This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Multidimensio... more This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale (MSOS). The cross-cultural adaptation committee was composed of three experts. Our validation sample consisted of 643 athletes from individual and team sports. The results showed clear and relevant content validation and satisfactory internal consistency of the items in the Portuguese version. EFA suggested the exclusion of nine items and the retention of four factors. The CFA analysis with 16 items showed satisfactory adjustment of the model [X²/df = 2.70; CFI = 0.928; TLI = 0.911, RMSEA = 0.05]. The 16-item scale had adequate reliability (> 0.70). It was concluded that the Brazilian version of MSOS showed acceptable psychometric properties.
Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar se atletas participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileir... more Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar se atletas participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileiros entre 1969 e 2014 chegaram as Olimpíadas. Dentre as questões levantadas para análise, quais as modalidades dos jogos escolares apresentaram maior concentração de olímpicos, há diferença entre as representações por sexo e se as diferentes fases dos jogos escolares impactaram na presença de atletas nas Olimpíadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório e descritivo, que envolveu levantamento documental e bibliográfico e se propôs a estabelecer relações entre os fatos e as variáveis investigadas. Fizeram parte da amostra 433 homens e mulheres atletas, nas modalidades atletismo, natação, judô e ginástica rítmica (GR), os quais participaram das Olimpíadas entre 1972 e 2016. Os participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileiros chegaram às Olimpíadas com frequência de 43,4% nas modalidades estudadas. Atletas escolares da GR foram percentualmente mais frequentes nas Olimpíadas, seguido pe...
The ability to conduct imagery is linked to a set of psychological factors in sport practices. Th... more The ability to conduct imagery is linked to a set of psychological factors in sport practices. This paper investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian-adapted version of the Sport Imagery Ability Questionnaire. Amateur athletes from four sports: football, basketball, volleyball and karate, participated (N=383). Data from the back-translated version of the instrument was collected with another Imagery measurement. After a randomized division of the sample, exploratory and confirmatory-factor analyses were performed. Results suggest a 5-factor structure confirmed by fit indexes: CFI=0.97; TLI=0.96; RMSEA=0.05. Reliability was examined by Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability that showed values above .70. Testretest was also used (r=0.89). Convergent validity was moderate (r=0.51). Criterion validity was tested through two MANOVA where the dependent variable was the average of each one of the 5 factors. The first MANOVA considered sex as independent variable and yield...
... A amostra foi composta por 26 administradores de academias esportivas localizadas no Plano Pi... more ... A amostra foi composta por 26 administradores de academias esportivas localizadas no Plano Piloto, Brasília/DF - entendido neste estudo como, Asa Norte e Sul, Lago Norte e Sul, Sudoeste, Octogonal e ... A mania das dietas ea utilização de suplementos na prática desportiva. ...
Resumo O sedentarismo está estreitamente relacionado ao aparecimento de distúrbios crônico-degene... more Resumo O sedentarismo está estreitamente relacionado ao aparecimento de distúrbios crônico-degenerativos. SHEPHARD (1991) e GOBBI (1997) afirmam que a prática da atividade física orientada (AFO) atua como forma de prevenção e reabilitação da saúde do idoso, ...
MELO, G. F., GIAVONI, A. The efects of aerobic gmnynastics and water gmnynastics in body composit... more MELO, G. F., GIAVONI, A. The efects of aerobic gmnynastics and water gmnynastics in body composition of older women. R. bras. Ci e Mov. 2004; 12(2): 13-18. The purpose of this study was compared and evaluated the effects of aerobic gymnastics and water gymnastics on body composition changes in older women. The sample, composed by 59 women, was splited in three differents roups: two experimental (group 1-aerobic gymnastics, and group 2-water gymnastics) and a control group (group 3). Oriented class was designed for experimnetal groups with three times week, 50 minutes during twelve weeks. The body composition was assessed by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) before and after the physical activities treatment. A Split-plot ANOVA (SPANOVA) and a Friedman statistical tests were performed in order to evaluate the following dependent variables: total body weight (kg), total relative body fat, and relative fat from the legs, arms and trunk. After twelve weeks a significant (p < 0,05) impact on body composition was observed in group 1, where there were a reduction in body weight, relative fat from the legs, as well as an increase lean body mass. In group 2 it was observed only a reduction in relative fat from the legs. By these analysis is possible atests that aerobic gymnastics is better than water gymnastics on body composition changes in older women in this study.
