Papers by Gibson Ferguson
De Gruyter eBooks, Jul 17, 2015
Journal of English as a lingua franca, Mar 21, 2012
INTRODUCTION Language Planning from the Perspective of Language Spread 2.4.5 Evaluation 2... more INTRODUCTION Language Planning from the Perspective of Language Spread 2.4.5 Evaluation The Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Language Planning Curriculum Evaluation in Language Planning 28 2.5 Conclusion: The Identity of the Language Planner
ELT Journal, 2003
... Roberts (1998) estimates that only about 10% of CELTA/CTEFLA graduates actually go on to obta... more ... Roberts (1998) estimates that only about 10% of CELTA/CTEFLA graduates actually go on to obtain the Diploma. ... Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign language to Adults) which, in turn, became the CELTA ( Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) in 1996. ...
Language Learning & Language Teaching, 2002
Language Learning and Language Teaching The LL&LTmonograph series publishes monographs as wel... more Language Learning and Language Teaching The LL&LTmonograph series publishes monographs as well as edited volumes on applied and methodological issues in the field of language pedagogy. The focus of the series is on subjects such as classroom discourse and ...
English for Specific Purposes, 2011
This paper is a contribution to an expanding literature on the challenges non-Anglophone academic... more This paper is a contribution to an expanding literature on the challenges non-Anglophone academics confront in disseminating their research in English, the dominant language of international scientific communication. Drawing on a corpus of interviews with senior Spanish academics, who remain a relatively little researched academic community compared to many others, we focus on the English language publishing/dissemination practices of our

This paper begins with an outline of some desirable properties of a communicative-pedagogical gra... more This paper begins with an outline of some desirable properties of a communicative-pedagogical grammar. This serves as a theoretical point of reference for the subsequent description of a narrowly bounded semantic area, that of regret and rzlief. Conceptual analysis reveals a systematic relationship between these two emotions, which is grammaticalized through the so-called 'unreal conditional.' The paper then investigates the pragmatic and discoursal circumstances that encourage the selection of conditional exponent for the expression of regret. There is, finally, a brief discussion of pedagogical implications arising from the preceding description. (Contains 28 references.) (Author) ********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 47.3r M...

espanolLas contribuciones que recoge este volumen describen, desde perspectivas multidisciplinare... more espanolLas contribuciones que recoge este volumen describen, desde perspectivas multidisciplinares, la utilizacion del ingles como fenomeno global/local en contextos academicos. En particular, el volumen toma como referente la utilizacion del idioma en un pequeno "microcosmos" universitario e interpreta desde distintos enfoques teoricos la construccion de identidades sociales y la negociacion de significados entre los miembros de dicha comunidad academica. EnglishThis volume, the third of the English in the World series, raises the long standing debate between the globalization of English in today’s research world and those local English language idiosyncrasies and behavior within particular academic communities. The contributions compiled in this edition thus explore a ‘local adaptation’ of language in a small –but none the less representative– university setting, the University of Michigan. Using multidisciplinary standpoints such as critical discourse analysis, pragmati...

The emergence of English as the international language of scientific communication has been so am... more The emergence of English as the international language of scientific communication has been so amply documented (e.g. see Sano, 2002; Ammon, 2003) that its dominance is hardly disputed empirically even by those most critical of this state of affairs. More contested, however, are the effects of this dominance: with two sets of concerns particularly salient: (i) the potential detrimental impact on other languages ‐even standardised national languages, which are at risk, so it is argued, of being relegated to a lesser role in an incipient global diglossia and of losing domains; and (ii) the communicative inequality produced by the dominance of English between, in particular, native-speaking scientists/academics and non-native scientists, the latter experiencing relative disadvantage, it is sometimes claimed, when it comes to placing their work in high prestige international journals. This paper investigates both these concerns drawing on a combination of bibliometric data, literature s...

This paper offers a commentary on the problems of implementing innovation in language education, ... more This paper offers a commentary on the problems of implementing innovation in language education, with particular reference to English language teaching. Various factors that influence adoption and implementation are considered: properties of the innovation, the transmission process, and the management of change. The overall aim of the paper is to contribute to a sounder conceptualization of the change process that will assist those involved in the management of change. Contains 24 references. (Author) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Implementing Innovation in Language Education Gibson Ferguson (IALS) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Rice ol Educational Research and Improvement LICATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) his document has been reproduced as received horn the person or org...

This study is the first stage of a wider enquiry into alternative ways of assessing the readabili... more This study is the first stage of a wider enquiry into alternative ways of assessing the readability of specialist texts. The interest in assessing these texts arose from the need to grade 60 medical journal articles for an individualized English-as-a-Foreign-Language reading scheme for doctors. The study reports on an investigation of subjective judgements of difficulty by "expert" raters. This involved the identification of possible components of difficulty and their independent assessment and scoring by five raters. Subsequent analysis focused on the structure and reliability of these judgements. Preliminary results of the data analysis indicate that four out of the seven components possessed satisfactory levels of inter-rater reliability and that syntactic and lexical difficulty as assessed by the raters may be the best predictors of overall difficulty. Finally, there is statistical evidence that the putative judgement by the raters of seven discrete components may be m...

This volume examines the role of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in education in Europe. Followi... more This volume examines the role of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in education in Europe. Following the implementation of the Bologna process, English has assumed a central role in European education offering institutions the opportunity to cater to the needs of an internationalized student body and increase their competitiveness. On the other hand, the increased use of ELF has become an issue of concern, often perceived as a threat to other languages, tilting the scale towards linguistic inequality and stressing the urgent need for the development of new language policies. Both aspects of ELF are at the center of discussion in the proposed volume, which consists of a variety of papers examining ELF in different parts of Europe (Eastern, Central and Western) and different levels of education. The volume makes a substantial contribution to the lively and controversial debate about what is recognized as a central topical concern of language education policy in Europe and beyond.
Papers by Gibson Ferguson