Papers by Gisele Cristina Alves

Revista Jovens Pesquisadores, 2021
Os corpos d'água costumam sofrer eutrofização como resultado do excesso de nutrientes, e isso... more Os corpos d'água costumam sofrer eutrofização como resultado do excesso de nutrientes, e isso impulsionou a necessidade de desenvolvimento de tecnologias para auxiliar e manter a qualidade da água. Os sistemas Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS) são alternativas para a preservação e monitoramento das condições da água, bem como proporcionar sustentabilidade ambiental e financeira ao longo do tempo. Com base nisso, objetivamos estudar o potencial de desenvolvimento de um biofilme em um sistema piloto de ATS instalado em um lago durante o período de outono/inverno. Para isso, monitoramos alguns parâmetros da água, avaliamos o rendimento de biomassa e identificamos as microalgas no perifíton. As estações selecionadas e as condições ambientais complicaram o desenvolvimento do biofilme. Apesar disso, obtivemos um rendimento de biomassa de 4,67 g m-2 d-1 e sua composição de lipídios foram de 10%, em que os ácidos graxos em maior abundância foram o ácido palmítico e oleico. Através de estudos mo...
The energy supply sector is considered a major polluter by the emission of greenhouse gases in th... more The energy supply sector is considered a major polluter by the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Water Science and Technology, 2020
The transformation of residual biomass from bioremediation processes into new products is a world... more The transformation of residual biomass from bioremediation processes into new products is a worldwide trend driven by economic, environmental and social gain. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential for obtaining bioproducts of technological interest from the remaining periphytic biomass formed during a bioremediation process with an algal turf scrubber (ATS) system installed in a lake catchment. Different methodologies were used according to the target bioproduct. Analyses were performed by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC/DAD), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-VIS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results demonstrated that the periphytic biomass presented potential since protein (17.7%), carbohydrates (22.4%), total lipids (3.3%) with 3.6 mg mL−1 of fatty acids, antioxidants (144.5 μmol Trolox eq. g−1) and chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and car...
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 2008

American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2016
We tested the hypothesis that an increase in the anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway, when indu... more We tested the hypothesis that an increase in the anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway, when induced by pyridostigmine (PY), may modulate subtypes of lymphocytes (CD4+, CD8+, FOXP3+) and macrophages (M1/M2) soon after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. Wistar rats, randomly allocated to receive PY (40 mg·kg−1·day−1) in drinking water or to stay without treatment, were followed for 4 days and then were subjected to ligation of the left coronary artery. The groups—denominated as the pyridostigmine-treated infarcted (IP) and infarcted control (I) groups—were submitted to euthanasia 3 days after MI; the heart was removed for immunohistochemistry, and the peripheral blood and spleen were collected for flow cytometry analysis. Noninfarcted and untreated rats were used as controls (C Group). Echocardiographic measurements were registered on the second day after MI, and heart rate variability was measured on the third day after MI. The infarcted groups had similar MI areas, degrees of syst...

