Teaching Documents by Gürkan Yılmaz

The purpose of t h e present study is to examine the power, speed, skill and anaerobic capacity o... more The purpose of t h e present study is to examine the power, speed, skill and anaerobic capacity on
men's basketball for 16 weeks endurance training along with the general basketball training. The study involved 36
male basketball players such as, Control Group (CG), Endurance Group (PE) and the General Endurance Group
(GE). The shot test, 20 m running test, squat j u m p , countermovement j u m p , r u n n i n g - b a s e d anaerobic sprint tests
were applied to the groups during the Pre- Exercise and Post-Exercise. Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine
the differences between evaluations of t h e groups. While considering the Running Based Anaerobic Speed Test of
the Difference among groups in the evaluation of 2 n d , 3r d , 4t h , 5t h , and 6t h in run evaluation Pre-Exercise was between
CG and PE and between CG and GG, Post-Exercise was in favor between CG and PE in all running values. When
considering the Power Index Between Difference Groups, In evaluation of The Pre-Exercise, values were 2n d , 3rd,
4th, and 5t h runs, and there was significant difference between the groups CG and GD and CG and PE. As a result,
i t is considered to be appropriate for practicing the method in the development of y o u n

The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between university students’ eating habit... more The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between university students’ eating habits and their
self-efficacy. 332 female and 325 male students at Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Education
and Sport (PES), Vocational High School, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of
Engineering at Nigde University were included in the study. In order to measure students' efficacy in selfperception
of health the "Health Perceptions of Self-Efficacy Scale" and to gather data regarding students' sociodemographic
characteristics and dietary habits, "Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Eating Habits
Information Form" were conveyed. In the statistical analysis, the source of differences was examined through
independent-samples T test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's Post Hoc Test. It was found
that there was a significant difference in favor of male participants at the levels of self-efficacy in terms of gender.
There were statistically significant differences between smoking habits and self-efficacy levels, but as for those
having alcohol consumption, the difference was in favor of those who do not consume alcohol and finally as for
sport participation, the difference was in favor of those who do sports. It was found that there were significant
differences amongst the groups in favor of those occasionally taking care of nutrition, depending on their selfefficacy
levels, depending on the number of meals, while the highest self-competence levels were determined for
those having meals three times a day, the lowest self-competence levels belong to those having meals only once
a day. When the frequency of alcohol consumption, and self-efficacy levels were assessed, those consuming
alcohol once a month had the highest self-efficacy levels, while those who consumed alcohol a few times a day
had the lowest self-efficacy levels, and there were statistically significant differences between groups. The
individuals with high healthy self-efficacy levels as well as being healthy constitute the most important factor in
raising healthy individuals. It is important to enable healthy individuals to avoid bad habits, if any, quit the habits
by healthy individuals and as a result of doing sports as well as having a regular and proper dietary habits result
in generation healthy individuals.
Key words: Dietary Habits, Self-Efficacy, University Students

The present study was designed to examine the effects of carbohydrate ingestion with different
gl... more The present study was designed to examine the effects of carbohydrate ingestion with different
glycaeııllc indexes on exercise capacity by evaiuating the blood glucos level, blood laclate amount
and exercise heart rate. Fourteen healthy males age 22,50 ± 1.87 years, heights 174.42 ± 5,ıo cm,
weights 68,28 ± 7,39 kg completed the same exercise protocol with a week interva!: high-glycemicindex
breakfast before the first exercise, low-glycemic-index breakfast before the second exercise.
Blood glucose levels were measured before and after breakfast, immediately after exercise as well as
after 30, 60 and 120 min of exercise. Lactate acid levels were also measured before and iınmediately
after exercise as well as after i Omin of exercise. In every 5 minutes, heart rate of the subjects were
followed using telemeter.
in the measurements of blood glucos [evel, high-glycemic-index breakfast increased blood glucos
level compared with low-glycemic-index breakfast, and there was a significant difference between
them. There were no significant differences in the other blood glucos levels, lactic acid measurements
and heart rates of the groups in the same measurement times.
In conclusion, these data indicate that before 30 minute submaximal exereise, carbohydrate feedings
with varying glycemic indexes affect blood glucose level but do not affect the amount of lactic acid
and heart beat rate throughout the exercise.
Key words: Breakfast, !actate acid, glyceınic index.

