This paper discusses the relationship between Islamic law and the use of information technology, ... more This paper discusses the relationship between Islamic law and the use of information technology, especially in Indonesia. This research is a library research with the data source in the form of documentation. The results showed that information disclosure in society was due to the development of sophistication in information technology. Everything that happens in other parts of the world in seconds can be known by humans in other parts of the world. Technology was created to serve and facilitate humans in carrying out their life activities. The use of the right information technology can have a positive impact, but the use of inappropriate information technology can have a negative impact. Historical facts in the Islamic world are known to the openness of Muslims to all information in developing Islamic intellectual treasures. In the teachings of Islam, it is found that Allah's affirmation through QS al-Hujurāt/49 verse 12 against facing advances in information technology. Infor...
Istilah unjuk rasa/demonstrasi dalam politik Islam memiliki banyak pengertian yaitu muzaharah, ak... more Istilah unjuk rasa/demonstrasi dalam politik Islam memiliki banyak pengertian yaitu muzaharah, aksi unjuk rasa yang identik dengan kekerasan (anarkis) dan juga bisa dikatakan sebagai aksi mendukung sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap individu maupun golongan. Istilah lainnya adalah masirah, merupakan kebalikan dari muzaharah tanpa berujung anarkisme. Keragaman, perbedaan pandangan, kesalahpahaman, dan setiap hal yang dapat memicu konflik di tengah umat dapat diminimalisir. Berpolitik memang menjadi hak setiap warga negara, Rasulullah saw. pun adalah sosok figur yang lengkap; Rasul, kepala rumah tangga, ulama, negarawan bahkan politikus. Namun dalam hal politik Nabi saw. senantiasa mengedepankan aspek etika dalam berpolitik. Era keterbukaan dan kebebasan berpendapat saat ini menjadi ruang terbuka bagi sebagian orang untuk menyuarakan ide dan gagasan yang tidak jarang bergeser kepada aksi menghujat, mencela, mencaci, mengumbar aib, atau menghina orang atau pihak lain di luar golongannya.
Prophet Muhammad left two very valuable legacies, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. These two leg... more Prophet Muhammad left two very valuable legacies, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. These two legacies have always been the main source of reference for anyone in solving the myriad of life's problems. The complexity of human life in the end also demands the reading and review of applicable sources that have been appreciated by the Prophet Muhammad on his period to be contextualized and exist all the time. Likewise, the emergence of modern challenges that tend to reduce the authority of prophethood is a challenge for Muslims to reconstruct the religious foundations that have long been the formal law in interacting. This research is library research which is analyzed with a normative approach and a contextual approach. The results of this study indicate that as part of Islamic teachings, jihad in the early Islamic narrative may be different from the current version of jihad, either due to contextualization of meaning or due to a reduction in the true essence of jihad.
Perkembangan tasawuf tetap eksis di beberapa wilayah meskipun tidak disebut dengan nama-nama kelo... more Perkembangan tasawuf tetap eksis di beberapa wilayah meskipun tidak disebut dengan nama-nama kelompok tarekat yang masyhur sebagaimana halnya Naqsabandi>ah, Khalwati>ah, dan sebagainya, melainkan dalam bentuk-bentuk majelis zikir yang eksklusivitasnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan kelompok tarekat yang masyhur. Gorontalo pun tidak lepas dari perkembangan jamaah atau majelis zikir yang bernuansa tasawuf, baik dari segi lafaz zikir yang khas digunakan, maupun praktik ibadah lainnya yang secara umum banyak berbeda dari fikih yang diaktualkan oleh mayoritas umat Islam di Indonesia. Salah satu dari majelis zikir tersebut adalah Majelis Zikir Ya Allahu. Beberapa perbedaan dalam praktik ibadah di temukan di majelis zikir ini mulai dari zikir setelah salat, penentuan awal puasa dan 1 Syawal, macam-macam zakat, hingga pada paham tentang haji dan kurban.
Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur... more Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur atas kehamilan yang sementara berjalan kurang lebih tujuh atau delapan bulan dan dikenal dengan istilah molonthalo. Disamping sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, ritual ini juga merupakan wujud pencarian "keberkahan" oleh individu ataupun kelompok di dalam masyarakat yang meyakini dan menyadari kehadiran kekuatan "Mahadahsyat" dalam setiap dimensi kehidupan mereka. Kajian ethnografi yang menggunakan sinergi pendekatan sosio kultural, fenomenologi, dan yuridis normatif ini mengklasifikasikannya tradisi molonthalo ini dalam kategori 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. Dengan klasifikasi ini maka teridentifikasi pula adanya beberapa ritual yang sejalan dengan syariat Islam dan ada pula yang bertentangan. Upaya selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mengeliminir 'urf fasid tersebut ke dalam suatu format ritual yang perubahannya tidak menghilangkan hakekat atau maknamakna penting yang lahir dari medan budaya masyarakat. Sehingga rekonstruksi terhadap tradisi molonthalo ini tetap diarahkan kepada rasionalisasi dan konversi tradisi yang berorientasi kepada Allah-sentris, serta melepaskan paradigma masyarakat dari jebakan belenggu-belenggu tradisi yang bersifat magis, mitologis, animistis, dan budaya yang irasional. This paper explores the ritual of molonthalo, a Gorontalonese traditional ceremony. The molonthalo is performed regarding with the seventh or eighth of pregnancy. This ritual is aimed of express thankful and an expression 'endowment' searching by a person or group within the community who believe that there is a Supremy Being in their lives. This study uses an ethnography which is combined with socio-cultural, fenomenology, and normative. It has been found that the molonthalo ritual classied into 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. It is indicated that there is a relation between this ritual and Islamic tradition. Also there are a number of elements within the ritual are not compatible with the Islamic values. Therefore, a contructive reconstructtotion to this tradition should be evaluated-that is aimed to Allah centris. Too, this tradition is initiated to prevent community from irrational magic, myths and animism.
Abstrak Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan ras... more Abstrak Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur atas kehamilan yang sementara berjalan kurang lebih tujuh atau delapan bulan dan dikenal dengan istilah molonthalo. Disamping sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, ritual ini juga merupakan wujud pencarian "keberkahan" oleh individu ataupun kelompok di dalam masyarakat yang meyakini dan menyadari kehadiran kekuatan "Mahadahsyat" dalam setiap dimensi kehidupan mereka. Kajian ethnografi yang menggunakan sinergi pendekatan sosio kultural, fenomenologi, dan yuridis normatif ini mengklasifikasikannya tradisi molonthalo ini dalam kategori 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. Dengan klasifikasi ini maka teridentifikasi pula adanya beberapa ritual yang sejalan dengan syariat Islam dan ada pula yang bertentangan. Upaya selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mengeliminir 'urf fasid tersebut ke dalam suatu format ritual yang perubahannya tidak menghilangkan hakekat atau makna-makna pe...
This papers is reviewing about the phenomenon of demonstration versus blaspheming that analyzed i... more This papers is reviewing about the phenomenon of demonstration versus blaspheming that analyzed in descriptive with Islamic law approach. This analysis was then developed on two issues, there are: 1) how the phenomenon of demonstrartion and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law on demonstration and blaspheming. Although it can not be generalized, reality at every demonstration activities, the dirty words seem to have become an obligatory song, that should be sung with full of spirit as a the media to berate, incite, blaspheming, even less to provoking, until culminate in anarchy. When it has been so, the democracy lessons, morals, and manners that were taught in school no longer seemed meaningful at all. This is ironic if in these circumstances there is still some that say “this is a political education!”. Even, this demonstration phenomenon is not only happening at the level of college, but also has happened in the institutions of formal education providers secondary l...
This paper examines issues of domestic violence in the perception of Islamic religious leaders on... more This paper examines issues of domestic violence in the perception of Islamic religious leaders on the island of Ambon. The problems in this paper are how the forms, perpetrators, and victims of domestic violence, which are dominant in society. Data were collected through interviews, and analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The result of the research shows that according to the perception of Islamic religious figure on the island of Ambon, the dominant form of domestic violence in society is physical violence which is often done by husband, or psychic violence done by wife to husband. Domestic violence perpetrators dominated by husbands or parents. While the vulnerable to become victims of domestic violence is the wife and children. It is relevant to the theory of power relations, nature theory, nurture theory and patriarchal ideology that is still dominant in society.
This paper describes why Indonesian Muslims are polarized in a different understanding of the sha... more This paper describes why Indonesian Muslims are polarized in a different understanding of the shari'a law. Recently, brotherhood and unity among Muslims considered still hazardous and agonizing. Despite the fact that the difference among the Muslims is about the matters of furu'iah; yet, its implication becomes widening and reaching other significant aspects such as determination of various legal provisions concerning the dimensions of faith, worship, and social life. In order to increase awareness and development of Muslim brotherhood, there have to be concern on maintaining condition ukhuwah cultures, patience, inclusiveness, and acknowledgement of the truth. Muslims also are supposed to not impose a uniformity that does not or has not received by other parties, and endorse similarities that exist of any differences.
