cortisol was unaffected, and the changes in metabolites stayed within the physiological range. High PBM and high BSFM lowered the leukocyte respiratory burst activity and ...

Animals, 2022
The awareness of the correlation between administered diet, fish health and products’ quality has... more The awareness of the correlation between administered diet, fish health and products’ quality has led to the increase in the research for innovative and functional feed ingredients. Herein, a plant-derived product rich in bioactive compounds, such as honeybee pollen (HBP), was included as raw (HBP) and as Supercritical Fluid Extracted (SFE) pollen (HBP_SFE) in the diet for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). The experiment was carried out on 90 fish with an average body weight of 294.7 ± 12.8 g, divided into five groups, according to the administration of five diets for 30 days: control diet (CTR); two diets containing HBP at 5% (P5) and at 10% (P10) level of inclusion; two diets containing HBP_SFE, at 0.5% (E0.5) and at 1% (E1) level of inclusion. Their effects were evaluated on 60 specimens (336.2 ± 11.4 g average final body weight) considering the fish growth, the expression of some hepatic genes involved in the inflammatory response (il-1β, il-6 and il-8) through quantitative rea...

Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2020
The expected future demand for highly nutrient animal food products will push the animal producti... more The expected future demand for highly nutrient animal food products will push the animal production system to search for new sources of high-quality protein feedstuffs. In this scenario, economic and environmental issues will have to be considered while reducing the competition with the plant-based human food chains. Legume grains and some oilseed cakes, by-products from the oil industry, are the main protein sources for ruminants and terrestrial monogastrics such as pigs and poultry. Their relevant role will hold in the next decades, but it is necessary to increase the diversification of sources that can be grown profitably throughout the world, including European countries. Microalgae are a promising source of protein and other nutrients for animal feeding. However, an amazing richness of biologically active substances makes these organisms very interesting as feed ingredients, as their role go far beyond the supply of nutrients. Due to the limited usage of microalgae as human foodstuffs or food ingredients, low competition between microalgae-based feed and food chains is predictable. This review aims to synthesise current knowledge on minor pulses and other protein-rich plant products and microalgae, as alternative ingredients to the conventional animal protein sources, focussing on their production, availability, and nutritional values. Points of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat related to the use of these protein sources in animal feeding are separately analysed through a SWOT approach to underlie future needs in terms of research and/or technological development that could help valorise these nutrient sources as feed ingredients.
In Italy, only few caught species are commercialized and appreciated by consumers thus resulting ... more In Italy, only few caught species are commercialized and appreciated by consumers thus resulting in the production of high volumes of discards. Despite its high nutritional value, Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) is one of the most underutilised species. Recently, mechanical separation process (MSM) has demonstrated to be successfully applied in fish sector. Thus, this study focused on the chemical changes, antioxidant content as well as oxidative stability of horse mackerel subjected to mechanically separation process and stored up to three months at -20 C. MATERIAL & METHODS

Animals, 2021
By answering the need for increasing sustainability in aquaculture, the present study aimed to co... more By answering the need for increasing sustainability in aquaculture, the present study aimed to compare growth, gene expression involved in appetite regulation, physical characteristics, and chemical composition of Sparus aurata fed alternative protein sources. Fish were fed ten iso-proteic, iso-lipidic, and isoenergetic diets: a vegetable-based (CV) and a marine ingredient-rich (CF) diet were set as control diets. The others were prepared by replacing graded levels (10, 20 or 40%) of the vegetable proteins in the CV with proteins from a commercial defatted Hermetia illucens pupae meal (H), poultry by-product meal (PBM) singly (H10, H20, H40, P20, P40) or in combination (H10P30), red swamp crayfish meal (RC10) and from a blend (2:1, w:w) of Tisochrysis lutea and Tetraselmis suecica (MA10) dried biomasses. The increase in ghre gene expression observed in MA10 fed fish matched with increased feed intake and increased feed conversion ratio. Besides, the MA10 diet conferred a lighter asp...

Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2021
A major challenge for development of sustainable aquafeeds is its dependence on fish meal and fis... more A major challenge for development of sustainable aquafeeds is its dependence on fish meal and fish oil. Replacement with more sustainable, nutritious and safe ingredients is now a priority. Over the last years, among several alternatives proposed, insects have received great attention as possible candidates. In particular, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens; BSF) represents a concrete example of how the circular economy concept can be applied to fish culture, providing a valuable biomass rich in fat and protein valorising organic by-products. In the last decade, several studies have been published about the use of different BSF dietary inclusion levels for various fish species including experimental models. Varying and encouraging results have been obtained in this research field using a plethora of laboratory methodological approaches that can be applied and coupled to obtain a comprehensive view of the BSF-based diets effects on fish physiology, health, and quality. The pres...

Aquaculture, 2020
Insects are able to bio-convert organic by-products into a sustainable biomass for aquafeed formu... more Insects are able to bio-convert organic by-products into a sustainable biomass for aquafeed formulation. Specifically, among several insect species, Hermetia illucens (H) is particularly interesting for its nutritious traits but, unfortunately, the lipidic fraction is poorly represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 and poses some limits in its application in aquafeed formulation.The present study undertook an interdisciplinary approach to explore the effects of three experimental diets containing increasing levels of full-fat H meal (H0 diet based on fishmeal and purified protein-rich vegetable ingredients; H25 and H50 diets containing 25% or 50% of full-fat H meal replacing fishmeal, respectively), on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed over a 98 days experimental period. The expression of genes related to lipid metabolism by RT-qPCR, liver histology, as well as the qualitative traits of fillets and fatty acid (FA) composition were investigated. Interestingly, fads2 gene expression in pyloric caeca increased in fish fed diets containing the highest full-fat H meal inclusion (H50 > H0; p < .05). Liver histological examinations showed normal morphological aspect even though hepatic FA profiles seemed to resemble those of the diets. However, liver docosahexaenoic acid did not significantly differ between the dietary groups and showed a mean value of 11.07 g FA methyl esters/100 g total FA methyl esters. Despite the FA profile of the three diets differed depending on the H meal inclusion level, biometrics, fillet physical traits, total lipids and the overall FA profile were not jeopardised, not even eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids.The overall results showed that the dietary full-fat H meal inclusion under study did not impair fish fillet quality, guaranteeing its nutritional value. Some effects on lipid metabolism were observed, as suggested by liver, pyloric caeca and mid intestine gene expression and liver FA profile. Future studies on the biological mechanisms behind the macroscopic traits of fish fed unprocessed insects are warmly encouraged.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2020
(2020) Effects of stunning methods on prerigor changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) rear... more (2020) Effects of stunning methods on prerigor changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) reared at two different temperatures,

Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2020
This paper reviews current knowledge on two feedstuffs, that is, insect meal and fish by-products... more This paper reviews current knowledge on two feedstuffs, that is, insect meal and fish by-products, as alternatives to conventional animal protein sources. After an introductory part that highlights the need for sustainable development of animal production, the alternative protein sources are discussed. In particular, after providing some indications on their production and supply focussing on EU, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis was performed to identify the key factors that could help or impair the development of both protein sources production sectors. Finally, future perspectives are presented. The use of processed animal proteins derived from insects in farmed fish feeding is recognised by the EU legislation that authorises the use of proteins from seven insect species and the allowed substrates to rear insects. Insects have several advantages in nutritional value and the amino acid composition of their proteins generally meet animal requirements for good growth and health. The SWOT analysis indicated that insect meals can be considered as feed functional ingredients with beneficial properties that depend on the insect species, rearing system adopted, and the substrate used for their growth. Insects are expected to be increasingly used as a replacement for conventional animal-derived proteins, especially in aquafeeds. In the section regarding fishery and aquaculture by-products, the potential use of raw materials obtained during seafood processing is discussed. Peptides and amino acids recovered from as hydrolysed proteins can be used in animal feeds to partially substitute conventional protein feedstuffs thus providing nutrients, bioactive compounds and feed additives for animals. The SWOT analysis identified opportunities and weaknesses. Both the alternative protein sources are promising alternative feed ingredients for livestock production. HIGHLIGHTS The sustainable development of animal production sector needs alternative protein sources for feeds formulation. Insects and fishery-and aquaculture by-products represent optimal alternative protein sources. A SWOT analysis has identified the key factors for the development of both protein sources production sectors.