3O Seminario Internacional De Habilidades Sociais, Apr 24, 2011
As tecnologias da informacao e comunicacao forneceram a psicologia novas condicoes de utilizacao ... more As tecnologias da informacao e comunicacao forneceram a psicologia novas condicoes de utilizacao e correcao de instrumentos e testes. O uso de programas para obtencao de resultados estatisticos tem sido de grande importância para os psicologos, tendo em vista a economia de tempo e reducao de possiveis erros de contagem de pontos que ocorre na forma manual e podem prejudicar a analise quantitativa. Essa economia de tempo e a maior seguranca dos dados obtidos garantem um melhor aproveitamento dos dados para a analise qualitativa. Alem de auxiliar na correcao dos testes, o psicologo podera autorizar o uso dos dados coletados, em pesquisas, com a garantia de sigilo dessas informacoes, visando o aprimoramento e a atualizacao dos instrumentos, em conformidade com o Codigo de Etica Profissional do Psicologo e resolucoes especificas do Conselho Federal de Psicologia. Neste sentido este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar o recurso da correcao de instrumentos de avaliacao psicologica via web, com foco no Inventario de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes – IHS-A e sua utilizacao e eficiencia na analise de dados quantitativos. A Editora disponibiliza o recurso de correcao via web gratuitamente aos profissionais que adquirem os protocolos de respostas na editora ou em distribuidores autorizados. Para ter acesso as correcoes via web, e necessario que o vendedor ou distribuidor realize o seu cadastro na correcao via web e disponibilize o site de acesso, o login e a senha. Atualmente a Editora Casa do Psicologo disponibiliza 16 instrumentos psicologicos que contam com as correcoes via web, sendo os principais instrumentos para avaliacao da personalidade (IFP, BFP, EFS, EFN e EFEx), de atencao (TEACO-FF, TEADI e TEALT e TTC), de habilidades sociais (IHS e IHS-A), entre outros. No que se refere a correcao via web do IHS-A que teve inicio no primeiro semestre de 2009, ocorreram um total de 1.084 correcoes via web. Foi observado que 745 (68,73%) autorizaram a participacao em pesquisa, enquanto que 339 (31.27%) nao autorizaram. Sobre o numero de acessos para ser utilizada a correcao via web, foi observado que ocorreu um aumento desde o inicio das correcoes, ate o segundo semestre de 2010, com uma prevalencia do numero de acesso no segundo semestre de 2010, com 728 correcoes via web realizadas. Conclui-se, portanto, que a correcao via internet desperta grande interesse dos profissionais de psicologia, pois auxilia o processo de avaliacao psicologica realizado pelo profissional e possibilita a elaboracao de planos para intervencoes, visto que ao diminuir o tempo de correcao, permite que o avaliador tenha mais tempo na interpretacao dos resultados.
Linguagem: Estudos e Pesquisas, Oct 27, 2014
Caderno Espaco Feminino, 2006
This investigation wishes to recover some of the propositions, questions and meanings of the femi... more This investigation wishes to recover some of the propositions, questions and meanings of the feminine education in S?o Paulo-Brazil, between 1850 and 1900. From this moment on, women began to be appreciated for them selves and for their actions in children education at home and at school. Feminine education started to be considered fundamental for the physical and moral perfectioning of women, mothers, families and therefore the future generations of the country. That made the struggle for feminine education expand, envolving different social agents and becoming explicit in the national press.

Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 2007
RESUMO. Devido ao aumento da produção de maçãs no Brasil, um excedente do consumo in natura pode ... more RESUMO. Devido ao aumento da produção de maçãs no Brasil, um excedente do consumo in natura pode ser destinado à industrialização. Os sucos de maçãs são uma interessante alternativa de aproveitamento de frutas. Os componentes aromáticos estão distribuídos na fruta e o processamento pode influenciar a sua composição. Além disso, as enzimas responsáveis por escurecimento e off-flavor devem ser inibidas ou eliminadas para melhorar a qualidade dos sucos. Maçãs das variedades Fuji e Gala foram processadas com a casca e sem a casca para obtenção de sucos clarificados através de enzimas pectinolíticas e tratamento com gelatina e bentonita. As maçãs e os sucos obtidos foram submetidos a análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas, sensoriais e de rendimento. Os resultados das análises microbiológicas mostraram a eficiência do processamento e do tratamento térmico adotado. Pelo fato dos atributos físico-químicos e a aceitabilidade global, nos sucos com e sem a casca, não terem diferido de forma significativa (nível de significância de 5%), pode-se concluir que o processamento de sucos clarificados com a casca é o mais indicado, uma vez que assim obtêm-se rendimentos superiores. Palavras-chave: sucos de maçã, clarificação, avaliação da qualidade. ABSTRACT. Evaluating the influence of the peel in processing clarified Fuji and Gala apple juices. Due to an increase in the production of apples in Brazil, a surplus of the consumption in natura can be destined to the industrialization. Apple juices are an interesting alternative of using the fruits. The aromatic components are distributed in the fruit and the processing can influence their composition. Besides, the responsible enzymes for darkening and off-flavor must be inhibited or eliminated to improve the quality of the juices. Apples of the Fuji and Gala varieties were processed with the peel and without the peel to obtain clarified juices through pectinolytics enzymes and treatment with gelatin and bentonite. The apples and the obtained juices were submitted to physical-chemistries, microbiological, sensorial and yield analyses. Results of the microbiological analyses showed the efficiency of the processing and of the thermal treatment adopted. Due to the fact that the physical-chemical attributes and the acceptance have not differed in a significant way in the juices with and without the peel, it can be concluded that the processing of clarified juices with the peel is the most suitable, once they allow a higher yield.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, 2014
Metastatic tumors to the pituitary gland are an unusual complication typically seen in elderly pa... more Metastatic tumors to the pituitary gland are an unusual complication typically seen in elderly patients with diffuse malignant disease. Breast and lung are the commonest sites of the primary tumor. Prognosis of patients with breast cancer metastasis is poor and depends on the primary neoplastic extension. We report a 54 year-old woman with breast cancer metastasis to the pituitary stalk first diagnosed because of visual disturbance with no other symptoms. Pituitary gland stalk metastasis is a very uncommon find and this case report includes a literature review.

Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias, 2013
The persimmon (Diospyros kaki LF) belongs to the Ebenaceae family and is originally from Asia. Be... more The persimmon (Diospyros kaki LF) belongs to the Ebenaceae family and is originally from Asia. Because the fruit is perishable, we aimed to processes it to avoid wasting. The jelly is one of the most widely used processes, because it follows a simple methodology, requires little equipment and brings harnessing of fruit unfit for the in natura consumption, transforming it in a product of increased durability. It was elaborated conventional jellies containing 70% and 60% of pulp. We proceeded to the chemical and rheological characterization of the persimmon pulp and obtained jellies. The pulp chemical analysis values are consistent with the expected. The values found in the jelly with 70% of pulp were: 0.81% of ATT, 66.33 o Brix for SST, pH of 4.01, 0.44% of pectin and 26.98% of moisture. The values found in the jelly with 60% of pulp were: 0.78% of ATT, 68.17 o Brix for SST, pH of 4.13, 0.36% of pectin and 28.26% of moisture. The persimmon pulp behaved as a pseudoplastic fluid, since the apparent viscosity decreases with the increase in the deformation tax. Both jellies behaved as pseudoplastic fluid once the product was obtained.

Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva, 2010
The elderly population is increasing all over the world. The need of intensive care by the elderl... more The elderly population is increasing all over the world. The need of intensive care by the elderly is also increasing. There is a lack of studies investigating the risk factors for death among critically ill elderly patients. This study aims to investigate the factors associated with death in a population of critically ill elderly patients admitted to an intensive care unit in Brazil. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study including all elderly patients (>60 years) admitted to an intensive care unit in Fortaleza, Brazil, from January to December 2007. A comparison between survivors and nonsurvivors was done and the risk factors for death were investigated through univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: A total of 84 patients were included, with an average age of 73 ± 7.6 years; 59% were female. Mortality was 62.8%. The main cause of death was multiple organ dysfunction (42.3%), followed by septic shock (36.5%) and cardiogenic shock (9.7%). Complications during intensive care unit ICU stay associated with death were respiratory failure (OR=61, p<0.001), acute kidney injury (OR=23, p<0.001), sepsis (OR=12, p<0.001), metabolic acidosis (OR=17, p<0.001), anemia (OR=8.6, p<0.005), coagulation disturbance (OR=5.9, p<0.001) and atrial fibrillation (OR=4.8, p<0.041). Independent risk factors for death were age (OR=1.15, p<0.005), coma (OR=7.51, p<0.003), hypotension (OR=21.75, p=0.003), respiratory failure (OR=9.93, p<0.0001) and acute kidney injury (OR=16.28, p<0.014). Mortality is high among critically ill elderly patients. Factors associated with death were age, coma, hypotension, respiratory failure and acute kidney injury.
RESUMO A mudança constitui uma das características universais da linguagem humana. O léxico confi... more RESUMO A mudança constitui uma das características universais da linguagem humana. O léxico configura-se como o nível lingüístico em que esta mudança encontra ampla repercussão, pois concebido como um sistema aberto de caráter dinâmico, o universo ...