O presente artigo trata do conhecimento digital dos alunos de Educação Física da UCB. Por meio de... more O presente artigo trata do conhecimento digital dos alunos de Educação Física da UCB. Por meio de uma pesquisa feita com alunos dos três turnos e semestres, foi traçado um perfil quanto ao uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação com uma confiabilidade de 95%. ...
Introduction: School Physical Education presents itself as an interesting instrument in the impro... more Introduction: School Physical Education presents itself as an interesting instrument in the improvement of physical, motor, and executive functions domains in children. Recent studies indicate the positive relationship of increased motor behavior and physical fitness with gains in executive function capacities, all these capacities can be developed in School Physical Education. It is known about the benefit of School Physical Education in child development, but it is still necessary to investigate whether the number of School Physical Education classes can influence these aspects. Objective: To verify the effect of the number of physical education classes in school on anthropometric, physical, motor and cognitive indicators. Methods: this is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Three random visits were carried out on the school premises to apply the research instruments, divided into three blocks. 1) Attention cancellation test and Test of lanes A and B (collectively applied); 2) In...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2009
Stereotype is a term designated to some generalized perceptions that people attri-bute to another... more Stereotype is a term designated to some generalized perceptions that people attri-bute to another individual, groups, objects and/or events. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the priorities that nutritionist and triathletes attributed to food to enhance the sport performance. Method: The sample was composed by 56 subjects, splited in two groups: Nutritionists (G1, n = 29) and Triathletes (G2, n = 27). The Intake Food Priority Question-naire (QPA), composed by food groups, was used to evaluate the importance of each food in the athletic performance. Results: To the data analysis, each food was grouped into one of the eight categories designed in nutrition pyramid. An arithmetic means were elaborated to categories and it was performed t tests for independent samples to compare nutritionists and triathletes priorities about each category. There were no differences between groups in Vegetables, Leguminous, Fruits and Sugar/Candies categories and, also, to the black coffee item. However, the triathletes overestimated the Cereals/Breads/Tubercle and Meat/Eggs categories and underestimated the Milk/Dairy Products and Oils/Fat categories. Conclusion: The triathletes overestimated some macronutrients (carbohydrates and proteins) in detriment from another, like lipids.
RESUMO: O consumo de álcool entre universitários tem sido um problema determinante para as relaçõ... more RESUMO: O consumo de álcool entre universitários tem sido um problema determinante para as relações interpessoais e desenvolvimento acadêmico, mas também um problema que traz um prejuízo social, econômico e de saúde. Medidas tem surgido e sugerida a reavaliação de outras para identificar o fenômeno do consumo de álcool. Porém, o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) ainda tem sido o instrumento mais utilizado em estudos no mundo, o qual tem se revelado consistente. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a consistência interna e fatorial do AUDIT em universitários em diferentes estados brasileiros. O AUDIT e dados sociodemográficos foram respondidos por 639 universitários dos dois sexos, acima de 18 anos, distribuídos em diferentes cursos superiores de instituições particulares e públicas em quatro estados no Brasil. Realizando distintos cálculos estatísticos, observaram-se indicadores psicométricos que revelaram confiabilidade na medida do AUDIT na amostra pesquisad...
Enviado em: 03/12/2011 Aceito em: 12/04/2013 RESUMO: A imagem corporal é a figura mental do corpo... more Enviado em: 03/12/2011 Aceito em: 12/04/2013 RESUMO: A imagem corporal é a figura mental do corpo existencial e constitui-se ponto de referência para o desenvolvimento da identidade da pessoa. Este tema sempre foi foco de estudos com relação a população feminina, porém hoje em dia o corpo masculino também está em evidência. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o índice de satisfação corporal e a discrepância na imagem corporal, relacionando-as ao índice de massa corporal, nível de escolaridade e idade. Para tanto, foram avaliados 432 homens com idade média de 25,75 ± 3,51 anos, por meio da Escala de Silhuetas Masculina. Os resultados demonstraram que 58,47% da amostra encontram-se insatisfeitos com sua imagem corporal, ou seja, gostariam de estar mais musculosos do que se encontram. Os índices de discrepância foram menores, mas não menos preocupantes. Observou-se também que independente do índice de IMC, esta insatisfação prevalece. O nível de escolaridade apresentou influê...
