Permasalahan penyelendupan manusia yang berkembang saat ini menjadi permasalahan yang serius bagi... more Permasalahan penyelendupan manusia yang berkembang saat ini menjadi permasalahan yang serius bagi Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara transit dan strategis ke negara tujuan, sehingga menimbulkan kewajiban dan tanggung jawab terhadap warga negara asing yang terlibat. Indonesia melalui instansi terkait terutama Imigrasi berusaha untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya dengan melindungi hak-hak asasi manusia mereka dan melaksanakan kebiasaan Internasional melalui prinsip non refoulment. Hal ini dilakukan sampai mereka dikirim ke negara ketiga atau final reject untuk orang yang diselundupkan atau ekstradisi untuk smuggler. Dalam penanganan masing-masing warga negara asing yang terlibat pihak imigrasi selalu berkoordinasi dengan intansi terkait seperti kepolisian dalam penanganan smuggler dan organisasi Internasional (IOM dan UNHCR) dalam penanganan orang yang diselundupkan dimana mereka kemudian tergolong dalam pencari suaka. Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perwakilan Negara yang bersangkutan juga tidak terlepas dari setiap penanganan yang dilakukan.
Indonesia terdiri atas 17.504 pulau, dimana 6.000 di antaranya belum berpenghuni tetap, dengan cu... more Indonesia terdiri atas 17.504 pulau, dimana 6.000 di antaranya belum berpenghuni tetap, dengan cuaca tropis. Pulau Jawa adalah pulau yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan penduduk tertinggi di bandingkan pulaupulau lainnya, karena di pulau Jawa terdapat lebih dari setengah populasi yang ada di Indonesia atau sekitar enam puluh lima persen dari total populasi di Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki 5 pulau besar, yakni: Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Irian Jaya (Papua) serta deretan pulaupulau yang disebut sebagai kepulauan Nusantara atau biasa disebut kepulauan Indonesia.
The purpose of this research is to find out how to regulate the visit permit of foreigners in Ind... more The purpose of this research is to find out how to regulate the visit permit of foreigners in Indonesia and how immigration measures against foreigners exceed the time limit of the visit permit granted (overstay). By using normative juridical research methods, it can be concluded: 1. A visit permit granted by a State to a foreigner is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the State as a state of law that has full authority to determine and regulate restrictions for foreigners to stay in a State. The permit is not a matter of someone foreign, but it is a privilege granted by the State to foreigners. 2. Actions pursuant to Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration for acts exceeding the time limit for overstaying are carried out in a dualism of a law enforcement system that is based on criminal law and administrative law. Administrative immigration actions are more effective and efficient, in terms of law enforcement against overstayed actions.
Along with the development of information and communication technology in this global era, many i... more Along with the development of information and communication technology in this global era, many innovations have been carried out by humans to simplify and speed up a work done, without spending a lot of energy but accelerating the work process. Therefore modern tools have sprung up, ranging from gadgets with high technology, electric cars and aircraft that can disappear on radar. In terms of state security also uses sophisticated technology to conduct and tighten security in an area. Just as Indonesian immigration uses technology assistance to conduct surveillance and security of the Indonesian state, currently many immigration officers who conduct surveillance at Indonesian immigration checkpoints only need to carry out monitoring only, because their work has been taken over by these modern tools, and the results that even better can be felt after using these tools, such as using autogate and online queues
Permasalahan penyelendupan manusia yang berkembang saat ini menjadi permasalahan yang serius bagi... more Permasalahan penyelendupan manusia yang berkembang saat ini menjadi permasalahan yang serius bagi Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara transit dan strategis ke negara tujuan, sehingga menimbulkan kewajiban dan tanggung jawab terhadap warga negara asing yang terlibat. Indonesia melalui instansi terkait terutama Imigrasi berusaha untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya dengan melindungi hak-hak asasi manusia mereka dan melaksanakan kebiasaan Internasional melalui prinsip non refoulment. Hal ini dilakukan sampai mereka dikirim ke negara ketiga atau final reject untuk orang yang diselundupkan atau ekstradisi untuk smuggler. Dalam penanganan masing-masing warga negara asing yang terlibat pihak imigrasi selalu berkoordinasi dengan intansi terkait seperti kepolisian dalam penanganan smuggler dan organisasi Internasional (IOM dan UNHCR) dalam penanganan orang yang diselundupkan dimana mereka kemudian tergolong dalam pencari suaka. Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perwakilan Negara yang bersangkutan juga tidak terlepas dari setiap penanganan yang dilakukan.
Indonesia terdiri atas 17.504 pulau, dimana 6.000 di antaranya belum berpenghuni tetap, dengan cu... more Indonesia terdiri atas 17.504 pulau, dimana 6.000 di antaranya belum berpenghuni tetap, dengan cuaca tropis. Pulau Jawa adalah pulau yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan penduduk tertinggi di bandingkan pulaupulau lainnya, karena di pulau Jawa terdapat lebih dari setengah populasi yang ada di Indonesia atau sekitar enam puluh lima persen dari total populasi di Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki 5 pulau besar, yakni: Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Irian Jaya (Papua) serta deretan pulaupulau yang disebut sebagai kepulauan Nusantara atau biasa disebut kepulauan Indonesia.
The purpose of this research is to find out how to regulate the visit permit of foreigners in Ind... more The purpose of this research is to find out how to regulate the visit permit of foreigners in Indonesia and how immigration measures against foreigners exceed the time limit of the visit permit granted (overstay). By using normative juridical research methods, it can be concluded: 1. A visit permit granted by a State to a foreigner is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the State as a state of law that has full authority to determine and regulate restrictions for foreigners to stay in a State. The permit is not a matter of someone foreign, but it is a privilege granted by the State to foreigners. 2. Actions pursuant to Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration for acts exceeding the time limit for overstaying are carried out in a dualism of a law enforcement system that is based on criminal law and administrative law. Administrative immigration actions are more effective and efficient, in terms of law enforcement against overstayed actions.
Along with the development of information and communication technology in this global era, many i... more Along with the development of information and communication technology in this global era, many innovations have been carried out by humans to simplify and speed up a work done, without spending a lot of energy but accelerating the work process. Therefore modern tools have sprung up, ranging from gadgets with high technology, electric cars and aircraft that can disappear on radar. In terms of state security also uses sophisticated technology to conduct and tighten security in an area. Just as Indonesian immigration uses technology assistance to conduct surveillance and security of the Indonesian state, currently many immigration officers who conduct surveillance at Indonesian immigration checkpoints only need to carry out monitoring only, because their work has been taken over by these modern tools, and the results that even better can be felt after using these tools, such as using autogate and online queues
Papers by Gideon Johan
1. A visit permit granted by a State to a foreigner is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the State as a state of law that has full authority to determine and regulate restrictions for foreigners to stay in a State. The permit is not a matter of someone foreign, but it is a privilege granted by the State to foreigners.
2. Actions pursuant to Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration for acts exceeding the time limit for overstaying are carried out in a dualism of a law enforcement system that is based on criminal law and administrative law. Administrative immigration actions are more effective and efficient, in terms of law enforcement against overstayed actions.
1. A visit permit granted by a State to a foreigner is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the State as a state of law that has full authority to determine and regulate restrictions for foreigners to stay in a State. The permit is not a matter of someone foreign, but it is a privilege granted by the State to foreigners.
2. Actions pursuant to Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration for acts exceeding the time limit for overstaying are carried out in a dualism of a law enforcement system that is based on criminal law and administrative law. Administrative immigration actions are more effective and efficient, in terms of law enforcement against overstayed actions.