Papers by Geofakta Razali

Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
The slow growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in rural areas has resulted in low sales ... more The slow growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in rural areas has resulted in low sales volume. Despite the fact that MSMEs provide employment opportunities for rural communities, they do not eliminate poverty or unemployment. To make the most of digital media, solid digital marketing strategies and concepts are required. Digital marketing is the use of social media networks to conduct promotional activities and map digital markets. Digital marketing ideas can bring geographically dispersed parties together by using computers or other electronic equipment. The goal of this research project is to identify the most effective digital marketing tactics for the growth of MSMEs in Cimekar village, Bandung regency. The descriptive qualitative research method was used in this study. The data for this study is gathered through observations, interviews, and secondary sources such as books, journals, and articles. According to the findings of this study, MSMEs' productivity growth...
International Journal of Economics and Management Research
This study aims to analyze the effect of promotions on Instagram, prices and menu variety on purc... more This study aims to analyze the effect of promotions on Instagram, prices and menu variety on purchasing decisions for Hanan Catering in Bandung City. This research approach uses the approachscientificto test the justification of the proposed hypothesis. The population in this study were all consumers of homemade birthday cakes in Bandung. The sampling technique for determining the sample to be used in this study uses the techniquenon probability sampling, that ispurposive sampling. Then the total sample in this study was 91 respondents. The results of the study found that promotions on Instagram, prices and menu variety both simultaneously and partially have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Â

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Film is a work of art that has become a phenomenon in modern life that always produce a content t... more Film is a work of art that has become a phenomenon in modern life that always produce a content that relate with social and human cognition affect in modern lifestyle, one of them is a sexual and a fight of woman. Sexual violence is an act of degrading, insulting, harassing or attacking a person's body, and reproductive function, due to the inequality of power and gender relations, which results in psychic and physical suffering which includes interfering with a person's reproductive health. In this study, the author's goal is to describe and analyze forms of sexual harassment through scenes in the Photocopier film in order to reduce the existence of sexual harassment, to describe and analyze the views in the film Photocopier so that film audiences can be more concerned about sexual harassment. The theory used in this study is Teun A. van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis with the methods carried out in this study are qualitative with data collection techniques used...

International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability and Social Science, Jun 4, 2023
Communication that does not run smoothly will cause miscommunication. In family communication tha... more Communication that does not run smoothly will cause miscommunication. In family communication that is carried out between parents and children, if miscommunication is not immediately resolved, there will be communication congestion. One way to solve this problem is through coaching. In this case, parents become a coach for their children, called a "parent coach," using the SCORE model. This study aims to improve communication skills for parents and strengthen children's cognitive, affective, and communicative abilities. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The results show that through communication based on family coaching and utilizing the score model, parents have good questioning skills so as to produce an optimal performance as parents and provide opportunities for children to provide feedback to parents. And parents are trained to be good listeners. With a series of actions taken by parents through coaching sessions, parents can find out the values of life that are considered "valuable" for children.

MARAWA: Jurnal Masyarakat Religius dan Berwawasan
A product will not be known to potential consumers if there is no effort to inform them about it.... more A product will not be known to potential consumers if there is no effort to inform them about it. Through the communication process, companies have the opportunity to introduce, inform, and spread news about the products they offer to potential consumers. Marketing communication encompasses various multidisciplinary approaches that combine theories and concepts from communication and marketing sciences. The role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is of significant importance in the effort to develop the economic well-being of society. This is particularly related to the effort to empower the community economically and the number of jobs that can be created by these enterprises. In addition to having strategic importance in the development process, SMEs also serve as a tool for achieving a more equitable distribution of the development outcomes achieved so far. The research method uses Participatory Action Research (PAR) with socialization assistance to several SMEs in the ...

Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research
In the era of globalization, the role of Public Relations is very important for an agency or comp... more In the era of globalization, the role of Public Relations is very important for an agency or company. Improving and promoting the company's image is also in the hands of Public Relations, so a Public Relations person must be able to interact well with others and understand the company's side. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze how Public Relations functions in improving the image of PT. Jakarta transportation as a public transportation mode company. In addition, this study aims to determine and analyze the obstacles of Public Relations in the nature of improving the image of PT. Jakarta Transportation. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. This research uses the concept of Scott M Cutlip and Allen Center regarding the function of Public Relations. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observation and documentation techniques. The results of this study show that the Public Relations Function at PT. Jakarta transportation is...
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences
The media is something that cannot be separated from humans in society, as well as the process of... more The media is something that cannot be separated from humans in society, as well as the process of communication, especially mass communication, this is one side of the coin that we cannot sort and choose when we want to discuss it. Mass Communication and Media can change a culture or habit that already exists in society or can even create a new culture. The influence that will appear on society could have a positive impact or even a negative impact. Society is formed by several people or individuals, groups, organizations which then become a heterogeneous society. In this paper the author tries to describe the influence that mass communication and the media have on society and culture, through direct observations and observations made in the community

