Papers by Galina Vershubsky

Human Physiology, Sep 1, 2019
We analyzed published data on the levels of serum 25(OH)D in apparently healthy individuals from ... more We analyzed published data on the levels of serum 25(OH)D in apparently healthy individuals from the Russian Far North. The total sample included 2061 subjects of various age and ethnic groups. The serum levels of 25(OH)D and its age dynamics in the northerners living in towns are similar to those of the inhabitants of the temperate climate zone of Russia. Data on the age-related changes in the vitamin D status of the indigenous Arctic people with the traditional lifestyle are scanty. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations in the indigenous and alien population of the high-latitude regions reflect the seasonal changes in the daylight duration. The level of vitamin D decreases in winter and reaches minimum in February, i.e., after the end of the polar night. We compared data on rural Russian and indigenous people and found ethnic differences in the 25(OH)D concentrations; however, the vitamin D status of various indigenous groups of the Russian North is poorly studied. We could not find publications that analyze the 25(OH)D concentrations along with the direct assessment of food consumption. The available data do not contradict the opinion that the traditional food products are beneficial. However, there are no studies to support this opinion. There are little data on the effect of foods from marine mammal catch, marine and freshwater fishery, and venison on the vitamin D status of the indigenous people of the Russian North.
Problems of Nutrition
РАЗДЕЛ ЛЕЧЕБНОЕ И ПРОФИЛАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ПИТАНИЕ 1 Научно-исследовательский институт и музей антрополог... more РАЗДЕЛ ЛЕЧЕБНОЕ И ПРОФИЛАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ПИТАНИЕ 1 Научно-исследовательский институт и музей антропологии им. Д.Н. Анучина, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова», 125009, г. Москва, Российская Федерация 2 Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики», 101000, г. Москва, Российская Федерация 3 Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Медико-генетический научный центр имени академика Н.П. Бочкова», 115478, г. Москва, Российская Федерация 4 Автономная некоммерческая организация «Биобанк хранения и научного исследования биологических образцов народонаселения Северной Евразии»,

Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
Introduction. The diet of indigenous northerners is changing significantly on account of the rapi... more Introduction. The diet of indigenous northerners is changing significantly on account of the rapid growth in volume and variety of consummated food sugars. Concurrently, an arrow of northern aboriginal groups are known to have an increased percentage of genetically determined disorders of disaccharide metabolism. The study aimed to assess the polymorphism of genes and alleles that determine production or activity of sucrase-isomaltase, trehalase and lactase enzymes in the groups of Nenets of Western Siberia and European Arctic. Materials and methods. The genotyping of the samples of biomaterial from 236 unrelated individuals formed the basis of the study. We analyzed the genotype and allele frequencies of the SI (rs781470490), TREH (rs2276064) and LCT (rs4988235) genes in the groups of Forest, Gydan, Yamal and European Tundra Nenets. Results. There were not a single sample with the AG dinucleotide deletion at the rs781470490 locus of the sucrase-isomaltase gene (SI gene) found. The ...

Вестник Московского университета, Jul 14, 2022
росло число рождений в старшем возрасте. Коми-пермяки с номером рождения 5+ не превосходят по вес... more росло число рождений в старшем возрасте. Коми-пермяки с номером рождения 5+ не превосходят по весу рождённых вторыми или третьими, но в этой этнической группе достоверно отставание в массе у рождённых вне брака детей. Вес русских новорожденных нарастает в соответствии с порядковым номером рождения (p<0,01), но различия между детьми из полных и неполных семей недостоверны. Заключение. Проявления демографического перехода и изменения репродуктивных установок у женщин Коми-Пермяцкого округа сходны с общероссийскими. Рождаемость третьих и последующих детей в 2007-2020 гг. увеличилась, но не компенсирует общего снижения числа рождений. Межэтнические различия в массе тела у детей с разным семейным статусом и с разной очередностью рождения могут свидетельствовать о разном качестве жизни у коми-пермячек по сравнению с русскими женщинами Коми-Пермяцкого округа (что требует дальнейших исследований), а также о недостаточности мер поддержки одиноких матерей.