The purpose of this study is, to examine the physical education and sports teacher’s self-efficac... more The purpose of this study is, to examine the physical education and sports teacher’s self-efficacy expectation level through
different variances, who teach in Nevşehir. To the purpose of determining the physical education and sports teacher’s (self
efficacy) levels, the data of the study collected with Teacher Competence Expectation Inventory (TCEİ) which was developed
by Yavuz and Koç which was used before. The study was processed with the 92 physical education and sports teachers in the
city of Nevsehir. The data obtained about the teacher’s teacher efficacy expectation were analyzed by ‘Single Way Variance
Analyze’ and ‘the test of the importance of the the difference between two means’ (t-test). There have been significant
differences identified in gender (p<0.05), marital status (p<0.05) and in education levels (p<0.01) of subjects. According to the
comparison related with the residence place of the subjects the ANOVA results revealed that there was significant difference
between groups. And post-hoc tests pointed that the difference was between the city and town, which was in favor of city.
There was not any significant difference identified on the other variables of the research. The results related to teacher efficacy
levels of the physical education and sports teacher’s in the city of Nevşehir generally show that the teacher’s self efficiency levels
are at high level. The study results show that the between gender, marital statue, localization and the education step variances
and self-efficiency levels showed meaningful differences. Between the age and the school type variances and self-efficiency
levels no meaningful differences were found.
Key Words: Self Efficiency, Competence, Physical Education and Sports Teacher.

Özet: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Yüksek Okulu öğrencilerinin ... more Özet: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Yüksek Okulu öğrencilerinin beslenme ve kahvaltı alışkanlıklar
Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Yüksek Okulu, örneklemini ise, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılan
126 bayan 224 erkek öğrenci oluşturmuştur.
Araştırmada öğrencilerin demografik yapılarını ve beslenme kahvaltı
alışkanlıklarını değerlendirmeye yönelik 40 sorudan oluşan anket
konu alanları uzmanlarının da görüşleri alınarak geliştirilmiştir. Anketlerden
elde edilen verilerin yüzde, minimum-maksimum, standart sapma,
frekans ki-kare dağılımları çıkarılmış ve bazı soruların alt değişkenleri
de dikkate alınarak karşılaştırmalarına yer verilmiştir.
Katılımcılardan erkek olanların %53 ü, bayanların %49 u sigara
kullandığı, erkeklerin %39’u, bayanların %29’u alkol kullandığı tespit
edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkeklerin %71’i bayanların %77’si öğün atladığı,
erkeklerin %56’sının sabah kahvaltısını, %37’sinin öğle yemeğini
tüketmediği ve bayanların %61’inin sabah kahvaltısını, %27’sinin ise
öğle yemeğini tüketmedikleri tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkek katılımcıların
%46,4’ünün, bayanların %39,7’sinin düzenli olarak kahvaltı
yaptıkları tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05).
Sonuç olarak, her iki grubun da günde bir öğünü atlattıkları, bayan
ve erkeklerin yarısından fazlasının sabah kahvaltısı yapmadığı, fakat
öğle yemekleri konusunda farklılık bulunmaktadır, erkeklerin %37 bayanların
ise %27 sinin öğle yemeği yemedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Beslenme
konusunda bilgi eksikliği, ekonomik ve hazırlama konusundaki
farklı tutumlar öğün atlamada önemli etken olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Beslenme ve kahvaltı, Üniversite öğrencisi

Objective: This study has been done to determine the
frequency and risk factors of the usage of c... more Objective: This study has been done to determine the
frequency and risk factors of the usage of cigarette and
alcohol among the students of Physical Education and Sports
High School Department of Gazi University.
Method: The study has been done on 200 students
of Physical Education and Sports High School Department
of Gazi University. The frequency of the usage of cigarette
and alcohol, the behaviours related to the usage of cigarette
and alcohol and its effects on family members have been
investigated.The statistical analysises has been done by SPSS
Results: We determined that; the frequency of smoking
cigarette is %53.0,non smoker frequency is %47.Q ,%25.0 of
the smokers smoke 12-17 cigarettes a day, %25.0 of them
have started by the effect of their friends, %25.0 of them
started to smoke at the age of 16-20. We determined that
the %88.3 of the smokers' parents also smoke. The frequency
of drinking alcohol is %60.0, nondrinker frequency is %40.0,
%23.0 of the drinkers drink 3-5 glasses a day, %27 of them
started to drink because of affectation, %25.0 have started to
drink at the age of 16-20, %94.7 of the mothers' and %87.5
fathers' of these drinkers also drink alcohol.
