Papers by Gennadii Detter
Climatic, conjunctural and technological risks of Arctic development are serious challenges. The ... more Climatic, conjunctural and technological risks of Arctic development are serious challenges. The future opportunities of Russia’s Arctic regions will largely depend on scientific and technological initiatives that will allow getting benefit from new technologies in the interests of business and society. At the same time, such initiatives are practically not taken by regional authorities, society and business. Very limited actions are being taken to improve the quality of life based on knowledge. The article will consider the possibilities of a complex transfer of ”smart” technologies to the Arctic cities of Russia through the formation of local innovative ecosystems in them.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The study was conducted with the aim of developing scientifically sound methodological foundation... more The study was conducted with the aim of developing scientifically sound methodological foundations for managing the formation of regional innovation systems in the Arctic countries as a tool to help overcome traditional geographic and economic determinism, stimulating economic growth and development by expanding the basic factors that determine the development of the macro-region. As a result of the study, patterns of the spatial development of innovation ecosystems have been identified. They determine the thesis of the invariant condition for the sustainable development of the Arctic regions. The Arctic regions, considered only as raw materials appendages, inefficiently use their potential, do not achieve the economic growth that could have been achieved in the case of innovative development of the territories, and as a result they get backward industry. The study made it possible to identify the prerequisites and key factors for the creation and development of effective innovation...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Innovative development of Arctic regions has insignificant dynamics to withstand the emerging cha... more Innovative development of Arctic regions has insignificant dynamics to withstand the emerging challenges and threats. The initial asymmetry of the economic development of Arctic regions stimulated scientific search and innovative orientation but later financial and economic crises and new development priorities reduced the innovation potential of this macro-region. The condition of the regional innovation system becomes critical for the development of the innovation activity in Arctic cities. The study reveals the current state of digital transformation of the Arctic cities of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous area. Digitalization of the economy, the implementation of the “Smart City” concept focused on socio-cultural interactions creates new opportunities for the innovative development of Arctic cities. The advantage of many arctic cities is the concentration of human potential, infrastructure, specific social and economic practices. It is assumed that Arctic cities may face non-systemic an...
European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Sustainability, 2020
Youth educational migration is an urgent problem for most Arctic cities. In particular, this prob... more Youth educational migration is an urgent problem for most Arctic cities. In particular, this problem is extremely important for Russia in the context of changing the paradigm of the planned development of the Arctic oil and gas economy into indefinite long-term prospects and scenarios of Arctic development. This situation led to reducing social-economic northern benefits and compensations and strengthens the trends of Arctic youth educational migration. However, the experience of digital transformation and forced distance learning due to the pandemic of 2020 could bring young people a new understanding of the opportunities of digitalization, influencing their migration decisions. To clarify the potential of digital technologies in solving the problem of youth migration outflow in the Russian Arctic, we surveyed the students at technical schools and colleges of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous area, Russia; sample size 1532 students in total. The analysis of the survey’s results proved th...

E3S Web of Conferences
Existing crises of arctic sustainable development and continuous increase of the VUKA world tende... more Existing crises of arctic sustainable development and continuous increase of the VUKA world tendencies require urgent reconsidering economic and political models in the Arctic region, considering modern global trends, technological, political, socio-cultural conditions, and Russian national development goals. One of the key global trends is rapid urbanization and “smart cities” as a solution to the increasing problems of urban sustainable development. The level of urbanization in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation exceeds the average for the whole world. In this research, we focus on the problem of arctic sustainable “smart cities”. We analyzed existing approaches and concepts of “Smart City” and classified them into three main groups: system (complex) approach, technological approach, and socio-cultural approach. We showed different basic axiomatics and priorities in these approaches, which logically result in different social consequences. We suggested the socio-cultural ap...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Industrial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, climate change, modification... more Industrial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, climate change, modification of the regulatory and legal framework, large-scale economic transformations taking place both in Russia and around the world have led to serious changes in the traditional economy and traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North. A whole complex of interconnected problems and contradictions has arisen. They require serious study, analysis and development of measures to resolve them. In this work, an attempt is made to identify from the arrays of scientific literature, further generalize and formalize the key problems (challenges) of the indigenous peoples of the North, localized on the land territory of the Russian Arctic. The key challenges of indigenous peoples living in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District are formulated. The identity of the problems of indigenous peoples was revealed throughout the territory of the Russian Arctic, which indicates their extra-region...
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
The level of the society human capital development in new technological order becomes the determi... more The level of the society human capital development in new technological order becomes the determining parameter of successful development. Glocalization processes are growing against the background of globalization, ensuring the integration of regional economies into technological and financial chains. The development of the continental and marine Arctic is accelerating. The most effective and environmentally safe development will take place in technologically advanced ecosystems that have created a favorable institutional environment. Both these factors depend on the level of human capital development. Only the country (region), which makes efforts for the purposeful formation of human capital, has the opportunity to steadily develop the Arctic and benefit from it. In connection with climatic, conjuncture and technological challenges, the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation will face serious challenges in the coming years. Responding to challenges of the XXI century, rapid and effective mobilization of scientific and technological initiatives accompanied with the search for talent and active entrepreneurs are required. Regional personnel initiative will raise the level of human capital, which is especially important in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that not a single Arctic region of Russia currently possesses technological capabilities, scientific and research potential, entrepreneurial initiative and finances necessary for a scientific and technological breakthrough. In rare cases some are able to offer sustainable, advanced and demanded scientific-technological and technical solutions. The proposed regional personnel initiative is aimed at outstripping the increase in the general (regional and attracted) intellectual potential that will ensure the development of Arctic ecosystem.