International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2021
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to compare the prevalence of opisthorchiasis, diphyllobothriasi... more ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to compare the prevalence of opisthorchiasis, diphyllobothriasis, and ascariasis among the rural indigenous and long-term resident people of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (KMAO) in the years 1988–89 and 2018–19. Helminth infections were identified by faecal microscopic examinations conducted during health check-ups. We analysed 399 medical records for years 1988–89 and 549 records for 2018–19. There were found a decrease in the prevalence of ascariasis among the indigenous people, but the region remains a hotbed of fish-transmitted helminthiases. The spread of D. latus infestation has remained close to 5% in the indigenous adults. The number of opisthorchiasis-infected children, both indigenous and non-indigenous, has increased significantly (p < 0.05). Among the indigenous adults, opisthorchiasis in 2018–19 was at as high level as in 1988–89 (57.5% vs 54.4%). The non-indigenous adults had O. felineus infestations in 2018–19 frequently than in 1988–89 (p = 0.06). The results of our study on the prevalence of helminth infection in the population of the northern Ob River basin agree with the many years average annual incidence of helminthiases in KMAO.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Anthropometric indicators of physical development and nutritional status employed in hygiene practice in Russia]](
Voprosy pitaniia, 2019
In the current review, we consider the main working methods of Russian hygienists to assess anthr... more In the current review, we consider the main working methods of Russian hygienists to assess anthropometric indices using a) regional data on (populational) variability of the concerning measurements and b) unified reference data applicable in most regions. An analysis showed that in most cases, the regional standards are based on average values and variabilities derived from a local sample, which can not serve as a working normative. As a result, these so called "standards" do not provide information on how healthy children should develop, and the assessments inferred are difficult to integrate to draw a picture for the whole country. In 2017, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommended the use of the WHO Child Growth Standards and the WHO Growth Reference for the purpose of medical screenings in children and adolescents. These data sets reflect the conditions, that healthy children should attain growing in supportive environment, with adequate nutrition a...

Novye issledovania, 2020
Nutritional status of rural children from the European North of Russia and Siberia (assessed by a... more Nutritional status of rural children from the European North of Russia and Siberia (assessed by anthropometry). The study presents the assessment of nutritional status of 2,612 schoolchildren (6-17 y.o.) from the rural areas of the Komi Republic (RK), Tyva Republic (RT), Murmansk Region (MR), and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region (KMAR) based on the values of body mass index (BMI). The percentage of children whose nutritional status was considered normal was 84.6 % in RT and 69.2-73.4 % in the other regions. Undernourished subjects took 5.5 % in KMAR and less than 3 % elsewhere. Only 13.5 % of Tyva participants had BMI values above the norm, while in all the other study groups it was 23.9-26.6 %. In RK and MR, the distribution of children between nutritional statuses was similar in a village, a district center, and a big city. Tyva citizens as well as the residents of big settlements in KMAR comprised an increased proportion of both underweight and overweight subjects.

The Korean Journal of Parasitology, 2019
The aim of this parasitological study is examining contemporary (the late 20th century) specimens... more The aim of this parasitological study is examining contemporary (the late 20th century) specimens of the arctic or subarctic areas in Western Siberia and comparing them with the information acquired from archaeological samples from the same area. In the contemporary specimens, we observed the parasite eggs of 3 different species: Opisthochis felineus, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Enterobius vermicularis. Meanwhile, in archaeoparasitological results of Vesakoyakha, Kikki-Akki, and Nyamboyto I burial grounds, the eggs of Diphyllobothrium and Taenia spp. were found while no nematode (soil-transmitted) eggs were observed in the same samples. In this study, we concluded helminth infection pattern among the arctic and subarctic peoples of Western Siberia throughout history as follows: the raw fish-eating tradition did not undergo radical change in the area at least since the 18th century; and A. lumbricoides or E. vermicularis did not infect the inhabitants of this area before 20th century. ...

Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2019
Ââåäåíèå. Íà ïðèìåðå ãðóïïû ãîðíî-òà¸aeíûõ øîðöåâ ðàññìàòðèâàåòñÿ ñâÿçü ïîëèìîðôèçìà ãåíîâ, âëèÿþ... more Ââåäåíèå. Íà ïðèìåðå ãðóïïû ãîðíî-òà¸aeíûõ øîðöåâ ðàññìàòðèâàåòñÿ ñâÿçü ïîëèìîðôèçìà ãåíîâ, âëèÿþùèõ íà ìåòàáîëèçì êîñòíîé òêàíè, ñ õàðàêòåðîì ñðåäû îáèòàíèÿ è îñîáåííîñòÿìè òðàäèöèîííîãî ïèòàíèÿ. Ìàòåðèàëû è ìåòîäû. Ìàòåðèàë äëÿ ìîëåêóëÿðíî-ãåíåòè÷åñêîãî èññëåäîâàíèÿ ñîáðàí â ïîïóëÿöèè øîðöåâ Êåìåðîâñêîé îáëàñòè. Îáñëåäîâàíî 72 ÷åëîâåêà (37 ìóae÷èí, 35 aeåíùèí). Ïðîâåäåíî òèïèðîâàíèå ãåíîâ VDR BsmI rs1544410, VDR Fok1 rs2228570, TREH rs2276064 è LCT rs4988235. Àíàëèç ýòíîãðàôè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðû ïîçâîëèë óòî÷íèòü íàáîð ñîñòàâëÿâøèõ îñíîâó òðàäèöèîííîé ïèùè øîðöåâ ïðîäóêòîâ è îñíîâíûå èñòî÷íèêè èõ ïîëó÷åíèÿ. Ðåçóëüòàòû è îáñóaeäåíèå. Íà øèðîòå Þaeíîé Ñèáèðè (52°ÑØ) îðãàíèçì íå ìîaeåò ñèíòåçèðîâàòü íåîáõîäèìûé îáú¸ì õîëåêàëüöèôåðîëà D3 íà ïðîòÿaeåíèè âñåãî ãîäà. Èñòî÷íèêîâ ýðãîêàëüöèôåðîëà D2 â òðàäèöèîííîé äèåòå øîðöåâ áûëî íåìíîãî: ïðåñíîâîäíàÿ ðûáà, êîáûëüå è îâå÷üå ìîëîêî îáåñïå÷èâàëè ëèøü ìèíèìàëüíîå ïîñòóïëåíèå âèòàìèíà D â îðãàíèçì. Ãðèáû, ïîòåíöèàëüíûé èñòî÷íèê D2, íå ÿâëÿëèñü ñóùåñòâåííûì ýëåìåíòîì òðàäèöèîííîé êóõíè øîðöåâ. Ñ ýòèì ñîãëàñóåòñÿ î÷åíü âûñîêîå, ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñ äðóãèìè ãðóïïàìè, íîñèòåëüñòâî ãåíîòèïîâ AA*TREH (6,9%) è AG*TREH (27,8%), àññîöèèðîâàííûõ ñ ìèíèìàëüíîé è ñíèaeåííîé