Conclusion: It has been understood that the usage
of cigarette and alcohol among the students of Physical
Education and Sports High School Department of Gazi
University is very high and the addiction of cigarette and
alcohol effects the members of a family. It can also be said
that getting bad habits is effected by closer society.
Key words: Cigarette, alcohol; university students,
Teaching Documents by Gürkan Yılmaz
men's basketball for 16 weeks endurance training along with the general basketball training. The study involved 36
male basketball players such as, Control Group (CG), Endurance Group (PE) and the General Endurance Group
(GE). The shot test, 20 m running test, squat j u m p , countermovement j u m p , r u n n i n g - b a s e d anaerobic sprint tests
were applied to the groups during the Pre- Exercise and Post-Exercise. Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine
the differences between evaluations of t h e groups. While considering the Running Based Anaerobic Speed Test of
the Difference among groups in the evaluation of 2 n d , 3r d , 4t h , 5t h , and 6t h in run evaluation Pre-Exercise was between
CG and PE and between CG and GG, Post-Exercise was in favor between CG and PE in all running values. When
considering the Power Index Between Difference Groups, In evaluation of The Pre-Exercise, values were 2n d , 3rd,
4th, and 5t h runs, and there was significant difference between the groups CG and GD and CG and PE. As a result,
i t is considered to be appropriate for practicing the method in the development of y o u n
self-efficacy. 332 female and 325 male students at Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Education
and Sport (PES), Vocational High School, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of
Engineering at Nigde University were included in the study. In order to measure students' efficacy in selfperception
of health the "Health Perceptions of Self-Efficacy Scale" and to gather data regarding students' sociodemographic
characteristics and dietary habits, "Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Eating Habits
Information Form" were conveyed. In the statistical analysis, the source of differences was examined through
independent-samples T test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's Post Hoc Test. It was found
that there was a significant difference in favor of male participants at the levels of self-efficacy in terms of gender.
There were statistically significant differences between smoking habits and self-efficacy levels, but as for those
having alcohol consumption, the difference was in favor of those who do not consume alcohol and finally as for
sport participation, the difference was in favor of those who do sports. It was found that there were significant
differences amongst the groups in favor of those occasionally taking care of nutrition, depending on their selfefficacy
levels, depending on the number of meals, while the highest self-competence levels were determined for
those having meals three times a day, the lowest self-competence levels belong to those having meals only once
a day. When the frequency of alcohol consumption, and self-efficacy levels were assessed, those consuming
alcohol once a month had the highest self-efficacy levels, while those who consumed alcohol a few times a day
had the lowest self-efficacy levels, and there were statistically significant differences between groups. The
individuals with high healthy self-efficacy levels as well as being healthy constitute the most important factor in
raising healthy individuals. It is important to enable healthy individuals to avoid bad habits, if any, quit the habits
by healthy individuals and as a result of doing sports as well as having a regular and proper dietary habits result
in generation healthy individuals.
Key words: Dietary Habits, Self-Efficacy, University Students
glycaeııllc indexes on exercise capacity by evaiuating the blood glucos level, blood laclate amount
and exercise heart rate. Fourteen healthy males age 22,50 ± 1.87 years, heights 174.42 ± 5,ıo cm,
weights 68,28 ± 7,39 kg completed the same exercise protocol with a week interva!: high-glycemicindex
breakfast before the first exercise, low-glycemic-index breakfast before the second exercise.
Blood glucose levels were measured before and after breakfast, immediately after exercise as well as
after 30, 60 and 120 min of exercise. Lactate acid levels were also measured before and iınmediately
after exercise as well as after i Omin of exercise. In every 5 minutes, heart rate of the subjects were
followed using telemeter.
in the measurements of blood glucos [evel, high-glycemic-index breakfast increased blood glucos
level compared with low-glycemic-index breakfast, and there was a significant difference between
them. There were no significant differences in the other blood glucos levels, lactic acid measurements
and heart rates of the groups in the same measurement times.
In conclusion, these data indicate that before 30 minute submaximal exereise, carbohydrate feedings
with varying glycemic indexes affect blood glucose level but do not affect the amount of lactic acid
and heart beat rate throughout the exercise.
