Papers by Gihan El Moghazy

Journal of Animal and Poultry Production (Print), Jun 1, 2014
A growth trial was conducted firstly, to evaluate the effects of using meat and bone meal (MBM) i... more A growth trial was conducted firstly, to evaluate the effects of using meat and bone meal (MBM) instead of fish meal at rate of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% in diets on the growth performance and feed efficiency of Nile tilapia (Tilapia niloticous). Secondly, to assess the safety of inclusion MBM as animal protein source in fish feeds. Five iso-nitrogenous (32% crude protein) and iso-energetic (3500 Kcal estimated digestible energy) diets replacing 25, 50, 75 and 100% of fish meal by MBM were formulated. Each diet was randomly allocated to duplicate groups of fish in fiberglass tanks and each tank was stocked with 25 fingerlings (initial average body weight 1.80 ± 0.15g). Fish were hand fed the experimental diets four times per day for 60 days. For microbial safety assessment of examined fish, three samples from each group were collected at the end of the experiment in sterile bags to measure total bacterial count, total faecal coliform count, bacillus cereus, salmonella and staphylococca. There were no significant differences in terms of final body weight, average weight gain percentage and specific growth rate among fish fed the control diet and those fed diets contained meat and bone meal up to 50% replacement. There were also no significant differences in terms of feed intake, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio between fish fed the control diet and those contained 25% replacement of fish meal with meat and bone meal. The lowest performance had been recorded for the group of fish fed diet containing 100% meat and bone meal. Total Coliform Count, Faecal Coliform count, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella were not detected in all examined samples. The obtained results of Staphylococcal count showed no significant difference between all groups. The economical efficiency study demonstrated that replacing 25% of fish meal with meat and bone meal had the best net revenue 60.92 L.E. followed by the control 60.88L.E. and 50% replacement of fish meal 58.98 L.E. Although the present results showed that MBM could safely replace up to 50% of fish meal content in Nile tilapia diets without any adverse effect on Nile tilapia performance and its safety use. Yet, the 25% replacement was the most economical.

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Nov 15, 2018
The present study was conducted to compare between protected and non-protected lactic acid on gro... more The present study was conducted to compare between protected and non-protected lactic acid on growth performance, feed utilization, some hematological parameters and carcass proximate analysis in Oreochromis niloticus (O. niloticus). Three iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric diet contained (37.5% ± 0.97) crude protein (4427 cal/g ± 39) Gross Energy (GE) were formulated. The supplemented diet with 0.2% non-protected lactic acid (T1), 0.2 % protected lactic acid (T2) and diet with no additive (T3) were fed individually to three equal fish groups (25 fish/set up with an underlying body weight of 5.42 ± 0.07g) for 90 days. At the end of the feeding trial, O. niloticus offered the control diet exhibited lower growth and feed utilization rates than protected and non-protected lactic acid. Fish fed the diet T2 showed the highest final body weight (FBW), final weight gain (FWG), average daily gain (ADG), feed intake (FI) and survival rate (SR). Fish fed a diet (T2) showed improvement in the tested blood parameters compared to the control group. The present observations suggest that supplementation of lactic acid into the fish diet can be used as an acidifier for growth promoting purpose. In addition, protected lactic acid has a significant effect compared to the non-protected one.

Engineering Research Journal - Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Jul 1, 2021
Foodborne diseases are critical and become a greater problem over a while. World Health Organizat... more Foodborne diseases are critical and become a greater problem over a while. World Health Organization shows that every year 420 000 die from eating contaminated food. Foodborne diseases are any illness resulting from pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and contaminated food. It is important to analyze the food and detect foodborne Bacteria to prevent or minimize diseases and ensure food safety. The designed system aims to detect the foodborne bacteria present in fruits using rapid detection technique instead of traditional methods. Many areas will be impacted by this early detection, for example, the economy, health, and agriculture societies. The system is divided into 3 main parts. First, Extracting DNA from food sample. Then sensing and signal manipulation part and finally signal analysis and bacteria detection. Electrochemical biosensors used for bacteria examination. 27 samples including tomato and apple samples were tested. The results show that each test takes from 12 to 500 seconds not including DNA extraction period with accurate results and cost-friendly.
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production (Print), 2009
PP was evaluated for its ability to control the Aspergillus flavus growth and to adsorb its toxic... more PP was evaluated for its ability to control the Aspergillus flavus growth and to adsorb its toxic metabolite (Total aflatoxin-TAF) from aqueous solutions as well. The study was performed to evaluate the influence of different inclusion rates of dried Pomegranate Peel (PP)