àêòèâíîñòüþ ôåðìåíòà òðåãàëàçû, íåîáõîäèìîé äëÿ óñâîåíèÿ ãðèáíîãî ñàõàðà òðåãàëîçû (ìóêîçû). Òàêèì îáðàçîì, ïîïóëÿöèÿ èñïûòûâàëà íåäîñòàòîê âèòàìèíà D. Ìîëîêî äîìàøíèõ aeèâîòíûõ, êàê èñòî÷íèê êàëüöèÿ, çàíèìàëî ìàëîå ìåñòî â òðàäèöèîííîé äèåòå: äî 1930-õ ãîäîâ êîðîâ â øîðñêèõ õîçÿéñòâàõ íå áûëî. Ãåíîòèï CC*LCT, äåòåðìèíèðóþùèé îãðàíè÷åííóþ àêòèâíîñòü ëàêòàçû è íåñïîñîáíîñòü ê óñâîåíèþ ìîëîêà âçðîñëûìè, ìû îáíàðóaeèëè ó 73,6% øîðöåâ. Ýòî âûñîêàÿ ÷àñòîòà: â ðàçëè÷íûõ ãðóïïàõ ðóññêèõ äîëÿ ãîìîçèãîò *CC âàðüèðóåò â ïðåäåëàõ 40-50%. Ìàëàÿ äîñòóïíîñòü ìîëîêà è íåäîñòàòîê äðóãèõ êàëüöèéñîäåðaeàùèõ ïðîäóêòîâ áûëè ôàêòîðîì ðèñêà íåäîñòàòî÷íîé ìèíåðàëèçàöèè êîñòíîé òêàíè, ÷òî ñîãëàñóåòñÿ ñ àíòðîïîëîãè÷åñêèìè ìàòåðèàëàìè. Îòâåòîì íà äàâëåíèå íåãàòèâíûõ ôàêòîðîâ ñòàëî óâåëè÷åíèå â ãåíîôîíäå äîëè íîñèòåëåé ãåíîòèïîâ VDR CC*Fok1 (44,4%), CT*Fok1 (15,3%), GA*BsmI (48,6%), àññîöèèðîâàííûõ ñ ïîâûøåííûì óñâîåíèåì êàëüöèÿ â êîñòè. Çàêëþ÷åíèå. Àäàïòàöèþ øîðöåâ ê ýêîëîãè÷åñêèì óñëîâèÿì ñ íèçêîé äîñòóïíîñòüþ âèòàìèíà D è êàëüöèéñîäåðaeàùèõ ïðîäóêòîâ îáåñïå÷èëî ïîâûøåíèå ÷óâñòâèòåëüíîñòè ðåöåïòîðîâ òêàíåé ê âèòàìèíó D.
Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2020
Öåëü-ïðîâåñòè îöåíêó ïîëèìîðôèçìà ãåíîâ àäàïòàöèè â àíòðîïîëîãè÷åñêè ðîäñòâåííûõ ïîïóëÿöèÿõ êîìè-... more Öåëü-ïðîâåñòè îöåíêó ïîëèìîðôèçìà ãåíîâ àäàïòàöèè â àíòðîïîëîãè÷åñêè ðîäñòâåííûõ ïîïóëÿöèÿõ êîìè-ïåðìÿêîâ è çûðÿí (êîìè-èaeåìöåâ), îñâîèâøèõ ðàçíûå âàðèàíòû õîçÿéñòâîâàíèÿ.