Key words: Breakfast, !actate acid, glyceınic index.
different variances, who teach in Nevşehir. To the purpose of determining the physical education and sports teacher’s (self
efficacy) levels, the data of the study collected with Teacher Competence Expectation Inventory (TCEİ) which was developed
by Yavuz and Koç which was used before. The study was processed with the 92 physical education and sports teachers in the
city of Nevsehir. The data obtained about the teacher’s teacher efficacy expectation were analyzed by ‘Single Way Variance
Analyze’ and ‘the test of the importance of the the difference between two means’ (t-test). There have been significant
differences identified in gender (p<0.05), marital status (p<0.05) and in education levels (p<0.01) of subjects. According to the
comparison related with the residence place of the subjects the ANOVA results revealed that there was significant difference
between groups. And post-hoc tests pointed that the difference was between the city and town, which was in favor of city.
There was not any significant difference identified on the other variables of the research. The results related to teacher efficacy
levels of the physical education and sports teacher’s in the city of Nevşehir generally show that the teacher’s self efficiency levels
are at high level. The study results show that the between gender, marital statue, localization and the education step variances
and self-efficiency levels showed meaningful differences. Between the age and the school type variances and self-efficiency
levels no meaningful differences were found.
Key Words: Self Efficiency, Competence, Physical Education and Sports Teacher.
Spor Yüksek Okulu öğrencilerinin beslenme ve kahvaltı alışkanlıklar
Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Yüksek Okulu, örneklemini ise, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılan
126 bayan 224 erkek öğrenci oluşturmuştur.
Araştırmada öğrencilerin demografik yapılarını ve beslenme kahvaltı
alışkanlıklarını değerlendirmeye yönelik 40 sorudan oluşan anket
konu alanları uzmanlarının da görüşleri alınarak geliştirilmiştir. Anketlerden
elde edilen verilerin yüzde, minimum-maksimum, standart sapma,
frekans ki-kare dağılımları çıkarılmış ve bazı soruların alt değişkenleri
de dikkate alınarak karşılaştırmalarına yer verilmiştir.
Katılımcılardan erkek olanların %53 ü, bayanların %49 u sigara
kullandığı, erkeklerin %39’u, bayanların %29’u alkol kullandığı tespit
edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkeklerin %71’i bayanların %77’si öğün atladığı,
erkeklerin %56’sının sabah kahvaltısını, %37’sinin öğle yemeğini
tüketmediği ve bayanların %61’inin sabah kahvaltısını, %27’sinin ise
öğle yemeğini tüketmedikleri tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkek katılımcıların
%46,4’ünün, bayanların %39,7’sinin düzenli olarak kahvaltı
yaptıkları tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05).
Sonuç olarak, her iki grubun da günde bir öğünü atlattıkları, bayan
ve erkeklerin yarısından fazlasının sabah kahvaltısı yapmadığı, fakat
öğle yemekleri konusunda farklılık bulunmaktadır, erkeklerin %37 bayanların
ise %27 sinin öğle yemeği yemedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Beslenme
konusunda bilgi eksikliği, ekonomik ve hazırlama konusundaki
farklı tutumlar öğün atlamada önemli etken olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Beslenme ve kahvaltı, Üniversite öğrencisi
frequency and risk factors of the usage of cigarette and
alcohol among the students of Physical Education and Sports
High School Department of Gazi University.
Method: The study has been done on 200 students
of Physical Education and Sports High School Department
of Gazi University. The frequency of the usage of cigarette
and alcohol, the behaviours related to the usage of cigarette
and alcohol and its effects on family members have been
investigated.The statistical analysises has been done by SPSS
Results: We determined that; the frequency of smoking
cigarette is %53.0,non smoker frequency is %47.Q ,%25.0 of
the smokers smoke 12-17 cigarettes a day, %25.0 of them
have started by the effect of their friends, %25.0 of them
started to smoke at the age of 16-20. We determined that
the %88.3 of the smokers' parents also smoke. The frequency
of drinking alcohol is %60.0, nondrinker frequency is %40.0,
%23.0 of the drinkers drink 3-5 glasses a day, %27 of them
started to drink because of affectation, %25.0 have started to
drink at the age of 16-20, %94.7 of the mothers' and %87.5
fathers' of these drinkers also drink alcohol.