Akrab Juara : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Improving brand image is an important aspect of business in the field of beauty clinics. Likewise... more Improving brand image is an important aspect of business in the field of beauty clinics. Likewise for Bening's Clinic Kemang South Jakarta Branch, improving a good brand image by public relations to customers so as to increase satisfaction and have a good effect on service. This is the background so that the role of public relations can improve brand image. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of Public Relations in enhancing the brand image of Bening Clinic, Kemang Branch, South Jakarta through Instagram as a service company providing facial skin health services in Indonesia. In addition, this study aims to analyze the obstacles and solutions implemented to overcome obstacles to the role of Public Relations in increasing the brand image of the Bening Clinic, Kemang Branch, South Jakarta. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. This study uses Dozier and Broom's concept regarding the role of Public Relations and Atmoko's concept regarding...

Jurnal Mahardika Adiwidia
This research is a conceptual study that produces an understanding of pluralism that can be obtai... more This research is a conceptual study that produces an understanding of pluralism that can be obtained through the communication actors of cross-dressing artists. This representation has an effect on the acceptance and acknowledgment of the plurality point of view in creating an attitude of respect for differences. Using the concept of recognition from Axel Honneth which provides an overview of social relations built on intersubjective grammar that influences human insight about differences. The researcher uses a qualitative method with a critical methodology to the form of practical dialectics and the theory of cross-dressing art performers, starting from their appreciation of themselves, and their communication behavior and social actions for a moral acceptance that is not in the realm of relativism or absolutism, but on recognition. So that intolerance can be reduced through an attitude of respect for the existence of others.

Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research
The company applies motivation to its employees with the aim of encouraging its employees to be p... more The company applies motivation to its employees with the aim of encouraging its employees to be productive. The company implements the motivation to get maximum performance from employees for the production section, there are demands from the company to be able to produce good quality for its production results. There are two methods used by PT Artistika Kreasi Mandiri, the direct method, where employees feel what they get directly, and the indirect method, such as facilities that can be felt, such as comfort at work, proven to motivate employees. From the observation results that the application of motivation applied by PT Artistika Kreasi Mandiri to its employees when viewed from Herzberg's two factor theory is in accordance with the theory but for the hygienic factor, namely salary according to the results of the salary questionnaire besides being a hygienic factor it can be a motivational factor because it can motivate employees in the production department
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research
Improved employee performance has a good impact on realizing company value. Everyone has personal... more Improved employee performance has a good impact on realizing company value. Everyone has personal interests that may not be in line with the vision and mission. This results in a communication gap between employees and management level. If a communication gap occurs, the company's goal to achieve the target will be hampered. The importance of increasing the intensity of communication between employees with the Collaboration method applied at PT Resonac Materials Indonesia. The theory that underlies this research method includes dyadic power theory. From the results of socialization and discussion, 4 responses emerged. This breakthrough is applied to focus on employees. Employees cannot work alone. Cooperation is needed and optimal collaboration will produce new ideas to create future interactions with new expectations

Indonesian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Startups
PT Industri Plastik AMG (AMG Plastic) has departments of the company whose job is to carry out it... more PT Industri Plastik AMG (AMG Plastic) has departments of the company whose job is to carry out its workflow. In the task of preparing HR needs so that they have the qualifications in accordance with what the company is looking for, it cannot be separated from the role of employees in the Human Relations Division (HRD). The employees in this division are an important part, in which to increase the motivation of these employees must be fully supported by the role of the division head at PT Industri Plastik AMG (AMG Plastic) in creating a good internal company relationship and the relationship between superiors and subordinates. The research method approach used in this study is a qualitative research method by adapting theories related to organizational communication and employee motivation theories through observation, question and answer and retrieval of documentation related to how communication activities are carried out by superiors towards employees to provide constructive motiv...

Indonesian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Startups
This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational communication on work performance, organi... more This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational communication on work performance, organizational commitment, and student and lecturer satisfaction at the STIAMI Institute. A qualitative approach with case studies is used, and the variables tested include internal communication, openness, participation, recognition, and interpersonal communication. Survey methods and academic consultants are applied to strengthen communication and improve the teaching quality of lecturers. The results of the research show the importance of organizational communication in building a harmonious relationship between lecturers and students. This study recommends increasing the acceptance of input from students by lecturers, strengthening communication programs, maintaining the quality of interaction between lecturers and students, and improving services to students. The implication is increasing the effectiveness of organizational communication which has an impact on work performance, organizati...

