Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2020
Purpose: Diabetes mellitus complications are responsible for increased disability, morbidity, and... more Purpose: Diabetes mellitus complications are responsible for increased disability, morbidity, and mortality. This study aimed to assess prevalence, patterns, and predictors of chronic complications of diabetes among people with diabetes. Patients and Methods: The study was conducted using a prospective observational study design which was done on people with diabetes attending the ambulatory clinic of Mettu Karl Referral Hospital. The data were collected using a consecutive type of sampling technique from April 15 to August 9, 2019. The data were entered into Epidata manager version 4.4.2. Logistic regression analysis was done to identify predictors of chronic complications of diabetes. Results: A total of 330 participants were included in this study. The mean age of participants was 49.9±14.2, and 156 (47.3%) were 41 to 60 years old. About 127 (38.5%) had one or more chronic complications. The predictors of chronic diabetes complications were resident in urban areas [AOR: 1.94; 95% CI: (1.17, 3.20); p = 0.010], duration of diabetes � 10 years [AOR: 2.05, 95% CI: (1.21, 3.47); p = 0.007], hypertension [AOR: 4.19; 95% CI: (2.54, 6.91); p < 0.001] and poor glycemic control [AOR: 2.82; 95% CI: (1.53, 5.21); p = 0.001]. Conclusion: Almost two-fifth of the study participants had chronic complications of diabetes. Residents in urban areas, longer duration of diabetes, hypertension and poor glycemic control were predictors of chronic diabetes complications. It is important to achieve good glycemic control and manage comorbid diseases like hypertension to minimize the risk of chronic diabetes complications.
Background: The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection has led countries across the globe to take var... more Background: The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection has led countries across the globe to take various measures to contain the outbreak, including the closure of Universities. Forcing University students to stay at home has created enormous stress and uncertainty in their daily life.Objective: This study aimed to assess the perceived stress and coping strategies among undergraduate health science students of Jimma University amid the COVID-19 outbreak.Materials and methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 337 undergraduate health science students from August to September 5, 2020. The perceived stress scale (PSS)-10 and Brief-COPE scale were used to assess the level of stress and coping strategies, respectively. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 22 was employed for data analysis. Logistic regression was conducted to identify predictors of high perceived stress.Results: The overall mean [±standard deviation (SD)] age of the participants was ...
The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged and forced the community pharmacies... more The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged and forced the community pharmacies across the world to take various measures to prevent its spread. This survey was conducted to assess the community pharmacy practice and challenges in Ethiopia amid the coronavirus disease-19 pandemic. The survey was conducted involving 67 community pharmacy professionals in Jimma and Mizan-Aman towns in the period from November 25 to December 10, 2020. A checklist was used for the data collection, and descriptive analysis was conducted using SPSS V.22. In this study, druggists were higher in proportion than pharmacists (64.2% vs. 35.8%). Of the stock of the COVID-19 infection protection supplies, facemask was well-stocked (73.1%), whereas most respondents (73.1%) reported no stock of face shields. Practicing a distance of >1 meter from the customers (85.1%) and keeping hand hygiene (83.6%) were among the measures reported to prevent cross-infection. Above two-third of the respondents reported an increase in verbal queries of the COVID-19 information (68.7%). Financial implication (89.6%) and staff cross-infection risk (89.6%) were the major worries reported by the respondents. In this study, some of the sociodemographic information were identified to affect the COVID-19 precautionary measures and challenges. In conclusion, the present study revealed problem with availability of some of the COVID-19 prevention supplies, like face shields (73.1%), requiring effort to avail. An increase in COVID-19 related queries from customers was also reported. The COVID-19 precautionary measures, such as practicing hand hygiene, physical distancing, and others were reported. The reported financial and other challenges of the COVID-19 needs mitigation measures.