RESUMO: Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se há diferenças na força de extensores e flexor... more RESUMO: Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se há diferenças na força de extensores e flexores do joelho, durante ações musculares isocinéticas em diferentes velocidades (60°/s e 180°/s). A amostra foi constituída por 42 mulheres idosas ativas com idade média igual a 68,8 (± 6,0) anos, subdivididas em três grupos segundo o perfil psicológico de gênero. Para a avaliação de força muscular de membros inferiores, foi utilizado o dinamômetro isocinético. Foram analisados o pico de torque, a potência, o trabalho total e a razão entre extensores e flexores de joelho (I/Q) dominante e não dominante, no modo isocinético, nas velocidades de 60º/s e 180º/s. Os resultados demonstraram haver diferença significativa entre os grupos 1 e 3 para a variável Pico de Torque nos movimentos de flexão e extensão de joelho dominante, nas velocidades de 60°/s e 180°/s. Quando avaliados trabalho total e potência foram encontradas, novamente, diferenças significativas entre os grupos 1e 3 para os flexore...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2022
Maintenance of glycemic and lipemic homeostasis can limit the progression of diabetic kidney dise... more Maintenance of glycemic and lipemic homeostasis can limit the progression of diabetic kidney disease. Resistance training (RT) is effective in controlling glycemia and lipemia in kidney disease; however, the effect of RT with blood flow restriction (RT+BFR) on these metabolic factors has not been investigated. We aimed to verify if chronic (6 months) RT and RT+BFR performed by patients with stage-2 chronic kidney disease (CKD) improves their glycemic homeostasis and immunometabolic profiles. Patients with CKD under conservative treatment (n = 105 (33 females)) from both sexes were randomized into control (n = 35 (11 females); age 57.6 ± 5.2 years), RT (n = 35 (12 females); age 58.0 ± 6.2 years), and RT+BFR (n = 35 (10 females); 58.0 ± 6.4 years) groups. Chronic RT or RT+BFR (6 months) was performed 3 times per week on non-consecutive days with training loading adjusted every 2 months, RT 50%–60%–70% of 1RM, and RT+BFR 30%–40%+50% of 1RM and fixed repetition number. Renal function wa...
IntroductionMultiple-set resistance training promotes higher improvements in strength and hypertr... more IntroductionMultiple-set resistance training promotes higher improvements in strength and hypertrophy as compared with single set (Krieger, 2010; Rhea et al., 2002). Therefore, training volume is an important variable related to these neuromuscular adaptations (American College of Sports, 2009). During a resistance exercise (RE) session the number of repetitions performed by a subject is influenced by the inter-set rest intervals (Ratamess et al., 2012; Tibana et al., 2012). In untrained subjects the rest interval between sets should be sufficient to promote an adequate bioenergetic recovery, facilitate the removal of metabolic waste products, and provide for the reestablishment of force production (Willardson, 2006).Previous studies revealed that shorter rest intervals between sets and exercises (1- versus 3- or 5-min) elicit a more pronounced metabolic (Farinatti & Castinheiras Neto, 2011; Ratamess et al., 2007), hormonal (Bottaro et al., 2009), and cardiovascular stress (de Salle...
Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se ha diferencas na forca de extensores e flexores do jo... more Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se ha diferencas na forca de extensores e flexores do joelho, durante acoes musculares isocineticas em diferentes velocidades (60°/s e 180°/s) em mulheres com perfis psicologicos de genero diferenciados. A amostra foi constituida por 42 mulheres idosas ativas com idade media igual a 68,8 (± 6,0) anos, estatura 1,53 (± 5,8) metros e massa corporal 65,8 (± 9,9) Kg. Estas foram subdivididas em 3 grupos segundo o perfil psicologico de genero, sendo o Grupo 1 - Heteroesquematicas Masculinas (n= 11), Grupo 2 - Isoesquematicas (n= 13) e Grupo 3 (Heteroesquematicas Femininas (n= 18). Para a avaliacao de forca muscular de membros inferiores, foi utilizado o dinamometro isocinetico da marca Biodex 3 System Pro® (Biodex Biomedical Systems, Inc., Shirley, NY). Foram analisados o pico de torque (PT), a potencia (POT), o trabalho total (TT) e a razao I/Q de extensores e flexores de joelho dominante e nao dominante, no modo isocinetico, nas velocidades de 6...
