Papers by Gabriella Juhasz

Journal of affective …, Jan 1, 2005
Background: The functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene (5HTTLPR) has been earl... more Background: The functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene (5HTTLPR) has been earlier associated with affective disorders. No research has however been carried out to identify the relationship between this polymorphism and depressive traits and subclinical depressive symptoms within a psychiatrically healthy population. Methods: One hundred and twenty-eight female subjects with no lifetime or current history of DSM-IV Axis I disorders participated in the study. All subjects completed the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and were genotyped for the 5HTTLPR polymorphism. Results: Significant differences were found on the Zung SDS and also on the physical-vegetative subscale of the Zung SDS according to both phenotype and genotype. Subjects carrying the s allele scored significantly higher on the Zung SDS and had also significantly higher scores on the physical-vegetative symptom subscale. Furthermore, subjects carrying the ss genotype scored highest and subjects carrying the ll genotype scored the lowest on both scales. Conclusion: Subclinical depressive symptoms (i.e. DSM-IV subthreshold depression) are associated with the functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene. The main association between this polymorphism and subclinical depression is primarily carried by the physical symptoms of depression. The s allele of the 5HTTLPR gene is associated with a blow mood endophenotypeQ. D

Progress in neuro- …, Jan 1, 2008
Objective: The cyclic nature of female reproductive function is a natural part of life accompanie... more Objective: The cyclic nature of female reproductive function is a natural part of life accompanied by changes in several physical and psychological phenomena. The aim of our study was to investigate the fluctuation of psychological symptoms throughout the female reproductive cycle in healthy, non-PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) women. Method: 63 psychiatrically healthy, non-PMDD women with normal regular menstrual cycles and not using hormonal contraceptive methods participated in the study. Participants completed the PRISM (Prospective Record of the Impact and Severity of Menstrual Symptoms) calendar every night for three cycles and in addition they completed several other psychometric measures (Symptom Distress Checklist-SCL-51, State Trait Anxiety Inventory-STAI, Zung Self-rating Depression Scale-ZSDS, Eating Attitude Test-EAT, Mind and Body Cathexis Scale) at three predefined days of the first cycle. Based on an at least 66% increase in physical symptoms from the late follicular to the late luteal phase on the PRISM, subjects were assigned to luteal phase physical symptoms (LPPS) and no luteal phase physical symptoms (nonLPPS) groups. The association of psychometric scores with timing within the cycle and with physical symptoms was analysed. Results: Significant changes in psychometric scores over time were observed for STAI state anxiety, SCL anxiety, SCL somatization, SCL depression, SCL obsessive-compulsive, SCL interpersonal sensitivity, SCL total, and ZSDS. A significant time × LPPS grouping interaction emerged in case of the SCL somatization subscale and the ZSDS. LPPS grouping was associated with only the interpersonal sensitivity subscale of the SCL51. Conclusion: Our results indicate that there is a significant increase in psychological symptoms related to neuroticism and depression from the late follicular to the late luteal phase in a healthy, non-PMDD female population. Although our results may not have direct clinical significance, since the statistically significant increases in psychometric scores are still small, it is an important finding that there is a consistent pattern observable in the fluctuation of psychological symptoms accompanying the female reproductive cycle.

… : The Journal of …, Jan 1, 2007
To investigate the prophylactic and acute effects of autogenic training (AT) during a nitroglycer... more To investigate the prophylactic and acute effects of autogenic training (AT) during a nitroglycerin-induced migraine attack. Thirty female migraineurs (without aura) and 11 controls participated in the study. Of these, 11 migraineurs and 5 controls practiced AT regularly for at least 6 months prior to and during the sublingual nitroglycerin test. Headache intensity and characteristics were recorded with a standardized method. During the nitroglycerin challenge, blood was collected for plasma cortisol determination and blood pressure and pulse rate were recorded. As a long-term preventive treatment, AT significantly decreased the mean headache frequency and intensity (P = .001) compared to the pretreatment period in the migraineurs who regularly practiced AT (n = 11). During the nitroglycerin challenge, AT successfully attenuated the nitroglycerin-induced acute decrease in blood pressure and pulse rate (P = .013; n = 16 AT subjects vs n = 25 non-AT subjects). However, it was not effective in preventing immediate headache (P = .71), did not decrease the frequency of acute migraine attacks (P = .79), and could not alleviate acute migraine pain (P = .78; n = 16 AT subjects vs n = 25 non-AT subjects). Plasma cortisol concentration significantly increased (P = .003) during the acute migraine attack (n = 22), and migraine intensity correlated with plasma cortisol elevations (P < .001; n = 41) and showed a tendency of negative correlation with morning plasma cortisol concentration (P = .08; n = 41). However, AT did not alter plasma cortisol responses (P = .99; n = 16 AT subjects vs n = 25 non-AT subjects). (1) The long-term AT therapy proved to be a significantly effective preventive intervention in migraine sufferers. We hypothesized that this long-term effect of AT is based on modulation of the pain anticipation system, which is strongly correlated with function of the anterior cingulate cortex. (2) We demonstrated that AT could not alter the nitroglycerin-induced acute migraine attacks, which are directly related to the dysfunctional brainstem activation according to previous studies. (3) Our results suggested that there are multiple, complex relationships between cortisol responses and migraine pain, which are possibly mediated by the brain serotonergic system. (4) In addition, our results provide further evidence that nitroglycerin-induced vasodilatation is not directly connected to either immediate headache or delayed migraine attack.