Conclusion: It has been understood that the usage
of cigarette and alcohol among the students of Physical
Education and Sports High School Department of Gazi
University is very high and the addiction of cigarette and
alcohol effects the members of a family. It can also be said
that getting bad habits is effected by closer society.
Key words: Cigarette, alcohol; university students,
men's basketball for 16 weeks endurance training along with the general basketball training. The study involved 36
male basketball players such as, Control Group (CG), Endurance Group (PE) and the General Endurance Group
(GE). The shot test, 20 m running test, squat j u m p , countermovement j u m p , r u n n i n g - b a s e d anaerobic sprint tests
were applied to the groups during the Pre- Exercise and Post-Exercise. Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine
the differences between evaluations of t h e groups. While considering the Running Based Anaerobic Speed Test of
the Difference among groups in the evaluation of 2 n d , 3r d , 4t h , 5t h , and 6t h in run evaluation Pre-Exercise was between
CG and PE and between CG and GG, Post-Exercise was in favor between CG and PE in all running values. When
considering the Power Index Between Difference Groups, In evaluation of The Pre-Exercise, values were 2n d , 3rd,
4th, and 5t h runs, and there was significant difference between the groups CG and GD and CG and PE. As a result,
i t is considered to be appropriate for practicing the method in the development of y o u n
self-efficacy. 332 female and 325 male students at Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Education
and Sport (PES), Vocational High School, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of
Engineering at Nigde University were included in the study. In order to measure students' efficacy in selfperception
of health the "Health Perceptions of Self-Efficacy Scale" and to gather data regarding students' sociodemographic
characteristics and dietary habits, "Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Eating Habits
Information Form" were conveyed. In the statistical analysis, the source of differences was examined through
independent-samples T test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's Post Hoc Test. It was found
that there was a significant difference in favor of male participants at the levels of self-efficacy in terms of gender.
There were statistically significant differences between smoking habits and self-efficacy levels, but as for those
having alcohol consumption, the difference was in favor of those who do not consume alcohol and finally as for
sport participation, the difference was in favor of those who do sports. It was found that there were significant
differences amongst the groups in favor of those occasionally taking care of nutrition, depending on their selfefficacy
levels, depending on the number of meals, while the highest self-competence levels were determined for
those having meals three times a day, the lowest self-competence levels belong to those having meals only once
a day. When the frequency of alcohol consumption, and self-efficacy levels were assessed, those consuming
alcohol once a month had the highest self-efficacy levels, while those who consumed alcohol a few times a day
had the lowest self-efficacy levels, and there were statistically significant differences between groups. The
individuals with high healthy self-efficacy levels as well as being healthy constitute the most important factor in
raising healthy individuals. It is important to enable healthy individuals to avoid bad habits, if any, quit the habits
by healthy individuals and as a result of doing sports as well as having a regular and proper dietary habits result
in generation healthy individuals.
Key words: Dietary Habits, Self-Efficacy, University Students
glycaeııllc indexes on exercise capacity by evaiuating the blood glucos level, blood laclate amount
and exercise heart rate. Fourteen healthy males age 22,50 ± 1.87 years, heights 174.42 ± 5,ıo cm,
weights 68,28 ± 7,39 kg completed the same exercise protocol with a week interva!: high-glycemicindex
breakfast before the first exercise, low-glycemic-index breakfast before the second exercise.
Blood glucose levels were measured before and after breakfast, immediately after exercise as well as
after 30, 60 and 120 min of exercise. Lactate acid levels were also measured before and iınmediately
after exercise as well as after i Omin of exercise. In every 5 minutes, heart rate of the subjects were
followed using telemeter.
in the measurements of blood glucos [evel, high-glycemic-index breakfast increased blood glucos
level compared with low-glycemic-index breakfast, and there was a significant difference between
them. There were no significant differences in the other blood glucos levels, lactic acid measurements
and heart rates of the groups in the same measurement times.
In conclusion, these data indicate that before 30 minute submaximal exereise, carbohydrate feedings
with varying glycemic indexes affect blood glucose level but do not affect the amount of lactic acid
and heart beat rate throughout the exercise.