This study discusses the issue of corruption that occurs in human life. However, the problem is h... more This study discusses the issue of corruption that occurs in human life. However, the problem is how the grants and gifts given to certain parties are categorized as corruption. This research is library research which is analyzed with a qualitative approach with national law and Islamic law perspectives. The results showed that from the point of view of Islamic law, people's insights were very limited to the issue of bribes and rewards. Some people think that bribery is not a crime, but only a small mistake. Some others, even so, that bribes are forbidden, but they do not care about the prohibition, let alone because they get the benefits. On the other hand, society perceives the bribe as a gift or a token of gratitude. Some even think of it as money for the help someone has given, so they don't feel it as a mistake or even a crime.
This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture wi... more This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture with the practices and traditions of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in the Gorontalo community. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data collection methods applied are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found that the presence and expansion of Islam in Gorontalo also influenced the religious perspective held by the people of Gorontalo. The willingness of the local community to adapt to the new teachings of Islam that they believe is a reinforcement of the acculturation of local cultural practices with the implementation of the tradition of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. The early Islamic preachers in Gorontalo managed to distinguish between the part of the local culture that still worth preserved and the part that must be preserved. This combination and acculturation effort between Islam and local culture is able to e...
This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively wit... more This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively with the approach of Islamic law. This analysis is then developed in two issues, namely: 1) how the phenomenon of rallies and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law against rallies and blaspheming. While it can not be generalized, the reality of the operations of rallies, obscenities seems to have become anthem should be sung with gusto as the media to berate, inflammatory, blasphemous even less so provoking that leads to anarchy. In fact, the protest phenomenon occurs not only at the level of universities, but also have occurred in institutions of formal education providers’ secondary level (high school or vocational school). Schools are supposed to be the center of the development of a positive culture turned into the arena articulation of words that are very far from polite category.
This paper discusses the relationship between Islamic law and the use of information technology, ... more This paper discusses the relationship between Islamic law and the use of information technology, especially in Indonesia. This research is a library research with the data source in the form of documentation. The results showed that information disclosure in society was due to the development of sophistication in information technology. Everything that happens in other parts of the world in seconds can be known by humans in other parts of the world. Technology was created to serve and facilitate humans in carrying out their life activities. The use of the right information technology can have a positive impact, but the use of inappropriate information technology can have a negative impact. Historical facts in the Islamic world are known to the openness of Muslims to all information in developing Islamic intellectual treasures. In the teachings of Islam, it is found that Allah's affirmation through QS al-Hujurāt/49 verse 12 against facing advances in information technology. Infor...
Istilah unjuk rasa/demonstrasi dalam politik Islam memiliki banyak pengertian yaitu muzaharah, ak... more Istilah unjuk rasa/demonstrasi dalam politik Islam memiliki banyak pengertian yaitu muzaharah, aksi unjuk rasa yang identik dengan kekerasan (anarkis) dan juga bisa dikatakan sebagai aksi mendukung sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap individu maupun golongan. Istilah lainnya adalah masirah, merupakan kebalikan dari muzaharah tanpa berujung anarkisme. Keragaman, perbedaan pandangan, kesalahpahaman, dan setiap hal yang dapat memicu konflik di tengah umat dapat diminimalisir. Berpolitik memang menjadi hak setiap warga negara, Rasulullah saw. pun adalah sosok figur yang lengkap; Rasul, kepala rumah tangga, ulama, negarawan bahkan politikus. Namun dalam hal politik Nabi saw. senantiasa mengedepankan aspek etika dalam berpolitik. Era keterbukaan dan kebebasan berpendapat saat ini menjadi ruang terbuka bagi sebagian orang untuk menyuarakan ide dan gagasan yang tidak jarang bergeser kepada aksi menghujat, mencela, mencaci, mengumbar aib, atau menghina orang atau pihak lain di luar golongannya.
