Özet Rekabet gücünün artan önemiyle birlikte farklı düzeylerde rekabet gücünü tanımlayan çalışmal... more Özet Rekabet gücünün artan önemiyle birlikte farklı düzeylerde rekabet gücünü tanımlayan çalışmalar yapılması gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada konu rekabet gücü yüksek bir bölgede, orta-yüksek teknoloji düzeyinde ve yenilikçilik potansiyeli olan bir sektör olarak ...
Innovativeness being the main driver of the competitiveness of a region has been created by diffe... more Innovativeness being the main driver of the competitiveness of a region has been created by different actors such as firms, research centers, universities and other public or private institutions interacting on various levels. Spatial concentration accelerated these interactions and the potential of innovativeness increased in these clusters by sharing inputs, benefiting from labor pools and dispersing knowledge. Both government intervention and local characteristics determine success of the clusters. This study has focused on the automotive industry which is clustered in Istanbul and Eastern Marmara Region in Turkey. Not only automotive industry but also other related industries have been clustering in this region since an important petroleum refinery, Tüpraş was established there in 1960. The region also includes TUBİTAK Marmara Research Centre, universities, industrial zones, public institutions and two techno-parks which are specialized on the automotive industry. The aim of this paper is to understand whether automotive cluster in this region is innovative. For this purpose local dynamics which affect evolution of the cluster are explained and characteristics of innovation of automotive firms in the region are clarified by a recent survey held in 2008. The provinces in which the survey is done are Istanbul, Bursa, Kocaeli and Sakarya.
Bölgesel rekabet gücünün artan önemi, kentsel ve bölgesel düzeyde rekabet gücünün tanımlanması-nı... more Bölgesel rekabet gücünün artan önemi, kentsel ve bölgesel düzeyde rekabet gücünün tanımlanması-nı gerekli duruma getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye'deki bölgelerin birbirleriyle re-kabet güçleri baz alınarak karşılaştırılmalarını sağlayacak bir bölgesel ...
Whether Turkey will eventually become a member of the EU is a question often put to Turkish deleg... more Whether Turkey will eventually become a member of the EU is a question often put to Turkish delegates at international meetings of planning academics and professionals. The question is an interesting one, since the answer is still unclear. But, perhaps it also needs to be expressed in a different way. An urban and regional planner, for example, might ask: 'Will Turkey become spatially integrated in the EU?' The special relevance of this question is the implication that there are many dimensions of integration applicable to different spatial levels and contexts, including the national and the regional, and the urban and the rural. This article will review the planning agenda in Turkey in line with EU territorial policy in the light of this multidimensional framework. Turkey's current planning system will thus be examined here in relation to the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), while the EU's Cohesion Policy over the period 2007-2013 (CEC, 2005) - and, in particular, the document TheTerritorial State and the Perspectives of the EU (Territorial State, 2007) which replaces the ESDP - will be considered in assessing its prospects for the future. The ESDP and the current position of planning in Turkey Although the concept is familiar to a few academics, it is worth noting at the outset that the ESDP has not been influential in Turkish spatial planning. There are several reasons for this. One is that Turkey was not involved in the evolution and preparation of the ESDP, even though it did participate in the Council of Europe's CEMAT conferences (CEMAT, 2000), and in 1991 hosted one itself. A second explanation is that the ESDP has failed to penetrate either the planning education system (which is still largely under the influence of the traditional town and country planning model, and thus focused on architecture/urban design and land use planning-related issues), or the public administration and management education system (which lacks a spatial approach to development issues). A third factor is that the ESDP has tended not to find its way on to the research agenda in Turkey, where research is generally carried out in universities, and urban and regional research is usually monodisciplinary. A fourth reason relates to the institutional basis of urban and regional governance and administration in Turkey. Although there is increasing interest in and support for legislative reforms, the 'region' as an administrative unit is still problematic due to political issues related to national sovereignity. The institutional capacity of regional administrations is heavily dependent upon a public administration and management perspective and is scarcely affected by other disciplines such as development economics, urban and regional planning and human and economic geography. This dependence limits the ability to use the ESDP as an informative document, as there are strong institutional constraints restricting the influence of spatial strategic planning. The fifth explanation concerns the professional input to planning. Since local governments, municipalities and those parts of central government related to spatial planning and development have not gained such a perspective, and lack the financial tools that are already available to local government in member states of the EU, there is almost no demand for professional planners to be employed in these institutions. A bigger input from professionals would have made it more likely that the objectives of the ESDP could have been achieved in line with a strategic spatial planning approach. Those professionals who are employed, however, find that their main task is to produce land-use plans. In practice, the only change has been in the scale of plans, now that regional plans have become compulsory for regional governance by law. However, the new regional plans are merely land-use plans on a larger scale, such as 1:100,000, making use of the same tools and outdated analysis techniques as the conventional 1:5000 master (land-use) plans. …
... In some recent scenarios, the agglomeration of economic sectors of the new economy within a s... more ... In some recent scenarios, the agglomeration of economic sectors of the new economy within a strong core in the north-western Europe is the main focus. Before, this region was named as the Blue Banana,that extended through Milan. But the growth of Berlin and the strong ...