Pediatric Nephrology, 2002
We have previously demonstrated that 3-month-old rats submitted to 50% intrauterine food restrict... more We have previously demonstrated that 3-month-old rats submitted to 50% intrauterine food restriction showed a decreased number of nephrons with increased glomerular diameter, a fact that suggests compensatory hypertrophy. In the present study, we extended the investigation and performed serial blood pressure measurements and renal function evaluation in 8- and 12-week-old rats submitted to 50% intrauterine food restriction (groups R8 and R12) and in age-matched control rats (groups C8 and C12). After weaning, six to eight animals from each group received oral supplements of 2% L-arginine ( L-arg) solution for 4 or 8 weeks (groups CA8, CA12, RA8, RA12). Our findings showed that mean blood pressure (MBP), which was significantly increased from 8 weeks on in R rats, markedly decreased after L-arg supplementation. In control animals, no alterations in MBP were observed with L-arg. Proteinuria was within normal limits in all groups studied but L-arg caused a significant decrease in this parameter in both the RA8 and RA12 groups. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR, ml/min per kg) was significantly decreased in the C8 control group (3.75+/-0.12) and in both restricted groups R8 and R12, (2.47+/-0.13 and 3.76+/-0.16, respectively) compared with the C12 group (6.09+/-0.31; P&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.05 for all comparisons). L-Arg caused an increase in GFR only in the younger groups, C8 and R8. In a separate set of experiments, acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation was examined in mesenteric arteries. The R12 group showed a significant impairment of the response to ACh, which returned to normal values after L-arg supplementation. Urinary excretion of NO(x) (NO3- + NO2-) was significantly decreased in 8- and 12-week-old food-restricted rats relative to control rats. Our data indicate that, besides the known decrease in absolute nephron number, disturbances in the production/sensitivity to the L-arg-nitric oxide system may contribute to the early appearance of hypertension in the offspring of mothers submitted to significant food restriction.

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2006
The alcoholic fermentation of cashew apple juice has been investigated as an attempt to develop a... more The alcoholic fermentation of cashew apple juice has been investigated as an attempt to develop a novel alcoholic beverage, alternative to wine. The objective of this study was to determine the volatile compounds in this beverage and their role in the aroma. Compounds from the headspace were swept to a Porapak Q trap for 2 h by suction and eluted from the polymer with acetone, separated by HRGC and identified by GC-MS. Five experienced assessors evaluated the GC effluents in three replicates using Osme GC-olfactometry technique. Fermented, fruity and cashew were the beverage primary aroma descriptors. GC-MS and Osme analysis revealed that the esters methyl 3-methyl butyrate, ethyl 3-methyl butyrate, methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, trans-ethyl crotonate and methyl 3-methyl pentanoate were important to the sweet, fruity and cashew-like aroma of the beverage. The most unpleasant odor was due to 2-methyl butanoic acid, which was described as sweaty.

Clinical Science, 2013
The aim of the present study was to investigate the coronary effects of Ang-(1–7) [angiotensin-(1... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the coronary effects of Ang-(1–7) [angiotensin-(1–7)] in hypertrophic rat hearts. Heart hypertrophy was induced by abdominal aorta CoA (coarctation). Ang-(1–7) and AVE 0991, a non-peptide Mas-receptor agonist, at picomolar concentration, induced a significant vasodilation in hearts from sham-operated rats. These effects were blocked by the Mas receptor antagonist A-779. Pre-treatment with L-NAME (NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester) or ODQ (1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinozalin-1-one) [NOS (NO synthase) and soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitors respectively] also abolished the effect of Ang-(1–7) in control hearts. The coronary vasodilation produced by Ang-(1–7) and AVE 0991 was completely blunted in hypertrophic hearts. Chronic oral administration of losartan in CoA rats restored the coronary vasodilation effect of Ang-(1–7). This effect was blocked by A-779 and AT2 receptor (angiotensin II type 2 receptor) antagonist PD123319. Acute pre-...
Rev. Soc. Bras. Cir. …, 2003
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 357664 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 357664 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Vasconcelos, Paulo Roberto Leitão de. ...
Papers by Gisele Cristina Alves