Papers by Gerardo Ortigoza Capetillo
2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV)
In this work we show numerical simulations of the urban tree canopy growth. The study area is a d... more In this work we show numerical simulations of the urban tree canopy growth. The study area is a defined region located in Boca del Río Veracruz, Mexico. An unstructured cellular automata model is implemented in an OpenMP C++ code; geographical information data is included and visualizations are achieved by the use of Phyton. We run our model in time and report the changes in temperatures due to shade canopy. We also estimate the reduction in home electrical energy consumption. Therefore, we conclude that a properly implemented urban afforestation program can be a valuable alternative for climate urban change mitigation and reduction of electrical power consumption.

2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2020
Jupyter Notebooks arise as a tool accessible from a browser that have a dual purpose: to offer a ... more Jupyter Notebooks arise as a tool accessible from a browser that have a dual purpose: to offer a medium that can contain code, text, images and equations; and the possibility of executing code, which makes them an innovative tool for teaching and collaborative work. This article proposes an alternative for a teacher to make available to their students, a multi-user system, to potentiate programming classes, mathematics, numerical methods, linear algebra, control engineering, statistics and even big-data, using Virtual Box and the JupyterHub application. The work describes the way in which a virtual machine was created to be imported in a simple way, where the server starts automatically, requiring only teacher intervention to create the user accounts of its students, maintain the system and shut down the system service virtualized.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV), 2020
Este trabajo presenta una revision de los trabajos de matematicos e investigadores mexicanos que ... more Este trabajo presenta una revision de los trabajos de matematicos e investigadores mexicanos que han propuesto metodologias y analisis matematicos para tener una mejor comprension del contagio y la propagacion del dengue. Planteando en algunos casos medidas de control para reducir o evitar la propagacion del dengue. Se revisan tanto modelos deterministicos, modelos empiricos o analisis estadisticos. Se enumeran y clasifican las metodologias que involucran analisis, modelado y simulacion, casos exitosos de sus aplicaciones para el calculo de cantidades especificas y de importancia para los expertos en salud tales como son el numero basico de reproduccion o el analisis de riesgo de contagio. Se incluyen reflexiones de los retos y futuras consideraciones que se deben incluir en los modelos matematicos para simular la prevencion y el control de la propagacion del dengue en Mexico.

Nova Scientia, 2018
Reverse Cuthill McKee (RCM) reordering can be applied to either edges or elements of unstructured... more Reverse Cuthill McKee (RCM) reordering can be applied to either edges or elements of unstructured meshes (triangular/tetrahedral) , in accordance to the respective finite element formulation, to reduce the bandwidth of stiffness matrices . Grid generators are mainly designed for nodal based finite elements. Their output is a list of nodes (2d or 3d) and an array describing element connectivity, be it triangles or tetrahedra. However, for edge-defined finite element formulations a numbering of the edges is required. Observations are reported for Triangle/Tetgen Delaunay grid generators and for the sparse structure of the assembled matrices in both edge- and element-defined formulations. The RCM is a renumbering algorithm traditionally applied to the nodal graph of the mesh. Thus, in order to apply this renumbering to either the edges or the elements of the respective finite element formulation, graphs of the mesh were generated. Significant bandwidth reduction was obtained. This t...

In this work, we made a review of some of the mathematical models that have been used by mexican ... more In this work, we made a review of some of the mathematical models that have been used by mexican mathematicians to model and simulate the spread of Dengue. Either deterministic, empirical, or statistical analysis models are discussed. Posing in some cases control measures to reduce or prevent the spread of dengue. Both deterministic models or statistical analyzes are reviewed: methodologies that involve analysis, modeling and simulation, successful cases of their applications for the calculation of specific quantities and of importance for health experts are listed and classified as the basic reproduction number or the risk of contagion analysis. Reflections of the challenges and future implications that should be included in the mathematical models to simulate the prevention and control of the spread of dengue in Mexico are also included.Some of the extensions that have been made to the traditional models and the added variables are listed, successful cases of their applications f...
Computación y Sistemas, 2010
Resumen en: In this work we investigate some computational aspects of the eigenvalue calculation ... more Resumen en: In this work we investigate some computational aspects of the eigenvalue calculation with edge elements; those include: the importance of the grid genera...

En este trabajo analizamos escenarios hipotéticos para contagios de COVID-19 durante la elección ... more En este trabajo analizamos escenarios hipotéticos para contagios de COVID-19 durante la elección 2021 en México. Del 2 de abril al 2 de junio 2021 se llevarán a cabo elecciones de diputados federales, diputados locales, gubernaturas y presidencias municipales en lo que es considerada como la elección más grande en la historia de México; se estima que las actividades de las campañas electorales y el día de la votación se incrementará la movilidad de las personas y con ello su riesgo de contagio por COVID-19. Usando datos históricos de razones de contagios se define la media de estos datos, su desviación estándar y mediante una distribución t-Student se obtiene un intervalo de 90% de confianza para la media. Se utilizan el centro y ambos extremos de este intervalo como tasas de incremento para simular el crecimiento de casos en dos periodos (primer mes: elección diputados federales; segundo mes: elección gubernaturas, diputados locales y ayuntamientos); se reportan simulaciones usando...