The political change in the 1980’es and 1990’es in the Black Sea Region has introduced many q... more The political change in the 1980’es and 1990’es in the Black Sea Region has introduced many questions regarding its future as the region faces massive problems like conflicts on territory, drop of production levels in the 1990’es and related poverty, and last but not the least, environmental problems. The size of the region also blurs the picture. However, briefly there are three major influences that mark the future development of the region: globalization, regionalization and Euro-Asian integration. We propose that under these three influences, a new global integration zone, consisting of multiple networks between cities of the Black Sea Region is emerging. Our proposition that a new global integration zone is emerging within the Black Sea Region depends on three assumptions: Our first assumption is that neo-liberal globalization and regionalization (and particularly Euro-Asian integration) lead to development of similar political changes in the region. Our second assumption...
Page 1. Türkiye'de Bölgesel Rekabet Gücü Analizi The Regional Compefifiveness An... more Page 1. Türkiye'de Bölgesel Rekabet Gücü Analizi The Regional Compefifiveness Analysis in Turkey Ayşe Nur ALBAYRAK,1 Gülden ERKUT2 ... Bölgeler arası Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Endeksi K-DPT Kara (2008) (DPT) Bölgeler arası ...
Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer, Prof. Dr. Alpay Er, Prof. Dr. Gülden Erkut, Doç. Dr. Azime Tezer, Yard... more Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer, Prof. Dr. Alpay Er, Prof. Dr. Gülden Erkut, Doç. Dr. Azime Tezer, Yard. Doç. Dr. Çağatay Seçkin, Yard. Doç. Dr. Funda Uz Sönmez, Öğ. Gör. Dr. Özge Cordan ... İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi'nin vizyonuna uygun gelecekteki insan kaynakları profilini ve bu ...
After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regiona... more After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regional systems gained more importance in Turkey, like in many countries. As a candidate of the EU Turkey as well has experienced a change in the spatial organization. It has been ...
The main focus of this study is on understanding the importance of social dynamics of cities for... more The main focus of this study is on understanding the importance of social dynamics of cities for attracting human capital to urban regions. The principal research question of the article is “if there is a spatial dependency on neighbouring provinces’ social environmental qualities in human capital attraction for Turkey.” It is believed that developmental disparities among regions can be overcome with a balanced distribution of human capital. In this article, first the concept and importance of human capital and its evolution throughout economic history are explained in order to emphasize the relationship between development and human capital for urban regions. The literature review consists of migration models developed and used in previous studies and recent literature that together consider human capital and its flow with spatial analysis. A review of migration models helps structure the quantitative models’ building blocks, or the concepts to be quantified. Literature that disc...
As a result of the on-going changes in the global economic structure, competitiveness gained sign... more As a result of the on-going changes in the global economic structure, competitiveness gained significance; leading to more research on the dynamics of competitiveness. The concept of competitiveness has been developing since Adam Smith's work in 1776. With Porter's work, competitiveness has gained even more attention. For Porter, the only meaningful aspect of competitiveness is productivity. The principal goal of a nation is to produce a high and rising standard of living for its citizens. Determinants of competitiveness are summarized as; (1) Context for firm strategy and rivalry (2) Factor conditions (high quality of life, high levels of RD automotive clusters in Turkey are explained in chapter two. Case study area is described in chapter three. Istanbul is the most industrial city in Turkey. Eastern Marmara Region has also important industrial provinces such as Bursa, Kocaeli and Sakarya. Basic indicators demonstrate that every province has different industrial characteri...
Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği (AB) sınırötesi işbirliği (INTERREG) programları, bölgesel gelişmeye ... more Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği (AB) sınırötesi işbirliği (INTERREG) programları, bölgesel gelişmeye yöne-lik bir stratejik planlama aracı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Batı Marmara örneğinin incelendiği bu ça-lışmada, son dönemdeki yasal-yönetsel düzenlemelerle beraber bölgesel ...
After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regiona... more After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regional systems gained more importance in Turkey, like in many countries. As a candidate of the EU Turkey as well has experienced a change in the spatial organization due to the development of industries in addition to other developments. It has been shown by many other studies that integration process leads to a change in the industrial structure and spatial organization. The effect of the removal or lowering of trade barriers and its effects on the industrial location has been widely investigated in the New Economic Geography literature. These effects are of great importance for some essential grounds of European Integration, such as a balanced regional development and decreasing inequalities among regions to increase overall competitiveness, since they may cause an increase in the regional disparities and conflict with main targets of integration. This paper analyses the change of spatial organization in Turkey through the integration process to the EU by using location quotient, dissimilarity index and some other indicators and tries to show whether if spatial organization changed in favour of existing centres or if new centres have emerged.
Günümüzde ekonomik yapıda meydana gelen değişimlerle birlikte rekabet gücü yaklaşımı giderek daha... more Günümüzde ekonomik yapıda meydana gelen değişimlerle birlikte rekabet gücü yaklaşımı giderek daha fazla önem ka-zanmıştır. Firmalar kadar kentler ve bölgeler de rekabet güç-lerini artırmak için birbirleriyle yarışmaktadır. Bu süreçte ekonomik yapı kadar kentsel altyapı, sosyal ve kültürel dona-tılar ve yenilikçilik özellikleri de etkili olmaktadır. Bu neden-le bölgelerin sahip olduğu özelliklere ve bölgeler arası geliş-mişlik farklarına göre bölgelerin rekabet düzeyleri değişmek-tedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki bölgeler rekabet güçlerine göre sınıflandırılmakta ve belirlenen bölgelerin özellikleri ta-nımlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla temel bileşen analizi ve hiyerar-şik kümeleme analizi kullanılarak geliştirilen bölgesel reka-bet gücü endeksi kullanılmıştır. Bu sınıflama bölgelerin kal-kınmaya yönelik stratejilerinin belirlenmesinde yararlı ola-caktır. Anahtar sözcükler: Bölgesel rekabet gücü; bölgesel poltikalar; bölgesel gelişme; düzey II bölgeleri. The competitiveness approach has b...
The competitiveness approach has been on the research agenda
following the transformation of the ... more The competitiveness approach has been on the research agenda following the transformation of the global economic structure. Cities and regions are competing with each other as companies do in order to increase their competitiveness. Innovation and, the urban social and cultural infrastructure are influential on this process. In a related context, regions differ in their ability to complete and this is connected to their qualities and the differences in their development levels. In this research paper, first Turkey’s regions are classified according to their competitiveness level and then the characteristics of these regions are defined. To this aim, a regional competitiveness index is used which has been developed using principle component analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis. As a result of this research, five regional competitiveness groups have been determined, based on NUTS II level regions of Turkey. We suggest that regional policies should be developed considering the competitiveness level and global competitiveness of these five groups.
Özet Rekabet gücünün artan önemiyle birlikte farklı düzeylerde rekabet gücünü tanımlayan çalışmal... more Özet Rekabet gücünün artan önemiyle birlikte farklı düzeylerde rekabet gücünü tanımlayan çalışmalar yapılması gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada konu rekabet gücü yüksek bir bölgede, orta-yüksek teknoloji düzeyinde ve yenilikçilik potansiyeli olan bir sektör olarak ...