Alexandria journal of agricultural research, Apr 20, 2022
This study aimed to determine the ideal ratio of β Glucan in feed additives as immune stimulants ... more This study aimed to determine the ideal ratio of β Glucan in feed additives as immune stimulants and antimycotoxigenic agents when used as a feed additive in mice in premix, as a step to reach a final composite of feed additive as a premix with an ideal ratio of β Glucan. Two different bio-assays were employed in the experiment; the Immune Globulin (IGs) test in blood and the molecular Cyto-genetic parameters (micro-nucleus test and chromosomal aberration). In order to achieve such a purpose we use 7 different groups of mice with different concentrations of β-glucan in feed premix, to compare the results 2 groups of mice were experimented with as a negative and positive control, the feed used was prepared as a typical composition of feed for the age stage of mice without any other additives to experiment the individual effect of β-Glucan only, the doses of β-glucan have been chosen as the minimum and maximum ratio of βglucan in commercial premixes.

Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology (Print), Jun 1, 2009
This study was carried out to develop a practical and effective method for inhibition or reductio... more This study was carried out to develop a practical and effective method for inhibition or reduction of the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus counts on orange, guava, carrot and green beans at different temperatures: room temperature 25°C ±1, refrigerator temperature 4°C ±2 and freezer temperature-18°C for different storage periods (0, 1, 3, 7, 30, 60, 120 and 180 days). Also screening of the presence of these 2 microorganisms was performed using RT-PCR technique. All samples were spot-inoculated with the pathogenic strains 6 log10 cfu near the stem end and were submerged in two solutions of distilled water containing 1.5% for each of Lactic acid and hydrogen Peroxide (solution A) and 1.5%: 2.0% (solution B) respectively at 40°C for 15 min. Inoculated samples treated with sterile distilled water at the same temperatures and for the same durations were considered as controls. Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus were detected in 6.67% and 13.33% of the examined samples, respectively. The results showed that, bacteria on all treated samples except the green beans samples were completely inhibited by treatment with solution A from the first day of the experiment. Although the injured bacteria were still present till the 1 st day for Guava and the 3 rd day for carrot, all treatments didn't affect the injured bacteria in case of green beans samples till the end of the experiment (at all treated temperatures). Similar trends were found for solution B treated samples (orange, guava, carrot and green beans).

Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches, Oct 1, 2019
In a trail to utilize Management Information System in establishment of food/feed safety control ... more In a trail to utilize Management Information System in establishment of food/feed safety control system; a study was conducted to designs a replied quality control inspection system which can be applied in food manufacturing stockholders including official inspection authorities. Samples from Luncheon were collected from different Egyptian market sources categorized according to their hygienic and price level and were analyzed to evaluate their safety condition. Data obtained from the analysis results showed that samples collected from lower quality and price regions had higher health hazards if compared to these collected from higher quality and price regions. Results obtained from application of the used modern management information system and the mentioned quality control systems revealed that, by using these devices and inspection program (s), both the official bodies and the producers themselves can cooperate to improve the inspection/production activity to assure compliance of the end product with the safety guidelines and subsequently human/animal/environmental safety.

Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches, Oct 1, 2019
In a study to utilize modern information technologies in establishment of food/feed safety contro... more In a study to utilize modern information technologies in establishment of food/feed safety control system; a study was conducted using mobile monitoring devices such as smart phones, car tracking system, audio video real-time broadcasting device, GIS application, portable internet access device, Wi-Fi thermometers to designs a replied quality control inspection system which can be applied in food manufacturing stockholders including official inspection authorities. Results obtained from application of the used modern information system and the mentioned quality control systems revealed that, by using these devices and inspection program (s), both the official bodies and the producers themselves can cooperate to improve the inspection/production activity to assure compliance of the end product with the safety guidelines and subsequently human/animal/environmental safety.

Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology (Print), Feb 1, 2014
The antifungal activity of essential oils (EO) of peppermint (Mentha piperita), clove (Syzygium a... more The antifungal activity of essential oils (EO) of peppermint (Mentha piperita), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), rosmary (Rosmarinus officinalis), anise (Pinpinella anisum), fenugreek (Terigonella foenum-graecum), Thymus (Thymus vulgaris), black mustard (Brassica nigra) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) was evaluated in vitro against Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxins production. The effect of different concentrations of essential oils on A. flavus and aflatoxin production was determined. At levels of plant Eo (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8%) , results indicated that there were no inhibition effect on the growth of A. flavus, except metha piperita oil. The Eo of mint at all assayed concentrations (0.6. 0.8 and 0.1%) showed strongly inhibition effect on the production of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2. GC/MS was used to identify the main components of the oils under investigation. High amount of menthol in the Mentha piperita Eo showed strongly antifungal activity. The level of aflatoxin B1 production was 0.0 ppb for the samples treated with the mint oil and synthesis menthol at concentrations of 0.6 and 0.8%.

The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Feb 3, 2020
Strains of Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Listeria mono... more Strains of Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes were kindly isolated, identified and supplied by Food Safety laboratory, Regional Center for Food and Feed, and Agricultural Research Center, Egypt. The strains were maintained on slants of Nutrient Agar (NA) at 4 • C in the laboratory. The microorganisms were cultured in Brain Heart Infusion broth and were incubated at 37 • C for 24 h. Essential oils (EOs) Oil extracts of Oregano, Thyme, and Menthol were kindly supplied by National Organization for Drug Control and Research (NODCAR), Giza, analyzed according to(Santana et al., 2013) by GC-MS/MS (Agilent Technologies 7890A), interfaced with a mass-selective detector (MSD Agilent 7000), and equipped with a polar Agilent HP-5ms (5%-phenyl methyl poly siloxane). Capillary column This study was conducted to detect the effect of some essential oil (EOs) extracts (Thyme, Oregano, and Menthol) as natural food preservatives against some food-borne pathogens (salmonella Typhimurium and E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and listeria monocytogens). The selected extracts were in concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 0.8% v/v using broth dilution technique. The Obtained results revealed that the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the used extracts 0.3%, 0.1% and 0.8% for Thyme, Oregano, and Menthol, respectively, depended on the concentrations which inhibited Bacillus cereus as it is considered the most resistant Gram-positive spore-forming strain. Studying the mode of action of the used EOs against Salmonella sp. were performed using Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) which indicated cell wall and plasma membrane damage. Also, the obtained MICs of EOs were used in preparation of luncheon to study the possibility of its usage instead of or together with the chemicals used for preservation during luncheon processing. The obtained results showed that, in luncheon processing, thyme extract has the same preservative effect as sodium nitrite (125 ppm) when it is used as the lonely preservative substance while using the obtained MICs of the used EO with 50 ppm of sodium nitrite had a reliable preserving effect in luncheon process. ARTICLE INFO

Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Aug 5, 2021
Background: The health-promoting effects along with global economic importance of consuming food ... more Background: The health-promoting effects along with global economic importance of consuming food products supplemented with probiotic microorganisms encouraged the researchers to discover new probiotics. Results: Fourteen lactic acid bacterial isolates were identified as Enterococcus mediterraneensis, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Streptococcus lutetiensis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and in vitro characterized for their actual probiotic potential. All E. mediterraneensis isolates were resistant to clindamycin, whereas Lb. fermentum isolates were resistant to ampicillin, clindamycin, and vancomycin. The E. mediterraneensis and Lb. fermentum isolates displayed high overall digestive survival, ranged from 1.35 ± 0.06 to 32.73 ± 0.84% and from 2.01 ± 0.01 to 23.9 ± 1.85%, respectively. All isolates displayed cell surface hydrophobicity, ranged between 15.44 ± 6.72 and 39.79 ± 2.87%. The strongest auto-aggregation capability, higher than 40%, was observed for most E. mediterraneensis and Lb. fermentum isolates. The E. mediterraneensis isolates (L2, L12, and L15), Lb. fermentum (L8, L9, and L10), and Strep. lutetiensis (L14) exhibited the greatest co-aggregation with Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus. Fifty-seven and fourteen hundredth percent of E. mediterraneensis isolates could be considered bacteriocinogenic against E. coli O157:H7, B. cereus, and S. aureus. Conclusion: This study is the first one to isolate Enterococcus mediterraneensis in Egypt and to characterize it as new species of probiotics globally. According to the results, E. mediterraneensis (L2, L12, and L15), Lb. fermentum (L8, L9, and L10), and Strep. lutetiensis (L14) are the most promising in vitro probiotic candidates.

Benha Veterinary Medical Journal, Oct 1, 2022
This study aimed to compare between the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and zinc oxide o... more This study aimed to compare between the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and zinc oxide on clinical, body weight, hematological and biochemical changes in lambs. we used thirty-five Rahmani weaned lambs at Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), in Serwa station, Damietta for six weeks. The lambs were randomized into seven groups (each of five). Group A received no treatment (control). Group B (mixed small dose) received 15 ppm ZNO NPs and 15 ppm ZNO. Group C received 30 ppm ZNO NPs. Group D received 30 ppm ZNO. Group E (mixed large dose) received 30 ppm ZNO NPs and 30 ppm ZNO. Group F received 60 ppm ZNO NPs. Group G received 60 ppm ZNO. All parameters were determined at zero day before starting to feed on the experimental ration and after the 6th week. Wool samples were collected for monitoring zinc, copper, and calcium. It was concluded that small doses of zinc oxide nanoparticles can be used for treatment of zinc deficiency in lambs, improving plasma and wool trace element profile and the hematobiochemical picture. It also improved the body weight gain and increased growth rate in growing lambs with minor adverse effect on liver and kidney functions.

Journal of Animal and Poultry Production
One hundred and twenty two, one day old male Ross broiler chicks were used to evaluate the effect... more One hundred and twenty two, one day old male Ross broiler chicks were used to evaluate the effect of Salkil, Prefect (two commercial feed additives) and Flavomycin (Antimicrobial growth promoter) on performance and on intestinal microflora. The chicks were divided into six groups: a) control with no additives, b) as control group but supplemented with 4 kg/ton Salkil during the whole period of the experiment (42 days), c) as control group but supplemented with 4 kg/ton Salkil during starting period and 2 kg/ton Salkil during the rest of the experiment, d) as control group but supplemented with 3 kg/ton Prefect during the whole period of the experiment, e) as control group but supplemented with 3 kg/ton Prefect during starting period and 2 kg/ton in the rest of the experiment (42 days) and f) as control group but supplemented with 125 g /ton Flavomycin during the whole period of the experiment. Another trial was performed to evaluate these compounds as feed preservatives by storage of feed supplemented with the examined compounds. Samples were collected biweekly intervals up to 8 weeks. Results revealed that no significant effect was noticed with the addition of Salkil or Prefect on body weight gain of broiler chicks or feed efficiency compared to the control group, but there was a numerical improvement in broiler performance in group C. An increase in the count of caecal lactic acid bacteria in group C and D indicated that the supplementation of feed with the conditions followed in these two groups has an acidifying effect in the intestine of the treated chicks. As feed preservative, the best results were obtained by supplementation of feed with 3 km/ton of Prefect.
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry
Journal of Animal and Poultry Production

