Papers by Giacomo Tripodi
Phycologia, 1988
... 27 (2), 1988 scale discontinuous patterns of nuclear DNA content are known to be widespread i... more ... 27 (2), 1988 scale discontinuous patterns of nuclear DNA content are known to be widespread in diverse vascular plant taxa (cf. Rothfels et a11966; Jones & Rees 1968; Sparrow & Nauman 1973) and in the green alga Cladophora (Kapraun & Gargiulo 1987a, 1987b). ...

A recent putative contribution has come from an Italian engineer named Felici Vinci, who publishe... more A recent putative contribution has come from an Italian engineer named Felici Vinci, who published a book called Omero nel Baltico. Le origini nordiche dell'Odissea e dell'Iliade, in 1995, translated into English as The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales (Rochester, VT, 2006). Vinci's thesis is that the Achaian Greeks lived, in the early 2 nd millennium B.C., in the Baltic region, and emigrated thence to their more commonly supposed homeland in the Aegean, in the middle of that millennium, conquering the Minoan Cretans and seizing control of the Helladic mainland where they installed themselves in and augmented the fortress settlements and palaces of the 'Mycenaean' civilization; and bringing along with them oral 'texts' of what we know as the Iliad and the Odyssey. According to Vinci, these texts describe events of heroic saga originally located in the Baltic and North Sea areas, in great detail. When the Achaians (or Danaans-whose name really represents, or is cognate with, for Vinci, the Danes) settled in the Aegean, they gave names of the 'Homeric' locales to sites in the new homeland-but imperfectly, or not fully successfully or consistently. (For how could one expect a perfect match between itineraries and topographies which do indeed fit perfectly geographical realities of Finland, Estonia, Britain, and other northern European settings, and what is to be met with in Greece, Turkey, and southern Italy?) After oral transmission for, apparently, about 900 years, the great epic poems were at length written down in 8 th or 7 th century B.C. Ionia, no one suspecting that they had had this original northern genesis and passing on until Vinci appeared on the scene.
Phycologia, 1992
... such a mixture of characters is shown by G. chilensis Bird, McLachlan et de Oliveira, which h... more ... such a mixture of characters is shown by G. chilensis Bird, McLachlan et de Oliveira, which has short tubular nutritive cells connected only to the cystocarp floor (a character of Hy dropuntia) but with spermatangial conceptacles of textorii-type (a character of Gracilaria; Bird et at. ...
Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Nov 25, 2009
Following the ancient Hermetic aphorism solve et coagula, we investigate the nature of the interf... more Following the ancient Hermetic aphorism solve et coagula, we investigate the nature of the interface between physics and biology by moving up and down the different temporal and spatial scales which enter the description of natural phenomena. Various indications seem to support both the existence of such an interface and the possibility of finding methods, languages, and targets shared by such two disciplines. However, this possibility becomes remote if one moves further and further from the microscopic level of atoms and molecules (and, correspondingly, of molecular biology). We conclude that the biologically founded epistemology proposed by Maturana and Varela as well as cultural anthropology and sociology cannot yet be treated with the methodology of physics.
Journal of Phycology
In the present study we observed that thalli of Porphyra elongata from the Straits of Messina, de... more In the present study we observed that thalli of Porphyra elongata from the Straits of Messina, dehydrated and freezed at -20°C up to 31 months, were able to resist in a viable state probably due to the synthesis of endogenous cryoprotectants.

Giornale botanico italiano, 1967
Ecological observations dealing with some seaweeds of Bay of Naples in connection to their vertic... more Ecological observations dealing with some seaweeds of Bay of Naples in connection to their vertical zonation. — The algal zonation in a basaltic locality of the Bay of Naples was studied by the A. in order to get some data about the environmental requirements of seaweeds living in that locality. He pointed out the vegetation girdles of: a) « Bangia fuscopurpurea », « Gelidium pusillum », « Nemalion helmintoides » in the supra-littoral belt; b) « Corallina mediterranea » and « Enteromorpha compressa » in the eu-littoral belt; c) « Pterocladia capillacea », « Scytosiphon lomentarius », « Callithamnion granulatum » and « Derbesia tenuissima » in the infra-littoral belt, studied to 70 cm below the water mark. All these belts are overlapped by that of « Porphyra leucosticta ». « Bangia fuscopurpurea » seems to have a scarce adaptability, since it vegetates exclusively on the rocks spraied by the waves, but never submerged, so that this girdle is very large only in the more exposed localities; this seaweed lives in the winter and in the spring season, and shows high resistence to drying. « Gelidium pusillum » vegetates all over the year, living near the high water mark; it forms tufts which retain the water and, therefore, allows others seaweeds, as « Ceramium rubrum » and « Champia parvula », to vegetate in the supra-littoral belt. « Nemalion helmintoides » vegetates only for a short time during the spring season on the very exposed rocks, a little up the high water mark; it forms a very narrow girdle, showing a very poor adaptability, probably because of the rate of its gas-exchange. « Corallina mediterranea » forms the tipical girdle of the exposed eu-littoral, while the « Enteromorpha compressa » preferes sheltered localities, with changeable salinity of the water. The girdle of « Scytosiphon lomentarius » vegetates luxuriantly only in spring season, in the exposed infra-littoral, a little below the low water mark. « Pterocladia capillacea », and particularly the girdle of the « Callithamnion granulatum » and « Derbesia tenuissima », are tipical of sheltered water. The « Porphyra leucosticta » girdle overlaps the other ones; this seaweed has a very strong power of adaptation, since it vegetates in more different environmental conditions, as those of the exposed supra-littoral and those of sheltered infra-littoral. The A. concludes his observations pointing out the moderate ecological value of the subdivision in belts (supra- eu- and infra-littoral belt) of the Littoral System, because this subdivision considers static the critic levels, while they are mobile. Furthermore, the A. suggests to computing the Ercegovic's « ecological valence » of a seaweed as number of exposure steps in which it vegetates, rather than as limit steps average; this index is not indicative of the power of adaptation.
Giornale botanico italiano, 1987
... SG Gmelin) Silva Gracilaria dirra (C. Agardh) J. Agardh Gracilaria corallicola Zanardini Grac... more ... SG Gmelin) Silva Gracilaria dirra (C. Agardh) J. Agardh Gracilaria corallicola Zanardini Gracilaria dettdroides Gargiulo, De hlasi & Tripodi Gracilaria loriga Gargiulo, De hlnsi & Tripodi Gracilaria arcirata Zanardini Gracilaria ceruicornis (Turner) J. Agnrdh ... CWK Gleerup, Lund. ...

