Papers by Furio Gramatica
Applied sciences, Sep 18, 2019
The proposed methodology can support the choice of robotic rehabilitation devices, based on rehab... more The proposed methodology can support the choice of robotic rehabilitation devices, based on rehabilitation aims, and their use in clinical practice.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Long-term motor deficits affect approximately two thirds of stroke survivors, reducing their qual... more Long-term motor deficits affect approximately two thirds of stroke survivors, reducing their quality of life. An effective rehabilitation therapy requires intense and repetitive training, which is resource demanding. Virtual Agents (VAs) and Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) offer high intensity, repetitive and reproducible therapy and are thus both promising as rehabilitation tools. In this paper, we compare a SAR and a VA during a rehabilitation task in terms of users' engagement and movement performance, while leveraging neuroscientific methods to investigate potential differences at the neural level. Results show that our participants' performance on the exercise was higher with a SAR than with a VA, which was especially clear under conditions of decreased perceptual information. Our participants reported higher levels of engagement with the SAR. Taken together, we provide evidence that SARs are a favorable alternative to VAs as rehabilitation tools.

The Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS) group was formed following an agreement between the ... more The Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS) group was formed following an agreement between the Med-AUSTRON (Austria) and the TERA Foundation (Italy) to combine their efforts in the design of a cancer therapy synchrotron capable of accelerating either light ions or protons. CERN agreed to support and host this study in its PS Division. A close collaboration was also set up with GSI (Germany). The study group was later joined by Onkologie-2000 (Czech Republic). Effort was first focused on the theoretical understanding of slow extraction and the techniques required to produce a smooth beam spill for the conformal treatment of complexshaped tumours with a sub-millimetre accuracy by active scanning with proton and carbon ion beams. Considerations for passive beam spreading were also included for protons. The study has been written in two parts. The more general and theoretical aspects are recorded in Part I and the specific technical design considerations are presented in the present volume, Part II. An accompanying CD-ROM contains supporting publications made by the team and data files for calculations. The PIMMS team started its work in January 1996 in the PS Division and continued for a period of four years.
EPL, Sep 15, 1989
A study of nonequilibrium phonon propagation in a low-temperature bolometric detector with a Mont... more A study of nonequilibrium phonon propagation in a low-temperature bolometric detector with a Monte Carlo code is presented. The simulation of the thermalization process allows us to predict the temperature pulse in a 1 cm3 germanium bolometer detecting 5 MeV alpha-particles.
La presente invention concerne un appareil (1) pourvu de micro-aiguilles (12) permettant l'ad... more La presente invention concerne un appareil (1) pourvu de micro-aiguilles (12) permettant l'administration transdermique d'un medicament. Ledit appareil comprend une cartouche interchangeable (12) et un dispositif applicateur (3). Ledit applicateur est capable de percer la peau, puis de provoquer, une fois la peau percee, l'ecoulement regule, hors du reservoir, du medicament present dans la cartouche. Ce dispositif permet de perfuser, par l'intermediaire de ses microaiguilles, le medicament dans le tissu d'une maniere continue ou meme pulsatile, mais toujours regulee. Ledit applicateur est ergonomique et peut etre porte sur soi.

Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2015
ABSTRACT In this article, we describe how it is possible to tune the size and the aspect ratio of... more ABSTRACT In this article, we describe how it is possible to tune the size and the aspect ratio of gold nanorods obtained using a highly efficient protocol based on the use of hydroquinone as a reducing agent by varying the amounts of CTAB and silver ions present in the “seed-growth” solution. Our approach not only allows us to prepare nanorods with a four times increased Au3+ reduction yield, when compared with the commonly used protocol based on ascorbic acid, but also allows a remarkable reduction of 50–60 % of the amount of CTAB needed. In fact, according to our findings, the concentration of CTAB present in the seed-growth solution do not linearly influence the final aspect ratio of the obtained nanorods, and an optimal concentration range between 30 and 50 mM has been identified as the one that is able to generate particles with more elongated shapes. On the optimized protocol, the effect of the concentration of Ag+ ions in the seed-growth solution and the stability of the obtained particles has also been investigated.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1995
A feasibility study has just been completed for a hospital-based hadrontherapy facility to be bui... more A feasibility study has just been completed for a hospital-based hadrontherapy facility to be built in Italy. This facility aims at the treatment of 1000 patients/year in 5 treatment rooms served by a H-/light ion synchrotron producing proton beams with energies ranging from 60 to 250 MeV. Generation of neutron beams for boron neutron capture therapy and production of positron emitting radionuclides for PET diagnostics is also foreseen. After an account of the rationale for the use of hadron beams in radiation therapy, a brief overview is given of both the technical components and the facility layout. Two of the treatment rooms will be equipped with a rotating isocentric irradiation unit. The design foresees the possibility of implementing, as a future development, acceleration of fully stripped light ions up to 160 to energies in the 120-400 MeV/u range.
symbols are presented on a computer monitor. The symbols are highlighted in a random order and th... more symbols are presented on a computer monitor. The symbols are highlighted in a random order and the subject has the task to concentrate on a specific symbol. Whenever this specific symbol is highlighted, the P300 component is produced in the EEG data and can be analyzed.

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, Jan 28, 2018
Here we describe a simple approach for the simultaneous detection of multiple microRNAs (miRNAs) ... more Here we describe a simple approach for the simultaneous detection of multiple microRNAs (miRNAs) using a single nanostructured reagent as surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) enhancer and without using enzymatic reactions, sequence specific enhancers or multiple enhancing steps as normally reported in similar studies. The strategy involves the preparation and optimisation of neutravidin-coated gold nanospheres (nGNSs) functionalised with a previously biotinylated antibody (Ab) against DNA/RNA hybrids. The Ab guarantees the recognition of any miRNA sequence adsorbed on a surface properly functionalised with different DNA probes; at the same time, gold nanoparticles permit to detect this interaction, thus producing enough SPRi signal even at a low ligand concentration. After a careful optimisation of the nanoenhancer and after its characterisation, the final assay allowed the simultaneous detection of four miRNAs with a limit of detection (LOD) of up to 0.5 pM (equal to 275 attomo...