Background:Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen is one of the first line agents that has been utilized r... more Background:Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen is one of the first line agents that has been utilized routinely since 2013 in Ethiopia. Unfortunately, there is limited information regarding the Clinical outcomes and associated risk factors in this setting, where patients generally present late, have high rates of TB and other infectious conditions.Methods:A two year retrospective cohort study was conducted from February 10/2015 to March 10/2015 at Jimma University Specialized Hospital. A total of 280 records were reviewed by including data from September 3, 2012 to July 31, 2014. Records were selected using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected on socio-demographic, clinical and drug related variables. Data was analyzed using STATA 13.1. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression were used to compare survival experience and identify independent predictors. Propensity score matching analysis was conducted to elucidate the average treatment effects of each regimen over opportunistic i...
Purpose: To assess traditional medicine practice claims by the community for the prevention and t... more Purpose: To assess traditional medicine practice claims by the community for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 422 households of Jimma Zone, and the data were collected by interviewing individuals from the selected households. The medicinal plants were recorded on Microsoft excel 2010 with their parts used, dosage form, route of administration and source of plants and tabulated in the table. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and organize the data. The Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) was calculated for each traditional medicine to identify the top 10 medicinal products. Results: Around 46% of participants used traditional medicines for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The study recorded 32 herbal and non-herbal medicinal products. Garlic (RFC: 0.166), ginger (RFC: 0.133), lemon (RFC: 0.133), garden cress (RFC: 0.069) and "Damakase" (RFC: 0.031) were the frequently used herbal medicines. Seeds (47.22%) and leaves (30.56%) were the most used parts of medicinal plants. Most preparation of medicinal plants (90.63%) was administered through the oral route. The majority of medicinal plants were from home gardens. Conclusions and Recommendations: Around half of the participants practiced traditional medicines for COVID-19. Garlic, ginger, lemon, garden cress and "Damakase" were the frequently used herbal products. Seeds and leaves were regularly used parts. The oral route is the most used route of administration. The majority of medicinal plants were from home gardens. This quantity of traditional medicine practice is probably challenging to control the pandemic. However, it might open possibilities for pharmaceutical industries and researchers to look into the effectiveness and safety of claimed medicinal products. Therefore, all responsible bodies are advocated to behave accordingly.
 Background The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new situations that require the effective delivery... more  Background The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new situations that require the effective delivery of health information across the world and it’s important to offer clear, consistent, and credible information on the pandemic to mitigate and control the outbreak. Aim To assess COVID-19 information source, need and trust among the rural community of southwest Ethiopia. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 634 rural communities of southwest Ethiopia. The data were collected by interviewing individuals from selected households and analyzed by SPSS version 26. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to assess factors affecting information needs. Results Radio 484 (76.3%) was mostly used as a source of information for COVID-19, and government 404 (63.7%) and health professionals 345 (57.7%) were trusted. However, only 10 (1.6%) of the participants acquired information from health professionals. Around 395 (62.3%) of the participants needed ...
Background: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are acute febrile illnesses involving the ... more Background: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are acute febrile illnesses involving the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and upper trachea. The causative organisms in majority of the cases are viruses. Antibiotics are not needed in these circumstances; however the treatment of URTIs has become the major areas of antibiotics abuse globally. OBJECTIVE: To assess antibiotic prescription pattern for upper respiratory tract infection in Bedele District Hospital. Method: An institution based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between February 15 to March 30/2015 using a structured data abstraction checklist. The necessary information was recorded from patients’ medical records seen in the hospital by the year 2014. The collected data was cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 16. Result: Prevalence of antibiotics prescription in the management of URTIs in the hospital was 79.1%. Majority of the antibiotics prescribed were the Penicillin 246 (88.8 %). Amoxici...
