Papers by Gabriel N Neagu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Jul 1, 1983
A presentation of the possibility of using hierarchical optimization algorithms within practical ... more A presentation of the possibility of using hierarchical optimization algorithms within practical systems for computer assisted production control is intended. It is shown how an optimization problem can be formulated in order to cope with the mUltiple objectives of the system.A practical large example is given. A computer package which uses multilevel algorithms is described.

Having good decision support is absolutely necessary nowadays because of the need to improve and ... more Having good decision support is absolutely necessary nowadays because of the need to improve and gain value. For any organization, it is vital to obtain value from anything it can and having huge amounts of data, Big Data,_pushes them to do so. But only having Big Data is not enough. The most important thing is to use it smartly in order to gain valuable decision support. Making sense of Big Data would happen when we are able to use all the data we have and get important hints and directions. The impediment in the Big Data concept is to obtain support as fast it can be obtained, in real time if possible and the solution used needs to be very malleable because of information technology evolution. Because of this evolution and because of the ease in managing data with Elastic Stack we chose to use Elastic Stack to manage Big Data. The process of making sense of Big Data is based on three big steps: collect, process and use. In order to do so and to make sense of all of this, this paper proposes to use an Elastic Stack solution, also known as ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana), to easily and rapidly manage the Big Data problem. The purpose of making sense of Big Data is succeeding to extract valuable information to stand as decision support. In order to achieve that purpose and obtain valuable information from Big Data all components are used to process data and analyze the result to offer support for decision making.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can occur while a person is getting old and it is associated with... more Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can occur while a person is getting old and it is associated with more serious cognitive deteriorations than the normal ageing-related ones. As it may involve a significant decrease in the quality of life, health status and independence of the elderly, the early diagnosis and a personalized assistance become crucial in this ageing worldwide context. Current and emerging technologies provide the needed support for implementing appropriate new models of healthcare delivery. This paper highlights how RO-SmartAgeing system, which aims to provide customized monitoring and assistance for an elderly in his home, is designed for addressing a particular health condition as MIC. The associated smart environment is presented, together with the data flow chart and architecture, with an emphasis on MIC approach.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Nov 1, 1992
This paper aims at presenting the generic modelling (GM) concept in the context of CIM systems en... more This paper aims at presenting the generic modelling (GM) concept in the context of CIM systems engineering. The decision support system (DSS) field in operative production process control (OPPC) has been selected to illustrate the system development approach based on the implementation of this concept. In this respect, some considerations about the decision-making dimension of elM architecture are formulated and recent trends in decisionsupport for the OPPC domain are pointed out. The benefitsofthe object-oriented development as support for the system life cycle in the GM approach are emphasized. A short description of two ongoing projects for knowledge based DSS in continous and discrete production control is given.
Auerbach Publications eBooks, Jan 12, 2023
Revista română de informatică şi automatică, Sep 30, 2022
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Oct 1, 1995
The multi-agent paradigm is increasingly used in the analysis, modelling and design of complex s'... more The multi-agent paradigm is increasingly used in the analysis, modelling and design of complex s'stcms \\ilh highly interacting components. In the framework provided by the generic prototyping approach, the paper presents a solution for the behaviour modelling of discrete event processes, where the decision-making capabilities of cooperating agents have to be emphasized. At the object IC\'el the DCPN (decision control Petri nets) formalism is proposed, while the coordinating mechanism at the system level has been developed according to the blackboard paradigm. 111e job-shop case stud~' illustrates the approach. The conceptual model provided by this approach is being implemented in the MASlM (multi-agent simulator in manufacturing) module of a DSS for intelligent job-shop control.
2019 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB)
Current and emerging approaches regarding the designing and development of eHealth applications p... more Current and emerging approaches regarding the designing and development of eHealth applications prove increasingly their potential to sustain the improvement of healthcare service delivery. Internets of Things and microservices have become essential for enhancing the quality of a great variety of healthcare applications. The paper presents the architecture of the RO-SmartAgeing system devoted to non-invasive monitoring and health assessment of the elderly in a smart environment. The architecture is based on the integration of Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) and Cloud computing technologies and provides multilevel medical decision support. This architecture is expected to ensure to the future system the capability to answer to various implementation requirements, as it is illustrated by the envisaged use cases.