This study intends to verify a theoretical model, in which social-normative pairs, cultural orien... more This study intends to verify a theoretical model, in which social-normative pairs, cultural orientation and leisure habits explain deviant behavior. 710 men and women, 15 to 20 years, from the private and public education in the city of Joao Pessoa, responded scales about affiliation with socio-normative peers attributes of cultural orientation, activities, leisure habits, deviant behavior and socio-demographic data. Considering a recursive structural equation model, it showed that the socio-normative peers were associated positively to the cultural attributes of collectivism and instructive leisure habits, and these were negatively associated with deviant behaviors. Moreover, the socio-normative pairs were negatively related with the cultural attributes of individualism and hedonistic pleasure, the latter related positively to deviant behavior.
The aim of the study was to analyze how the practice of Choral Singing, music and reminiscences g... more The aim of the study was to analyze how the practice of Choral Singing, music and reminiscences generated by old songs, influence the quality of life of the elderly. The research of an exploratory qualitative approach performed with 21 aged from 60 years, members of the Coral "Sempre Jovem (Forever Young)", the Open University of the Third Age (Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade - UnATI) Catholic University of Brasilia (Universidade Catolica de Brasilia - UCB-DF). Semi-structured interviews, questionnaire and socioeconomic Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RAS) were conducted. The analysis procedures included: content analysis / thematic analysis, transcription and categorization of interviews and calculating the overall score of the EAR. In EAR, subjects older than 6 months had a higher percentage of self-esteem than the Starter (less than 6 months), 76% and 72.3% respectively. The elderly women have more time to participate maintained a higher standard homogeneous self-est...
Este estudo buscou investigar o contexto e a idade de início e final de carreira das mulheres atl... more Este estudo buscou investigar o contexto e a idade de início e final de carreira das mulheres atletas olímpicas brasileiras, bem como a razão do porquê do encerramento da carreira. Para tanto, participaram da amostra 444 mulheres brasileiras participantes de Jogos Olímpicos até Londres em 2012. Dos relatos de vida, foram retirados dados relacionados aos objetivos deste estudo. Os resultados nos permitem inferir que modalidades como natação, ginástica e tênis o início foi muito precoce, já nos esportes coletivos a idade de início corresponde a fase escolar, quando neste momento o profissional de Educação Física é o principal responsável pela iniciação ao rendimento. Esportes como tiro, arco, boxe e levantamento de peso tem seu início já no final da adolescência. Com relação ao final de carreira, a faixa etária de aposentadoria corresponde com a modalidade, onde aqueles esportes que se começa cedo as idades de aposentadoria são menores. Observou-se também que os motivos principais par...
What is the central question of this study? Can resistance training with and without blood flow r... more What is the central question of this study? Can resistance training with and without blood flow restriction improve redox balance and positively impact the autonomic cardiac modulation in chronic kidney disease patients? What is the main finding and its importance? Resistance training with and without blood flow restriction improved antioxidant defence (paraoxonase 1), decreased the pro‐oxidative myeloperoxidase, improved cardiac autonomic function and slowed the decrease in renal function. We draw attention to the important clinical implications for the management of redox balance and autonomic cardiac function in chronic kidney disease patients.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background: Hemodialysis patients are suffering from depressive symptoms. Brain-derived neurotrop... more Background: Hemodialysis patients are suffering from depressive symptoms. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are negatively associated with depressive symptoms and decrease during a single hemodialysis session. Resistance training (RT) might be an additional non-pharmacological tool to increase BDNF and promote mental health. Methods: Two randomized groups of hemodialysis patients: control (CTL, n = 76/F36; 66.33 ± 3.88 years) and RT (n = 81/F35; 67.27 ± 3.24 years). RT completed six months of training thrice a week under the supervision of strength and conditioning professional immediately before the dialysis session. Training loads were adjusted using the OMNI rating of perceived exertion. The total antioxidant capacity (TROLOX), glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), and BDNF levels were analyzed in serum samples. Quality of life (assessed through Medical Outcomes—SF36), and Beck Depression Inventory was applied. Results: RT improved handg...