Prophet Muhammad left two very valuable legacies, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. These two leg... more Prophet Muhammad left two very valuable legacies, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. These two legacies have always been the main source of reference for anyone in solving the myriad of life's problems. The complexity of human life in the end also demands the reading and review of applicable sources that have been appreciated by the Prophet Muhammad on his period to be contextualized and exist all the time. Likewise, the emergence of modern challenges that tend to reduce the authority of prophethood is a challenge for Muslims to reconstruct the religious foundations that have long been the formal law in interacting. This research is library research which is analyzed with a normative approach and a contextual approach. The results of this study indicate that as part of Islamic teachings, jihad in the early Islamic narrative may be different from the current version of jihad, either due to contextualization of meaning or due to a reduction in the true essence of jihad.
Perkembangan tasawuf tetap eksis di beberapa wilayah meskipun tidak disebut dengan nama-nama kelo... more Perkembangan tasawuf tetap eksis di beberapa wilayah meskipun tidak disebut dengan nama-nama kelompok tarekat yang masyhur sebagaimana halnya Naqsabandi>ah, Khalwati>ah, dan sebagainya, melainkan dalam bentuk-bentuk majelis zikir yang eksklusivitasnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan kelompok tarekat yang masyhur. Gorontalo pun tidak lepas dari perkembangan jamaah atau majelis zikir yang bernuansa tasawuf, baik dari segi lafaz zikir yang khas digunakan, maupun praktik ibadah lainnya yang secara umum banyak berbeda dari fikih yang diaktualkan oleh mayoritas umat Islam di Indonesia. Salah satu dari majelis zikir tersebut adalah Majelis Zikir Ya Allahu. Beberapa perbedaan dalam praktik ibadah di temukan di majelis zikir ini mulai dari zikir setelah salat, penentuan awal puasa dan 1 Syawal, macam-macam zakat, hingga pada paham tentang haji dan kurban.
Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur... more Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur atas kehamilan yang sementara berjalan kurang lebih tujuh atau delapan bulan dan dikenal dengan istilah molonthalo. Disamping sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, ritual ini juga merupakan wujud pencarian "keberkahan" oleh individu ataupun kelompok di dalam masyarakat yang meyakini dan menyadari kehadiran kekuatan "Mahadahsyat" dalam setiap dimensi kehidupan mereka. Kajian ethnografi yang menggunakan sinergi pendekatan sosio kultural, fenomenologi, dan yuridis normatif ini mengklasifikasikannya tradisi molonthalo ini dalam kategori 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. Dengan klasifikasi ini maka teridentifikasi pula adanya beberapa ritual yang sejalan dengan syariat Islam dan ada pula yang bertentangan. Upaya selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mengeliminir 'urf fasid tersebut ke dalam suatu format ritual yang perubahannya tidak menghilangkan hakekat atau maknamakna penting yang lahir dari medan budaya masyarakat. Sehingga rekonstruksi terhadap tradisi molonthalo ini tetap diarahkan kepada rasionalisasi dan konversi tradisi yang berorientasi kepada Allah-sentris, serta melepaskan paradigma masyarakat dari jebakan belenggu-belenggu tradisi yang bersifat magis, mitologis, animistis, dan budaya yang irasional. This paper explores the ritual of molonthalo, a Gorontalonese traditional ceremony. The molonthalo is performed regarding with the seventh or eighth of pregnancy. This ritual is aimed of express thankful and an expression 'endowment' searching by a person or group within the community who believe that there is a Supremy Being in their lives. This study uses an ethnography which is combined with socio-cultural, fenomenology, and normative. It has been found that the molonthalo ritual classied into 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. It is indicated that there is a relation between this ritual and Islamic tradition. Also there are a number of elements within the ritual are not compatible with the Islamic values. Therefore, a contructive reconstructtotion to this tradition should be evaluated-that is aimed to Allah centris. Too, this tradition is initiated to prevent community from irrational magic, myths and animism.
Abstrak Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan ras... more Abstrak Tulisan ini memaparkan realitas budaya pada masyarakat Gorontalo yang mengekspresikan rasa syukur atas kehamilan yang sementara berjalan kurang lebih tujuh atau delapan bulan dan dikenal dengan istilah molonthalo. Disamping sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, ritual ini juga merupakan wujud pencarian "keberkahan" oleh individu ataupun kelompok di dalam masyarakat yang meyakini dan menyadari kehadiran kekuatan "Mahadahsyat" dalam setiap dimensi kehidupan mereka. Kajian ethnografi yang menggunakan sinergi pendekatan sosio kultural, fenomenologi, dan yuridis normatif ini mengklasifikasikannya tradisi molonthalo ini dalam kategori 'urf shahih dan 'urf fasid. Dengan klasifikasi ini maka teridentifikasi pula adanya beberapa ritual yang sejalan dengan syariat Islam dan ada pula yang bertentangan. Upaya selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mengeliminir 'urf fasid tersebut ke dalam suatu format ritual yang perubahannya tidak menghilangkan hakekat atau makna-makna pe...