Aquaculture, 2018
The growing economic interest in tench has led to the need for further information on the best sl... more The growing economic interest in tench has led to the need for further information on the best slaughter methodologies for this species in order to respect animal welfare and preserve fillet quality. Sixty farmed tench (Tinca tinca) were randomly divided into three groups of killing: carbon monoxide (CO), electrical (ES) and percussive (PS) stunning. The behaviour of the fish, the onset of rigor mortis and the gill cortisol concentration were determined as stress indexes, while after rigor resolution, the quality of the fillets were followed over a period of 10 days of refrigerated storage (+2.5 °C) by determining physical and chemical properties of the fillets. The observations indicated that the fish did not seem to perceive CO negatively, and normal swimming activity was recorded. No external or internal damage was recorded for any of the killed fish. The evolution of the rigor mortis index indicated that CO reached full rigor at about 15 hours post mortem, that is, an intermediate value was reached between ES (9 h) and PS (19 h). The fish stunned with CO showed significantly lower gill cortisol level than the ES and PS ones, that is, 0.408, 0.453 and 0.455 ng/mg protein, respectively. As far as the quality parameters are concerned, the slaughter method significantly affected pH, redness (a*) and yellowness (b*). No differences in pH were recorded for the killing procedures at the end of rigor resolution, whereas CO derived flesh presented the lowest pH from the second day till the end of the storage, when values of 6.44, 6.51, and 6.60 pH were found for CO, ES, and PS, respectively. The CO flesh presented the most stable redness index over the whole trial and the lowest b* value from the beginning. The drip loss values were unaffected by the killing method, but increased significantly with the storage time. Neither the slaughter method nor the storage negatively impacted on the fatty acid composition, which resulted to be equally rich in PUFA n3 and n6 (around 40 g/100 g total fatty acids). A numerical difference in the secondary lipid oxidation products emerged for the different killing groups at the end of the refrigerated 3 storage. The CO flesh was the least oxidised, with the samples showing 1.33 mg MDAequivalents/100 g muscle against 1.60 and 1.55 found for ES and PS, respectively.

Scientific Reports, 2019
Intensive fish farming relies on the use of feeds based on fish meal and oil as optimal ingredien... more Intensive fish farming relies on the use of feeds based on fish meal and oil as optimal ingredients; however, further development of the aquaculture sector needs new, nutritious and sustainable ingredients. According to the concept of circular economy, insects represent good candidates as aquafeed ingredients since they can be cultured through environmental-friendly, cost-effective farming processes, on by-products/wastes, and many studies have recently been published about their inclusion in fish feed. However, information about the physiological effects of insect-based diets over the whole life cycle of fish is presently missing. At this regard, the present study investigated, for the first time, the effects of Black Soldier Fly based diets (25 and 50% fish meal substitution) administration for a six months period in zebrafish (Danio rerio), from larvae to adults. A multidisciplinary approach, including biometric, biochemical, histological, spectroscopic and molecular analyses was...