UVserva, 2018
Este trabajo presenta la revisión de algunos modelos que conocemos como determinísticos o como es... more Este trabajo presenta la revisión de algunos modelos que conocemos como determinísticos o como estocásticos, así como algunas relaciones entre ellos, las cuales resultan interesantes. Vemos cómo las caminatas aleatorias generan algunas ecuaciones diferenciales parciales tales como la ecuación de calor; se presenta la ecuación de Laplace resuelta usando el juego Tour du wino; es decir, simulación Montecarlo para obtener los valores de una función armónica, como los promedios de su valores en la frontera obtenidos por diferentes trayectorias. Se revisan los modelos de Black and Scholes, así como el método de funciones generadoras de probabilidad para mostrar como determinados problemas probabilísticos pueden resolverse usando métodos determinísticos basados en ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y parciales.Palabras clave: modelos determinísticos, modelos probabilísticos, Montecarlo, caminatas aleatorias, Black and Scholes This work presents a review of some deterministic and stochast...
Nova Scientia, 2016
García-Reynoso, A. et al. An improvement of a single-plane balancing method via residual current ... more García-Reynoso, A. et al. An improvement of a single-plane balancing method via residual current of a rotor directly coupled to an induction motor

Educacion Matematica, Aug 1, 2009
Fe cha de re cep ción: 6 de mayo de 2008. ensayo ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias con maxima g... more Fe cha de re cep ción: 6 de mayo de 2008. ensayo ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias con maxima gerardo mario ortigoza capetillo resumen: En este trabajo se presentan soluciones de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias (edos) mediante el uso del paquete libre Maxima. Los comandos básicos de solución de este paquete se explican mediante una serie de ejemplos representativos de un curso tradicional, donde quedan expuestas algunas de las fortalezas y debilidades de Maxima como herramienta para la enseñanza de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Además, este trabajo brinda al lector una guía práctica para iniciar el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales mediante el uso de Maxima y, de esta manera, beneficiarse con el uso de esta herramienta computacional libre. Palabras clave: enseñanza, herramientas computacionales libres, ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, Maxima. maxima and ordinary differential equations abstract: In this work we present solutions of ordinary differencial equations by using the open source package Maxima. The basic commands of solutions of this package are explained by a set of selected examples taken from trraditional courses in ordinary differential equations. Here, some of the strengths and the weakenesses of Maxima as a teaching tool in an ode's course exposed. We hope that this work can be used by the reader as a practical introduction to initiate the study of odes by using Maxima, and in this way to obtener a benefit of the use of this open source computational package.

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2007
We present a higher order accurate discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the simulatio... more We present a higher order accurate discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the simulation of linear free-surface gravity waves. The method uses the classical Runge-Kutta method for the time discretization of the free-surface equations and the discontinuous Galerkin method for the space discretization. In order to circumvent numerical instabilities arising from an asymmetric mesh a stabilization term is added to the free-surface equations. In combination with a higher order velocity recovery technique this stabilizes the numerical discretization with minimal effect on the accuracy of the wave computations. A stability analysis of the semi and fully-discrete scheme is presented, which suggests that for a suitable choice of the stabilization constant a relatively large time step can be chosen for accurate simulations over a long period of time. Numerical examples of a number of problems are also presented.
Computación y Sistemas, 2010
ABSTRACT In this work we investigate some computational aspects of the eigenvalue calculation wit... more ABSTRACT In this work we investigate some computational aspects of the eigenvalue calculation with edge elements; those include: the importance of the grid generator and nodeedge numbering. As the examples show, the sparse structure of the mass and stiffness matrices is highly influenced by the edge numbering.
En este trabajo presentamos calculos numericos para generar proyecciones del numero de casos COVI... more En este trabajo presentamos calculos numericos para generar proyecciones del numero de casos COVID-19 en Mexico. Los datos reportados quincenalmente son ajustados a diferentes modelos matematicos: modelo generalizado de crecimiento de Richards, Gaussianas, y algoritmos de aprendizaje de maquina. Las proyecciones para los numeros de infectados y muertes son obtenidos al aplicar estos modelos matematicos a los datos quincenales de nuevos casos (incidencia) y casos acumulados. Palabras claves: Modelo de Richard, Ajuste Gaussiano, Algoritmos de Machine Learning
Papers by Gerardo Ortigoza Capetillo