Papers by Gaby Waxenberger
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 20, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 20, 2023

für eine lange und andauernde concertatio runologica. KD VON KLAUS DÜWEL & WILHELM HEIZMANN I. Ei... more für eine lange und andauernde concertatio runologica. KD VON KLAUS DÜWEL & WILHELM HEIZMANN I. Einleitung Nach den ersten Zeugnissen für die ältere Runenreihe in epigraphischer Darbietung auf Goldbrakteaten (im Sommer 1774 wurde das Exemplar vom Typ C aus dem Raum Vadstena, hier Nr. 15, gefunden) und der frühen Dokumentation von Steininschriften Schwedens in Johan Göranssons Bautil (1750) begann man sich Gedanken zu machen, welche Funktion wohl die Runenreihe alleinstehend, gelegentlich verkürzt, vereinzelt in verderbter Gestalt, manchmal in Verbindung mit anderen Inschriften wohl haben möge. Unterschiedliche Vorschläge sind dazu gemacht worden. Bereits im Jahre 1832 hat Johan G. Liljegren in seiner Run-Lära zu Fu^ark-Inschriften in Schweden in gewöhnlicher Ordnung und ohne eine andere beigefügte Inschrift bemerkt, daß sie dort nur um ihrer selbst willen aufgeschrieben seien, um deren Kenntnis zu verbreiten und zu bewahren (s.u. S. 31 Anm. 126). Dazu treten im Laufe der Zeit andere Überlegungen: Lehre, Belehrung, Schmuck und Zierde, Schreibübungen, magische Mittel, aber auch Betrug leichtgläubiger Besteller oder Nutzer. Viele bekannte Runologen haben sich zu diesem Problem geäußert:
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 20, 2023
Waxenberger, G. (2003b), "The Intriguing Inscription of the Gandersheim Runic Casket Revisited", ... more Waxenberger, G. (2003b), "The Intriguing Inscription of the Gandersheim Runic Casket Revisited", Bookmarks from the Past, Studies in Early English Language and Literature in Honour of Helmut Gneuss, eds. L. Kornexl & U. Lenker, Frankfurt a. Main: Lang, 143–176.
Waxenberger, G. (2003a), "The Non-Latin Personal Names on the Name-bearing Objects in the Old Eng... more Waxenberger, G. (2003a), "The Non-Latin Personal Names on the Name-bearing Objects in the Old English Runic Corpus (Epigraphical Material): A Preliminary List", Runica – Germanica – Mediaevalia, Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 37, eds. W. Heizmann & A. van Nahl, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 932–968.
Waxenberger, G. (2005), "Towards a Phonology of the Old English Runic Inscriptions (Epigraphical ... more Waxenberger, G. (2005), "Towards a Phonology of the Old English Runic Inscriptions (Epigraphical Material): The Phonemic Inventory", Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik: Standpunkte – Perspektiven – Neue Wege, ed. G. Knappe, Frankfurt a. Main: Lang, 157–166.
Waxenberger, G. (2006c), "The Fuþark and its Further Developments in Individual Linguistic Tradit... more Waxenberger, G. (2006c), "The Fuþark and its Further Developments in Individual Linguistic Traditions, Eichstätt, 20–24 July 2003", Nytt om Runer 19, 31–33.
Waxenberger, G. (2006a), "The Representation of Vowels in Unstressed Syllables in the Old English... more Waxenberger, G. (2006a), "The Representation of Vowels in Unstressed Syllables in the Old English Runic Corpus", eds. A. Bammesberger & G. Waxenberger, Das ältere Fuþark und seine einzelsprachlichen Weiterentwicklungen, Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 51, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 272–314.
Waxenberger, G. & K. Kazzazi (2011), "Research Project 'Runische Schriftlichkeit in den germanisc... more Waxenberger, G. & K. Kazzazi (2011), "Research Project 'Runische Schriftlichkeit in den germanischen Sprachen – Runic Writing in the Germanic Languages (RuneS)'", Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 68, 255–258.
Waxenberger, G. (2011d), "The Development of the Old English fuþorc and the 'Perfect Fit'", Eichs... more Waxenberger, G. (2011d), "The Development of the Old English fuþorc and the 'Perfect Fit'", Eichstätter Sprachgeschichten, Ein Kolloquium zu Ehren von Elke Ronneberger-Sibold, eds. K. Kazzazi & S. Wahl, K. Luttermann, Th. Fritz, St. Potsch-Ringeisen, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 199–216.
