Books & Contributions to Books by Gabriella Fabrizi

The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package is part of the final outputs of the EU project ENHAGA tha... more The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package is part of the final outputs of the EU project ENHAGA that will help to enrich and institutionalize the prevention of gender-based violence while simultaneously develop critical thinking and proper information literacy among gamers. The package, together with the ENHAGA game, will be used as useful resource and mentorship practice. The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package includes four modules that apply to different target groups and fulfill different goals. The overall training aims to benefit all gamers and generally the world of gaming, since the improvement in online behavior can only bring about beneficial transformations also in their offline actions. All modules follow a similar format of blended learning including both face-to-face and online activities. Each module has a duration of 3 hours (2 hours of face-to-face activities + 1 hour for the online activities).
The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package is developed to be used both for the training of gamers and trainers. Male and female gamers will be trained through the practice guide to understand and recognize abusive behavior and psychological pressure. The aim is to reduce misunderstandings and gender-based hatred and enhance the quality of interaction in gaming settings encouraging an integrative environment for everyone involved. The toolkit is developed to be used by trainers, in the case of training stakeholders (civil society agents and educators), or gamers, offering guidelines and important tips that should be taken into consideration at the implementation of the training. The theory of the ENHAGA project is to eliminate gender stereotypes that can lead to hatred and cyber bullying. This Training Toolkit and Package can be used as a tool to raise awareness, educate people and prevent cyber sexual harassment. It can be applied not only to the countries where the partners of the project are based but also internationally.
Papers by Gabriella Fabrizi
A participative approach to curriculum development for adults in addiction recovery across the Eu... more A participative approach to curriculum development for adults in addiction recovery across the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communi... more This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Social Science Research Network, 2023
Social Science Research Network, 2023
A review of the policy relating to drug addiction and treatment in the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Roman... more A review of the policy relating to drug addiction and treatment in the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania and Italy. This document provides the contextual background for the RECOVEU project : A participative approach to curriculum development for adults in addiction recovery across the European Union. The project has brought together partners from the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania and Italy with the aim of developing access to learning resources for people in addiction recover. The review draws on existing data (for example, from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) and the experiential knowledge of the five partner organisations working in the field of addiction.

During the first year of the RECOVEU project, the Consortium collected data regarding the policy ... more During the first year of the RECOVEU project, the Consortium collected data regarding the policy and practice in the field of addiction treatment, education and social reintegration in all five countries.One of the major issues confronting policy makers and practitioners in the field of addiction and recovery is the lack of specific data concerning the access of adults in recovery to learning resources that enable them to recover and re‐integrate into society. Consulting with both adults in recovery and service providers will support awareness of the issues prevalent in recovering addicts’ lives and lead to the development of adult education which is responsive to the specific barriers this may raise. This will ensure that the adult education curriculum developed during the project will meet the needs of people in recovery, thereby increasing the potential for successful engagement and retention. Work Package 4 – Focus Group Phase has supported an understanding of the part played by...

During the first year of the RECOVEU project, the Consortium collected data regarding the policy ... more During the first year of the RECOVEU project, the Consortium collected data regarding the policy and practice in the field of addiction treatment, education and social reintegration in all five countries.One of the major issues confronting policy makers and practitioners in the field of addiction and recovery is the lack of specific data concerning the access of adults in recovery to learning resources that enable them to recover and re‐integrate into society. Consulting with both adults in recovery and service providers will support awareness of the issues prevalent in recovering addicts’ lives and lead to the development of adult education which is responsive to the specific barriers this may raise. This will ensure that the adult education curriculum developed during the project will meet the needs of people in recovery, thereby increasing the potential for successful engagement and retention. Work Package 4 – Focus Group Phase has supported an understanding of the part played by...
National reports by Gabriella Fabrizi

The implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework in 6 European states: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands, 2022
This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an... more This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an EU-funded project focusing on the more effective implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework through the training of legal professionals and frontline workers. The e-book consists of chapters on six EU Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter providing comparative analysis between the different case studies. The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more generally.

The implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework in 6 European states: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands, 2022
This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted
for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an... more This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted
for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an EU-funded project focusing
on the more effective implementation of the EU anti-racism
legal framework through the training of legal professionals
and frontline workers. The e-book consists of chapters on six EU
Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta,
and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism
legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial
Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter
providing comparative analysis between the different case studies.
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking
the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly
available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is
interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more
PRESERVERE E-book #1 by Gabriella Fabrizi

PRESERVERE - e-book 1, 2022
This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an... more This e-book is the product of research that had been conducted for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an EU-funded project focusing on the more effective implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework through the training of legal professionals and frontline workers.
The e-book consists of chapters on six EU Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter providing comparative analysis between the different case studies. do
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more generally.
Books & Contributions to Books by Gabriella Fabrizi
The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package is developed to be used both for the training of gamers and trainers. Male and female gamers will be trained through the practice guide to understand and recognize abusive behavior and psychological pressure. The aim is to reduce misunderstandings and gender-based hatred and enhance the quality of interaction in gaming settings encouraging an integrative environment for everyone involved. The toolkit is developed to be used by trainers, in the case of training stakeholders (civil society agents and educators), or gamers, offering guidelines and important tips that should be taken into consideration at the implementation of the training. The theory of the ENHAGA project is to eliminate gender stereotypes that can lead to hatred and cyber bullying. This Training Toolkit and Package can be used as a tool to raise awareness, educate people and prevent cyber sexual harassment. It can be applied not only to the countries where the partners of the project are based but also internationally.
Papers by Gabriella Fabrizi
National reports by Gabriella Fabrizi
for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an EU-funded project focusing
on the more effective implementation of the EU anti-racism
legal framework through the training of legal professionals
and frontline workers. The e-book consists of chapters on six EU
Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta,
and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism
legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial
Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter
providing comparative analysis between the different case studies.
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking
the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly
available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is
interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more
PRESERVERE E-book #1 by Gabriella Fabrizi
The e-book consists of chapters on six EU Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter providing comparative analysis between the different case studies. do
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more generally.
The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package is developed to be used both for the training of gamers and trainers. Male and female gamers will be trained through the practice guide to understand and recognize abusive behavior and psychological pressure. The aim is to reduce misunderstandings and gender-based hatred and enhance the quality of interaction in gaming settings encouraging an integrative environment for everyone involved. The toolkit is developed to be used by trainers, in the case of training stakeholders (civil society agents and educators), or gamers, offering guidelines and important tips that should be taken into consideration at the implementation of the training. The theory of the ENHAGA project is to eliminate gender stereotypes that can lead to hatred and cyber bullying. This Training Toolkit and Package can be used as a tool to raise awareness, educate people and prevent cyber sexual harassment. It can be applied not only to the countries where the partners of the project are based but also internationally.
for the purposes of PRESERVERE, an EU-funded project focusing
on the more effective implementation of the EU anti-racism
legal framework through the training of legal professionals
and frontline workers. The e-book consists of chapters on six EU
Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta,
and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism
legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial
Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter
providing comparative analysis between the different case studies.
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking
the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly
available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is
interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more
The e-book consists of chapters on six EU Member States, namely Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and the Netherlands. It also includes a chapter on the EU antiracism legal framework, focusing in particular on the Racial Equality Directive and Victims’ Rights Directive, and a chapter providing comparative analysis between the different case studies. do
The e-book is a useful supplementary guide to those undertaking the training provided by PRESERVERE (that will remain publicly available after the conclusion of the project) and to whoever is interested in the implementation of anti-discrimination law more generally.