A personalized drug administration method and a more reliable electrical interface for monitoring... more A personalized drug administration method and a more reliable electrical interface for monitoring biopotentials (electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, electromyography) are pivotal matters in the clinical community. The aim of our research is to design, develop and test innovative transdermal devices, deriving from nano- and micro-technologies, for improving diagnosis and therapeutic treatments. In order to overcome, in a minimally invasive manner, the complex skin barrier, including stratum corneum, we explored a technological platform based on microneedles. In particular we worked on two projects: a ‘transdermal cartridge’ for drug delivery and a ‘dry electrodes’ device for the measurements of biosignals. We developed non-miniaturised prototypes with a hollow or solid microneedles matrix (max 1 mm tall). For testing purpose the former was connected to a syringe pump infusing a green fluorochrome labelled insulin (10 ll/h) and the latter to a biomechanical test station. We perfo...

Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XI, 2014
ABSTRACT Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that combines the... more ABSTRACT Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that combines the excellent chemical specificity of Raman spectroscopy with the good sensitivity provided by the enhancement of the signal observed when a molecule is located on (or very close to) the surface of suitable nanostructured metallic materials. The availability of cheap, reliable and easy to use SERS substrates would pave the road to the development of bioanalytical tests that can be used in clinical practice. SERS, in fact, is expected to provide not only higher sensitivity and specificity, but also the simultaneous and markedly improved detection of several targets at the same time with higher speed compared to the conventional analytical methods. Here, we present the SERS activity of 2-D plasmonic crystals made by polymeric pillars embedded in a gold matrix obtained through the combination of soft-lithography and plasma deposition techniques on a transparent substrates. The use of a transparent support material allowed us to perform SERS detection from support side opening the possibility to use these substrates in combination with microfluidic devices. In order to demonstrate the potentialities for bioanalytical applications, we used our SERS active gold surface to detect the oxidation product of apomorphine, a well-known drug molecule used in Parkinson’s disease which has been demonstrated being difficult to study by traditional HPLC based approaches.
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2013
Paper-based SERS active substrates were prepared adsorbing spherical and star-shaped gold nanopar... more Paper-based SERS active substrates were prepared adsorbing spherical and star-shaped gold nanoparticles on a standard filter paper support. Besides the deposition conditions, morphological parameters of the particles were found to strongly affect the enhancer properties of the substrates. The developed substrate was tested regarding surface homogeneity as well as in the quantitative analysis of malachite green,-a well documented Raman reporter dye-and proved to be capable also to detect the oxidation products of apomorphine, a well-known drug molecule used in Parkinson's disease. This material is simple to prepare, easy to handle and dispose and as such it could be a perfect target for further development of a new family of mass-produced, cheap solid SERS substrates.

Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy VI: Advances in Research and Industry, 2014
ABSTRACT Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a proliferative neoplasm, that if not properly treated c... more ABSTRACT Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a proliferative neoplasm, that if not properly treated can rapidly cause a fatal outcome. The diagnosis of AML is challenging and the first diagnostic step is the count of the percentage of blasts (immature cells) in bone marrow and blood sample, and their morphological characterization. This evaluation is still performed manually with a bright field light microscope. Here we report results of a study applying Raman spectroscopy for analysis of samples from two patients affected by two AML subtypes characterized by a different maturation stage in the neutrophilic lineage. Ten representative cells per sample were selected and analyzed with high-resolution confocal Raman microscopy by scanning 64x64 (4096) points in a confocal layer through the volume of the whole cell. The average spectrum of each cell was then used to obtain a highly reproducible mean fingerprint of the two different AML subtypes. We demonstrate that Raman spectroscopy efficiently distinguishes these different AML subtypes. The molecular interpretation of the substantial differences between the subtypes is related to granulocytic enzymes (e.g. myeloperoxidase and cytochrome b558), in agreement with different stages of maturation of the two considered AML subtypes . These results are promising for the development of a new, objective, automated and label-free Raman based methods for the diagnosis and first assessment of AML.

Nanomedicine, 2015
Aims: Chronic lung allograft dysfunction represents the main cause of death after lung transplant... more Aims: Chronic lung allograft dysfunction represents the main cause of death after lung transplantation, and so far there is no effective therapy. Mesenchymal cells (MCs) are primarily responsible for fibrous obliteration of small airways typical of chronic lung allograft dysfunction. Here, we engineered gold nanoparticles containing a drug in the hydrophobic section to inhibit MCs, and exposing on the outer hydrophilic surface a monoclonal antibody targeting a MC-specific marker (half-chain gold nanoparticles with everolimus). Materials & methods: Half-chain gold nanoparticles with everolimus have been synthesized and incubated with MCs to evaluate the effect on proliferation and apoptosis. Results & discussion: Drug-loaded gold nanoparticles coated with the specific antibody were able to inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis without stimulating an inflammatory response, as assessed by in vitro experiments. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of our nanopar...
An innovative transdermal drug delivery device for the treatment of type I diabetes/M. Bedoni, M.... more An innovative transdermal drug delivery device for the treatment of type I diabetes/M. Bedoni, M. Casella, E. Donetti, E. Forvi, V. Lucini, C. O'Mahony, F. Scaglione, F. Gramatica.-In: Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embriology.-ISSN 1122-6714.-114 (2009).-p ...
Proceedings of the …, 2010
Papers by Furio Gramatica