Climate change represents a global challenge that impacts the environment, traditional lifestyle ... more Climate change represents a global challenge that impacts the environment, traditional lifestyle and health of the Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia and threatens their food security. Reindeer are an important food source for this population since reindeer herding products are used as traditional nutrition and effective preventive means and remedies for adapting to the cold and geomagnetic activity in the High North. Longer off-season periods, high summer and winter temperatures, melting ice, and forest and tundra fires have a significant impact on the trampling and degradation of reindeer pastures. These effects may lead to massive reindeer losses and changes in the traditional diet of the Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic, which result in increases in the prevalence of respiratory diseases, overweight and hypertension. This study applied a multidisciplinary approach based on ecological and medical research methods with the inclusion of socioeconomic analysis....
2 заведующий научно-исследовательским сектором социально-экономических исследований, Государствен... more 2 заведующий научно-исследовательским сектором социально-экономических исследований, Государственное казенное учреждение Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа «Научный центр изучения Арктики» (г. Салехард
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The level of the society human capital development in new technological order becomes the determi... more The level of the society human capital development in new technological order becomes the determining parameter of successful development. Glocalization processes are growing against the background of globalization, ensuring the integration of regional economies into technological and financial chains. The development of the continental and marine Arctic is accelerating. The most effective and environmentally safe development will take place in technologically advanced ecosystems that have created a favorable institutional environment. Both these factors depend on the level of human capital development. Only the country (region), which makes efforts for the purposeful formation of human capital, has the opportunity to steadily develop the Arctic and benefit from it. In connection with climatic, conjuncture and technological challenges, the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation will face serious challenges in the coming years. Responding to challenges of the XXI century, rapid and effective mobilization of scientific and technological initiatives accompanied with the search for talent and active entrepreneurs are required. Regional personnel initiative will raise the level of human capital, which is especially important in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that not a single Arctic region of Russia currently possesses technological capabilities, scientific and research potential, entrepreneurial initiative and finances necessary for a scientific and technological breakthrough. In rare cases some are able to offer sustainable, advanced and demanded scientific-technological and technical solutions. The proposed regional personnel initiative is aimed at outstripping the increase in the general (regional and attracted) intellectual potential that will ensure the development of Arctic ecosystem.

Университет Северной Айовы, США; 3 ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный университет геодезии и ка... more Университет Северной Айовы, США; 3 ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный университет геодезии и картографии», г. Москва; 4 ФГБУН «Федеральный исследовательский центр комплексного изучения Арктики имени академика Н. П. Лаверова РАН», г. Архангельск; 5 ГКУ ЯНАО «Научный центр изучения Арктики», г. Салехард Цель исследования-выявление факторов, обеспечивающих жизнедеятельность коренных малочисленных народов Севера (КМНС) в Арктике, а также анализ воздействия их на сохранение и развитие этноса. Выявление проблем и оценка перспектив развития КМНС состоит из трех этапов: анализа зарубежных и отечественных источников, результатов научных экспедиций авторского коллектива; систематизации статистических данных, включающих информацию о динамике развития КМНС (численность, занятость традиционными видами деятельности); оценки влияния правовых, экономических и социальных факторов на сохранение и развитие КМНС. Комплексный анализ широкого круга правовых, экономических и социальных проблем обеспечения традиционной жизнедеятельности КМНС в границах Арктической зоны Российской Федерации (АЗРФ) показал необходимость совершенствования законодательных, финансовых и управленческих действий по их сохранению и как специфической общности, адаптированной к чрезвычайно жестким условиям постоянного проживания за Полярным кругом, и как уникального феногенотипа, деятельность которого тесно переплетена, сопряжена с состоянием природной среды макрорегиона и фактически всецело от него зависит. Подчеркнута исключительная роль и место коренных народностей в сохранении для будущих поколений природных комплексов Арктики в ХХI веке. В условиях резкого нарастания техногенной и антропогенной нагрузки на природные комплексы макрорегиона, связанные с интенсивным освоением топливно-энергетических ресурсов, месторождений редких и драгоценных металлов, развитием береговой транспортной инфраструктуры и кратным повышением численности населения создаваемых в АЗРФ «опорных зон», формируется угроза исчезновения КМНС (энцы осталось порядка 200 человек и водь-менее 100 человек). В условиях масштабного, интегрального воздействия техногенных, антропогенных и климатических факторов на коренные сообщества в Арктике, среду их обитания и традиционного хозяйствования очевидна необходимость неотложного принятия комплекса конкретных и адресных правовых, экономических и социальных мер, направленных на обеспечение их жизнедеятельности и в конечном счете сохранение. Ключевые слова: Арктическая зона Российской Федерации, коренные малочисленные народы Севера, территории традиционного природопользования, сохранение традиционной жизнедеятельности, инфраструктура, правовое регулирование
The study is actualized by the active inclusion of the Arctic into the orbit of global economic a... more The study is actualized by the active inclusion of the Arctic into the orbit of global economic and political interests, which inevitably affect the traditional economy and the traditional nomadic lifestyle of small peoples engaged in reindeer husbandry. This article presents the results of identifying the factors and conditions of transformation of economic behavior of indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Based on the sociopsychological studies of Russian and foreign scientific theories, the reasons for the savings behavior of the indigenous peoples of the North are explained. The modeling of transformation of economic behavior, through the prism of the choice of indigenous peoples' traditional occupation, is carried out.