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
This research investigates the psychological factors influencing pro-environmental behavior among... more This research investigates the psychological factors influencing pro-environmental behavior among adolescents in Bandung City, Indonesia. Adopting a quantitative approach, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data from a representative sample of 500 adolescents aged 14 to 18. The study focused on assessing environmental attitudes, environmental knowledge, environmental consciousness, and environmental self-efficacy about pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, the potential moderating effects of socio-demographic factors on the relationship between psychological factors and pro-environmental behavior were explored. The findings reveal that environmental attitudes and self-efficacy are the strongest predictors of pro-environmental behavior. Ecological consciousness and environmental knowledge also play significant roles in influencing sustainable actions. Furthermore, education level was found to moderate the relationship between environmental learning and pro-environm...

INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
BAF Bussan Auto Finance is a financial service provider company focusing on financing new motorbi... more BAF Bussan Auto Finance is a financial service provider company focusing on financing new motorbikes specifically for the Yamaha brand. Not only providing financing services for Yamaha brand motorcycles, Bussan Auto Finance also provides financing for car loans, electronic devices, gadgets, furniture, and agricultural machinery. Therefore, PT. BAF realizes there must be concrete steps to increase motivation and morale between employees and leaders. This study aims to determine organizational communication strategies for increasing the motivation and morale of Motor Yahama employees. Bussan Auto Finance (BAF) has the vision to become a leading and trusted finance company for customers, business partners, employees and the public. To realize this vision, Bussan Auto Finance has a mission to provide the best financial solutions for the welfare of society. The research method used is qualitative research with observations, interviews, and documentation conducted on Toyota Perintis Sales...

Journal International Dakwah and Communication
The purpose of this study is to find the values conveyed in the film of Bumi Manusia regarding th... more The purpose of this study is to find the values conveyed in the film of Bumi Manusia regarding the social values of the Javanese people and to find out the cultural values conveyed in the film of Bumi Manusia regarding Javanese society. This research is included in qualitative research. The type of research that researchers use is research (documentary research). The data collection technique carried out is to identify several images and dialogues contained in shots and scenes which depict the social and cultural values of the Javanese people. By using descriptive methods and content analysis methods, namely analyzing scenes, and character dialogues based on social and cultural values. The results of this study are expected to be able to answer research questions about social and cultural values in a film and later can be scientifically accounted for and provide advice to young filmmakers in their work.

Komitmen: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
This study aims to examine cultural and social identities associated with regional specialties an... more This study aims to examine cultural and social identities associated with regional specialties and the consumption behavior of Muslim communities in Indonesia during the month of Ramadan. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results of the study show that regional specialties play an important role in the cultural and social identity of the Indonesian people, especially during the month of Ramadan. This can be seen from the consumption patterns of the people who prioritize regional specialties as the main menu when breaking the fast. In addition, regional specialties are also a medium for maintaining and developing cultural and social values that exist in society. This research also shows that cultural and social identities associated with regional specialties have influence on the consumption behavior of Muslim communities in Indonesia during the month of Ramadan. This can be seen from the tendency of people to prefer regional specialties that are...

Akrab Juara : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Aug 5, 2022
Handling complaints is one of the important aspects in apartment management efforts so that they ... more Handling complaints is one of the important aspects in apartment management efforts so that they continue to exist in the property business. Likewise for the Senopati Suites Apartment, good complaint handling by the tenant relations division to residents can provide satisfaction and a good effect for the sustainability of the Senopati Suites Apartment. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication strategy carried out by the tenant relations of the Senopati Suites Apartment in handling residents complaints. This study uses Anwar Arifin's theory of communication strategy regarding communication strategy and the theory of communication barriers by Krietner in describing communication barriers. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the communication strategy carried out by tenant relations Senopati Suites Apartment in handling complaints is to collect data and analyze residents, understand the details of complaints and understand the delivery of communication when handling complaints and also minimize the obstacles that occur when carrying out this communication strategy will have an impact on the successful handling of complaints and increase the comfort of the residents of the Senopati Suites Apartment.

Jurnal Riset Komunikasi
TThis research aims to investigate the production of horror contents in the INSENTIF podcast chan... more TThis research aims to investigate the production of horror contents in the INSENTIF podcast channel by, an Indonesian online news media. When journalistic media are involved in the production of ghost stories and mystery, it raises concerns about journalistic basic principles of providing verified information. To understand this phenomenon, we conducted a qualitative case study and interviewed three key informants from the INSENTIF production team. Using Giddens’ structuration theory as an analysis framework, we identify that the INSENTIF production crews still perceive their routine as part of journalistic works. In writing the script, they strive to rely on credible sources and actualise the discipline of verification although they admit that they insert some fictional horrific scenarios at the beginning of each episode as well. Thus, they mention a disclaimer, explaining that their journalism practice, specifically on horror episodes, is not the same as the regular Tirt...
Papers by Geofakta Razali