Papers by Fredrik Hallgren
The pottery deposited in a sacrificial fen at the Early Neolithic Funnel-beaker site of Skogsmoss... more The pottery deposited in a sacrificial fen at the Early Neolithic Funnel-beaker site of Skogsmossen in central Sweden is described. This pottery displays a high frequency of decoration, an attribute often regarded as an indicator of a late chronological position in the Early Neolithic period. Fifteen AMS-datings of organic remains on potsherds have, however, shown that the vessels were deposited in the fen during three separate phases with a maximum duration of c. 100 years and a minimum separation of c. 50 years. This suggests that the pottery design is more dependent on the social context, rather than on the chronological position in the Early Neolithic.

The excavation and interpretation of Skogsmossen, an Early Neolithic Funnel-beaker-settlement sit... more The excavation and interpretation of Skogsmossen, an Early Neolithic Funnel-beaker-settlement site and sacrificial fen in Västmanland, are discussed. The excavation revealed a farmstead with a mesula house, surrounded by a farmyard divided into areas for different activities such as cooking, grinding and axe-manufacturing. Close to the house, a small fen containing large amounts of Early Neolithic artefacts was situated. The fen has been interpreted as a votive-deposit fen. As Skogsmossen is one of the first inland farmsteads of the Funnel-beaker Culture to be excavated in this northern border region, it offers new possibilities for the assessment of the character of Early Neolithic society in central Sweden. The 14C-datings from the site suggests three phases of occupation, separated by at least 50 years, and maybe as much as 200 years. The repeated settlements, by what is interpreted as the same local lineage, indicate a degree of territoriality, present also in a mobile, swidden-agriculture setting.
Current Swedish Archaeology

Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård har genomfört en utgrävning och restaurering av en skadad boplatsvall ... more Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård har genomfört en utgrävning och restaurering av en skadad boplatsvall belägen vid Finnhed i Älvdalen. Boplatsvallen är rester efter ett stenåldershus med försänkt (nedgrävt) golvplan omgivet av en jordvall. Den västra delen av vallen har skadats av en skogsväg och dike. Boplatsvallens morfologi har dokumenterats med hjälp av höjdkartering. En mindre utgrävning av den skadade delen påvisade förekomst av anläggningar (igenfyllda gropar) i övergången mellan vall och golvplan, dessa tolkas som förknippade med byggnaden som stått på platsen. Undersökningen gav ett rikt fyndmaterial av slagen sten och brända ben. 14C-dateringar tidfäster nyttjandet av boplatsvallen till mitten av äldre stenålder (mellanmesolitikum), men det finns också fynd som visar på bosättning under yngre stenålder (neolitikum). Efter genomförd undersökning återställdes boplatsvallen till dess utseende innan den senaste skadan.
Networks, Interaction and Emerging Identities in Fennoscandia and Beyond Papers from the conference held in Tromsø, Norway, October 13–16 2009
This study address the question of the use and function of Early Neolithic (4000–3000 cal. BC) fu... more This study address the question of the use and function of Early Neolithic (4000–3000 cal. BC) funnel-beaker pots from Mälardalen in eastern Central Sweden. The material studied is pottery from a wetland offering at the site Skogsmossen in the province of Västmanland. While deposited under ritual circumstances in a fen, the pots were likely used in a domestic domain on the settlement adjacent to the offering fen, prior to final deposition. The lipid analysis indicate a varied vessel use, there are traces of aquatic resources, plants, terrestrial animals and milk. The identification of milk residue is the oldest so far from Sweden.
Papers by Fredrik Hallgren