Germin Gohary
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Papers by Germin Gohary
This research aims to define a checklist for sustainable measures regarding vegetation on university campuses based on international cases and literature. The study examines the state of landscapes in some of the Egyptian contemporary campuses and the application of sustainability measures. The methodology deduces from literature review and formulates a checklist used in the empirical study. This part includes checking landscape sustainability measures on international campuses and available ranking systems e.g. SITES. The second part feeds the checklist inductively from the case studies and leads to some guidelines for the contemporary Egyptian case, showing the current situation and supported by results from comparative analysis.
The American University in Cairo (AUC), the German University in Cairo (GUC) and the British University in Egypt (BUE) refer to new campuses that were expected to be more manageable and innovative in applying sustainability measures. The cases are analyzed according to the checklist by observations, questionnaires and discussions with responsible landscape units. According to the studied cases, the ecological sustainability of landscape related to vegetation is only partly achieved. Mostly, the main driver remains the economic benefit while the ecological benefit is mostly not considered.
This research aims to define a checklist for sustainable measures regarding vegetation on university campuses based on international cases and literature. The study examines the state of landscapes in some of the Egyptian contemporary campuses and the application of sustainability measures. The methodology deduces from literature review and formulates a checklist used in the empirical study. This part includes checking landscape sustainability measures on international campuses and available ranking systems e.g. SITES. The second part feeds the checklist inductively from the case studies and leads to some guidelines for the contemporary Egyptian case, showing the current situation and supported by results from comparative analysis.
The American University in Cairo (AUC), the German University in Cairo (GUC) and the British University in Egypt (BUE) refer to new campuses that were expected to be more manageable and innovative in applying sustainability measures. The cases are analyzed according to the checklist by observations, questionnaires and discussions with responsible landscape units. According to the studied cases, the ecological sustainability of landscape related to vegetation is only partly achieved. Mostly, the main driver remains the economic benefit while the ecological benefit is mostly not considered.