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Multidimensio... more This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale (MSOS). The cross-cultural adaptation committee was composed of three experts. Our validation sample consisted of 643 athletes from individual and team sports. The results showed clear and relevant content validation and satisfactory internal consistency of the items in the Portuguese version. EFA suggested the exclusion of nine items and the retention of four factors. The CFA analysis with 16 items showed satisfactory adjustment of the model [X²/df = 2.70; CFI = 0.928; TLI = 0.911, RMSEA = 0.05]. The 16-item scale had adequate reliability (> 0.70). It was concluded that the Brazilian version of MSOS showed acceptable psychometric properties.
Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar se atletas participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileir... more Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar se atletas participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileiros entre 1969 e 2014 chegaram as Olimpíadas. Dentre as questões levantadas para análise, quais as modalidades dos jogos escolares apresentaram maior concentração de olímpicos, há diferença entre as representações por sexo e se as diferentes fases dos jogos escolares impactaram na presença de atletas nas Olimpíadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório e descritivo, que envolveu levantamento documental e bibliográfico e se propôs a estabelecer relações entre os fatos e as variáveis investigadas. Fizeram parte da amostra 433 homens e mulheres atletas, nas modalidades atletismo, natação, judô e ginástica rítmica (GR), os quais participaram das Olimpíadas entre 1972 e 2016. Os participantes dos Jogos Escolares Brasileiros chegaram às Olimpíadas com frequência de 43,4% nas modalidades estudadas. Atletas escolares da GR foram percentualmente mais frequentes nas Olimpíadas, seguido pe...
The ability to conduct imagery is linked to a set of psychological factors in sport practices. Th... more The ability to conduct imagery is linked to a set of psychological factors in sport practices. This paper investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian-adapted version of the Sport Imagery Ability Questionnaire. Amateur athletes from four sports: football, basketball, volleyball and karate, participated (N=383). Data from the back-translated version of the instrument was collected with another Imagery measurement. After a randomized division of the sample, exploratory and confirmatory-factor analyses were performed. Results suggest a 5-factor structure confirmed by fit indexes: CFI=0.97; TLI=0.96; RMSEA=0.05. Reliability was examined by Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability that showed values above .70. Testretest was also used (r=0.89). Convergent validity was moderate (r=0.51). Criterion validity was tested through two MANOVA where the dependent variable was the average of each one of the 5 factors. The first MANOVA considered sex as independent variable and yield...
... A amostra foi composta por 26 administradores de academias esportivas localizadas no Plano Pi... more ... A amostra foi composta por 26 administradores de academias esportivas localizadas no Plano Piloto, Brasília/DF - entendido neste estudo como, Asa Norte e Sul, Lago Norte e Sul, Sudoeste, Octogonal e ... A mania das dietas ea utilização de suplementos na prática desportiva. ...
Resumo O sedentarismo está estreitamente relacionado ao aparecimento de distúrbios crônico-degene... more Resumo O sedentarismo está estreitamente relacionado ao aparecimento de distúrbios crônico-degenerativos. SHEPHARD (1991) e GOBBI (1997) afirmam que a prática da atividade física orientada (AFO) atua como forma de prevenção e reabilitação da saúde do idoso, ...
MELO, G. F., GIAVONI, A. The efects of aerobic gmnynastics and water gmnynastics in body composit... more MELO, G. F., GIAVONI, A. The efects of aerobic gmnynastics and water gmnynastics in body composition of older women. R. bras. Ci e Mov. 2004; 12(2): 13-18. The purpose of this study was compared and evaluated the effects of aerobic gymnastics and water gymnastics on body composition changes in older women. The sample, composed by 59 women, was splited in three differents roups: two experimental (group 1-aerobic gymnastics, and group 2-water gymnastics) and a control group (group 3). Oriented class was designed for experimnetal groups with three times week, 50 minutes during twelve weeks. The body composition was assessed by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) before and after the physical activities treatment. A Split-plot ANOVA (SPANOVA) and a Friedman statistical tests were performed in order to evaluate the following dependent variables: total body weight (kg), total relative body fat, and relative fat from the legs, arms and trunk. After twelve weeks a significant (p < 0,05) impact on body composition was observed in group 1, where there were a reduction in body weight, relative fat from the legs, as well as an increase lean body mass. In group 2 it was observed only a reduction in relative fat from the legs. By these analysis is possible atests that aerobic gymnastics is better than water gymnastics on body composition changes in older women in this study.