Innovativeness being the main driver of the competitiveness of a region has been created by diffe... more Innovativeness being the main driver of the competitiveness of a region has been created by different actors such as firms, research centers, universities and other public or private institutions interacting on various levels. Spatial concentration accelerated these interactions and the potential of innovativeness increased in these clusters by sharing inputs, benefiting from labor pools and dispersing knowledge. Both government intervention and local characteristics determine success of the clusters. This study has focused on the automotive industry which is clustered in Istanbul and Eastern Marmara Region in Turkey. Not only automotive industry but also other related industries have been clustering in this region since an important petroleum refinery, Tüpraş was established there in 1960. The region also includes TUBİTAK Marmara Research Centre, universities, industrial zones, public institutions and two techno-parks which are specialized on the automotive industry. The aim of this paper is to understand whether automotive cluster in this region is innovative. For this purpose local dynamics which affect evolution of the cluster are explained and characteristics of innovation of automotive firms in the region are clarified by a recent survey held in 2008. The provinces in which the survey is done are Istanbul, Bursa, Kocaeli and Sakarya.
Bölgesel rekabet gücünün artan önemi, kentsel ve bölgesel düzeyde rekabet gücünün tanımlanması-nı... more Bölgesel rekabet gücünün artan önemi, kentsel ve bölgesel düzeyde rekabet gücünün tanımlanması-nı gerekli duruma getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye'deki bölgelerin birbirleriyle re-kabet güçleri baz alınarak karşılaştırılmalarını sağlayacak bir bölgesel ...
Whether Turkey will eventually become a member of the EU is a question often put to Turkish deleg... more Whether Turkey will eventually become a member of the EU is a question often put to Turkish delegates at international meetings of planning academics and professionals. The question is an interesting one, since the answer is still unclear. But, perhaps it also needs to be expressed in a different way. An urban and regional planner, for example, might ask: 'Will Turkey become spatially integrated in the EU?' The special relevance of this question is the implication that there are many dimensions of integration applicable to different spatial levels and contexts, including the national and the regional, and the urban and the rural. This article will review the planning agenda in Turkey in line with EU territorial policy in the light of this multidimensional framework. Turkey's current planning system will thus be examined here in relation to the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), while the EU's Cohesion Policy over the period 2007-2013 (CEC, 2005) - and, in particular, the document TheTerritorial State and the Perspectives of the EU (Territorial State, 2007) which replaces the ESDP - will be considered in assessing its prospects for the future. The ESDP and the current position of planning in Turkey Although the concept is familiar to a few academics, it is worth noting at the outset that the ESDP has not been influential in Turkish spatial planning. There are several reasons for this. One is that Turkey was not involved in the evolution and preparation of the ESDP, even though it did participate in the Council of Europe's CEMAT conferences (CEMAT, 2000), and in 1991 hosted one itself. A second explanation is that the ESDP has failed to penetrate either the planning education system (which is still largely under the influence of the traditional town and country planning model, and thus focused on architecture/urban design and land use planning-related issues), or the public administration and management education system (which lacks a spatial approach to development issues). A third factor is that the ESDP has tended not to find its way on to the research agenda in Turkey, where research is generally carried out in universities, and urban and regional research is usually monodisciplinary. A fourth reason relates to the institutional basis of urban and regional governance and administration in Turkey. Although there is increasing interest in and support for legislative reforms, the 'region' as an administrative unit is still problematic due to political issues related to national sovereignity. The institutional capacity of regional administrations is heavily dependent upon a public administration and management perspective and is scarcely affected by other disciplines such as development economics, urban and regional planning and human and economic geography. This dependence limits the ability to use the ESDP as an informative document, as there are strong institutional constraints restricting the influence of spatial strategic planning. The fifth explanation concerns the professional input to planning. Since local governments, municipalities and those parts of central government related to spatial planning and development have not gained such a perspective, and lack the financial tools that are already available to local government in member states of the EU, there is almost no demand for professional planners to be employed in these institutions. A bigger input from professionals would have made it more likely that the objectives of the ESDP could have been achieved in line with a strategic spatial planning approach. Those professionals who are employed, however, find that their main task is to produce land-use plans. In practice, the only change has been in the scale of plans, now that regional plans have become compulsory for regional governance by law. However, the new regional plans are merely land-use plans on a larger scale, such as 1:100,000, making use of the same tools and outdated analysis techniques as the conventional 1:5000 master (land-use) plans. …
... In some recent scenarios, the agglomeration of economic sectors of the new economy within a s... more ... In some recent scenarios, the agglomeration of economic sectors of the new economy within a strong core in the north-western Europe is the main focus. Before, this region was named as the Blue Banana,that extended through Milan. But the growth of Berlin and the strong ...