Controlling the unprecedented novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is nowadays the priority of e... more Controlling the unprecedented novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is nowadays the priority of every nation, including Ethiopia. The objective of this survey was to evaluate the readiness of community drug retail outlets amid COVID-19 emergency response efforts in Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in April 2020 at community drug retail outlets in Jimma town, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia. An observational checklist, containing 13-items with yes/no options, adapted from International Pharmaceutics Federation was used for facility preparedness, while self-administered structured questionnaire adapted from international guidelines on COVID-19 prevention deployed to collect baseline knowledge (12-items), practice (six-items) and attitude (five-items) of individual pharmacy staff at the surveyed facilities. Descriptive statistics were computed using SPSS. Results: Forty-six community drug retail outlets and their pharmacy workforce participated in the survey. The respondents prevailed good awareness with regard to means of transmission (90%) and incubation period (76%) and how to proceed with suspected cases (80%). In this intent, most of them reported disinfect their hands regularly and cover their nose and mouth when they sneeze or cough (96%), keep a distance of 1 to 2 meters between them and clients (98%) and avoided hand shaking (80%). Nevertheless, only just over half of the practitioners (56%) correctly mentioned the cardinal symptoms of the disease adequately and only about 21% wear personal protective equipments. Conclusion: Overall knowledge on COVID-19 and personal practice of control measures by community pharmacists was unsatisfactory. Collectively, facility preparedness of the drug outlets was good but with a number of specifics areas that require improvements.
Background Asthma is one of the major non-communicable diseases worldwide. The prevalence of asth... more Background Asthma is one of the major non-communicable diseases worldwide. The prevalence of asthma has continuously increased over the last five decades, resulting in 235 million people suffering from it. One of the main challenges in asthma control is adherence to pharmaceutical treatment (4) and leads to poor outcome and increases the economic and clinical burden. Non-adherence could be intentional or non-intentional. Objective To identify the determinants of inhaled steroid adherence among adult asthmatic patients. Setting The study was done in Jimma university medical center (JUMC) from March–August 22/2018. Method Cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Patient assessment was conducted (patient demography, inhalation technique, adherence, and asthma control status). Independent predictors of outcome identified and strength of association between dependent and independent variables determined by using binary logistic regression and statistical significance was consid...
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which is characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is a ... more Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which is characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is a common chronic respiratory disease affecting 1–18% of population in different countries. It can be treated mainly with inhaled medications in several forms, including pressurized metered-dose inhaler (MDI). Patients encountered difficulty in using inhaler devices even after repeated demonstration and/re-evaluation. This could highly compromise patient treatment outcome/asthma control. To evaluate relationship between MDI use technique and asthma control among adult asthmatic patients who attend respiratory clinic in Jimma University Medical Center (JUMC), Southwest Ethiopia. A prospective observational study was conducted from March to August 22, 2018. All adult asthmatic patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Patient baseline assessment was conducted (patient demography, inhalation technique, adherence, and asthma control status). Inhalation technique was ob...
Background: The life expectancy of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has dram... more Background: The life expectancy of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has dramatically improved with the much-increased access to antiretroviral therapy. Consequently, a larger number of people living with HIV are living longer and facing the increased burden of non-communicable diseases. This study assessed the effect of chronic non-communicable disease(s) and co-morbidities on the immunologic restoration of HIV infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. Methods: A nested case-control study was conducted among people living with HIV at Jimma University Medical Center from February 20 to August 20, 2016. Cases were HIV infected patients living with chronic non-communicable diseases and controls were people living with HIV only. Patient-specific data were collected using a structured data collection tool to identify relevant information. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 20.0. Logistic regressions were used ...
Background: Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen was reported to have better immunological outcomes. Unf... more Background: Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen was reported to have better immunological outcomes. Unfortunately, there is limited information regarding the immunologic outcome associated with this regimen in Ethiopia, as its routine utilization in this setting begun since 2013.
