Giorgio Gregori, musician
Born in Brescia in 1953, he graduated in accountancy and worked as a computer programmer in a bank. He is now retired.
A music enthusiast since childhood, he preferred folk and rock music environment to the academic world, especially dedicating himself to the recording and amplification techniques, and to the study of traditional folk acoustic and electric instruments.
From 1975 to 1981 he worked as a technician and sountrack composer for “Cooperativa Teatro Laboratorio”.
In 1978 he began conducting guitar and ancient music programmes on different radio stations such as Radio 99, L’altra Radio, and Radio Popolare.
1979 was a very important year for him: he attended a workshop in audio sound recording techniques organized by Exhibo (Sennheiser / Neumann) in Venice, then he participated in a ten-day workshop "Formation et perfectionnement d'instructeurs en guitare" in Limoux (F), studying folk-baroque guitar styles with Remy Froissart and Paul Guilleminot, and in autumn, as a sound technician, he followed the Belgian tour of John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman and Davey Graham.
As a guitarist, he joined the prog-rock group "Houdini Band", and after some years he left to create the "Magic Frog Recording Studio".
He followed several workshops and seminars with some of the best acoustic guitarists in the world: among others Duck Baker, Clive Carroll, Reno Brandoni, Peppino D’Agostino, Davide Mastrangelo, Darragh O ’Neill.
For some years he studied jazz guitar with Luciano Poli and William Tononi and Irish guitar with Francesco Bettoni.
Also an aficionado of lutherie and construction technique of string instruments and acoustic guitars, he participated in Sarzana and Cremona workshops with several of the most important international luthiers: Roy McAlister, Roberto Fontanot, Harry Fleishman, Robert Godin, Bryan Galloup. John Monteleone (Archtop guitars), Stephen Gilchrist (country mandolins), Greg Deering (banjo), Jean Larrivée, Cat Fox (guitar setup), Kevin Ryan, Harry Fleishman, Paolo Coriani, Steve Klein, Gérard Chatelier.
He has written various articles on English folk for “Centro Studi Fingerstyle” in Arezzo and he has been collaborating with the monthly magazine “Chitarra Acustica” for years, editing the folk section together with Andrea Carpi, and the magazine "BresciaMusica".
He is currently the vice-president of “Associazione Culturale Folk Lab – Laboratorio di Cultura e Musica Popolare” in Brescia, whose principal aim is the rediscovery of music and traditions of the Alpine Region in northern Italy.
Address: Brescia, Italy
A music enthusiast since childhood, he preferred folk and rock music environment to the academic world, especially dedicating himself to the recording and amplification techniques, and to the study of traditional folk acoustic and electric instruments.
From 1975 to 1981 he worked as a technician and sountrack composer for “Cooperativa Teatro Laboratorio”.
In 1978 he began conducting guitar and ancient music programmes on different radio stations such as Radio 99, L’altra Radio, and Radio Popolare.
1979 was a very important year for him: he attended a workshop in audio sound recording techniques organized by Exhibo (Sennheiser / Neumann) in Venice, then he participated in a ten-day workshop "Formation et perfectionnement d'instructeurs en guitare" in Limoux (F), studying folk-baroque guitar styles with Remy Froissart and Paul Guilleminot, and in autumn, as a sound technician, he followed the Belgian tour of John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman and Davey Graham.
As a guitarist, he joined the prog-rock group "Houdini Band", and after some years he left to create the "Magic Frog Recording Studio".
He followed several workshops and seminars with some of the best acoustic guitarists in the world: among others Duck Baker, Clive Carroll, Reno Brandoni, Peppino D’Agostino, Davide Mastrangelo, Darragh O ’Neill.
For some years he studied jazz guitar with Luciano Poli and William Tononi and Irish guitar with Francesco Bettoni.
Also an aficionado of lutherie and construction technique of string instruments and acoustic guitars, he participated in Sarzana and Cremona workshops with several of the most important international luthiers: Roy McAlister, Roberto Fontanot, Harry Fleishman, Robert Godin, Bryan Galloup. John Monteleone (Archtop guitars), Stephen Gilchrist (country mandolins), Greg Deering (banjo), Jean Larrivée, Cat Fox (guitar setup), Kevin Ryan, Harry Fleishman, Paolo Coriani, Steve Klein, Gérard Chatelier.
He has written various articles on English folk for “Centro Studi Fingerstyle” in Arezzo and he has been collaborating with the monthly magazine “Chitarra Acustica” for years, editing the folk section together with Andrea Carpi, and the magazine "BresciaMusica".
He is currently the vice-president of “Associazione Culturale Folk Lab – Laboratorio di Cultura e Musica Popolare” in Brescia, whose principal aim is the rediscovery of music and traditions of the Alpine Region in northern Italy.
Address: Brescia, Italy
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ai Blues Music Awards 2014 per l’album Juba Dance con Guy Davis (vedi e candidato ai Jimi Awards 2014 e 2015 di Blues411 Radio come miglior armonicista dell’anno nel mondo. Articolo tratto dal mensile "Chitarra Acustica"
confine tra Emilia e Toscana ed è stato nei secoli un
importante crocevia tra la Pianura Padana e l’Italia
Centrale. Come tutti i crocevia, dal punto di vista
musicale presenta caratteristiche molto interessanti.
Negli anni ’70 l’etnomusicologa Placida Staro,
cantante, violinista ed esperta di danze popolari,
decise di stabilirsi lì e iniziare una serie di ricerche
sulle tradizioni del territorio. Vorrei proporvi un suo volume,
tanto bello quanto imponente per dimensione: Il
canto delle donne antiche. Con garbo e sentimento,
uscito nel 2001 per la Libreria Musicale Italiana. Si
tratta di 600 pagine in grande formato, nelle quali
viene raccontato il rapporto tra la ricercatrice Placida
Staro e la ‘canterina’ Maria Grillini, nata nel 1927
e scomparsa nel 2004, una memoria storica per la
comunità, che ha lavorato come bracciante, mondina,
cuoca, collaboratrice domestica.
stampe un volume da lui curato, Storie da suonatori,
dedicato alla tradizione musicale del carnevale di
Bagolino e Ponte Caffaro, piccoli paesi al confine
delle province di Brescia e Trento. Storie “da” suonatori,
perché buona parte del libro è una raccolta di interviste a dei sunadur dai venti agli ottant’anni
di età, che esprimono tutta la loro passione e l’orgoglio
di appartenere alla compagnia dei sunadur,
anzi alle compagnie. Perché Bagolino e Ponte Caffaro,
distanti pochi chilometri, hanno due carnevali
molto simili nei balli, nelle musiche, nei costumi, ma
fieramente distinti: ci sono in particolare differenze
nell’esecuzione e nell’armonizzazione dei brani,
che meritano di essere approfondite.