Indigenous peoples of the North at the turn of the third decade of the 21st century
Industrial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, climate change, modification... more Industrial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, climate change, modification of the regulatory and legal framework, large-scale economic transformations taking place both in Russia and around the world have led to serious changes in the traditional economy and traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North. A whole complex of interconnected problems and contradictions has arisen. They require serious study, analysis and development of measures to resolve them. In this work, an attempt is made to identify from the arrays of scientific literature, further generalize and formalize the key problems (challenges) of the indigenous peoples of the North, localized on the land territory of the Russian Arctic. The key challenges of indigenous peoples living in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District are formulated. The identity of the problems of indigenous peoples was revealed throughout the territory of the Russian Arctic, which indicates their extra-regional nature. Explanations on the mechanisms of the interdetermination of key problems and the formation of cause-effect relationships in the environment of indigenous peoples are given. Based on the results obtained, nodes and development trends of indigenous peoples that allow predicting the further development of events are formulated.

Санкт-Петербургский федеральный исследовательский центр РАН-Северо-Западный центр междисциплинарн... more Санкт-Петербургский федеральный исследовательский центр РАН-Северо-Западный центр междисциплинарных исследований проблем продовольственного обеспечения (Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация) Г. Ф. Деттер ГКУ ЯНАО «Научный центр изучения Арк тики» (Салехард, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ, Российская Федерация) Статья поступила в редакцию 31 июля 2020 г. Представлены анализ и оценка трансформации северного оленеводства при переходе к рыночным условиям хозяйствования. Национальные общины и частные владельцы оленей производят почти 70% товарной продукции оленеводства в Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе (ЯНАО). Новизна работы заключается в использовании хозяйственно-экономических принципов изучения трансформации и адаптации северного оленеводства по результатам сложившейся практики. Концептуальной основой исследования является представление северного оленеводства как уникальной социобиосистемы «человек-оленьпастбище». В составе юридических лиц ассоциировано только 36% частных хозяйств, что создает сложности с организацией регулируемого использования пастбищных угодий. В ЯНАО предполагается провести кооперирование частных хозяйств с целью повышения их управляемости.

Innovative development of Arctic regions has insignificant dynamics to withstand the emerging cha... more Innovative development of Arctic regions has insignificant dynamics to withstand the emerging challenges and threats. The initial asymmetry of the economic development of Arctic regions stimulated scientific search and innovative orientation but later financial and economic crises and new development priorities reduced the innovation potential of this macro-region. The condition of the regional innovation system becomes critical for the development of the innovation activity in Arctic cities. The study reveals the current state of digital transformation of the Arctic cities of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous area. Digitalization of the economy, the implementation of the "Smart City" concept focused on socio-cultural interactions creates new opportunities for the innovative development of Arctic cities. The advantage of many arctic cities is the concentration of human potential, infrastructure, specific social and economic practices. It is assumed that Arctic cities may face non-systemic and ineffective digital transformation, so the process should be accompanied by the development of local innovation systems. The concept of "smart people-smart city-sustainable region" is proposed, which implies prior development of the socio-cultural and intellectual potential providing the ability of arctic people to meet the current challenges and ensure a decent future for themselves.

The study was conducted with the aim of developing scientifically sound methodological foundation... more The study was conducted with the aim of developing scientifically sound methodological foundations for managing the formation of regional innovation systems in the Arctic countries as a tool to help overcome traditional geographic and economic determinism, stimulating economic growth and development by expanding the basic factors that determine the development of the macro-region. As a result of the study, patterns of the spatial development of innovation ecosystems have been identified. They determine the thesis of the invariant condition for the sustainable development of the Arctic regions. The Arctic regions, considered only as raw materials appendages, inefficiently use their potential, do not achieve the economic growth that could have been achieved in the case of innovative development of the territories, and as a result they get backward industry. The study made it possible to identify the prerequisites and key factors for the creation and development of effective innovation ecosystems.
Papers by Gennadii Detter