Papers by Galina V Vdovina
Философский журнал, Aug 30, 2016

Issues of Theology
The article is the preface to the Russian translation of the second part of Francisco Suárez’s Me... more The article is the preface to the Russian translation of the second part of Francisco Suárez’s Metaphysical Disputations, which examines the successive divisions of “being in general” into its different modifications of varying degrees of specification (“contractions”). The first section of Disputation XXVIII introduces the primary division of being into God and creation, considers several synonymous formulations of it, and demonstrates their reference to the same reality. Next, in section two, Suárez analyzes the arguments against the adequacy of this primary division of being and refutes them. In section three, the Spanish philosopher explores the type of predication of being to God and creatures. He argues against the equivocality or univocality of the concept of being and concludes that it has analogical character. Next, Suárez examines the varieties of analogy formulated by eminent philosophers and theologians of the past, that is, the analogy of proportionality and the analogy...

Philosophy Journal, 2022
The theory of objects is usually considered as a pioneering endeavor of Alexius Meinong. In this ... more The theory of objects is usually considered as a pioneering endeavor of Alexius Meinong. In this paper, we intend to show that it finds parallels in the late scholastic philosophy of the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. First, we argue for the assumption that Meinong may have been aware of scholastic ideas akin to his own. Second, our hypothesis is examined in terms of the logic of the problem itself, that is, the logic of the objectivity of thought. To do so, we delineate the basic theses of Meinong’s theory as follows: 1) the thesis of the pure object and of givenness to cognition as a universal property of the object in general; 2) the thesis of the necessity of a discipline designed to investigate the object as such; 3) the being of the object. Ways of being. Independence of so-being from being; 4) transition from “the third kind” of being conception to the idea of Aussersein; 5) the thesis about internal structure of so-being, nuclear and extranuclear properties of the...
History of Philosophy, 2019
Статья написана при финансовой поддержке гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, п... more Статья написана при финансовой поддержке гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, проект № 18-011-00162: «Ens rationis: несуществующие объекты, ментальные фикции и отрицания в логико-метафизическом дискурсе схоластики XVII в.».

Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2022
The article deals with the problem of scholastic sources of Brentano’s concept of intentionality.... more The article deals with the problem of scholastic sources of Brentano’s concept of intentionality. The subject matter of the discussion is the so-called thesis on intentionality as formulated by Brentano in his 1874 book “Psychology from an Empirical Point of View”. The search for Brentano's specific scholastic sources has been going on for decades, but even today the problem is still relevant. The objectives of the article are, firstly, to identify the main positions on the issue and to reveal the reasons for their failure, and, secondly, to suggest our own hypothesis providing arguments in its favor. On the basis of the existing publications the following positions are briefly formulated: 1) hypothesis of borrowing from Thomas Aquinas; 2) hypothesis of borrowing from Aristotle; 3) hypothesis of borrowing from the 14th century scholastics. The inconsistency of these hypotheses, each on its own grounds, is shown. The first hypothesis proceeds from false assumptions, the second on...

The article is devoted to Hervaeus Natalis, also known as Hervaeus drom Nedellec, who was an outs... more The article is devoted to Hervaeus Natalis, also known as Hervaeus drom Nedellec, who was an outstanding theologian at the end of 13th — beginning of 14th centuries (c. 1260–1323). Brief biographical information about Hervaeus is provided and his importance for medieval thought is emphasized. The subject matter of the article is the consideration of a formal difference, or formal distinction in God. The introduction of this concept is usually associated with the name of Duns Scotus, and there is every reason for this: although Duns was not the inventor of formal distinction as such, it was he who put it at the heart of his trinitarian theology. The concept of formal difference is inextricably linked to the concept of formalities, which in this context mean those ontological subunits in a concrete single essence between which there is a formal difference. The basic impetus to the introduction of both concepts was the necessity for rational expression of distinction between common div...

The article discusses the post-medieval concepts of physical and intentional life, taken in their... more The article discusses the post-medieval concepts of physical and intentional life, taken in their theological and anthropological applications. First, these concepts are applied to divine beings and checked for compliance with fundamental principles of rational theology concerning the perfect actuality of God. Secondly, they are applied to immaterial created substances-angels and checked for compliance with the general criteria of the living, adopted in late scholastic tradition, i.e. that of the immanence of vital acts and of their non-belonging to the natural status. Thirdly, these concepts are applied to the phenomenon of conjoined twins and provide a way to resolve the issue which was unquestionably important in theological perspective: how many souls and therefore how many lives are present in conjoined bodies and, hence, how many baptisms you need, so that these souls could be saved. The consideration of these applications also allows to draw some conclusions concerning the method of post-medieval scholastic philosophy.

History of Philosophy
The article deals with the place of negations and privations in the structure of knowledge, from ... more The article deals with the place of negations and privations in the structure of knowledge, from the point of view of the 17th century scholastic philosophy. Medieval scholasticism saw in negationes and privationes those objects which formed the central area of mental being (ens rationis), that is, objects which existed only in intelligence. This traditional concept was clearly articulated and affirmed by Francisco Suárez in the final chapter of his “Metaphysical Disputations”. The decades following the death of Suarez in 1617 were a period of profound transformations in metaphysics, which also affected the doctrine of the mental being. The transformations were particularly evident in the changing role and place of negations and privations which were denoted by the general term carentiae, that is, negations in the broad sense. This whole area was divided into fictitious and real negations; fictitious negations remained in the ens rationis field, while real negations were taken out...
Papers by Galina V Vdovina