American Journal of …, Jan 1, 2009
Serotonin-1A (5-HT(1A)) receptors are known to play a role in impulsivity-related behavior. The C... more Serotonin-1A (5-HT(1A)) receptors are known to play a role in impulsivity-related behavior. The C(-1019)G functional polymorphism (rs6295) has been suggested to regulate the 5-HT(1A) receptor gene (HTR(1A)) expression in presynaptic raphe neurons, namely, increased receptor concentration and reduced neuronal firing could be associated with the G allele. Previous studies indicate that this polymorphism is associated with aggression, suicide, and several psychiatric disorders, yet its association with impulsivity has rarely been investigated. We studied the relationship between impulsivity and the C(-1019)G polymorphism of the HTR(1A) in a population sample of 725 volunteers using the Impulsiveness subscale (IVE-I) of the Eysenck Impulsiveness, Venturesomeness, and Empathy scale and also the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with age and gender as covariates and Tukey's HSD post-hoc test. Post-hoc analysis revealed that the study had 0.958 power to detect 0.15 effect size. Significant differences between the C(-1019)G genotype groups (GG vs. GC vs. CC) were found. Subjects carrying GG genotype showed significantly higher impulsiveness scores compared to GC or CC carriers for the IVE-I scale (P = 0.014), for the Motor (P = 0.021), Cognitive Impulsiveness (P = 0.002), and for the BIS total score (P = 0.008) but not for the Nonplanning Impulsiveness (P = 0.520) subscale of the BIS-11. Our results suggest the involvement of the HTR(1A) in the continuum phenotype of impulsivity.

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Jan 1, 2010
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), seasonality and increased sensitivity to the fluctuation of se... more Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), seasonality and increased sensitivity to the fluctuation of seasons in biological and psychological parameters can manifest to varying degrees across a normal population. The serotonin-2A (5-HT2A) receptor gene has long been suggested as a candidate for the genetic basis of this phenomenon. We hypothesized that functional sequence variation in this gene could contribute to seasonality and the development of winter- and/or summer-type seasonal depression. Seasonality was measured by the self-rating Global Seasonality Score (GSS) of the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire, and SAD by the Seasonal Health Questionnaire (SHQ). We analysed associations between GSS or SAD scores and 5-HTR2A receptor gene polymorphisms rs731779, rs985934 and rs6311, in 609 individuals. People carrying the GG genotype of rs731779 were six times more likely to manifest winter or summer SAD compared to GT or TT genotypes (OR = 6.47), and the chance of having winter-type SAD was almost nine-fold (OR = 8.7) with the GG genotype. GG subjects of rs731779 also scored significantly higher on the GSS scale compared to carriers of the T allele. In the haplotype analysis subjects carrying the G allele of rs731779 scored higher on the GSS scale, while the presence of the T allele leads to lower scores. These results suggest that variations in the 5-HTR2A gene play a significant role in the development of seasonality and especially in winter-type SAD. The fact that the above polymorphism showed association not only with clinical SAD but also seasonality symptoms in a general population provides evidence for the spectrum nature of this connection.