Introduction: The current estimate is that 463 million people worldwide have diabetes. In 2017, a... more Introduction: The current estimate is that 463 million people worldwide have diabetes. In 2017, an estimated 5 million (9.9%) deaths worldwide among adults were caused by diabetes. The burden of disease associated with uncontrolled diabetes is substantial in terms of mortality and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess glycemic control level and its predictors among adult patients with diabetes. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted among patients with diabetes during follow-up at an ambulatory clinic of Mettu Karl referral hospital from 15 April to 09 August 2019. The consecutive sampling method was used to collect data, following which the data were entered into Epidata manager version Digital Features To view digital features for this article go to
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2020
Purpose: Diabetes mellitus complications are responsible for increased disability, morbidity, and... more Purpose: Diabetes mellitus complications are responsible for increased disability, morbidity, and mortality. This study aimed to assess prevalence, patterns, and predictors of chronic complications of diabetes among people with diabetes. Patients and Methods: The study was conducted using a prospective observational study design which was done on people with diabetes attending the ambulatory clinic of Mettu Karl Referral Hospital. The data were collected using a consecutive type of sampling technique from April 15 to August 9, 2019. The data were entered into Epidata manager version 4.4.2. Logistic regression analysis was done to identify predictors of chronic complications of diabetes. Results: A total of 330 participants were included in this study. The mean age of participants was 49.9±14.2, and 156 (47.3%) were 41 to 60 years old. About 127 (38.5%) had one or more chronic complications. The predictors of chronic diabetes complications were resident in urban areas [AOR: 1.94; 95% CI: (1.17, 3.20); p = 0.010], duration of diabetes � 10 years [AOR: 2.05, 95% CI: (1.21, 3.47); p = 0.007], hypertension [AOR: 4.19; 95% CI: (2.54, 6.91); p < 0.001] and poor glycemic control [AOR: 2.82; 95% CI: (1.53, 5.21); p = 0.001]. Conclusion: Almost two-fifth of the study participants had chronic complications of diabetes. Residents in urban areas, longer duration of diabetes, hypertension and poor glycemic control were predictors of chronic diabetes complications. It is important to achieve good glycemic control and manage comorbid diseases like hypertension to minimize the risk of chronic diabetes complications.
Background: The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection has led countries across the globe to take var... more Background: The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection has led countries across the globe to take various measures to contain the outbreak, including the closure of Universities. Forcing University students to stay at home has created enormous stress and uncertainty in their daily life.Objective: This study aimed to assess the perceived stress and coping strategies among undergraduate health science students of Jimma University amid the COVID-19 outbreak.Materials and methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 337 undergraduate health science students from August to September 5, 2020. The perceived stress scale (PSS)-10 and Brief-COPE scale were used to assess the level of stress and coping strategies, respectively. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 22 was employed for data analysis. Logistic regression was conducted to identify predictors of high perceived stress.Results: The overall mean [±standard deviation (SD)] age of the participants was ...
The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged and forced the community pharmacies... more The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged and forced the community pharmacies across the world to take various measures to prevent its spread. This survey was conducted to assess the community pharmacy practice and challenges in Ethiopia amid the coronavirus disease-19 pandemic. The survey was conducted involving 67 community pharmacy professionals in Jimma and Mizan-Aman towns in the period from November 25 to December 10, 2020. A checklist was used for the data collection, and descriptive analysis was conducted using SPSS V.22. In this study, druggists were higher in proportion than pharmacists (64.2% vs. 35.8%). Of the stock of the COVID-19 infection protection supplies, facemask was well-stocked (73.1%), whereas most respondents (73.1%) reported no stock of face shields. Practicing a distance of >1 meter from the customers (85.1%) and keeping hand hygiene (83.6%) were among the measures reported to prevent cross-infection. Above two-third of the respondents reported an increase in verbal queries of the COVID-19 information (68.7%). Financial implication (89.6%) and staff cross-infection risk (89.6%) were the major worries reported by the respondents. In this study, some of the sociodemographic information were identified to affect the COVID-19 precautionary measures and challenges. In conclusion, the present study revealed problem with availability of some of the COVID-19 prevention supplies, like face shields (73.1%), requiring effort to avail. An increase in COVID-19 related queries from customers was also reported. The COVID-19 precautionary measures, such as practicing hand hygiene, physical distancing, and others were reported. The reported financial and other challenges of the COVID-19 needs mitigation measures.
