Viene analizzato un corpus di graffiti contenenti insulti fotografati nei locali del Dipartimento... more Viene analizzato un corpus di graffiti contenenti insulti fotografati nei locali del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (Catania) e della Sapienza (Roma) in due fasi: 2007-2010 e 2019. Emerge così che la diffusione alluvionale dei social media ha ridotto drasticamente la produzione di graffiti di ogni genere. Gli insulti, indizi importanti per ricostruire il sistema di valori di una comunità socioculturale, in quanto atti che attaccano la faccia del destinatario, si collocano nell'ambito della violenza verbale, in parziale sovrapposizione con altri atti violenti, da cui si cerca di differenziarli, come prevede la teoria del prototipo, sulla base di una serie di criteri (pragmatico-funzionale, formale e sequenziale). In relazione alla (s)cortesia verbale, gli insulti prototipici potrebbero considerarsi atti inerentemente scortesi, la cui formulazione mostra una chiara tendenza alla intensificazione a vari livelli. Viene quindi proposta una classificazione degli insulti convenzio...
Questioni di (s)cortesia, 2017
Bellezza, etica e cortesia nei galatei, 2016

Si ricostruisce l'insieme dei principi che regolamentano il comportamento dell'ascoltatore all'in... more Si ricostruisce l'insieme dei principi che regolamentano il comportamento dell'ascoltatore all'interno della conversazione faccia a faccia, in un ampio corpus di galatei, a partire dal Galateo di Giovanni Della Casa sino ai dizionari odierni di buone maniere. Emergono significative persistenze tra galatei di epoche diverse, nonché interessanti e inaspettate corrispondenze tra galatei e modelli teorici della cortesia (Lakoff, Leech, Brown e Levinson), la cui prospettiva descrittiva dovrebbe, in linea di principio, differenziarsi nettamente da quella prescrittiva dei trattati di buone maniere. The aim is to reconstruct the principles that regulate the listener's behaviour within faceto-face conversation, in a wide corpus of etiquette books, starting from the Galateo by Giovanni Della Casa up to present-day dictionaries on good manners. The significant persistence of some principles in etiquette books from different periods emerges, as well as interesting and unexpected similarities between the latter and some theories of politeness(Lakoff, Leech, Brown e Levinson), whose descriptive perspective should, in principle, be very different from the prescriptive point of view of books on good manners. Parole chiave Cortesia, ascolto, galatei, modelli teorici Contatti
The Idea of Beauty in Italian Literature and Language, 2019

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2017
The paper deals with the role of dialect among young Sicilian speakers. After a brief overview of... more The paper deals with the role of dialect among young Sicilian speakers. After a brief overview of the conditions of local dialects in Western Europe, I will discuss the main results of research carried out by means of different methodological approaches and types of data: (i) self-evaluative data elicited through questionnaire; (ii) a corpus of spontaneous spoken language; (iii) a written corpus of e-mails, text messages, posts in social networks, etc. The study shows a strong functional specialization of the dialect in young speakers’ repertoire, above all of those living in towns and with a high sociocultural background, who use it almost only in joking or to strengthen aggressive speech acts. In electronic media young speakers use a lot of polylanguaging, mixing their own language and dialect with bits of foreign languages and of other regional dialects. This style aims at expressing a multiple identity, made of both local, national and globalized components. The dialect thus acq...

Sociolinguistic Studies, 2017
After a brief description of the two previous Special Issues on Italian sociolinguistics (appeare... more After a brief description of the two previous Special Issues on Italian sociolinguistics (appeared both in the International Journal of the Sociology of Language in 1989 and 2011), a general overview of the main trends of today’s Italian sociolinguistic research is given. It is maintained that a relevant portion of linguistic research carried out in Italy during the last few decades falls almost entirely within the boundaries of sociolinguistics. Then an outline of the most relevant aspects of the Italian sociolinguistic situation is sketched, in order to highlight the main issues dealt with in Italian sociolinguistic studies. Much attention is paid to the Italian repertoire and to the studies focusing on the various dimensions of variation in the Italian language: i.e. the ongoing process of restandardization; the regional, social and functional varieties; spoken varieties of Italian; bu also historical sociolinguistics, linguistic policy, language and gender and so on. The paper w...

The paper deals with intergenerational variation in syntactic and functional patterns of code-swi... more The paper deals with intergenerational variation in syntactic and functional patterns of code-switching (CS) between Italian and the Sicilian dialect. The research is based on two kinds of data: (i) a corpus of spontaneous spoken language, recorded, transcribed and then submitted to conversation analysis (Alfonzetti, 1992; 2012); (ii) a written corpus of e-mails, text messages, posts in social networks, etc. The main purpose is to show that the occurrence of a particular switching strategy largely depends on sociolinguistic factors interacting with age (language proficiency; sociosymbolic values and communicative functions of the two languages; speakers' attitudes, etc.). This issue is extremely important both from a sociolinguistic perspective (age-related differences in CS are a key to understanding an ongoing language shift) and from a theoretical one (comparing CS patterns between the same two languages within the same community but across different age-groups helps to establish the relative role of sociolinguistic vs syntactic factors underlying CS).
Sección 3: Sintaxis, semántica y pragmática.
Innsbruck, 3 – 8 septembre 2007, 2010
Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Tome III, Vivacité et diversité de la variation linguistique