O presente artigo trata do conhecimento digital dos alunos de Educação Física da UCB. Por meio de... more O presente artigo trata do conhecimento digital dos alunos de Educação Física da UCB. Por meio de uma pesquisa feita com alunos dos três turnos e semestres, foi traçado um perfil quanto ao uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação com uma confiabilidade de 95%. ...
Introduction: School Physical Education presents itself as an interesting instrument in the impro... more Introduction: School Physical Education presents itself as an interesting instrument in the improvement of physical, motor, and executive functions domains in children. Recent studies indicate the positive relationship of increased motor behavior and physical fitness with gains in executive function capacities, all these capacities can be developed in School Physical Education. It is known about the benefit of School Physical Education in child development, but it is still necessary to investigate whether the number of School Physical Education classes can influence these aspects. Objective: To verify the effect of the number of physical education classes in school on anthropometric, physical, motor and cognitive indicators. Methods: this is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Three random visits were carried out on the school premises to apply the research instruments, divided into three blocks. 1) Attention cancellation test and Test of lanes A and B (collectively applied); 2) In...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2009
Stereotype is a term designated to some generalized perceptions that people attri-bute to another... more Stereotype is a term designated to some generalized perceptions that people attri-bute to another individual, groups, objects and/or events. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the priorities that nutritionist and triathletes attributed to food to enhance the sport performance. Method: The sample was composed by 56 subjects, splited in two groups: Nutritionists (G1, n = 29) and Triathletes (G2, n = 27). The Intake Food Priority Question-naire (QPA), composed by food groups, was used to evaluate the importance of each food in the athletic performance. Results: To the data analysis, each food was grouped into one of the eight categories designed in nutrition pyramid. An arithmetic means were elaborated to categories and it was performed t tests for independent samples to compare nutritionists and triathletes priorities about each category. There were no differences between groups in Vegetables, Leguminous, Fruits and Sugar/Candies categories and, also, to the black coffee item. However, the triathletes overestimated the Cereals/Breads/Tubercle and Meat/Eggs categories and underestimated the Milk/Dairy Products and Oils/Fat categories. Conclusion: The triathletes overestimated some macronutrients (carbohydrates and proteins) in detriment from another, like lipids.
RESUMO: O consumo de álcool entre universitários tem sido um problema determinante para as relaçõ... more RESUMO: O consumo de álcool entre universitários tem sido um problema determinante para as relações interpessoais e desenvolvimento acadêmico, mas também um problema que traz um prejuízo social, econômico e de saúde. Medidas tem surgido e sugerida a reavaliação de outras para identificar o fenômeno do consumo de álcool. Porém, o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) ainda tem sido o instrumento mais utilizado em estudos no mundo, o qual tem se revelado consistente. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a consistência interna e fatorial do AUDIT em universitários em diferentes estados brasileiros. O AUDIT e dados sociodemográficos foram respondidos por 639 universitários dos dois sexos, acima de 18 anos, distribuídos em diferentes cursos superiores de instituições particulares e públicas em quatro estados no Brasil. Realizando distintos cálculos estatísticos, observaram-se indicadores psicométricos que revelaram confiabilidade na medida do AUDIT na amostra pesquisad...
Enviado em: 03/12/2011 Aceito em: 12/04/2013 RESUMO: A imagem corporal é a figura mental do corpo... more Enviado em: 03/12/2011 Aceito em: 12/04/2013 RESUMO: A imagem corporal é a figura mental do corpo existencial e constitui-se ponto de referência para o desenvolvimento da identidade da pessoa. Este tema sempre foi foco de estudos com relação a população feminina, porém hoje em dia o corpo masculino também está em evidência. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o índice de satisfação corporal e a discrepância na imagem corporal, relacionando-as ao índice de massa corporal, nível de escolaridade e idade. Para tanto, foram avaliados 432 homens com idade média de 25,75 ± 3,51 anos, por meio da Escala de Silhuetas Masculina. Os resultados demonstraram que 58,47% da amostra encontram-se insatisfeitos com sua imagem corporal, ou seja, gostariam de estar mais musculosos do que se encontram. Os índices de discrepância foram menores, mas não menos preocupantes. Observou-se também que independente do índice de IMC, esta insatisfação prevalece. O nível de escolaridade apresentou influê...
