Papers by Gilbert Nshogoza

Journal of Baltic Science Education
Since pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) influences the teaching-learning process, it has domina... more Since pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) influences the teaching-learning process, it has dominated research on teacher effectiveness. This case study explored teachers’ enacted topic-specific PCK (TSPCK) during the biology lesson study stages: planning, teaching, and reflecting. The enacted TSPCK in two video-recorded research lessons was analysed qualitatively. The results showed that the teacher enacted both high-order and low-order pedagogical actions in the enactment of the TSPCK on eight themes, namely: teaching strategies, classroom interactions, representations, curricular saliency, conceptual teaching strategies, students’ prior knowledge and misconceptions, and what makes teaching or learning difficult. The results also show that the teachers’ collective planned TSPCK was more developed than their personal TSPCK, indicating that participation in the lesson study improved the teachers’ TSPCK. The study is important as it shows how teachers enact their personal and collecti...

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Since teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) plays a vital role in attaining educational g... more Since teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) plays a vital role in attaining educational goals, it has become a favourable construct in science education research. Because students are more perceptive when evaluating teachers, this quantitative survey examined students’ perceptions of biology teachers’ enacted PCK (ePCK). The sample consisted of 319 students from six secondary schools in three districts of Lusaka province, Zambia. Data were collected using a Likert- scale questionnaire called “students’ perceptions of teachers’ enacted PCK” questionnaire. It had a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.842, indicative of good reliability. Data were collected on six ePCK components: curricular saliency, what makes the subject easy or difficult to understand; conceptual teaching strategies; representations; students’ prior knowledge; and assessment. The findings revealed that the students perceived that their biology teachers’ ePCK was moderate (M=3.61, SD=0.47). While the component ‘stud...

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teachers influences students’ achievement of the learn... more The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teachers influences students’ achievement of the learning outcomes. This study examined teachers’ perceived enactment of PCK in biology. The quantitative survey design was adopted by using a Likert-scale questionnaire consisting of six components of PCK, namely curricular saliency, students’ prior knowledge, what makes the subject easy or difficult, representations, conceptual teaching strategies, and assessment. Data on teachers’ perceived enacted PCK (ePCK) were collected from 54 biology teachers selected from 14 secondary schools in three districts of Lusaka province. The data were analyzed by computing descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings revealed that: (a) respondents’ perceived ePCK was high (M = 4.29, SD = .37), (b) respondents’ perceived ePCK was not influenced by gender, teaching experience, and type of school, (c) respondents’ perceived ePCK was infl...
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
光是植物的生命。当植物周围有其它植物遮挡时,其它植物反射的远红光使其所感受到的红光远红光比例下降。当红光远红光比例下降时,最为显著的反应是下胚轴和叶柄快速生长,叶片偏下性,侧枝减少,开花提前,叶... more 光是植物的生命。当植物周围有其它植物遮挡时,其它植物反射的远红光使其所感受到的红光远红光比例下降。当红光远红光比例下降时,最为显著的反应是下胚轴和叶柄快速生长,叶片偏下性,侧枝减少,开花提前,叶绿素含量降低等。这些反应统称为“避荫综合症”。避荫反应是植物的一项基本生存策略。另一方面,它也会使典型现代农业中高密度种植的作物减产,因为体内的能量从储能器官分配到快速伸长的茎和叶柄。尽管避荫综合症对作物有不良影响,但是我们对其分子调控机制还不是很清楚。我们分离了一株避荫突变体P25-52,此突变体在遮荫条件下下胚轴较短,另外开花也较晚,叶片呈锯齿状。在此项研究中,我们主要观察了在不同的光照以及激素处理...Light is life for plants. Presence of nearby plants results in a reduction in the red to far-red ratio (R:FR) caused by a specific enrichment in FR light reflected from the surface of neighboring leaves. In response to low R:FR ratio signals, many plants display increased elongation of stems and petioles, leaf hyponasty, reduced branching, accelerated flowering and reduced chlorophyll content. Tho...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162008115376
光是植物的生命。当植物周围有其它植物遮挡时,其它植物反射的远红光使其所感受到的红光远红光比例下降。当红光远红光比例下降时,最为显著的反应是下胚轴和叶柄快速生长,叶片偏下性,侧枝减少,开花提前,叶... more 光是植物的生命。当植物周围有其它植物遮挡时,其它植物反射的远红光使其所感受到的红光远红光比例下降。当红光远红光比例下降时,最为显著的反应是下胚轴和叶柄快速生长,叶片偏下性,侧枝减少,开花提前,叶绿素含量降低等。这些反应统称为“避荫综合症”。避荫反应是植物的一项基本生存策略。另一方面,它也会使典型现代农业中高密度种植的作物减产,因为体内的能量从储能器官分配到快速伸长的茎和叶柄。尽管避荫综合症对作物有不良影响,但是我们对其分子调控机制还不是很清楚。我们分离了一株避荫突变体P25-52,此突变体在遮荫条件下下胚轴较短,另外开花也较晚,叶片呈锯齿状。在此项研究中,我们主要观察了在不同的光照以及激素处理...Light is life for plants. Presence of nearby plants results in a reduction in the red to far-red ratio (R:FR) caused by a specific enrichment in FR light reflected from the surface of neighboring leaves. In response to low R:FR ratio signals, many plants display increased elongation of stems and petioles, leaf hyponasty, reduced branching, accelerated flowering and reduced chlorophyll content. Tho...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162008115376

Nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1 (NSD1), which is a family member of histone methylt... more Nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1 (NSD1), which is a family member of histone methyltransferases, functions to methylate histone H3 on lysine 36 (H3K36). NSD1-related abnormalities are the major cause of Sotos syndrome, and also known to be associated with other human diseases. Inhibitors targeting histone methyltransferases DOT1L and EZH2 have been reported recently. However, no chemical probes targeting NSD1 have been found so far. Here, we identified three hits targeting the NSD1 SET domain using ligand-observed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) fragment-based screening. The binding affinities of the hit compounds to the NSD1 SET domain were determined by dose-dependent chemical shift perturbation analysis. Furthermore, the potential binding modes of the hit compounds to NSD1 were obtained by molecular docking. The hit compound 1 was found to bind to the binding pocket of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), an endogenous ligand of the protein, in the NSD1 SET domain. The study...

The FEBS journal, Jan 12, 2018
As a reader of di-methylated arginine on various proteins, such as histone, RNA polymerase II, PI... more As a reader of di-methylated arginine on various proteins, such as histone, RNA polymerase II, PIWI and Fragile X mental retardation protein, the Tudor domain of Tudor domain-containing protein 3 (TDRD3) mediates transcriptional activation in nucleus and formation of stress granules in the cytoplasm. Despite the TDRD3 implication in cancer cell proliferation and invasion, warheads to block the di-methylated arginine recognition pocket of the TDRD3 Tudor domain have not yet been uncovered. Here we identified 14 small molecule hits against the TDRD3 Tudor domain through NMR fragment-based screening. These hits were further cross validated by using competitive fluorescent polarization and ITC experiments. The crystal structure of the TDRD3 Tudor domain in complex with hit 1 reveals a distinct binding mode from the nature substrate. Hit 1 protrudes into the aromatic cage of the TDRD3 Tudor domain, where the aromatic residues are tilted to accommodate a sandwich-like π-π interaction. The...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
The TDP-43 is originally a nuclear protein but translocates to the cytoplasm in the pathological ... more The TDP-43 is originally a nuclear protein but translocates to the cytoplasm in the pathological condition. TDP-43, as an RNA-binding protein, consists of two RNA Recognition Motifs (RRM1 and RRM2). RRMs are known to involve both protein-nucleotide and protein-protein interactions and mediate the formation of stress granules. Thus, they assist the entire TDP-43 protein with participating in neurodegenerative and cancer diseases. Consequently, they are potential therapeutic targets. Protein-observed and ligand-observed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used to uncover the small molecule inhibitors against the tandem RRM of TDP-43. We identified three hits weakly binding the tandem RRMs using the ligand-observed NMR fragment-based screening. The binding topology of these hits is then depicted by chemical shift perturbations (CSP) of the 15N-labeled tandem RRM and RRM2, respectively, and modeled by the CSP-guided High Ambiguity Driven biomolecular DOCKing (HADDOCK). Th...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology
The FHA domain-containing protein Mek1 is a meiosis-specific kinase that is involved in the regul... more The FHA domain-containing protein Mek1 is a meiosis-specific kinase that is involved in the regulation of interhomolog recombination in meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The recruitment and activation of Mek1 require the phosphorylation of the chromosome axis protein Hop1 at Thr318 (pT318), which is necessary for recognition by the Mek1 FHA domain. Here, crystal structures of the Mek1 FHA domain in the apo state and in complex with the Hop1 pT318 peptide are presented, demonstrating that the hydrophobic residues Phe320 and Val321 at the pT+2 and pT+3 positions in the ligand contribute to the preferential recognition. It was further found that in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mek1 FHA binds both pT15 in its N-terminal SQ/TQ cluster domain (SCD) and pT270 in the Hop1 SCD. The results revealed the structural basis for the preferential recognition of phosphorylated Hop1 by Mek1 in S. cerevisiae and facilitate the understanding of the interaction between the S. pombe Mek1 FHA domain and i...
Papers by Gilbert Nshogoza