Papers by Gabriela Tavares

Neste artigo abordaremos uma temática pouco pensada mas que fazemos obrigatoriamente desde a infâ... more Neste artigo abordaremos uma temática pouco pensada mas que fazemos obrigatoriamente desde a infância: narrar histórias. A arte de narrar é milenar, mas segundo autores como Walter Benjamin, ela está morrendo. Isso deve-se à constante individualização que o capitalismo pressupõe, passando a prezar por uma supervalorização de histórias e excluindo as narrativas e saberes populares, como uma tempestade que arrasta a humanidade para o futuro, deixando tudo o que não lhe serve mais em ruínas. Utilizaremos o curta-metragem “Ilha das Flores” para evidenciarmos o quão nociva pode ser uma narrativa infiel, supervalorizada e sensacionalista.
In this article we will approach a subject that we have been doing since childhood: telling stories. The art of storytelling is millennial, but according to authors like Walter Benjamin, it is dying. This is due to the constant individualization that capitalism presupposes, turning to overvaluation of stories and excluding popular narratives and popular knowledge, like a storm that drags humanity into the future, leaving everything that no longer serves its ruins. We will use the short film “Island of flowers” to highlight how harmful an unfaithful, overvalued and sensationalist narrative can become.

Resumo: Este artigo tem o intuito de refletir sobre os reflexos do assédio moral laboral sobre a ... more Resumo: Este artigo tem o intuito de refletir sobre os reflexos do assédio moral laboral sobre a mulher e dos recursos sociais, jurídicos, estatais e sociais de que ela dispõe, bem como da visão da mulher após sofrido e superado o assédio, de como a mesma rompe o ciclo de violência (e se essa ruptura ocorre de forma sistêmica). Para isso, partiremos de dois pontos de vista: o do Direito e da Sociologia do Trabalho. Da primeira área de saberes, elencando os entendimentos dos princípios legais que defendem a mulher enquanto igual e portadora da segurança jurídica, e questionando sua base, a partir da segunda área tentamos definir se isto é possível. Da Sociologia do Trabalho utilizamos duas análises complementares, uma da psicodinâmica do trabalho e outra da mulher na sociedade de classes, pois partimos de vivências de mulheres para falar da situação do assédio. A mulher que passa pela situação de assédio moral, enquanto tem sua mão de obra superexplorada, é o ponto central personagem social principal deste trabalho. As perspectivas teóricas foram voltadas para o debate da ética e da moral em relação a mulher, contrapondo-as, assim como contraem-se "fato e norma" no direito, buscando a compreensão de sua estrutura juridicamente e se são suficientes, tanto a moral quanto a norma, para assegurar a mulher. Para tanto, fizemos algumas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, além de com mulheres que sofreram assédio moral em seu ambiente de trabalho a fim de compreender esta situação.
Abstract: This article aims to reflect on woman's harassment on workplaces and the social, legal, state and social resources available to them, as well women after suffering and overcoming harassment, how it breaks the cycle of violence (and whether this rupture occurs systemically). For this, we will start from two points of view: the Law and the Sociology of Work. From the first area of knowledge, listing the understandings of the legal principles that defend women as equal and having legal certainty, and questioning their basis, from the second area we try to define whether this is possible. From Sociology of Work, we used two complementary analyzes, one from the psychodynamics of work and the other from women in class society, since we started from the experiences of women to talk about the situation of harassment. The woman who goes through the situation of moral harassment, while having her workforce overexploited, is the central point of the main social character of this work. Theoretical perspectives were focused on the debate of ethics and morals in relation to women, contrasting them, as well as contracting "fact and norm" in law, seeking to understand its legal structure and whether it is sufficient, both morally as the norm, to ensure the woman as a worker. To this end, we did some semi-structured interviews, in addition to women who suffered bullying in their work environment in order to understand this situation.
Palavras-chave : Mulher; Trabalho; Assédio moral.
Papers by Gabriela Tavares
In this article we will approach a subject that we have been doing since childhood: telling stories. The art of storytelling is millennial, but according to authors like Walter Benjamin, it is dying. This is due to the constant individualization that capitalism presupposes, turning to overvaluation of stories and excluding popular narratives and popular knowledge, like a storm that drags humanity into the future, leaving everything that no longer serves its ruins. We will use the short film “Island of flowers” to highlight how harmful an unfaithful, overvalued and sensationalist narrative can become.
Abstract: This article aims to reflect on woman's harassment on workplaces and the social, legal, state and social resources available to them, as well women after suffering and overcoming harassment, how it breaks the cycle of violence (and whether this rupture occurs systemically). For this, we will start from two points of view: the Law and the Sociology of Work. From the first area of knowledge, listing the understandings of the legal principles that defend women as equal and having legal certainty, and questioning their basis, from the second area we try to define whether this is possible. From Sociology of Work, we used two complementary analyzes, one from the psychodynamics of work and the other from women in class society, since we started from the experiences of women to talk about the situation of harassment. The woman who goes through the situation of moral harassment, while having her workforce overexploited, is the central point of the main social character of this work. Theoretical perspectives were focused on the debate of ethics and morals in relation to women, contrasting them, as well as contracting "fact and norm" in law, seeking to understand its legal structure and whether it is sufficient, both morally as the norm, to ensure the woman as a worker. To this end, we did some semi-structured interviews, in addition to women who suffered bullying in their work environment in order to understand this situation.
Palavras-chave : Mulher; Trabalho; Assédio moral.
In this article we will approach a subject that we have been doing since childhood: telling stories. The art of storytelling is millennial, but according to authors like Walter Benjamin, it is dying. This is due to the constant individualization that capitalism presupposes, turning to overvaluation of stories and excluding popular narratives and popular knowledge, like a storm that drags humanity into the future, leaving everything that no longer serves its ruins. We will use the short film “Island of flowers” to highlight how harmful an unfaithful, overvalued and sensationalist narrative can become.
Abstract: This article aims to reflect on woman's harassment on workplaces and the social, legal, state and social resources available to them, as well women after suffering and overcoming harassment, how it breaks the cycle of violence (and whether this rupture occurs systemically). For this, we will start from two points of view: the Law and the Sociology of Work. From the first area of knowledge, listing the understandings of the legal principles that defend women as equal and having legal certainty, and questioning their basis, from the second area we try to define whether this is possible. From Sociology of Work, we used two complementary analyzes, one from the psychodynamics of work and the other from women in class society, since we started from the experiences of women to talk about the situation of harassment. The woman who goes through the situation of moral harassment, while having her workforce overexploited, is the central point of the main social character of this work. Theoretical perspectives were focused on the debate of ethics and morals in relation to women, contrasting them, as well as contracting "fact and norm" in law, seeking to understand its legal structure and whether it is sufficient, both morally as the norm, to ensure the woman as a worker. To this end, we did some semi-structured interviews, in addition to women who suffered bullying in their work environment in order to understand this situation.
Palavras-chave : Mulher; Trabalho; Assédio moral.