CLACSO eBooks, Nov 1, 2019
Biography, 2020
This is the portrait of a traveler who journeyed through forests and mountains, wide rivers, and ... more This is the portrait of a traveler who journeyed through forests and mountains, wide rivers, and plains to create a saga of the tribulations of colonized peasants threatened with displacement and violence. This is the portrait of a sociologist with an inimitable style of writing life stories that owes as much to the social sciences as it does to literature. This is the portrait of an intellectual who was the victim of censorship and abuses of power that sent him into exile. This is the portrait of the life of a defender of peace and human rights in Colombia, a country that resists abandoning its endless war.
Biography, 2019
Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia ... more Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia was, without a doubt, the awarding of the National Prize of Photography to Jesús Abad Colorado. This is not just another award for the photographer, who shuns the label of war reporter in favor of being called "The Witness"-a witness to the barbarity, the mourning of victims, and the destruction of the environment. Most importantly, this award celebrates the construction of a systematic visual archive of historical memory that portrays the violences that have ravaged the country for the last twenty-five years, at least. It is, as such, an event steeped not only in culture but also in politics, history, and ethics.
Práxis Educacional, Feb 1, 2021
Resumo: Através de cinco atos, expõe-se na cena uma reflexão autobiográfica em diálogo com as lei... more Resumo: Através de cinco atos, expõe-se na cena uma reflexão autobiográfica em diálogo com as leituras que têm sido fiéis parceiras de viagem na travessia da pandemia de 2020. Um diálogo no qual interatuam a minha voz, na primeira pessoa, as múltiplas vozes dos autores citados, os testemunhos coletados durante conversações nas aulas virtuais entre professoras e estudantes jovens, incluindo também as palavras não ditas que agora habitam as escolas em silencio e os espaços de acolhimento suspensos no meio da quarentena.

Biography, 2017
memorias de guerra y paz el año en colombia gabriel jaime murillo-arango "Memories of War and Pea... more memorias de guerra y paz el año en colombia gabriel jaime murillo-arango "Memories of War and Peace: The Year in Colombia." Colombia's major political event between 2016 and 2017, and the one most likely to have the longest-lasting impact, was the signing of the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This agreement suffered a hard setback at the polls when citizens voted against this agreement by a narrow margin. The rejection of this peace deal provoked a spontaneous reaction of thousands of pacifists who responded to the artist Doris Salcedo's call to knit an immense canvas as a tribute for war victims. This canvas was installed and displayed for one day in Plaza Bolívar in Bogotá. A narrative production flows between the two events, expressed in life stories, biographical interviews, and records of acts of barbarism, where an authentic duel of testimonies about war and peace takes place.

Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica, 2024
Este artículo presenta una síntesis de los hitos más significativos que condicionan el lugar de l... more Este artículo presenta una síntesis de los hitos más significativos que condicionan el lugar de la Pedagogía de la Memoria en las aulas de un país como Colombia que aún no logra liberarse totalmente de la confrontación armada. Con base en el reconocimiento de una premisa histórica de formación ciudadana discriminatoria, clasista y excluyente, heredada del tiempo colonial y del republicanismo a medias, la exposición se centra en los logros recientes de la socie- dad, la cultura y la política en procura de una paz nacional estable y duradera, a través de distintos procesos desarrollados en lo que va corrido del siglo, no exentos de retrocesos y amenazas. Como tam- bién les son inherentes las tensiones entre historia y memoria, esto es, acerca de la comprensión entre la larga duración y las huellas del pasado en el presente, que constituye la condición de posibilidad de una conciencia crítica apta para el ejercicio de una memoria ejem- plar proyectada al futuro. Un proyecto de formación de este tipo tie- ne como finalidad renovar el vínculo intergeneracional del aprender a vivir juntos basado en el cultivo de relaciones distinguidas por la alteridad y la diferencia, que está en la esencia de toda educación no subordinada a los fines del progreso económico ni a la banalidad de vidas sin memoria.
Vocabulaire des histoires de vie et de la recherche biographique, 2019
Le Sujet dans la cité, 2020
Revista @mbienteeducação, 2019
Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o processo de identidade narrativa do indivíduo como a e... more Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o processo de identidade narrativa do indivíduo como a essência de todo o currículo de formação ao longo de uma história de vida. O seu ponto de partida é o reconhecimento da natureza universal das narrativas em todas as culturas do mundo, como se viu na antropologia filosófica, nas ciências da linguagem e na hermenêutica. Esta base teórica permite a melhor compreensão do desenvolvimento pessoal nas escolas e da educação não formal, colocando o pé no chão da transdisciplinaridade no conhecimento. Ou seja, trata-se de uma teoria sem fronteiras, onde entra em jogo a narrativa biográfica no paradigma da educação.
Rutas de formación: prácticas y experiencias, 2020
El artículo caracteriza la época actual como de incertidumbre, en la que son puestas en cuestión ... more El artículo caracteriza la época actual como de incertidumbre, en la que son puestas en cuestión las teorías, creencias y paradigmas sobre lo que significa educar. El desarrollo de la argumentación conduce a plantear una educación que vaya más allá del adiestramiento, la instrucción y el sometimiento a las leyes del mercado
Saberes y prácticas. Evista de Filosofía y Educación, 2022
El asalto de las "vidas minúsculas" en la academia. Un esbozo historiográfico The assault of the ... more El asalto de las "vidas minúsculas" en la academia. Un esbozo historiográfico The assault of the "tiny lives" in the academy. A historiographic sketch O assalto às "pequenas vidas" na academia. Um esboço historiográfico
Saberes y prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación, 2022
El asalto de las "vidas minúsculas" en la academia. Un esbozo historiográfico The assault of the ... more El asalto de las "vidas minúsculas" en la academia. Un esbozo historiográfico The assault of the "tiny lives" in the academy. A historiographic sketch O assalto às "pequenas vidas" na academia. Um esboço historiográfico

Five acts bring to the scene an autobiographical reflection in dialog with the readings who have ... more Five acts bring to the scene an autobiographical reflection in dialog with the readings who have stood by my side as traveling partners in the journey that the 2020 pandemic has been. A dialog emerged from the interaction of my voice, in first person, the voices of multiple quoted authors, and collected testimonies through conversations among teachers and young students during virtual classes, as well as words that have not been pronounced cohabitating in silenced schools, and the host spaces suspended in the midst of the restricted social relations. Através de cinco atos, expõe-se na cena uma reflexão autobiográfica em diálogo com as leituras que têm sido fiéis parceiras de viagem na travessia da pandemia de 2020. Um diálogo no qual interatuam a minha voz, na primeira pessoa, as múltiplas vozes dos autores citados, os testemunhos coletados durante conversações nas aulas virtuais entre professoras e estudantes jovens, incluindo também as palavras não ditas que agora habitam as...
Biography, 2019
Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia ... more Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia was, without a doubt, the awarding of the National Prize of Photography to Jesús Abad Colorado. This is not just another award for the photographer, who shuns the label of war reporter in favor of being called "The Witness"-a witness to the barbarity, the mourning of victims, and the destruction of the environment. Most importantly, this award celebrates the construction of a systematic visual archive of historical memory that portrays the violences that have ravaged the country for the last twenty-five years, at least. It is, as such, an event steeped not only in culture but also in politics, history, and ethics.
Biography, 2019
Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia ... more Witness of Resistance and Barbarity: The Year in Colombia The cultural event of 2018 in Colombia was, without a doubt, the awarding of the National Prize of Photography to Jesús Abad Colorado. This is not just another award for the photographer, who shuns the label of war reporter in favor of being called "The Witness"-a witness to the barbarity, the mourning of victims, and the destruction of the environment. Most importantly, this award celebrates the construction of a systematic visual archive of historical memory that portrays the violences that have ravaged the country for the last twenty-five years, at least. It is, as such, an event steeped not only in culture but also in politics, history, and ethics.
A través de cinco actos es puesta en escena una reflexión autobiográfica en diálogo con las lectu... more A través de cinco actos es puesta en escena una reflexión autobiográfica en diálogo con las lecturas que han sido fieles compañeras de viaje en la travesía de la pandemia de 2020. Un diálogo en el que alternan mi voz en primera persona, las voces múltiples de los autores citados, los testimonios recogidos al hilo de conversaciones en las aulas virtuales con maestras y jóvenes alumnos, como también las palabras no dichas que pueblan las escuelas silenciadas y los espacios de acogida suspendidos en medio del confinamiento social.