Waxenberger, G. (2011c), "The Cryptic Runes on the Auzon Franks Casket: A Challenge for the Runol... more Waxenberger, G. (2011c), "The Cryptic Runes on the Auzon Franks Casket: A Challenge for the Runologist and the Lexicographer", More Than Words, English Lexicography and Lexicology Past and Present. Essays Presented to Hans Sauer on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday, Part I, eds. R. Bauer & U. Krischke, Frankfurt a. Main: Lang, 161–170.
Waxenberger, G. (2011b), "The Old English Runic Inscription of the Whitby Comb and Modern Technol... more Waxenberger, G. (2011b), "The Old English Runic Inscription of the Whitby Comb and Modern Technology", Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 67, Thi Timit Lof: Festschrift für Arend Quak zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. G. Kroonen & E. Langbroek, H. Terridon, A. Roeleveld, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 69–77.
Waxenberger, G. (2011a), "The Perfect Fit of the Fuþark and the Imperfect Attestation of the Old ... more Waxenberger, G. (2011a), "The Perfect Fit of the Fuþark and the Imperfect Attestation of the Old English Runes", LautSchriftSprache, Beiträge zur vergleichenden historischen Graphematik, eds. E. Glaser & A. Seiler & M. Waldispühl, Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 83–108.
H. Sauer & G. Waxenberger (2012), "Old English: Dialects", HSK, Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommun... more H. Sauer & G. Waxenberger (2012), "Old English: Dialects", HSK, Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 34.1, eds. A. Bergs & L. Brinton, Frankfurt/New York: de Gruyter, 340–361.
Waxenberger, G. (2013b), "The Reflection of Pre-Old English Sound Changes in Pre-Old English Runi... more Waxenberger, G. (2013b), "The Reflection of Pre-Old English Sound Changes in Pre-Old English Runic Inscriptions. Including a List of all the OE Runic Inscriptions", Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English, ICEHL Munich 2008, Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 41, eds. H. Sauer & G. Waxenberger, Frankfurt a. Main: Lang, 17–64.
Waxenberger, G. (2016), "Graphemes: (Re)construction and Interpretation", Variation Within and Am... more Waxenberger, G. (2016), "Graphemes: (Re)construction and Interpretation", Variation Within and Among Writing Systems, Concepts and Methods in the Analysis of Ancient Written Documents, LautSchriftSprache / ScriptandSound 1, eds. P. Cotticelli & A. Rizza, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 353–370.
H. Sauer & G. Waxenberger (2017), "Dialects", The History of English, Volume 2: Old English, eds.... more H. Sauer & G. Waxenberger (2017), "Dialects", The History of English, Volume 2: Old English, eds. L. Brinton & A. Bergs, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 160–186.
Waxenberger, G. (2017e), "Date and Provenance of the Auzon or Franks Casket", Life on the Edge: S... more Waxenberger, G. (2017e), "Date and Provenance of the Auzon or Franks Casket", Life on the Edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe, Studien zur Sachsenforschung 6, eds. S. Semple & C. Orsini & S. Mui, Wendeburg: Verlag Uwe Krebs, 121–133.
Papers by Gaby Waxenberger
“Runische Schriftlichkeit in den germanischen Sprachen – Runic writing in the Germanic languages”
RuneS is a long-term research project under the umbrella of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities which seeks to give a comprehensive linguistic analysis of all known Germanic runic inscriptions. While previous research has focused on understanding individual texts and their historico-cultural features, the RuneS project aims to analyze runic writing in a more holistic manner that goes beyond the boundaries of the traditionally studied Older fuþark, Younger fuþąrk and Old English fuþorc writing systems. By synthesizing previous research and applying new methodologies and technologies to all of the available data, project members are creating a body of resources which will lead to a deeper understanding of these earliest writing systems. The project consists of three modules:
1 – Editorial basics; corpus creation
2 – Runic Graphemics
3 – Runic Text Grammar and Pragmatics
The project is currently engaged in the second of these modules and making discoveries with the aid of technological resources unavailable to previous researchers, such as microscope cameras and 3D photography. A prime example of these findings and their implications was made by members at the Eichstätt-Munich research center, a team responsible for the Pre-Old English and Old English runic corpus. They recently analyzed an artifact, the Bergakker Scabbard Mount, and found conclusively that a runic character in the inscription had been misidentified. The application of such rigorous analyses and the creation of a unified runic corpus is an unprecedented effort that shows great promise.