Biological …, Jan 1, 2008
Since the first report of the significant gene-environment interaction (G x E) in depression publ... more Since the first report of the significant gene-environment interaction (G x E) in depression published by Caspi et al., the literature is considerably contradictory in this field. To clarify this question, we analyzed the interaction between the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) and threatening life events (TLE) on Zung Self-Rating Depression Score (ZSDS). Five markers tagging the whole SLC6A4 gene (5-HTTLPR and 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms: rs2020942, rs140700, rs3798908, rs1042173) were genotyped in 567 nonclinical individuals. Generalized linear models were used to analyze single marker associations, and likelihood ratio tests and score tests were used for haplotype analysis. Haplotype analysis revealed a significant global effect of haplotypes on ZSDS score in high TLE subgroup (p = .008). Besides the 5-HTTLPR, rs140700 tagging the middle region of the gene had significant effects. Subjects carrying the A allele of rs140700 scored lower on ZSDS independently of 5-HTTLPR carrier status. Explained variances for depressive phenotype were 1%, 4%, and 6% when 5-HTTLPR, 5-HTTLPR x TLE and 5-HTTLPR x rs140700 x TLE were included in the model, respectively. Our results demonstrate heterogeneity of individuals carrying S alleles of 5-HTTLPR in association with high TLE providing possible explanation for the inconsistency of previous studies. In addition to the promoter, the middle region of the SLC6A4 gene carries the G x G x E interaction for mood, and this new model provided a higher explained variance. We report the first evidence for the significant effects of haplotypes of the SLC6A4 gene and threatening life events on depressive phenotype.
American Journal of …, Jan 1, 2009

Psychiatry …, Jan 1, 2007
The 5HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene has been associated with anxiety disor... more The 5HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene has been associated with anxiety disorders and also migraine, suggesting a common etiological background of these disorders. This association is further supported by the high comorbidity of these disorders. In our study Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the 5HTTLPR genotype were investigated in a cohort of 97 psychiatrically healthy females also including 45 migraineurs. Higher state anxiety scores were significantly associated with the s allele either in the whole sample or when the group was separated into migraineurs and non-migraineurs. Migraineurs also had a significantly higher frequency of the s allele. Our results indicate that even in a healthy population the s allele is associated with a high anxiety endophenotype. The association of migraine with anxiety may be explained by the higher rate of individuals carrying the s allele among migraineurs.

European archives of …, Jan 1, 2009
Research concerning the genetic background of traits, temperaments and psychiatric disorders has ... more Research concerning the genetic background of traits, temperaments and psychiatric disorders has been rapidly expanding. One of the most frequently studied genetic polymorphisms in the background of psychological and psychiatric phenomena is the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene which has earlier been found to be associated with neuroticism and neuroticism-related traits and disorders. However, both the neuroticism trait and psychiatric disorders are complex and composed of several subfacets. The aim of our study was to investigate the association of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism with several smaller, distinct and better characterisable phenomena related to the neuroticism trait. 169 healthy females participated in the study. All participants completed the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), The Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (ZSDS), the Beck Hopelessness Scale, the SCL-51, the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego (TEMPS-A) questionnaire. All subjects were genotyped for the 5-HTTLPR using PCR. Data were analysed with ANOVA and MANCOVA with age as a covariate. We found that the presence of the s allele was significantly associated with anxiety, depression, hopelessness, guilt, hostility, aggression, presence of neurotic symptoms, self-directedness and affective temperaments carrying a depressive component even when controlling for age. Our study is the first that confirms that traits and characteristics related to neuroticism, such as increased anxiety, depression, hopelessness, somatization, feeling of guilt, hostility, aggression, lack of self-directedness and affective temperament are consistently and independently associated with the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene. Our study therefore suggests that neuroticism can be considered a unified construct not only from a phenotypical but also from a genetic point of view and 5HTTLPR can be considered one component of its polygenic background. Our results thus yield further insight into the role of the 5-HTTLPR in the background of neuroticism and neuroticism-related psychiatric disorders.

Journal of …, Jan 1, 2003
It is well known that migraine has a strong genetic component, although the type and number of ge... more It is well known that migraine has a strong genetic component, although the type and number of genes involved is not yet clear. There is evidence to suggest that serotonin-related genes participate in the pathogenesis of migraine. Previous studies have shown that gender differences influence the serotonergic neurotransmission and, in addition, the migraine prevalence is higher in females than males. Therefore, we investigated the functional polymorphism in the upstream regulatory region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) and the 102T/C polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene in the Hungarian female population. These genes were analysed in 126 migraine sufferers (with or without aura)and 101 unrelated healthy controls using case control design. A borderline association (chi2 = 3.84, df = 1, p = 0.049; OR = 1.45, 95% CI = 1.00-2.12) between 5-HTTLPR short (S) allele and migraine was found. No significant difference between migraine sufferers and controls was observed for the 102T/C polymorphism of 5-HT2A receptor gene. Furthermore, there was no significant interaction between5-HTTLPR and 102T/C polymorphisms in our study population. In conclusion, our results support that the genetic susceptibility of migraine may be associated with a locus at or near the 5-HT transporter gene.

Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakológiai Egyesület lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology, 2012
Rumination is a multidimensional trait which is a proven risk factor in the vulnerability to depr... more Rumination is a multidimensional trait which is a proven risk factor in the vulnerability to depression. The aim to identify the main risk genes for depression in addition to the gene-environment interactions pointed to the importance of intermediate phenotypes, like rumination, to improve our understanding of the biological mechanisms of depression. Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) gene is extensively investigated in depression with contradictory results but its association with rumination, as an intermediate phenotype in depression, has not been investigated yet. In our study, four tagging SNPs in the COMT gene (rs933271, rs740603, rs4680, rs4646316) were genotyped in a nonclinical Hungarian sample (n=939). We investigated the association between the COMT gene and rumination scores measured by the Ruminative Response Scale using haplotype trend regression. We found a significant association between COMT haplotypes and rumination scores (p=0.013) but no significant association w...

Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakológiai Egyesület lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology, 2012
Depression is a highly prevalent mental illness with increasing burden for the patients, their fa... more Depression is a highly prevalent mental illness with increasing burden for the patients, their families and society as well. In spite of its increasing importance, we still do not have complete understanding either of the phenomenology or the etiopathological background of depression, and cross-country, cross-ethnic and cross-cultural differences in the prevalence and symptomatic manifestation of depression further obscure this picture. Culturally-related features of depressive illness are gaining more importance in clinical practice with the increasing migration trends worldwide. In spite of the differences replicated in multiple studies, no exhaustive explanations are offered so far. In the present paper we describe the most consistently replicated findings concerning the most important cross-national differences in the rates and characteristics of depression with a short comment on possible background factors.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Nitroglycerin-induced headaches]](
Orvosi hetilap, Jan 14, 2004
Headache is the most prominent side effect of nitrate therapy. Lack of compliance is usually asso... more Headache is the most prominent side effect of nitrate therapy. Lack of compliance is usually associated with headache which has a detrimental effect on quality of life. In spite of the high frequency of this adverse effect, the headache characteristics, timing and risk factors are less known. On the other hand, intravenously administered nitroglycerin-induced migraine attack is a common human research model in migraine. AIM OF THE PRESENT STUDY: to evaluate the headaches occurring after administration of therapeutic dose of sublingual nitroglycerin, in migraineurs and controls. Twenty-eight female migraine patients without aura and 14 healthy controls received 0.5 mg nitroglycerin. Headache intensity and characteristics have been investigated for 24 hours. two types of headache developed after the nitroglycerin administration: (1) an immediate headache that does not fulfil the criteria for migraine, mild and disappears spontaneously within 1 hour; (2) a typical migraine attack witho...

Journal of neurogenetics
It is well known that migraine has a strong genetic component, although the type and number of ge... more It is well known that migraine has a strong genetic component, although the type and number of genes involved is not yet clear. There is evidence to suggest that serotonin-related genes participate in the pathogenesis of migraine. Previous studies have shown that gender differences influence the serotonergic neurotransmission and, in addition, the migraine prevalence is higher in females than males. Therefore, we investigated the functional polymorphism in the upstream regulatory region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) and the 102T/C polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene in the Hungarian female population. These genes were analysed in 126 migraine sufferers (with or without aura)and 101 unrelated healthy controls using case control design. A borderline association (chi2 = 3.84, df = 1, p = 0.049; OR = 1.45, 95% CI = 1.00-2.12) between 5-HTTLPR short (S) allele and migraine was found. No significant difference between migraine sufferers and controls was observed for th...

Pain, 2003
The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in the plasma calcitonin gene-related pep... more The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in the plasma calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) concentration and platelet serotonin (5-hydroxytriptamine, 5-HT) content during the immediate headache and the delayed genuine migraine attack provoked by nitroglycerin. Fifteen female migraineurs (without aura) and eight controls participated in the study. Sublingual nitroglycerin (0.5 mg) was administered. Blood was collected from the antecubital vein four times: 60 min before and after the nitroglycerin application, and 60 and 120 min after the beginning of the migraine attack (mean 344 and 404 min; 12 subjects). In those subjects who had no migraine attack (11 subjects) a similar time schedule was used. Plasma CGRP concentration increased significantly (P<0.01) during the migraine attack and returned to baseline after the cessation of the migraine. In addition, both change and peak, showed significant positive correlations with migraine headache intensity (P<0.001)....

