Papers by Giampaolo Sasso
L'Année psychanalytique internationale .., Oct 3, 2023
Using 'Freud's Project for a scientific psychology' as a starting point, this book is... more Using 'Freud's Project for a scientific psychology' as a starting point, this book is a brilliant new approach that combines psychoanalytical research with neuroscience. Its aim is to to delineate a new psychological framework for mental health practitioners. The author throws light on the slow pace of brain development during childhood, grapples with both the question of evolutionary factors, and the infant's sensitivity and predisposition to build relationships within his environment. The book also broadens and highlights two key topics topics; the origin of language and the importance of introjective-projective modulation in verbal communication.
The Development of Consciousness, 2018
The Development of Consciousness, 2018
The Development of Consciousness, 2018

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2021
Grotstein’s concept of projective transidentification led the author to reconsider the reasons th... more Grotstein’s concept of projective transidentification led the author to reconsider the reasons that have led to the plurality of psychoanalytic models. The solution proposed is the existence of a fundamental frontal-occipital oscillatory dynamic, responsible for the projective-introjective dynamic that is at the basis of psychoanalytic theory and, at the same time, of the development and maintenance of mother–infant attunement. Such an oscillatory dynamic, according to this perspective, operates as a “bridge” between two seminal theoretical models of development – the psychoanalytic and the infant research model. A set of neurological hypotheses regarding how maternal interaction may act to modify the infant’s projective-introjective dynamic and general brain development is proposed. The different possible modifications of this dynamic offer an explanation of the variety and complexity of psychoanalytic models and the opportunity for a unitary approach, both clinical and theoretical...
The Development of Consciousness, 2018
The Development of Consciousness, 2018

A partire dall'interrogativo sul perché il paziente gli sembri improvvisamente estraneo, e da... more A partire dall'interrogativo sul perché il paziente gli sembri improvvisamente estraneo, e dalla lunga rêverie in cui si immagina impegnato con lui in una partita a tennis in cui il paziente impugna la racchetta con uno stile diverso dal consueto, l'autore riflette su alcune regole implicite del lavoro terapeutico che il gioco del tennis man mano gli suggerisce. Vale in questo caso il conteggiare i punti vinti e persi, o il gioco sfuma in una dinamica più problematica, in cui l'alleanza di lavoro sottintende che un punto sia realmente vinto quando si vince in due? E può questa strana regola permettere di riconsiderare i sottili ma necessari mutamenti avvenuti nella storia clinica e teorica della psicoanalisi proprio affinché il gioco terapeutico divenisse gradualmente meno sterotipato, meno legato a schemi volti a dimostrare assunti teorici, e invece più una fonte consonante dello stare insieme in un impegno condiviso, interessato a una reciproca aspirazione vitale? Atto...
The Development of Consciousness, 2018

Semiotica, 2016
This article illustrates the main theoretical and practical problem of the study of the anagram i... more This article illustrates the main theoretical and practical problem of the study of the anagram in poetry, the still unknown entity of the anagrammatic combination, which requires specific software in order to perform a structural analysis of the text. This difficulty explains the failure of Saussure’s original hypotheses and the gradual decline, following the rediscovery of his work, of the interest of researchers in this subject. However, some poems (by Blake, Moore, Mallarmé, Valéry, Apollinaire, and Leopardi) illustrate the enormous potential of the anagram for the structural analysis of poetic texts: the study of formal structure, of semantic-thematic nuclei and of metaphor, together with the main criteria for examining, with some simplification, the anagrammatic combination. An explanation is also offered for anagrammatic and grammatical-syntactic cooperation, involving the current theory of the lemma. At the time of the generation of a poetic text, the anagram acts as an asso...
Papers by Giampaolo Sasso