Giada Goracci
Giada Goracci completed the PhD in English Studies in May 2015 (SSD L-LIN/10, University of Verona) with a dissertation titled “Male Perspectives in Atwood’s Bluebeard’s Egg and Hazzard’s The Transit of Venus”. She is “Scholar on the Subject” since 2012 and her areas of research include gender studies, literature and film, literature and fashion studies, ethics, and power and the body. She has been teaching English and German language and literature in upper secondary school since 2006. She is teaching Scientific English at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Brescia and Verona) since 2015. She is Member of the Editorial Board Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, University of Nis, Serbia, and of the Editorial Board SDU Journal of English Studies, Suleyman Demirel University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is also member of the Italian Association of English Studies (AIA) and of the Italian Association of Law and Literature (AIDEL).
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Papers by Giada Goracci