2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2019
Cloud-Internet of Things based solutions exploit the benefits of complementarity between the two ... more Cloud-Internet of Things based solutions exploit the benefits of complementarity between the two technologies. Due to its specificity, the Ambient Assisted Leaving is a priority domain to implements such solutions, with main focus on health and behaviour monitoring. The paper provides the business architecture and generic specifications for a management system with a two-fold objective: to support the configuration of the integrated offer of services specific to Cloud of Things based monitoring, in relation with various providers of these services, and to efficiently administrate the implementation and usage of this offer, in collaboration with its users and beneficiaries. The solution is dedicated to the service integrator, who plays the central role and has the main responsibility in capitalizing this offer on the market. To emphasize this particularity, the focus is put on the business architecture of this management solution specifying the participants, their roles and interactions. For the information management system supporting this architecture, the conceptual schema of the database is detailed. Finally the paper outlines an instantiation of this solution in case of health monitoring, with the focus on outpatient setting. A further development of the current solution envisages of this architecture to the institutionalized patients setting.
Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică, 2020
Cloud processing is very important in the context of the Cloud computing research area. Various w... more Cloud processing is very important in the context of the Cloud computing research area. Various works about Cloud processing are discussed in the literature. This work presents the characteristics of the Service Level Agreement when referring to the Cloud processing. To define and design the Service Level Agreement in relation with Cloud processing we chose three use cases that are part of three different projects that we were involved on. The three projects are: ForestMon, SPERO and ROBIN-Cloud and are further presented in this work. The design of the Service Level Agreement is done differently in the case of each project. Each project is a Cloud related one and the architecture of each project is described in this work. The SLA parameters for Cloud processing in the three cases are discussed in detail.

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on INFORMATICS in ECONOMY Education, Research and Business Technologies, 2019
The Cloud-IoT approach is an innovative solution to provide advanced information services, includ... more The Cloud-IoT approach is an innovative solution to provide advanced information services, including monitoring services, in various application domains. The disruptive potential of this paradigm is based on the inherent complementarity of Cloud computing and Internet of Things technologies. This particularity generates mutual benefits for both technological domains and provides a significant potential for developing complex, value added services. Considering the multi-source specificity of these services, their integration in a coherent offer with the "single point of contact" principle in mind is expected to facilitate the market penetration of these services. The paper proposes the Cloud-IoT service offer integrator role implementing this principle. Its business profile is outlined and its interactions along the supply chain are identified. Based on this information the business model specifications are presented in terms of customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationship, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2000
The strategic importance of managing a supply chain is the spotlight of this special session. Fiv... more The strategic importance of managing a supply chain is the spotlight of this special session. Five papers provided by authors of Universities and R&D Institutes from different countries bring their contributions to this theme. In particular, the need of supply chain management models and tools is the main focus addressed by these authors. Almost all of them consider the current Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems quite inflexible to directly support the complexity of managing a cooperative enterprise network. In addition, they propose alternatives to overcome the difficulties involving planning aspects of a supply chain, and discuss possible directions to improve the supply chain management as a whole. Copyright© 2000 IFAC.
2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 2015
The need to capitalize from business opportunities, generated by the ever dynamic global business... more The need to capitalize from business opportunities, generated by the ever dynamic global business environment determine enterprises to increase agility influencing strategy, decision, process and resource allocation. In this paper we propose a Generic Framework to assist the development of Automated Process Mapping Applications for flexible and complex processes, which involve activities in which the human factor plays an important role. Another component of the framework analyses ad-hoc industrial processes that are not covered by traditional and established BPM techniques.

Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică, 2018
The status of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a sector characterized by a stron... more The status of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a sector characterized by a strong dynamic of development is confirmed in the strategic documents at national level in the economic field. From the scientific point of view, ICT is included in the list of research, development and innovation (RDI) sectors of smart specialization, which provide support for competitiveness and economic performance. In order to capitalize on this potential, it is important that the definition and structuring of the ICT RDI service offer to the beneficiaries of the economy to highlight the specificity and complementarity of this offer in relation to the products and services of the IT industry. The paper proposes a three-stage methodological approach for structuring such a offer: thematic focus and state-of-the-art analysis of selected topic; identifying the typology of generic solutions (characterized by a wide applicability) for the analyzed topic and creating a dedicated portfolio; estab...