The political change in the 1980’es and 1990’es in the Black Sea Region has introduced many q... more The political change in the 1980’es and 1990’es in the Black Sea Region has introduced many questions regarding its future as the region faces massive problems like conflicts on territory, drop of production levels in the 1990’es and related poverty, and last but not the least, environmental problems. The size of the region also blurs the picture. However, briefly there are three major influences that mark the future development of the region: globalization, regionalization and Euro-Asian integration. We propose that under these three influences, a new global integration zone, consisting of multiple networks between cities of the Black Sea Region is emerging. Our proposition that a new global integration zone is emerging within the Black Sea Region depends on three assumptions: Our first assumption is that neo-liberal globalization and regionalization (and particularly Euro-Asian integration) lead to development of similar political changes in the region. Our second assumption...
Page 1. Türkiye'de Bölgesel Rekabet Gücü Analizi The Regional Compefifiveness An... more Page 1. Türkiye'de Bölgesel Rekabet Gücü Analizi The Regional Compefifiveness Analysis in Turkey Ayşe Nur ALBAYRAK,1 Gülden ERKUT2 ... Bölgeler arası Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Endeksi K-DPT Kara (2008) (DPT) Bölgeler arası ...
Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer, Prof. Dr. Alpay Er, Prof. Dr. Gülden Erkut, Doç. Dr. Azime Tezer, Yard... more Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer, Prof. Dr. Alpay Er, Prof. Dr. Gülden Erkut, Doç. Dr. Azime Tezer, Yard. Doç. Dr. Çağatay Seçkin, Yard. Doç. Dr. Funda Uz Sönmez, Öğ. Gör. Dr. Özge Cordan ... İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi'nin vizyonuna uygun gelecekteki insan kaynakları profilini ve bu ...
After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regiona... more After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regional systems gained more importance in Turkey, like in many countries. As a candidate of the EU Turkey as well has experienced a change in the spatial organization. It has been ...
The main focus of this study is on understanding the importance of social dynamics of cities for... more The main focus of this study is on understanding the importance of social dynamics of cities for attracting human capital to urban regions. The principal research question of the article is “if there is a spatial dependency on neighbouring provinces’ social environmental qualities in human capital attraction for Turkey.” It is believed that developmental disparities among regions can be overcome with a balanced distribution of human capital. In this article, first the concept and importance of human capital and its evolution throughout economic history are explained in order to emphasize the relationship between development and human capital for urban regions. The literature review consists of migration models developed and used in previous studies and recent literature that together consider human capital and its flow with spatial analysis. A review of migration models helps structure the quantitative models’ building blocks, or the concepts to be quantified. Literature that disc...
As a result of the on-going changes in the global economic structure, competitiveness gained sign... more As a result of the on-going changes in the global economic structure, competitiveness gained significance; leading to more research on the dynamics of competitiveness. The concept of competitiveness has been developing since Adam Smith's work in 1776. With Porter's work, competitiveness has gained even more attention. For Porter, the only meaningful aspect of competitiveness is productivity. The principal goal of a nation is to produce a high and rising standard of living for its citizens. Determinants of competitiveness are summarized as; (1) Context for firm strategy and rivalry (2) Factor conditions (high quality of life, high levels of RD automotive clusters in Turkey are explained in chapter two. Case study area is described in chapter three. Istanbul is the most industrial city in Turkey. Eastern Marmara Region has also important industrial provinces such as Bursa, Kocaeli and Sakarya. Basic indicators demonstrate that every province has different industrial characteri...
Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği (AB) sınırötesi işbirliği (INTERREG) programları, bölgesel gelişmeye ... more Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği (AB) sınırötesi işbirliği (INTERREG) programları, bölgesel gelişmeye yöne-lik bir stratejik planlama aracı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Batı Marmara örneğinin incelendiği bu ça-lışmada, son dönemdeki yasal-yönetsel düzenlemelerle beraber bölgesel ...
