Papers by Geoffrey Kennedy
The Fifth Australasian Workshop on Software and …, 2004
Page 20. 12 Design Patterns in Information System Development Geoffrey J. Kennedy School of Infor... more Page 20. 12 Design Patterns in Information System Development Geoffrey J. Kennedy School of Information Technologies The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 gkennedy@ it. usyd. edu. au Abstract Having been involved in ...

Elsewhere Kennedy describes three elementary structures to be found in entity-relationship diagra... more Elsewhere Kennedy describes three elementary structures to be found in entity-relationship diagrams. Here, each of these structures is considered in the context of a transaction processing system and a specific set of components that can be associated with the structure is described. Next, an example is given illustrating the use of elementary structures as an analytical tool for data modelling and a diagnostic tool for the identification of errors in the resulting data model. It is conjectured that the amount of effort associated with each structure can be measured. A new approach for the estimation of the total effort required to develop a system, based on a count of the elementary structures present in the entity-relationship diagram, is then proposed. The approach is appealing because it can be automated and because it can be applied earlier in the development cycle than other estimation methods currently in use. The question of a suitable counting strategy remains open.
In an introductory course in information technology at the University of Otago the acquisition of... more In an introductory course in information technology at the University of Otago the acquisition of practical skills is considered to be a prime objective. An effective way of assessing the achievement of this objective is by means of a `practical test', in which students are required to accomplish simple tasks in a controlled environment. The assessment of such work demands a high level of expertise, is very labour intensive and can suffer from marker inconsistency, particularly with large candidatures.

leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to und... more leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to undergraduate teaching, the department is also strongly involved in post-graduate research programmes leading to MCom, MA, MSc and PhD degrees. Re-search projects in spatial information processing, connectionist-based information sys-tems, software engineering and software development, information engineering and database, software metrics, distributed information systems, multimedia information systems and information systems security are particularly well supported. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the department as a whole. The accuracy of the information presented in this paper is the sole responsibil-ity of the authors. Copyright Copyright remains with the authors. Permission to copy for research or teaching pur-poses is granted on the condition that the authors and the Series are given due ac-knowledgment. Reproduction in any form for purposes other than ...
In 1993 Kennedy identified three elementary structures into which any entity relationship diagram... more In 1993 Kennedy identified three elementary structures into which any entity relationship diagram may be decomposed. He later investigated the use of elementary structure counts as the basis of a metric for effort estimation, but found very poor correlation. Some question was raised about the counting strategy employed and about the reliability of the effort data used, both of which could have contributed to the unsatisfactory results.

In an introductory course in information technology at the University of Otago the acquisition of... more In an introductory course in information technology at the University of Otago the acquisition of practical skills is considered to be a prime objective. An effective way of assessing the achievement of this objective is by means of a ‘practical test’, in which students are required to accomplish simple tasks in a controlled environment. The assessment of such work demands a high level of expertise, is very labour intensive and can suffer from marker inconsistency, particularly with large candidatures. This paper describes the results of a trial in which the efforts of one thousand students in a practical test of word processing were scored by means of a program written in MediaTalk. Details of the procedure are given, including sampling strategies for the purpose of validation and examples of problems that were encountered. It was concluded that the approach was useful, and once properly validated gave rise to considerable savings in the time and effort.
Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Conference on Computing Education Volume 42, 2005
Page 1. Peer-assessment in Group Projects: Is It Worth It? Geoffrey J. Kennedy School of Informat... more Page 1. Peer-assessment in Group Projects: Is It Worth It? Geoffrey J. Kennedy School of Information Technologies The University of Sydney NSW, 2006 [email protected] Abstract The incorporation of group projects into university com-puting courses is wide spread. ...

In 1993 Kennedy identified three elementary structures into which any entity relationship diagram... more In 1993 Kennedy identified three elementary structures into which any entity relationship diagram may be decomposed. He later investigated the use of elementary structure counts as the basis of a metric for effort estimation, but found very poor correlation. Some question was raised about the counting strategy employed and about the reliability of the effort data used, both of which could have contributed to the unsatisfactory results. In order to refine methods for counting elementary structures in the entity relationship diagram some mechanism for assigning relative importance to particular entities is necessary. One approach is for the developer to make this decision, but this then precludes the possibility of automation. This paper explores the use of an exhaustive counting method for identifying principal entities, which can in turn be utilised in the subsequent determination of metrics for effort estimation A further eighteen information system development projects have been analysed and details of their entity relationship models and corresponding structure counts. The author has also gone to pains to improve the quality of the associated effort data.
Page 1. 1 Elementary Structures as a Basis for Effort Estimation in Information System Developmen... more Page 1. 1 Elementary Structures as a Basis for Effort Estimation in Information System Development Projects Geoffrey J. Kennedy Geoffrey C. Hay Computer & Information Science University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand [email protected] Abstract ...

is one of six departments that make up the School of Business at the University of Otago. The dep... more is one of six departments that make up the School of Business at the University of Otago. The department offers courses of study leading to a major in Information Science within the BCom, BA and BSc degrees. In addition to undergraduate teaching, the department is also strongly involved in postgraduate research programmes leading to MCom, MA, MSc and PhD degrees. Research projects in spatial information processing, connectionist-based information systems, software engineering and software development, information engineering and database, software metrics, distributed information systems, multimedia information systems and information systems security are particularly well supported. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the department as a whole. The accuracy of the information presented in this paper is the sole responsibility of the authors. Copyright Copyright remains with the authors. Permission to copy for research or teaching purposes is granted on the condition that the authors and the Series are given due acknowledgment. Reproduction in any form for purposes other than research or teaching is forbidden unless prior written permission has been obtained from the authors.
Software Engineering: Education …, 1997
Page 1. 1 Elementary Structures as a Basis for Effort Estimation in Information System Developmen... more Page 1. 1 Elementary Structures as a Basis for Effort Estimation in Information System Development Projects Geoffrey J. Kennedy Geoffrey C. Hay Computer & Information Science University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand [email protected] Abstract ...
Papers by Geoffrey Kennedy