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2016
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a priority topic for research and innovation in ICT as well as a ... more The Internet of Things (IoT) is a priority topic for research and innovation in ICT as well as a major trend for its development in the next period. Due to the large variety of IoT based solutions and their economic and social impact, the healthcare is among most relevant application domains to illustrate this trend. The paper presents the main adopted design and development decisions to build a platform for prototyping IoT based assistive applications with health monitoring capabilities. The prototyping approach is expected to improve the quality and speed up the deployment of these interdisciplinary solutions. A special emphasis was put on the platform architecture which is based on an IoT reference model and a reference architecture to take advantage of, and be compliant with relevant solutions in this field. The functional and information views of the platform architecture are detailed and the main development solutions are outlined.
International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2010
Resource planning and scheduling for a given job is a central issue in the scientific problem sol... more Resource planning and scheduling for a given job is a central issue in the scientific problem solving Grid oriented environments. The workflow oriented approach to this issue has the advantage of efficient allocation of resources at the workflow level by revising the allocation solution at the task level based on requirements of subsequent tasks. The PEGAF project aims at providing a platform for workflow oriented applications development, implementing adaptive scheduling strategies. After an overview of the adopted OGSA based conceptual framework, the paper presents the PEGAF platform functionality and the Service Infrastructure architecture being implemented as part of PEGAF project.

2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2019
The global ageing population puts a burden on healthcare systems not only from the point of view ... more The global ageing population puts a burden on healthcare systems not only from the point of view of cost-related aspects, but also from the senior patients' point of view who tend to be predominately empowered regarding their own health management, digitally-skilled and demanding for personalized health protocols and solutions. Silver Digital Patients can be defined as seniors that master improved abilities of using digital technology in their daily activities, including in monitoring their health, who prove increased interest in having access to the best healthcare to preserve as much as possible their independence and health. An active, decent and safe life for seniors is at its best in their own homes; therefore, a remote health monitoring represents the most appropriate way to smooth the disruptive degenerative age-related factors, together with the important benefit of relieving the expenditures for senior institutionalizations. In this respect, emerging senior-centered technologies have the potential to provide a reliable support for building the most appropriate healthcare provision and environment. Internet of Health Things (IoHT) is a concept for a great variety of devices connected to the Internet that are able to gather a huge amount of diverse data - like health or environmental parameters - in order to keep a close remote watch on the patient, to improve the diagnose of his/her health status and to establish a better preventative healthcare. Edge computing brings the potential of improving the performance and responsiveness of IoHT by allowing the real-time collected data to be pre-processed closer to the source, which can be extremely important for time-sensitive health data in order to identify and trigger anticipatory or reactive health actions. This paper presents a case study -" Non-invasive monitoring and health assessment of the elderly in a smart environment (RO-SmartAgeing)" project - that evaluates the opportunities brought by IoHT and edge computing for a monitoring application. The general objective of this project is to demonstrate the potential of some emerging technology for the positive transformation of how healthcare services are provided to the seniors and to healthcare provider. According to its current development state, a proposed IoHT-based architecture of the monitoring application and a data analytics demo for a health parameter is presented.

2017 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 2017
In the context of demographic ageing the Ambient Assisted Living is a priority approach in health... more In the context of demographic ageing the Ambient Assisted Living is a priority approach in healthcare for elderly, with health monitoring (HM) as a central activity. The Cloud-IoT architecture integrates cloud computing and Internet of Things technologies to highlight the advantages derived from their complementarities. The sensing service is aimed at improving the sensor data accessibility and usage. Starting from the overall scenario of this service, the paper proposes an HM oriented Sensing Service scenario (HM-SS) with the aim to improve the service quality and accessibility, considering the increasing interest for this service which comes not only from large medical facilities but also from small ones (clinics, general practitioners) where the outpatient setting is specific. The interaction of the medical staff with the sensing service provider for the service setting up and its operation is detailed and main implementation rules are formulated.
… Excellence Research-A …, 2008
... Prof.dr. Dana Petcu, Conf.dr. Daniela Zaharie (UVT) ● Application scheduling using genetic al... more ... Prof.dr. Dana Petcu, Conf.dr. Daniela Zaharie (UVT) ● Application scheduling using genetic algorithms Prof.dr. Valentin Cristea, asist.cercetare Florin Pop (UPB) ● Cryptography Prof. Rodica Potolea, Conf. Alin Suciu (UTCN) MOSI Domains Timisoara, 18.12.2008 ...
Page 1. MiDiS-2010 Reviewers Ciprian Dobre Florin Pop Alexandru Costan Gabriel Neagu Corina Strat... more Page 1. MiDiS-2010 Reviewers Ciprian Dobre Florin Pop Alexandru Costan Gabriel Neagu Corina Stratan Catalin Leordeanu Elena Apostol xxxiv
Papers by Gabriel N Neagu