RESUMO: Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se há diferenças na força de extensores e flexor... more RESUMO: Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se há diferenças na força de extensores e flexores do joelho, durante ações musculares isocinéticas em diferentes velocidades (60°/s e 180°/s). A amostra foi constituída por 42 mulheres idosas ativas com idade média igual a 68,8 (± 6,0) anos, subdivididas em três grupos segundo o perfil psicológico de gênero. Para a avaliação de força muscular de membros inferiores, foi utilizado o dinamômetro isocinético. Foram analisados o pico de torque, a potência, o trabalho total e a razão entre extensores e flexores de joelho (I/Q) dominante e não dominante, no modo isocinético, nas velocidades de 60º/s e 180º/s. Os resultados demonstraram haver diferença significativa entre os grupos 1 e 3 para a variável Pico de Torque nos movimentos de flexão e extensão de joelho dominante, nas velocidades de 60°/s e 180°/s. Quando avaliados trabalho total e potência foram encontradas, novamente, diferenças significativas entre os grupos 1e 3 para os flexore...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2022
Maintenance of glycemic and lipemic homeostasis can limit the progression of diabetic kidney dise... more Maintenance of glycemic and lipemic homeostasis can limit the progression of diabetic kidney disease. Resistance training (RT) is effective in controlling glycemia and lipemia in kidney disease; however, the effect of RT with blood flow restriction (RT+BFR) on these metabolic factors has not been investigated. We aimed to verify if chronic (6 months) RT and RT+BFR performed by patients with stage-2 chronic kidney disease (CKD) improves their glycemic homeostasis and immunometabolic profiles. Patients with CKD under conservative treatment (n = 105 (33 females)) from both sexes were randomized into control (n = 35 (11 females); age 57.6 ± 5.2 years), RT (n = 35 (12 females); age 58.0 ± 6.2 years), and RT+BFR (n = 35 (10 females); 58.0 ± 6.4 years) groups. Chronic RT or RT+BFR (6 months) was performed 3 times per week on non-consecutive days with training loading adjusted every 2 months, RT 50%–60%–70% of 1RM, and RT+BFR 30%–40%+50% of 1RM and fixed repetition number. Renal function wa...
IntroductionMultiple-set resistance training promotes higher improvements in strength and hypertr... more IntroductionMultiple-set resistance training promotes higher improvements in strength and hypertrophy as compared with single set (Krieger, 2010; Rhea et al., 2002). Therefore, training volume is an important variable related to these neuromuscular adaptations (American College of Sports, 2009). During a resistance exercise (RE) session the number of repetitions performed by a subject is influenced by the inter-set rest intervals (Ratamess et al., 2012; Tibana et al., 2012). In untrained subjects the rest interval between sets should be sufficient to promote an adequate bioenergetic recovery, facilitate the removal of metabolic waste products, and provide for the reestablishment of force production (Willardson, 2006).Previous studies revealed that shorter rest intervals between sets and exercises (1- versus 3- or 5-min) elicit a more pronounced metabolic (Farinatti & Castinheiras Neto, 2011; Ratamess et al., 2007), hormonal (Bottaro et al., 2009), and cardiovascular stress (de Salle...
Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se ha diferencas na forca de extensores e flexores do jo... more Este artigo teve como objetivo verificar se ha diferencas na forca de extensores e flexores do joelho, durante acoes musculares isocineticas em diferentes velocidades (60°/s e 180°/s) em mulheres com perfis psicologicos de genero diferenciados. A amostra foi constituida por 42 mulheres idosas ativas com idade media igual a 68,8 (± 6,0) anos, estatura 1,53 (± 5,8) metros e massa corporal 65,8 (± 9,9) Kg. Estas foram subdivididas em 3 grupos segundo o perfil psicologico de genero, sendo o Grupo 1 - Heteroesquematicas Masculinas (n= 11), Grupo 2 - Isoesquematicas (n= 13) e Grupo 3 (Heteroesquematicas Femininas (n= 18). Para a avaliacao de forca muscular de membros inferiores, foi utilizado o dinamometro isocinetico da marca Biodex 3 System Pro® (Biodex Biomedical Systems, Inc., Shirley, NY). Foram analisados o pico de torque (PT), a potencia (POT), o trabalho total (TT) e a razao I/Q de extensores e flexores de joelho dominante e nao dominante, no modo isocinetico, nas velocidades de 6...