Background:Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen is one of the first line agents that has been utilized r... more Background:Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen is one of the first line agents that has been utilized routinely since 2013 in Ethiopia. Unfortunately, there is limited information regarding the Clinical outcomes and associated risk factors in this setting, where patients generally present late, have high rates of TB and other infectious conditions.Methods:A two year retrospective cohort study was conducted from February 10/2015 to March 10/2015 at Jimma University Specialized Hospital. A total of 280 records were reviewed by including data from September 3, 2012 to July 31, 2014. Records were selected using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected on socio-demographic, clinical and drug related variables. Data was analyzed using STATA 13.1. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression were used to compare survival experience and identify independent predictors. Propensity score matching analysis was conducted to elucidate the average treatment effects of each regimen over opportunistic i...
Purpose: To assess traditional medicine practice claims by the community for the prevention and t... more Purpose: To assess traditional medicine practice claims by the community for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 422 households of Jimma Zone, and the data were collected by interviewing individuals from the selected households. The medicinal plants were recorded on Microsoft excel 2010 with their parts used, dosage form, route of administration and source of plants and tabulated in the table. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and organize the data. The Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) was calculated for each traditional medicine to identify the top 10 medicinal products. Results: Around 46% of participants used traditional medicines for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The study recorded 32 herbal and non-herbal medicinal products. Garlic (RFC: 0.166), ginger (RFC: 0.133), lemon (RFC: 0.133), garden cress (RFC: 0.069) and "Damakase" (RFC: 0.031) were the frequently used herbal medicines. Seeds (47.22%) and leaves (30.56%) were the most used parts of medicinal plants. Most preparation of medicinal plants (90.63%) was administered through the oral route. The majority of medicinal plants were from home gardens. Conclusions and Recommendations: Around half of the participants practiced traditional medicines for COVID-19. Garlic, ginger, lemon, garden cress and "Damakase" were the frequently used herbal products. Seeds and leaves were regularly used parts. The oral route is the most used route of administration. The majority of medicinal plants were from home gardens. This quantity of traditional medicine practice is probably challenging to control the pandemic. However, it might open possibilities for pharmaceutical industries and researchers to look into the effectiveness and safety of claimed medicinal products. Therefore, all responsible bodies are advocated to behave accordingly.
 Background The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new situations that require the effective delivery... more  Background The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new situations that require the effective delivery of health information across the world and it’s important to offer clear, consistent, and credible information on the pandemic to mitigate and control the outbreak. Aim To assess COVID-19 information source, need and trust among the rural community of southwest Ethiopia. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 634 rural communities of southwest Ethiopia. The data were collected by interviewing individuals from selected households and analyzed by SPSS version 26. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to assess factors affecting information needs. Results Radio 484 (76.3%) was mostly used as a source of information for COVID-19, and government 404 (63.7%) and health professionals 345 (57.7%) were trusted. However, only 10 (1.6%) of the participants acquired information from health professionals. Around 395 (62.3%) of the participants needed ...
Background: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are acute febrile illnesses involving the ... more Background: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are acute febrile illnesses involving the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and upper trachea. The causative organisms in majority of the cases are viruses. Antibiotics are not needed in these circumstances; however the treatment of URTIs has become the major areas of antibiotics abuse globally. OBJECTIVE: To assess antibiotic prescription pattern for upper respiratory tract infection in Bedele District Hospital. Method: An institution based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between February 15 to March 30/2015 using a structured data abstraction checklist. The necessary information was recorded from patients’ medical records seen in the hospital by the year 2014. The collected data was cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 16. Result: Prevalence of antibiotics prescription in the management of URTIs in the hospital was 79.1%. Majority of the antibiotics prescribed were the Penicillin 246 (88.8 %). Amoxici...