Human Physiology, 2017
We analyzed published data on the serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D in healthy subjects... more We analyzed published data on the serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D in healthy subjects in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (lat. 45°-65° N). The primary list included 158 publications. Reports with insufficient sample size and incomplete statistical descriptions were excluded from the analysis. The review covers 41 publications comprising 8569 individual assessments. The meta-analysis showed that the average levels of 25(OH)D were the highest among children under the age of 5 years, varied slightly between the age of 6 and 60 years, and decreased in older adults (60+). Gender differences become apparent at the postpuberty stage. The level of 25(OH)D was higher in men. No correlation between the level of 25(OH)D and latitude was found, but the relationship with the season and the duration of daylight was significant. No differences were revealed between ethnic and social groups.
Human Physiology, 2016
The correlations between the serum concentration of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and the blood l... more The correlations between the serum concentration of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and the blood levels of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and apolipoprotein E were analyzed in young non overweight men (n = 40) and women (n = 61) aged 14-23 years having no acute or active chronic diseases. The measured variables were standardized within sex and four local groups. Spearman rank correlation was observed between the concentration of 25(OH)D and TC in women (Rsp = 0.306, p = 0.017), and between the concentrations of 25(OH)D and TG in men (Rsp =-0.372, p = 0.018).

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology)
BACKGROUND: There was not enough information on the spread of obesity among schoolchildren in rur... more BACKGROUND: There was not enough information on the spread of obesity among schoolchildren in rural settlements and small towns of Northern Russia in recent years. This study aimed to trace the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 617 years living in rural areas of Northern Russia between 1994 and 2019. METHODS: Data, including sex, age, body weight, and stature, were collected during regular medical examinations of 7548 children aged 617 years living in the rural settlements of Murmansk Oblast, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Komi Republic, Komi-Permyak Okrug in 1994, 19971998, 20052009, and 20162019. Individual assessments were made using body mass indices according to the procedures and cutoffs recommended by the World Health Organization. RESULTS: The prevalence of excess body weight has substantially increased in all localities. It was 47% (including 0.6%0.8% obesity) in 19941998, 7.518.7% (obesity 0.95.0%) in 20052009, and 23.926.6% (obesity 7.711.9%) in 201620...

Objectives. The environmental and life-style conditions of the Kola Sami could have influenced th... more Objectives. The environmental and life-style conditions of the Kola Sami could have influenced the population-specific frequencies of the AGXT Pro11Leu allele, and certain alleles of APOE and LCT genes, involved respectively, in the metabolism of animal proteins, lipids and milk sugar. Study Design. DNA samples were collected from the Sami population of Lovozero settlement (Murmansk Region) in 00. Methods. The analysis of the traditional diet of the Kola Sami was made using the data of ethno-graphic studies conducted in the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Frequen-cies of the AGXT Pro11Leu, APOE*e4 alleles and LCT gene CC-1910 genotype were defined by molecular-genetic analysis. Results. The specificity of the Kola Sami gene pool is in the lower frequency of АРОЕ*e4 allele compared with the Sami of Finland (0.0 and 0.10, respectively) and when compared with other groups (except the Skolt) in the higher frequency of hypolactasia conditioned by the CC-1...
Fiziologiia cheloveka, 2016
Correlations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, serum concentration with the blood levels of tot... more Correlations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, serum concentration with the blood levels of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and apolipoprotein E were analyzed in young non-overweight men (n = 40) and females (n = 61) aged 14–23 having no excess body mass. The measured variables have been standardized within each of four locality groups. The spearman rank correlation coefficients of 25(OH)D were Rsp = 0.306 (p = 0.017) with TC in females, and Rsp =–0.372 (p = 0.018).

Background. Vitamin D status in groups of northern indigenous people of Russia leading close to t... more Background. Vitamin D status in groups of northern indigenous people of Russia leading close to traditional (seminomadic reindeer herding), post-traditional (in settlements) or ‘‘modernized’ ’ (in towns) way of life was analysed. Design. The survey study groups consisted of 178 Nenets and Komi aged 1860 living in the Arctic (66678N). Urban Komi, Udmurts and Komi-Permiaks (n150) living in a non-Arctic area (57618N) formed a control group. The concentration of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), as a transport form of vitamin D, was assessed by enzyme immunoassay analysis. Results. The group average 25OHD levels in both rural and urban Arctic residents are within the range of values seen in the non-Arctic urban subjects adjusted for season: 39.747.7 nmol/l. Abandoning traditional lifestyle associates with lower vitamin D levels in indigenous Arctic people. Mean9standard deviation 25OHD values among Nenets were lower in those living in the administrative centre (a big settlement) with a...

Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
Introduction. Long term changes in the body height and female pelvic width of NorthWestern Siberi... more Introduction. Long term changes in the body height and female pelvic width of NorthWestern Siberia indigenous people-the Nothern Khanty and Sosva Mansi, were the subject matter of the study. Materials and discussion. The indices under examination were averaged by decade to trace the changes from the 1860s to 1990s. Through the birth cohorts (BiCo) from the 1860s to 1930s, the stature of Ob Ugrians did not alter significantly. In successive generations, up to the 1990s BiCo, there was an increase in body height. Males have became taller by 11.3 cm, females-by 10.4 cm (p<0.0001 for both sexes). Relative (to the height of the 1930s BiCo) growth amounted to +7.18% and +7.06% for males and females respectively. In females, body proportions have changed substantially. Alongside the increase in stature, pelvic width (d. cristarum) decreased from 28.9 cm in the 1930s BiCo to 26.8 cm in the 1970s BiCo. Hence, relative pelvic width narrowed by 2.1% (the factor of belonging to cohort is significant, p<0.0001). Conclusion. The body height of Ob Ugrians changed unevenly. Shifts in somatic features followed after social transformations. Better quality of life over the period of individual growth and development affected the definitive body height. Thus, the long-term changes in somatic traits of the indigenous Khanty and Mansi people agree with the "quality of the environment" hypothesis of secular trends.
Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
Ñîãëàñíî äàííûì ÂÎÇ, çà ïîñëåäíèå 30 ëåò âî âñ¸ì ìèðå ðåçêî âîçðîñëà äîëÿ äåòåé ñ èçáûòî÷íîé ìàññ... more Ñîãëàñíî äàííûì ÂÎÇ, çà ïîñëåäíèå 30 ëåò âî âñ¸ì ìèðå ðåçêî âîçðîñëà äîëÿ äåòåé ñ èçáûòî÷íîé ìàññîé òåëà è îaeèðåíèåì. Åñëè â 1975 ãîäó ñðåäè aeèòåëåé ïëàíåòû â âîçðàñòå 5-19 ëåò èçáûòî÷íàÿ ìàññà íàáëþäàëàñü ó 3%, îaeèðåíèåó 1%, òî â 2016 ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå ïîêàçàòåëè äîñòèãëè 12 è 6% ó äåâî÷åê è 11 è 8% ó ìàëü÷èêîâ [WHO, 2017]. Òðåâîãó âûçûâàåò è òîò ôàêò, ÷òî îaeè-ðåíèå áûñòðî ðàñïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ â ðåãèîíàõ, äëÿ êîòîðûõ ýòî ÿâëåíèå åù¸ íåäàâíî áûëî íåõàðàêòåðíûì. Òàê, ê 2016 ãîäó îêîëî 50% àçèàòñêèõ äåòåé ìëàäøå 5 ëåò õàðàêòåðèçîâàëèñü èçáûòî÷íûì âåñîì; ñ 1990 ïî 2014 ãîä äîëÿ äåòåé ñ òàêèìè îòêëîíåíèÿìè â Àôðèêå âîçðîñëà ñ 5,4 äî 10,6 ìèëëèîíîâ [Biadgilign et al., 2017; WHO, 2017].  ãðóïïó ñòðàí ñ «âçðûâíûì» ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèåì äåòñêîãî îaeèðåíèÿ âõîäèò è Ðîññèÿ.
Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research
The relationship between the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) variants with serum 25 OHD3 con centra... more The relationship between the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) variants with serum 25 OHD3 con centration, body height (BH), body weight (BW), and body composition were examined in the Komi ethnic group. The FF genotype was associated with higher BW (p = 0.002) and lower bone mass (BM, p = 0.06) in comparison to the Ff genotype carriers. The BB genotype carriers were characterized by lower BL compared to those with Bb genotype (p = 0.037); BM was lower among those having bb rather than Bb variants (p = 0.025). No differences in the 25 OHD3 content were revealed. The results are consistent with the data obtained for populations from North Western Europe and opposite to those reported for tropical and sub tropical Caucasians, as well as for non Caucasians groups.
Papers by Galina Vershubsky