This study intends to verify a theoretical model, in which social-normative pairs, cultural orien... more This study intends to verify a theoretical model, in which social-normative pairs, cultural orientation and leisure habits explain deviant behavior. 710 men and women, 15 to 20 years, from the private and public education in the city of Joao Pessoa, responded scales about affiliation with socio-normative peers attributes of cultural orientation, activities, leisure habits, deviant behavior and socio-demographic data. Considering a recursive structural equation model, it showed that the socio-normative peers were associated positively to the cultural attributes of collectivism and instructive leisure habits, and these were negatively associated with deviant behaviors. Moreover, the socio-normative pairs were negatively related with the cultural attributes of individualism and hedonistic pleasure, the latter related positively to deviant behavior.
The aim of the study was to analyze how the practice of Choral Singing, music and reminiscences g... more The aim of the study was to analyze how the practice of Choral Singing, music and reminiscences generated by old songs, influence the quality of life of the elderly. The research of an exploratory qualitative approach performed with 21 aged from 60 years, members of the Coral "Sempre Jovem (Forever Young)", the Open University of the Third Age (Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade - UnATI) Catholic University of Brasilia (Universidade Catolica de Brasilia - UCB-DF). Semi-structured interviews, questionnaire and socioeconomic Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RAS) were conducted. The analysis procedures included: content analysis / thematic analysis, transcription and categorization of interviews and calculating the overall score of the EAR. In EAR, subjects older than 6 months had a higher percentage of self-esteem than the Starter (less than 6 months), 76% and 72.3% respectively. The elderly women have more time to participate maintained a higher standard homogeneous self-est...
Este estudo buscou investigar o contexto e a idade de início e final de carreira das mulheres atl... more Este estudo buscou investigar o contexto e a idade de início e final de carreira das mulheres atletas olímpicas brasileiras, bem como a razão do porquê do encerramento da carreira. Para tanto, participaram da amostra 444 mulheres brasileiras participantes de Jogos Olímpicos até Londres em 2012. Dos relatos de vida, foram retirados dados relacionados aos objetivos deste estudo. Os resultados nos permitem inferir que modalidades como natação, ginástica e tênis o início foi muito precoce, já nos esportes coletivos a idade de início corresponde a fase escolar, quando neste momento o profissional de Educação Física é o principal responsável pela iniciação ao rendimento. Esportes como tiro, arco, boxe e levantamento de peso tem seu início já no final da adolescência. Com relação ao final de carreira, a faixa etária de aposentadoria corresponde com a modalidade, onde aqueles esportes que se começa cedo as idades de aposentadoria são menores. Observou-se também que os motivos principais par...
What is the central question of this study? Can resistance training with and without blood flow r... more What is the central question of this study? Can resistance training with and without blood flow restriction improve redox balance and positively impact the autonomic cardiac modulation in chronic kidney disease patients? What is the main finding and its importance? Resistance training with and without blood flow restriction improved antioxidant defence (paraoxonase 1), decreased the pro‐oxidative myeloperoxidase, improved cardiac autonomic function and slowed the decrease in renal function. We draw attention to the important clinical implications for the management of redox balance and autonomic cardiac function in chronic kidney disease patients.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background: Hemodialysis patients are suffering from depressive symptoms. Brain-derived neurotrop... more Background: Hemodialysis patients are suffering from depressive symptoms. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are negatively associated with depressive symptoms and decrease during a single hemodialysis session. Resistance training (RT) might be an additional non-pharmacological tool to increase BDNF and promote mental health. Methods: Two randomized groups of hemodialysis patients: control (CTL, n = 76/F36; 66.33 ± 3.88 years) and RT (n = 81/F35; 67.27 ± 3.24 years). RT completed six months of training thrice a week under the supervision of strength and conditioning professional immediately before the dialysis session. Training loads were adjusted using the OMNI rating of perceived exertion. The total antioxidant capacity (TROLOX), glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), and BDNF levels were analyzed in serum samples. Quality of life (assessed through Medical Outcomes—SF36), and Beck Depression Inventory was applied. Results: RT improved handg...
Papers by Gislane Melo