Controlling the unprecedented novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is nowadays the priority of e... more Controlling the unprecedented novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is nowadays the priority of every nation, including Ethiopia. The objective of this survey was to evaluate the readiness of community drug retail outlets amid COVID-19 emergency response efforts in Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in April 2020 at community drug retail outlets in Jimma town, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia. An observational checklist, containing 13-items with yes/no options, adapted from International Pharmaceutics Federation was used for facility preparedness, while self-administered structured questionnaire adapted from international guidelines on COVID-19 prevention deployed to collect baseline knowledge (12-items), practice (six-items) and attitude (five-items) of individual pharmacy staff at the surveyed facilities. Descriptive statistics were computed using SPSS. Results: Forty-six community drug retail outlets and their pharmacy workforce participated in the survey. The respondents prevailed good awareness with regard to means of transmission (90%) and incubation period (76%) and how to proceed with suspected cases (80%). In this intent, most of them reported disinfect their hands regularly and cover their nose and mouth when they sneeze or cough (96%), keep a distance of 1 to 2 meters between them and clients (98%) and avoided hand shaking (80%). Nevertheless, only just over half of the practitioners (56%) correctly mentioned the cardinal symptoms of the disease adequately and only about 21% wear personal protective equipments. Conclusion: Overall knowledge on COVID-19 and personal practice of control measures by community pharmacists was unsatisfactory. Collectively, facility preparedness of the drug outlets was good but with a number of specifics areas that require improvements.
Background Asthma is one of the major non-communicable diseases worldwide. The prevalence of asth... more Background Asthma is one of the major non-communicable diseases worldwide. The prevalence of asthma has continuously increased over the last five decades, resulting in 235 million people suffering from it. One of the main challenges in asthma control is adherence to pharmaceutical treatment (4) and leads to poor outcome and increases the economic and clinical burden. Non-adherence could be intentional or non-intentional. Objective To identify the determinants of inhaled steroid adherence among adult asthmatic patients. Setting The study was done in Jimma university medical center (JUMC) from March–August 22/2018. Method Cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Patient assessment was conducted (patient demography, inhalation technique, adherence, and asthma control status). Independent predictors of outcome identified and strength of association between dependent and independent variables determined by using binary logistic regression and statistical significance was consid...
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which is characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is a ... more Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which is characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is a common chronic respiratory disease affecting 1–18% of population in different countries. It can be treated mainly with inhaled medications in several forms, including pressurized metered-dose inhaler (MDI). Patients encountered difficulty in using inhaler devices even after repeated demonstration and/re-evaluation. This could highly compromise patient treatment outcome/asthma control. To evaluate relationship between MDI use technique and asthma control among adult asthmatic patients who attend respiratory clinic in Jimma University Medical Center (JUMC), Southwest Ethiopia. A prospective observational study was conducted from March to August 22, 2018. All adult asthmatic patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Patient baseline assessment was conducted (patient demography, inhalation technique, adherence, and asthma control status). Inhalation technique was ob...
Background: The life expectancy of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has dram... more Background: The life expectancy of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has dramatically improved with the much-increased access to antiretroviral therapy. Consequently, a larger number of people living with HIV are living longer and facing the increased burden of non-communicable diseases. This study assessed the effect of chronic non-communicable disease(s) and co-morbidities on the immunologic restoration of HIV infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. Methods: A nested case-control study was conducted among people living with HIV at Jimma University Medical Center from February 20 to August 20, 2016. Cases were HIV infected patients living with chronic non-communicable diseases and controls were people living with HIV only. Patient-specific data were collected using a structured data collection tool to identify relevant information. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 20.0. Logistic regressions were used ...
Background: Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen was reported to have better immunological outcomes. Unf... more Background: Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen was reported to have better immunological outcomes. Unfortunately, there is limited information regarding the immunologic outcome associated with this regimen in Ethiopia, as its routine utilization in this setting begun since 2013.
Introduction: The current estimate is that 463 million people worldwide have diabetes. In 2017, a... more Introduction: The current estimate is that 463 million people worldwide have diabetes. In 2017, an estimated 5 million (9.9%) deaths worldwide among adults were caused by diabetes. The burden of disease associated with uncontrolled diabetes is substantial in terms of mortality and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess glycemic control level and its predictors among adult patients with diabetes. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted among patients with diabetes during follow-up at an ambulatory clinic of Mettu Karl referral hospital from 15 April to 09 August 2019. The consecutive sampling method was used to collect data, following which the data were entered into Epidata manager version Digital Features To view digital features for this article go to
Papers by Girma Mamo