Animals, 2019
This study investigated the effects of dietary inclusion levels of full-fat Hermetia illucens pre... more This study investigated the effects of dietary inclusion levels of full-fat Hermetia illucens prepupae meal (H) on growth and gastrointestinal integrity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A 98-day study was conducted using triplicate groups of trout (initial body weight, 137 ± 10.5 g) kept in 1-m3 tanks in a flow-through well water system. Three dietary treatments were prepared: one based on fishmeal and purified protein-rich vegetable ingredients (H0), and two experimental diets including graded levels of H meal (25% and 50%, referred to as H25 and H50, respectively). At the end of the feeding trial, no differences were observed in growth performance and plasma metabolite levels, with the biometric data confirmed by the liver expression of the genes involved in somatic growth regulation (igf1 and mstn1a). In the H50 group, a three-fold up regulation of liver hsp70 was observed. An activation of the stress/immune response (il-10, tnf-α, and tlr-5) was observed in medium intesti...

Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2019
The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth performance, oxidative stress, and fatt... more The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth performance, oxidative stress, and fatty acid profiles of lambari (Astyanax altiparanae) fed diets containing different lipid sources: soybean oil, linseed oil, and freshwater fish residue oil combined or otherwise with sesame oil (SEO). The fish (mean weight 0.95±0.46 g; mean length 4.21±2.77 cm) were distributed into 24 cages (cage capacity: 0.70 m 3 ; fish density: 276 individuals m −3) in six treatments and four replicates. After 80 days of feeding, they were weighed, and samples were collected for assay of catalase, glutathione reductase (GR), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activities in muscle and analysis of the fatty acid profiles of polar and neutral fractions of whole eviscerated fish. The addition of SEO reduced docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3, DHA) levels but increased the percentage of highly unsaturated n-3 fatty acids and the DHA: eiocosapentaenoic acid ratio, while reduced GR and LDH enzyme activities in muscle. Thus, certain blends of oils added to fish diets can improve the lipid profile of lambari and protect consumers against reactive oxygen species.

Ciência Rural, 2019
ABSTRACT: Fish quality is conditioned by several factors, among them desensitization methods appl... more ABSTRACT: Fish quality is conditioned by several factors, among them desensitization methods applied for fish managing and slaughtering. This research used electric shock at different intensities as a desensitization method for cobia (Rachycentron canadum) slaughtering and evaluated its effects over fish quality during refrigerated storage. The experiment was carried out by numbing the fish with electroshock at the intensities of 100, 150 and 200 Volts, and keeping them in refrigerated storage for 21 days. On the cobia, obtained from a commercial fish farm the following physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics as quality variables were evaluated: dielectric properties, rigor index, pH, texture, color, sensorial evaluation of freshness, ATP and degradation catabolites. The experimental design was a 6×3 factorial (6 times of analysis and 3 electroshock intensities). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for the analyzed variables, as a consequence of desensitizatio...
Aquaculture, 2018
Characterisation of the intestinal microbial communities of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) f... more Characterisation of the intestinal microbial communities of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) partially defatted larva meal as partial dietary protein source. The address for the corresponding author was captured as affiliation for all authors. Please check if appropriate. Aqua(2017),

International journal of food sciences and nutrition, Jan 17, 2018
Physical and chemical parameters of rainbow trout fillets were tested during 120 days of frozen s... more Physical and chemical parameters of rainbow trout fillets were tested during 120 days of frozen storage and following cooking. The fillets were obtained from rainbow trout-fed diets where dietary fishmeal was substituted with Hermetia illucens meal at 0, 25 and 50% inclusion levels, corresponding to control (C), Hi25, and Hi50 diets. Variations in quality traits of fillets emerged after 30 days of frozen storage, however they remained almost unchanged for the other 90 days. Increasing levels of H. illucens did not affect pH, shear stress, colour and water holding capacity of fillets. Saturated fatty acids were highly present in Hi50 samples, the polyunsaturated and some monounsaturated ones were higher in C than Hi50, whereas Hi25 always assumed intermediate contents in raw and cooked samples. A medium substitution at the 25% seemed to be the most practical application of insect meal in order to not modify too much the fillets characteristics.
Papers by Giuliana Parisi