Papers by Giulia Vertecchi
The results of the CIRILI project will be presented at the Poster Session of the 4th Internationa... more The results of the CIRILI project will be presented at the Poster Session of the 4th International Federation of Public History (IFPH) Annual Conference - Ravenna 5-9 June 2017. You can find more informations about the Conference as well as the program at this link : The past facing the challenges of the present The results of the CIRILI project stem from its multidisciplinary approach and comparison. Even if the delta territories of each of the great rivers..

Italian Journal of Pediatrics, Jun 2, 2022
Background: Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal ... more Background: Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal mortality and morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the consistency of practice and the adherence to the international guidelines on neonatal resuscitation in level-I and level-II Italian birth hospitals. Methods: This was a cross-sectional electronic survey. A 91-item questionnaire focusing on current delivery room practices in neonatal resuscitation was sent to the directors of 418 Italian neonatal facilities. Results: The response rate was 61.7% (258/418), comprising 95.6% (110/115) from level-II and 49.0% (148/303) from level-I centres. In 2018, approximately 300,000 births occurred at the participating hospitals, with a median of 1664 births/centre in level-II and 737 births/centre in level-I hospitals. Participating level-II hospitals provided nasal-CPAP and/or high-flow nasal cannulae (100%), mechanical ventilation (99.1%), HFOV (71.0%), inhaled nitric oxide (80.0%), therapeutic hypothermia (76.4%), and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO (8.2%). Nasal-CPAP and/or highflow nasal cannulae and mechanical ventilation were available in 77.7 and 21.6% of the level-I centres, respectively. Multidisciplinary antenatal counselling was routinely offered to parents at 90.0% (90) of level-II hospitals, and 57.4% (85) of level-I hospitals (p < 0.001). Laryngeal masks were available in more than 90% of participating hospitals while an end-tidal CO 2 detector was available in only 20%. Significant differences between level-II and level-I centres were found in the composition of resuscitation teams for high-risk deliveries, team briefings before resuscitation, providers qualified with full resuscitation skills, self-confidence, and use of sodium bicarbonate. Conclusions: This survey provides insight into neonatal resuscitation practices in a large sample of Italian hospitals. Overall, adherence to international guidelines on neonatal resuscitation was high, but differences in practice between the participating centres and the guidelines exist. Clinicians and stakeholders should consider this information when allocating resources and planning perinatal programs in Italy.
European Journal of Pediatrics
Dottorato di ricerca in storia della citta'. 11. ciclo. Tutore e coordinatore Enrico GuidoniC... more Dottorato di ricerca in storia della citta'. 11. ciclo. Tutore e coordinatore Enrico GuidoniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - Piazza Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

Italian Journal of Pediatrics
Background Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal m... more Background Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal mortality and morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the consistency of practice and the adherence to the international guidelines on neonatal resuscitation in level-I and level-II Italian birth hospitals. Methods This was a cross-sectional electronic survey. A 91-item questionnaire focusing on current delivery room practices in neonatal resuscitation was sent to the directors of 418 Italian neonatal facilities. Results The response rate was 61.7% (258/418), comprising 95.6% (110/115) from level-II and 49.0% (148/303) from level-I centres. In 2018, approximately 300,000 births occurred at the participating hospitals, with a median of 1664 births/centre in level-II and 737 births/centre in level-I hospitals. Participating level-II hospitals provided nasal-CPAP and/or high-flow nasal cannulae (100%), mechanical ventilation (99.1%), HFOV (71.0%), inhaled nitric oxide (80.0%), therapeutic hypothermi...

Italian Journal of Pediatrics
Background Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal m... more Background Providing appropriate care at birth remains a crucial strategy for reducing neonatal mortality and morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the consistency of practice and the adherence to the international guidelines on neonatal resuscitation in level-I and level-II Italian birth hospitals. Methods This was a cross-sectional electronic survey. A 91-item questionnaire focusing on current delivery room practices in neonatal resuscitation was sent to the directors of 418 Italian neonatal facilities. Results The response rate was 61.7% (258/418), comprising 95.6% (110/115) from level-II and 49.0% (148/303) from level-I centres. In 2018, approximately 300,000 births occurred at the participating hospitals, with a median of 1664 births/centre in level-II and 737 births/centre in level-I hospitals. Participating level-II hospitals provided nasal-CPAP and/or high-flow nasal cannulae (100%), mechanical ventilation (99.1%), HFOV (71.0%), inhaled nitric oxide (80.0%), therapeutic hypothermi...
Entrepôts et trafics annonaires en Méditerranée, 2016
Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée, 2010
Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée, 2015
Obiettivo di questo contributo e illustrare le motivazioni politiche, economiche e sociali che sp... more Obiettivo di questo contributo e illustrare le motivazioni politiche, economiche e sociali che spinsero il governo veneziano a collocare l’Accademia di Pittura e Scultura di Venezia nel fondaco della farina di San Marco, ovvero in un edificio di mercato con un ruolo chiave per il funzionamento annonario della citta. L’analisi di un prezioso disegno, unitamente al ritrovamento di un documento inedito che spiega le ragioni per cui tale disegno fu eseguito, permette di comprendere la singolare decisione del governo veneziano le cui implicazioni non sono state fino ad oggi pienamente indagate.
Entrepôts et trafics annonaires en Méditerranée, 2016

