Papers by George W Singleton
The completion of the oncology research by Dr. Otto H. Warburg. PhD., MD. 1931 Nobel Prize Laurea... more The completion of the oncology research by Dr. Otto H. Warburg. PhD., MD. 1931 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine who died in 1970 including the advances in the Quantum Physics of Singlet Oxygen and the similarities in the etiology of Atheroslerosis, Sepsis and Spontaneous Cancer primary cause, prevention and reversal.
This "Dr. Otto H. Warburg Spontaneous Cancer Treatise" completes this 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiol... more This "Dr. Otto H. Warburg Spontaneous Cancer Treatise" completes this 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awardee's oncology work __ known as the Warburg Effect and Hypothesis___ by adding the quantum physics of Singlet Oxygen from plant photosynthesis and the anerobic colonic nature of the human gut that provides the cause of Spontaneous Cncer eluding modern oncology and threatening the industrialized world with a 50% death rate.
This Dr. Otto H. Warburg PhD., MD. Cancer Treatise completes the oncology work of the famous 1931... more This Dr. Otto H. Warburg PhD., MD. Cancer Treatise completes the oncology work of the famous 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine who discovered the cell orgamelle the Mitochondria, its enzyme Cytochrome _ C Oxidase that aerobically oxidises glusose sugar for the human body's energy and heat needs and the cause of Spontaneous (Endogenous) Cancers not caused my mutagenic DNA damaging chemicals.

This Dr. Otto H. Warburg, PhD., MD. Cancer Treatise completes the ground breaking oncology work o... more This Dr. Otto H. Warburg, PhD., MD. Cancer Treatise completes the ground breaking oncology work of the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awardee who discovered the cell organelle the Mitochondria, its Cytochrome _ c Oxidase Enzyme of Respiratory Glucose Oxidation and the cause of Spontaneous (Endogenous) Cancer. His Warburg Effect and Hypothesis is totlly misunderstood and suppressed by modern oncological research.
His discovery that cancer cells are produced from a 35% reduction in oxygen over a two day period and that these cancer cells change their metabolism to an anerobic fermentation of sugar must be addressed if the looming 50% cancer death rate in America and Europe is to be stopped and reversed.
Key to this challenge is understanding the role of Oxygen _specifically Singlet Oxygen created by plant photosynthesis in the evolution of life on earth and specifically Singlet Oxygen's creation of celluar differentiation. Dr. Warburg's suppressed scientific article on Oxygn is presented and explained through a series of Illustrations by Art Historian Gidgette Natasha Ulloa-Torres.
The 18 th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut's Naval Expedition to Punt is holistically an... more The 18 th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut's Naval Expedition to Punt is holistically analyzed via comparative religious, spiritual, prehistorical, anthropological, biological, geographical and art historical aspects based on the findings of Alternative/Independent Egyptologists Ame' Amenlineau, Edouard Naville, George James, Cheikh Anta Diop, Robert Bauvel, Basil Davidson and E. Wallis Budge that black Africans of the Central Great Lakes were the founders of the first and greatest human culture which was multi racial and multi-culturalW. .
Drafts by George W Singleton
From the first book on the 18 th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut Naval Expedition to Pu... more From the first book on the 18 th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut Naval Expedition to Punt by German Egyptologist Johann Duemichen published in 1868 a related artifact belonging to the former but not included indicates an elaborate forgery has been perpetrated targeting the Queen of Punt Ati. Punt is identified as the modern day Eritra and Sheba with the modern day Ethiopia and encompasses a land safari from just an estimated 650 miles from where the first Human race matriarch named "Mitochondria Eve" originated in 230,000 BC in East and Central African Great \Lakes the legendary Garden of Eden or "Khent Hun Nefer"..
Papers by George W Singleton
His discovery that cancer cells are produced from a 35% reduction in oxygen over a two day period and that these cancer cells change their metabolism to an anerobic fermentation of sugar must be addressed if the looming 50% cancer death rate in America and Europe is to be stopped and reversed.
Key to this challenge is understanding the role of Oxygen _specifically Singlet Oxygen created by plant photosynthesis in the evolution of life on earth and specifically Singlet Oxygen's creation of celluar differentiation. Dr. Warburg's suppressed scientific article on Oxygn is presented and explained through a series of Illustrations by Art Historian Gidgette Natasha Ulloa-Torres.
Drafts by George W Singleton
His discovery that cancer cells are produced from a 35% reduction in oxygen over a two day period and that these cancer cells change their metabolism to an anerobic fermentation of sugar must be addressed if the looming 50% cancer death rate in America and Europe is to be stopped and reversed.
Key to this challenge is understanding the role of Oxygen _specifically Singlet Oxygen created by plant photosynthesis in the evolution of life on earth and specifically Singlet Oxygen's creation of celluar differentiation. Dr. Warburg's suppressed scientific article on Oxygn is presented and explained through a series of Illustrations by Art Historian Gidgette Natasha Ulloa-Torres.