After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regiona... more After 1980, economic agenda changed and international trade and integration to global and regional systems gained more importance in Turkey, like in many countries. As a candidate of the EU Turkey as well has experienced a change in the spatial organization due to the development of industries in addition to other developments. It has been shown by many other studies that integration process leads to a change in the industrial structure and spatial organization. The effect of the removal or lowering of trade barriers and its effects on the industrial location has been widely investigated in the New Economic Geography literature. These effects are of great importance for some essential grounds of European Integration, such as a balanced regional development and decreasing inequalities among regions to increase overall competitiveness, since they may cause an increase in the regional disparities and conflict with main targets of integration. This paper analyses the change of spatial organization in Turkey through the integration process to the EU by using location quotient, dissimilarity index and some other indicators and tries to show whether if spatial organization changed in favour of existing centres or if new centres have emerged.
Günümüzde ekonomik yapıda meydana gelen değişimlerle birlikte rekabet gücü yaklaşımı giderek daha... more Günümüzde ekonomik yapıda meydana gelen değişimlerle birlikte rekabet gücü yaklaşımı giderek daha fazla önem ka-zanmıştır. Firmalar kadar kentler ve bölgeler de rekabet güç-lerini artırmak için birbirleriyle yarışmaktadır. Bu süreçte ekonomik yapı kadar kentsel altyapı, sosyal ve kültürel dona-tılar ve yenilikçilik özellikleri de etkili olmaktadır. Bu neden-le bölgelerin sahip olduğu özelliklere ve bölgeler arası geliş-mişlik farklarına göre bölgelerin rekabet düzeyleri değişmek-tedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki bölgeler rekabet güçlerine göre sınıflandırılmakta ve belirlenen bölgelerin özellikleri ta-nımlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla temel bileşen analizi ve hiyerar-şik kümeleme analizi kullanılarak geliştirilen bölgesel reka-bet gücü endeksi kullanılmıştır. Bu sınıflama bölgelerin kal-kınmaya yönelik stratejilerinin belirlenmesinde yararlı ola-caktır. Anahtar sözcükler: Bölgesel rekabet gücü; bölgesel poltikalar; bölgesel gelişme; düzey II bölgeleri. The competitiveness approach has b...
The competitiveness approach has been on the research agenda
following the transformation of the ... more The competitiveness approach has been on the research agenda following the transformation of the global economic structure. Cities and regions are competing with each other as companies do in order to increase their competitiveness. Innovation and, the urban social and cultural infrastructure are influential on this process. In a related context, regions differ in their ability to complete and this is connected to their qualities and the differences in their development levels. In this research paper, first Turkey’s regions are classified according to their competitiveness level and then the characteristics of these regions are defined. To this aim, a regional competitiveness index is used which has been developed using principle component analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis. As a result of this research, five regional competitiveness groups have been determined, based on NUTS II level regions of Turkey. We suggest that regional policies should be developed considering the competitiveness level and global competitiveness of these five groups.
Papers by G. Erkut
following the transformation of the global economic structure.
Cities and regions are competing with each other as companies
do in order to increase their competitiveness. Innovation and,
the urban social and cultural infrastructure are influential on
this process. In a related context, regions differ in their ability
to complete and this is connected to their qualities and the differences
in their development levels. In this research paper, first
Turkey’s regions are classified according to their competitiveness
level and then the characteristics of these regions are defined.
To this aim, a regional competitiveness index is used which has
been developed using principle component analysis and hierarchical
clustering analysis. As a result of this research, five regional
competitiveness groups have been determined, based on
NUTS II level regions of Turkey. We suggest that regional policies
should be developed considering the competitiveness level and
global competitiveness of these five groups.
following the transformation of the global economic structure.
Cities and regions are competing with each other as companies
do in order to increase their competitiveness. Innovation and,
the urban social and cultural infrastructure are influential on
this process. In a related context, regions differ in their ability
to complete and this is connected to their qualities and the differences
in their development levels. In this research paper, first
Turkey’s regions are classified according to their competitiveness
level and then the characteristics of these regions are defined.
To this aim, a regional competitiveness index is used which has
been developed using principle component analysis and hierarchical
clustering analysis. As a result of this research, five regional
competitiveness groups have been determined, based on
NUTS II level regions of Turkey. We suggest that regional policies
should be developed considering the competitiveness level and
global competitiveness of these five groups.