Papers by Giorgio Affanni
Sindh Antiquities, Vol. 5 n.2, 2019
The unique assemblage of Banbhore ivories have been preliminary studied through a fieldwork proto... more The unique assemblage of Banbhore ivories have been preliminary studied through a fieldwork protocol in order to identify ancient production techniques and to reconstruct the production cycle.The enormous amount of production waste suggests that the area was used by ivory workshops, employing elephant tusks as raw material and the bow lathe as the most used tool.
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Madrid April 3 8 2006 Actas Del V Congreso Internacional De Arqueologia Del Oriente Proximo Antiguo Vol 1 2008 Isbn 978 84 8344 141 1 Pags 383 391, 2008
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Altorientalische Forschungen, 2015
In 1928 the French archaeological mission's excavations at Arslan Tash directed by F. Thureau-Dan... more In 1928 the French archaeological mission's excavations at Arslan Tash directed by F. Thureau-Dangin discovered a collection of fine ivories in the appropriately named 'Bâtiment aux ivoires'. This collection is now shared between the Musée du Louvre and the Archaeological Museum of Aleppo. An international team is currently engaged in a joint project of study and publication of these Arslan Tash ivories. This paper will return to the issue of first millennium BC ivories and present the methods and preliminary results of research on their carving and decoration, which is one of the factors for the identification of stylistic-technical groups. In addition, particular attention is given to the polychromatic decoration of the ivories.
This paper aims at the analysis of the building techniques evolution, the different strategies of... more This paper aims at the analysis of the building techniques evolution, the different strategies of fortifi cation of the site, and proposes an overall interpretation of data relating to the defensive structures in their urban context especially in the light of the recent data from the excavations of Area N on the eastern slope of the acropolis.
Edited Conference Proceedings by Giorgio Affanni
Books by Giorgio Affanni

Cet ouvrage étudie pour la première fois l’ensemble des ivoires décorant un mobilier princier en ... more Cet ouvrage étudie pour la première fois l’ensemble des ivoires décorant un mobilier princier en bois découvert par l’assyriologue François Thureau-Dangin en 1928 sur le site d’Arslan Tash, en Syrie du Nord, en incluant les éléments acquis sur le marché de l’art. Les ivoires sont ici attribués, en tout cas pour une grande partie, à une production damascène remontant au ixe siècle avant J.-C. ; il s’agirait du butin pris à Damas par les Assyriens lors de leur campagne de 773. Un historique retrace le déroulement des fouilles et la dispersion de la collection, aujourd’hui partagée entre le musée du Louvre, Alep, Karlsruhe, Hambourg, New York et Jérusalem. Les observations faites lors des fouilles récentes de la mission italo-syrienne précisent le contexte archéologique du Bâtiment aux ivoires. L’étude technique s’intéresse à l’origine et à la mise en oeuvre de la défense d’éléphant, concluant à une production homogène. Une étude philologique des marques et inscriptions araméennes les replace dans la mouvance de Ḥazael, roi historique de Damas vers 843-806 avant J.-C. Des rapports de laboratoire et de restauration reconstituent l’emploi de la dorure et d’une palette étendue de couleurs aujourd’hui effacées. Un chapitre propose des hypothèses de restitution des meubles disparus, sans doute plusieurs trônes et lits. Le catalogue de 304 numéros est ordonné par types iconographiques et toutes les pièces bénéficient d’une illustration complète graphique et photographique sous diverses lumières.

This book, presented as Ph.D dissertation at the University of Turin, studies the ivory decoratin... more This book, presented as Ph.D dissertation at the University of Turin, studies the ivory decorating the royal furniture discovered by the François Thureau-Dangin in 1928 on the site Arslan Tash, in northern Syria, including the pieces later appeared on the art market and coming from the same site. The collections are today shared between different museums: Musée du Louvre, Archaeological Museum of Alep, Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Metropolitan Museum New York, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem and Ecole Biblique Jerusalem.
The book discusses the history of ivory studies, methodologies, the story of Arslan Tash excavations and ivory collections, and proposes a reconstruction of the ancient ivory production cycle, tools and techiques.
A detailed catalogue with 305 entries is completed by color pictures of the ivories' rectos and versoes taken in daylight and ultraviolet light and technical drawings.
Publication of the ivory furniture found in the Square House at Nisa by the Soviet Archaeological... more Publication of the ivory furniture found in the Square House at Nisa by the Soviet Archaeological Expedition in 1948-1949
Papers by Giorgio Affanni
Edited Conference Proceedings by Giorgio Affanni
Books by Giorgio Affanni
The book discusses the history of ivory studies, methodologies, the story of Arslan Tash excavations and ivory collections, and proposes a reconstruction of the ancient ivory production cycle, tools and techiques.
A detailed catalogue with 305 entries is completed by color pictures of the ivories' rectos and versoes taken in daylight and ultraviolet light and technical drawings.
The book discusses the history of ivory studies, methodologies, the story of Arslan Tash excavations and ivory collections, and proposes a reconstruction of the ancient ivory production cycle, tools and techiques.
A detailed catalogue with 305 entries is completed by color pictures of the ivories' rectos and versoes taken in daylight and ultraviolet light and technical drawings.