This papers is reviewing about the phenomenon of demonstration versus blaspheming that analyzed i... more This papers is reviewing about the phenomenon of demonstration versus blaspheming that analyzed in descriptive with Islamic law approach. This analysis was then developed on two issues, there are: 1) how the phenomenon of demonstrartion and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law on demonstration and blaspheming. Although it can not be generalized, reality at every demonstration activities, the dirty words seem to have become an obligatory song, that should be sung with full of spirit as a the media to berate, incite, blaspheming, even less to provoking, until culminate in anarchy. When it has been so, the democracy lessons, morals, and manners that were taught in school no longer seemed meaningful at all. This is ironic if in these circumstances there is still some that say “this is a political education!”. Even, this demonstration phenomenon is not only happening at the level of college, but also has happened in the institutions of formal education providers secondary l...
This paper examines issues of domestic violence in the perception of Islamic religious leaders on... more This paper examines issues of domestic violence in the perception of Islamic religious leaders on the island of Ambon. The problems in this paper are how the forms, perpetrators, and victims of domestic violence, which are dominant in society. Data were collected through interviews, and analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The result of the research shows that according to the perception of Islamic religious figure on the island of Ambon, the dominant form of domestic violence in society is physical violence which is often done by husband, or psychic violence done by wife to husband. Domestic violence perpetrators dominated by husbands or parents. While the vulnerable to become victims of domestic violence is the wife and children. It is relevant to the theory of power relations, nature theory, nurture theory and patriarchal ideology that is still dominant in society.
This paper describes why Indonesian Muslims are polarized in a different understanding of the sha... more This paper describes why Indonesian Muslims are polarized in a different understanding of the shari'a law. Recently, brotherhood and unity among Muslims considered still hazardous and agonizing. Despite the fact that the difference among the Muslims is about the matters of furu'iah; yet, its implication becomes widening and reaching other significant aspects such as determination of various legal provisions concerning the dimensions of faith, worship, and social life. In order to increase awareness and development of Muslim brotherhood, there have to be concern on maintaining condition ukhuwah cultures, patience, inclusiveness, and acknowledgement of the truth. Muslims also are supposed to not impose a uniformity that does not or has not received by other parties, and endorse similarities that exist of any differences.
This study discusses the issue of corruption that occurs in human life. However, the problem is h... more This study discusses the issue of corruption that occurs in human life. However, the problem is how the grants and gifts given to certain parties are categorized as corruption. This research is library research which is analyzed with a qualitative approach with national law and Islamic law perspectives. The results showed that from the point of view of Islamic law, people's insights were very limited to the issue of bribes and rewards. Some people think that bribery is not a crime, but only a small mistake. Some others, even so, that bribes are forbidden, but they do not care about the prohibition, let alone because they get the benefits. On the other hand, society perceives the bribe as a gift or a token of gratitude. Some even think of it as money for the help someone has given, so they don't feel it as a mistake or even a crime.
This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture wi... more This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture with the practices and traditions of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in the Gorontalo community. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data collection methods applied are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found that the presence and expansion of Islam in Gorontalo also influenced the religious perspective held by the people of Gorontalo. The willingness of the local community to adapt to the new teachings of Islam that they believe is a reinforcement of the acculturation of local cultural practices with the implementation of the tradition of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. The early Islamic preachers in Gorontalo managed to distinguish between the part of the local culture that still worth preserved and the part that must be preserved. This combination and acculturation effort between Islam and local culture is able to e...
This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively wit... more This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively with the approach of Islamic law. This analysis is then developed in two issues, namely: 1) how the phenomenon of rallies and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law against rallies and blaspheming. While it can not be generalized, the reality of the operations of rallies, obscenities seems to have become anthem should be sung with gusto as the media to berate, inflammatory, blasphemous even less so provoking that leads to anarchy. In fact, the protest phenomenon occurs not only at the level of universities, but also have occurred in institutions of formal education providers’ secondary level (high school or vocational school). Schools are supposed to be the center of the development of a positive culture turned into the arena articulation of words that are very far from polite category.
Papers by Gazali Rahman