Papers by Fredric Norefjäll

Urban storm water on-line sensing Storm water pollutants in recipients are a problem which receiv... more Urban storm water on-line sensing Storm water pollutants in recipients are a problem which receives more and more attention every year. The content of contaminants in the storm water is largely dependent on the previous and present land use within the river basin and both organic and inorganic contaminants accumulate in the storm water. Furthermore, the storm water challenges will increase in the future due to climate change and the predicted extreme weather events, which will increase the risk of flooding from the sea, lakes, watercourses and groundwater but also from infrastructure culverts and networks. Consequently, more contaminants and toxic substances will be transported from the techno sphere into the biosphere through comprehensive storm water flows. According to the EU Water Framework Directive, all water bodies shall achieve a good status by 2015. In order to pursue a sustainable water management and to apply the right action at the right time and place, there is a great ...

This is the final deliverable from a task within the national research program Mistra Closing the... more This is the final deliverable from a task within the national research program Mistra Closing the Loop (CTL). It aimed at analysing the barriers and drivers for industrial waste recycling as a part of transition towards a circular society. In doing so, we drew on the experiences from five projects participating in CTL. Found below is a graphical abstract capturing both of the logic behind the research and the main results. Industrial recycling as part of a broader transition towards a more circular society faces an overwhelming number of obstacles on all system levels. Apart from being a source of despair, long, unprioritised lists of barriers can lead to diffusion of efforts and resources while attempting to tackle them all at once. In addition, these barriers have traditionally been regarded as separate entities, and little is known about the relationships between them. In this report, we argue for a shift in how we study and act on the barriers for circular transition. More specifically, we call for: • a need to better understand the links, relationships and dynamics between different barriers and barrier groups• a need for methodological experimentation and more action-oriented research• a more targeted approach, where resources are pulled towards tackling a few barriers with a scientifically demonstrated potential to accelerate the chang
Detta dokument sammanfattar arbetet som utförts under förstudien till forskningsprojektet: Innova... more Detta dokument sammanfattar arbetet som utförts under förstudien till forskningsprojektet: Innovationsförmåga för ett hållbart transportsystem – Trafikverkets och samverkande aktörers processer för innovations- och omställningsförmåga. Syftet med forskningsprojektet är att bidra till att Trafikverkets innovationsarbete får genomslag för omställningen av transportsystemet. Genom ökad kunskap om hur egna strukturer och processer för innovation påverkar och påverkas av, exempelvis andra aktörer, specifika marknadsvillkor eller normer, stärker detta projekt arbetet för ett hållbart transportsystem
Papers by Fredric Norefjäll