Engineering Research Journal - Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), 2021
Foodborne diseases are critical and become a greater problem over a while. World Health Organizat... more Foodborne diseases are critical and become a greater problem over a while. World Health Organization shows that every year 420 000 die from eating contaminated food. Foodborne diseases are any illness resulting from pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and contaminated food. It is important to analyze the food and detect foodborne Bacteria to prevent or minimize diseases and ensure food safety. The designed system aims to detect the foodborne bacteria present in fruits using rapid detection technique instead of traditional methods. Many areas will be impacted by this early detection, for example, the economy, health, and agriculture societies. The system is divided into 3 main parts. First, Extracting DNA from food sample. Then sensing and signal manipulation part and finally signal analysis and bacteria detection. Electrochemical biosensors used for bacteria examination. 27 samples including tomato and apple samples were tested. The results show that each test takes from 12 to 500 seconds...

Journal of Environmental Science, 2018
One hundred fifty Arbor Acers broiler chicks were distributed into five groups to study effects o... more One hundred fifty Arbor Acers broiler chicks were distributed into five groups to study effects of using sodium formate, formic acid, Lactobacillus acidophilus and beta mannanase enzyme, in broiler feeds, on production performance, carcass traits, blood parameters, tibia properties and economic efficiency. Each group of birds, was divided into three replicates of ten chicks. The control group was fed basal (starter, grower and finisher) with no additives (T1), while other groups were offered basal diets supplemented with 2g sodium formate/kg (T2); 2 ml formic acid / kg (T3); 1g Lactobacillus acidophilus/ kg (T4) and 0.3 g beta mannanase/ kg (T5), respectively. The results indicated that all production performance parameters: initial and final body weight, daily body weight gain, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio, were not significantly affected by treatments throughout experimental period. Also, data of carcass, indicated that treatments had no significant effects compared with control group. Plasma total protein, uric acid, calcium, phosphorus and activity of alkaline phosphatase, were significantly different within groups. Tibia bone parameters: breaking force, density, robusticity index, Seedor index, were not significantly affected by treatments. Economical evaluation showed that, relative economic efficiency, was improved with chicks fed (T2) or (T3) diets, while those fed (T4) or (T5) diets, recorded lower values. It could be concluded that, supplementation of basal diets with sodium formate or formic acid enhanced economic efficiency of broiler chickens, without affecting performance or carcass traits.

Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences
Bacteriological quality of 160 raw cow's milk collected from 6 different governorates in Egypt wa... more Bacteriological quality of 160 raw cow's milk collected from 6 different governorates in Egypt was evaluated. Milk samples were obtained from retail markets in winter and summer seasons. Total Bacterial Count, Total Coliform Count, Faecal Coliform Count and Staphylococcus aureus count were estimated in the examined samples. 100% of the examined samples failed the legal standards for Total Bacterial count, Total Coliform Count and Staphylococcus aureus count which are 10 4 , 10 2 and 10 2 cfu/ml respectively. Bacillus cereus, Salmonella sp., E.coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes could be detected in the examined samples with ratios: 26.25%, 0%, 5% and 5% in winter season samples and 32.50%, 3.75%, 6.25% and 6.25% in summer season samples respectively. The findings of this study raised the need for educational programs for dairy producers and consumers about the risk associated with the consumption of raw milk.

Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Sciences
This study aimed to determine the ideal ratio of β Glucan in feed additives as immune stimulants ... more This study aimed to determine the ideal ratio of β Glucan in feed additives as immune stimulants and antimycotoxigenic agents when used as a feed additive in mice in premix, as a step to reach a final composite of feed additive as a premix with an ideal ratio of β Glucan. Two different bio-assays were employed in the experiment; the Immune Globulin (IGs) test in blood and the molecular Cyto-genetic parameters (micro-nucleus test and chromosomal aberration). In order to achieve such a purpose we use 7 different groups of mice with different concentrations of β-glucan in feed premix, to compare the results 2 groups of mice were experimented with as a negative and positive control, the feed used was prepared as a typical composition of feed for the age stage of mice without any other additives to experiment the individual effect of β-Glucan only, the doses of β-glucan have been chosen as the minimum and maximum ratio of βglucan in commercial premixes.
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Papers by Gihan El Moghazy