ABSTRACT Pentidattilo sorge in pittoresca posizione tra le colli-ne che si affacciano sul Mar Jon... more ABSTRACT Pentidattilo sorge in pittoresca posizione tra le colli-ne che si affacciano sul Mar Jonio nella zona com-presa tra Saline Joniche e Melito Porto Salvo; dal punto di vista paesaggistico è uno dei luoghi più sug-gestivi di tutta la Calabria. Dopo un periodo di splendore, il paese ha vissuto una continua fase di decadenza, determinata, soprat-tutto, da alluvioni e terremoti. Attualmente è quasi in abbandono: arroccate sotto la protezione della grande rupe vi sono le abitazioni, molte delle quali abbandonate, addossate l'una sull'altra in un insieme di tetti, scalinate, finestre e balconi, tra cui s'insinua una fitta vegetazione ruderale. Il nome Pentidattilo, o Pentedattilo, ha origine greca, pentedàktylos, che significa "cinque dita". Chiaro il riferimento alla rupe che, osservata da più punti, assume la forma di una mano con le cinque dita, sul palmo della quale si adagia il borgo. Le nostre ricerche hanno avuto lo scopo di censire le specie vegetali della rupe di Pentidattilo e dell'area circostante, con particolare riguardo alla flora rude-rale, per consentire la comparazione con i vecchi studi, ma anche, e soprattutto, per percepire la dina-mica del cambiamento per il futuro. IL SITO La località di Pentidattilo posta a circa 5 km a nord della frazione Annà del Comune di Mélito di Porto Salvo (Reggio Calabria), risulta individuata nella car-tografia della Carta d'Italia nella Tavoletta del-l'I.G.M. del Foglio 263, I NO (Fig. 1). Lo spartiacque tra la fiumara di Montebello ed il tor-rente San Vito risulta identificato dalla congiungen-te la cima più alta della Rocca (che raggiunge un'al-tezza massima di 454 m) con la località denominata Calvario, con l'abitato che si è sviluppato esclusiva-mente ad ovest di tale spartiacque, in sinistra idro-grafica al bacino della Fiumara di Montebello. L'abitato risulta compreso all'incirca tra le quote di 200 m s.l.m. delle case più basse e 275 m s.l.m. della zona alta del paese, occupando tutta l'esposizione 3 INFORMATORE BOTANICO ITALIANO, 36 (1) 3-12, 2004
Giornale botanico italiano, 1996
Giornale botanico italiano, 1967
A structure comparable with the lomasomes in baustorial cells of « Cuscuta pentagona » Engelm. — ... more A structure comparable with the lomasomes in baustorial cells of « Cuscuta pentagona » Engelm. — Electron microscopic observations of haustorial cells in « Cuscuta pentagona » revealed to the A. the presence of some vesicular structures, outside the plasma membrane, comparable to the lomasomes of Moore and McAlear. The vesicles usually group in a bag of the plasma membrane
The Journal of Cell Biology, 1972
Protoplasma, 1984
Summary The fine structure of plastids in the early stages of differentiation has been studied du... more Summary The fine structure of plastids in the early stages of differentiation has been studied during the carposporogenesis of the red algaNitophyllum punctatum (Stackh.) Grev. A membranous body has been found in the plastidial matrix, which shows connections either with thylakoids, or with the plastidial genophore. More than one membranous body may be present and in some instances they show
Protoplasma, 1970
Plant Systematics and Evolution, 1983
... HEYWOOD (1972) found such an origin of the flagellar hairs in the chloromonad Vacuolaria;MIGZ... more ... HEYWOOD (1972) found such an origin of the flagellar hairs in the chloromonad Vacuolaria;MIGZ~OT & al. ... a membrane-microtubules complex is not expressed in the vegetative stages of this organism (MELcmON~A & DE MASI 1977) or during tetrasporogenesis (S ANTISI & ...
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2006
... A light microscopy study of a vascular plant (Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii) of the Lower ... (2004... more ... A light microscopy study of a vascular plant (Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii) of the Lower ... (200413. Schoenhut, K, Vann, DR and LePage Ben, A. 2004. Cytological and ultrastructural preservation in Eocene Metasequoia leaves from the Canadian High Artic. Am J Bot , 9: 816–824. ...
Phycologia, 1986
... He removed H. rodrigueziana J. Feldmann and H. dichotoma J. Ag. to the genus Sebdenia, reduce... more ... He removed H. rodrigueziana J. Feldmann and H. dichotoma J. Ag. to the genus Sebdenia, reduced H. naegelii Kiitz. and H. ul voidea Zanard. ... Univ. Calif. Pubis Bot. 58: 1-95. CODOMIER L. 1972. Sur la reproduction sexuee du Sebdenia rodrigueziana (J. Feldm.) comb. nov. ...
Papers by Giacomo Tripodi