Neuroscience letters, Jan 16, 2003
Platelet serotonin (5-HT) concentrations in a headache-free period during the mid-follicular phas... more Platelet serotonin (5-HT) concentrations in a headache-free period during the mid-follicular phase and the serotonin transporter gene regulatory region polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) were measured in female migraine patients without aura (n = 64) and healthy controls (n = 42). High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the platelet 5-HT concentration and genetic polymorphism was determined by polymerase chain reaction. Significantly lower platelet 5-HT concentrations were found in migraine patients compared to controls. Concerning the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, the S/S genotype was associated with a significantly higher platelet 5-HT concentration (P = 0.027) in the whole study population. This association between the 5-HTTLPR genotypes and platelet 5-HT concentrations was independent of the diagnosis. In addition, the platelet 5-HT concentration was lower in migraineurs in all genotypes (S/S, S/L, L/L). In conclusion, 5-HTTLPR variants may have an effect on the platelet ...
PLOS ONE, 2015
Although 5-HTTLPR has been shown to influence the risk of life stress-induced depression in the m... more Although 5-HTTLPR has been shown to influence the risk of life stress-induced depression in the majority of studies, others have produced contradictory results, possibly due to weak effects and/or sample heterogeneity.

PLoS ONE, 2014
Venlafaxine (VLX), a serotonine-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, is one of the most commonly use... more Venlafaxine (VLX), a serotonine-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, is one of the most commonly used antidepressant drugs in clinical practice for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). Despite being more potent than its predecessors, similarly to them, the therapeutical effect of VLX is visible only 3-4 weeks after the beginning of treatment. Furthermore, recent papers show that antidepressants, including also VLX, enhance the motor recovery after stroke even in non depressed persons. In the present, transcriptomic-based study we looked for changes in gene expressions after a long-term VLX administration. Osmotic minipumps were implanted subcutaneously into Dark Agouti rats providing a continuous (40 mg/kg/day) VLX delivery for three weeks. Frontal regions of the cerebral cortex were isolated and analyzed using Illumina bead arrays to detect genes showing significant chances in expression. Gene set enrichment analysis was performed to identify specific regulatory networks significantly affected by long term VLX treatment. Chronic VLX administration may have an effect on neurotransmitter release via the regulation of genes involved in vesicular exocytosis and receptor endocytosis (such as Kif proteins, Myo5a, Sv2b, Syn2 or Synj2). Simultaneously, VLX activated the expression of genes involved in neurotrophic signaling (Ntrk2, Ntrk3), glutamatergic transmission (Gria3, Grin2b and Grin2a), neuroplasticity (Camk2g/b, Cd47), synaptogenesis (Epha5a, Gad2) and cognitive processes (Clstn2). Interestingly, VLX increased the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial antioxidant activity (Bcl2 and Prdx1). Additionally, VLX administration also modulated genes related to insulin signaling pathway (Negr1, Ppp3r1, Slc2a4 and Enpp1), a mechanism that has recently been linked to neuroprotection, learning and memory. Our results strongly suggest that chronic VLX treatment improves functional reorganization and brain plasticity by influencing gene expression in regulatory networks of motor cortical areas. These results are consonant with the synaptic (network) hypothesis of depression and antidepressant-induced motor recovery after stroke.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jan 22, 2014
Galanin is a stress-inducible neuropeptide and cotransmitter in serotonin and norepinephrine neur... more Galanin is a stress-inducible neuropeptide and cotransmitter in serotonin and norepinephrine neurons with a possible role in stress-related disorders. Here we report that variants in genes for galanin (GAL) and its receptors (GALR1, GALR2, GALR3), despite their disparate genomic loci, conferred increased risk of depression and anxiety in people who experienced childhood adversity or recent negative life events in a European white population cohort totaling 2,361 from Manchester, United Kingdom and Budapest, Hungary. Bayesian multivariate analysis revealed a greater relevance of galanin system genes in highly stressed subjects compared with subjects with moderate or low life stress. Using the same method, the effect of the galanin system genes was stronger than the effect of the well-studied 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4). Conventional multivariate analysis using general linear models demonstrated that interaction of galanin system genes with life st...
Papers by Gabriella Juhasz