Background: We aimed to evaluate the policies and practices about neonatal resuscitation in a lar... more Background: We aimed to evaluate the policies and practices about neonatal resuscitation in a large sample of European hospitals. Methods: This was a cross-sectional electronic survey. A 91-item questionnaire focusing on the current delivery room practices in neonatal resuscitation domains was individually sent to the directors of 730 European neonatal facilities or (in 5 countries) made available as a Web-based link. A comparison was made between hospitals with ≤2,000 and those with >2,000 births/year and between hospitals in 5 European areas (Eastern Europe, Italy, Mediterranean countries, Turkey, and Western Europe). Results: The response rate was 57% and included participants from 33 European countries. In 2018, approximately 1.27 million births occurred at the participating hospitals, with a median of 1,900 births/center (interquartile range: 1,400–3,000). Routine antenatal counseling (p < 0.05), the presence of a resuscitation team at all deliveries (p < 0.01), umbili...
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

Storia Urbana, 2012
Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parzial... more Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento.
In the eighteenth century dried pasta 'as made in Genoa and Naples' was a luxury food accessible ... more In the eighteenth century dried pasta 'as made in Genoa and Naples' was a luxury food accessible only to the wealthiest segment of the population. Durum wheat flour was necessary to produce this type of pasta, but in the venetian territory only common wheat grew, which the 'lasagneri' used to make fresh pasta. Archival sources testify that, during the eighteenth century, several landowners made numerous attempts, with the help of specific government legislation, to plant durum wheat on their land in order to initiate local production of dried pasta, which they wished to introduce into Venice's consumer market. The article sets out to investigate the reasons for the failure of local production of dried pasta, reconstructing the events that led up to this failure.

approvisionnement des villes en général est aujourd'hui assez bien connu, la spécificité des vill... more approvisionnement des villes en général est aujourd'hui assez bien connu, la spécificité des villes dans lesquelles le port et ses activités tiennent une place majeure n'a guère été mise en évidence jusqu'alors. Pour nourrir une population très fluctuante, pour répondre aux besoins de la marine ou pour fournir les matières nécessaires à l'industrie portuaire (construction navale, industries agro-alimentaires), ces cités développent des réseaux de ravitaillements variés, qui s'appuient tout à la fois sur leur arrière-pays et sur leur avant-port. L'intense activité engendrée par ces approvisionnements très divers marque en profondeur le paysage urbain. L'aménagement des quais, la construction de zones de stockage et le développement d'industries de transformation (biscuiterie, raffinerie, huilerie) façonnent l'espace urbain. L'arrivée de produits exotiques ou de poissons en quantité donne une touche originale à l'alimentation locale. De nombreux acteurs (négociants, État, autorités municipales) participent à ces approvisionnements et développent des stratégies pour s'adapter aux variations de la conjoncture (crises de production, guerres). Cet ouvrage rassemble 28 contributions d'historiens français et étrangers autour de la question de l'approvisionnement des villes portuaires en Europe du XVI e siècle à nos jours. À travers l'étude de nombreux exemples (Cadix, Venise, Nantes, Marseille, Bordeaux, etc.), il permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes et les effets de ces flux qui participent à la construction de l'identité des villes portuaires. Illustration : Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), Intérieur du port de Marseille (détail), huile sur toile, 1754, Paris, musée de la Marine
This paper sets out to throw light on the social, political and economic motives that prompted th... more This paper sets out to throw light on the social, political and economic motives that prompted the Venetian governement to situate the Academy of Painting and Sculpture inside the Fondaco della Farina di San Marco, a market building which had a key role in the running of the provisioning of Venice. The analysis of a precious drawing together with the rediscovery of a previously unknown document that explains the reason why that drawing was carried out, enables us to understand the unusual decision of the Venetian governement, the implications of which have not been fully investigated.
in W. Kaiser (dir.), “La loge et le fondouk. Les dimensions spatiales des pratiques marchandes en Méditerranée. Moyen Âge – Époque moderne”, Paris, Editions Karthala, pp. 143-162, 2014
Papers by Giulia Vertecchi