Key words: Breakfast, !actate acid, glyceınic index.
different variances, who teach in Nevşehir. To the purpose of determining the physical education and sports teacher’s (self
efficacy) levels, the data of the study collected with Teacher Competence Expectation Inventory (TCEİ) which was developed
by Yavuz and Koç which was used before. The study was processed with the 92 physical education and sports teachers in the
city of Nevsehir. The data obtained about the teacher’s teacher efficacy expectation were analyzed by ‘Single Way Variance
Analyze’ and ‘the test of the importance of the the difference between two means’ (t-test). There have been significant
differences identified in gender (p<0.05), marital status (p<0.05) and in education levels (p<0.01) of subjects. According to the
comparison related with the residence place of the subjects the ANOVA results revealed that there was significant difference
between groups. And post-hoc tests pointed that the difference was between the city and town, which was in favor of city.
There was not any significant difference identified on the other variables of the research. The results related to teacher efficacy
levels of the physical education and sports teacher’s in the city of Nevşehir generally show that the teacher’s self efficiency levels
are at high level. The study results show that the between gender, marital statue, localization and the education step variances
and self-efficiency levels showed meaningful differences. Between the age and the school type variances and self-efficiency
levels no meaningful differences were found.
Key Words: Self Efficiency, Competence, Physical Education and Sports Teacher.
Spor Yüksek Okulu öğrencilerinin beslenme ve kahvaltı alışkanlıklar
Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Yüksek Okulu, örneklemini ise, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılan
126 bayan 224 erkek öğrenci oluşturmuştur.
Araştırmada öğrencilerin demografik yapılarını ve beslenme kahvaltı
alışkanlıklarını değerlendirmeye yönelik 40 sorudan oluşan anket
konu alanları uzmanlarının da görüşleri alınarak geliştirilmiştir. Anketlerden
elde edilen verilerin yüzde, minimum-maksimum, standart sapma,
frekans ki-kare dağılımları çıkarılmış ve bazı soruların alt değişkenleri
de dikkate alınarak karşılaştırmalarına yer verilmiştir.
Katılımcılardan erkek olanların %53 ü, bayanların %49 u sigara
kullandığı, erkeklerin %39’u, bayanların %29’u alkol kullandığı tespit
edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkeklerin %71’i bayanların %77’si öğün atladığı,
erkeklerin %56’sının sabah kahvaltısını, %37’sinin öğle yemeğini
tüketmediği ve bayanların %61’inin sabah kahvaltısını, %27’sinin ise
öğle yemeğini tüketmedikleri tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Erkek katılımcıların
%46,4’ünün, bayanların %39,7’sinin düzenli olarak kahvaltı
yaptıkları tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05).
Sonuç olarak, her iki grubun da günde bir öğünü atlattıkları, bayan
ve erkeklerin yarısından fazlasının sabah kahvaltısı yapmadığı, fakat
öğle yemekleri konusunda farklılık bulunmaktadır, erkeklerin %37 bayanların
ise %27 sinin öğle yemeği yemedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Beslenme
konusunda bilgi eksikliği, ekonomik ve hazırlama konusundaki
farklı tutumlar öğün atlamada önemli etken olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Beslenme ve kahvaltı, Üniversite öğrencisi
frequency and risk factors of the usage of cigarette and
alcohol among the students of Physical Education and Sports
High School Department of Gazi University.
Method: The study has been done on 200 students
of Physical Education and Sports High School Department
of Gazi University. The frequency of the usage of cigarette
and alcohol, the behaviours related to the usage of cigarette
and alcohol and its effects on family members have been
investigated.The statistical analysises has been done by SPSS
Results: We determined that; the frequency of smoking
cigarette is %53.0,non smoker frequency is %47.Q ,%25.0 of
the smokers smoke 12-17 cigarettes a day, %25.0 of them
have started by the effect of their friends, %25.0 of them
started to smoke at the age of 16-20. We determined that
the %88.3 of the smokers' parents also smoke. The frequency
of drinking alcohol is %60.0, nondrinker frequency is %40.0,
%23.0 of the drinkers drink 3-5 glasses a day, %27 of them
started to drink because of affectation, %25.0 have started to
drink at the age of 16-20, %94.7 of the mothers' and %87.5
fathers' of these drinkers also drink alcohol.
Conclusion: It has been understood that the usage
of cigarette and alcohol among the students of Physical
Education and Sports High School Department of Gazi
University is very high and the addiction of cigarette and
alcohol effects the members of a family. It can also be said
that getting bad habits is effected by closer society.
Key words: Cigarette, alcohol; university students,