We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermioni... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermionic particles observed in the mass-energy range between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravityinduced four-fermion self-interaction in this theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
We demonstrate that classical and quantum electrodynamics can be completed by gravitational torsi... more We demonstrate that classical and quantum electrodynamics can be completed by gravitational torsion appearing in Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity, providing the missing part of the electron theory. One of the equations of this theory, a version of Dirac type equation for fermions called Hehl-Datta equation, contains a gravitational spin-torsion term in the Lagrangian density for quantum electrodynamics. This term relates the charged fermion spin to gravitational torsion and provides a mechanical energy counterbalance to the infinite electromagnetic self-energy. As a result, there is no "bare" mass for an electron, nor is renormalization required for many scenarios.
One of the reasons why Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory --- which includes torsion due to the... more One of the reasons why Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory --- which includes torsion due to the intrinsic spin of matter --- is not widely accepted as a viable theory of gravity, is the lack of any experimental evidence for the gravitational torsion. But at the heart of all matter are elementary fermions, which are mathematically described as spinors, and can be viewed as defects in spacetime associated with torsion. Therefore, in this essay we argue that the existence of matter itself provides a proof that gravitational torsion exists, albeit only inside of matter, and hence it does not propagate.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are the elementary fermionic par... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are the elementary fermionic particles that are so far observed have such low mass-energy compared to the Planck energy scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravity-induced self-interaction in the ECSK theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
In a recent paper [1], it has been proposed that relativistic wave–particle duality can be embodi... more In a recent paper [1], it has been proposed that relativistic wave–particle duality can be embodied in a relation that shows that the four-velocity of a particle is proportional to the Dirac four-current. In this note we bring out some problems with that idea. In particular, we point out that, in line with existing literature on Einstein-Cartan gravity with torsion, the spin-torsion term should represent negative energy. Moreover, if what is proposed in Eq. (20) of [1] is correct, then the spin torsion term would be zero in the rest frame of the fermion. We suggest a possible resolution of that dilemma.
We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why do the elementary fermionic part... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why do the elementary fermionic particles that are so far observed have such low mass-energy compared to the Planck energy scale? (2) What mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognised mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of the Dirac equation known as the Hehl–Datta equation within the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble (ECSK) extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravitationally coupled self-interaction in the ECSK theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermioni... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermionic particles observed in the mass-energy range between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble (ECSK) extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravity-induced four-fermion self-interaction in this theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
The following is a way of deriving the quantum mechanical (QM) prediction for the EPR-Bohm experi... more The following is a way of deriving the quantum mechanical (QM) prediction for the EPR-Bohm experiment (EPRB) via local measurement functions.
We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermioni... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermionic particles observed in the mass-energy range between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravityinduced four-fermion self-interaction in this theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
We demonstrate that classical and quantum electrodynamics can be completed by gravitational torsi... more We demonstrate that classical and quantum electrodynamics can be completed by gravitational torsion appearing in Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity, providing the missing part of the electron theory. One of the equations of this theory, a version of Dirac type equation for fermions called Hehl-Datta equation, contains a gravitational spin-torsion term in the Lagrangian density for quantum electrodynamics. This term relates the charged fermion spin to gravitational torsion and provides a mechanical energy counterbalance to the infinite electromagnetic self-energy. As a result, there is no "bare" mass for an electron, nor is renormalization required for many scenarios.
One of the reasons why Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory --- which includes torsion due to the... more One of the reasons why Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory --- which includes torsion due to the intrinsic spin of matter --- is not widely accepted as a viable theory of gravity, is the lack of any experimental evidence for the gravitational torsion. But at the heart of all matter are elementary fermions, which are mathematically described as spinors, and can be viewed as defects in spacetime associated with torsion. Therefore, in this essay we argue that the existence of matter itself provides a proof that gravitational torsion exists, albeit only inside of matter, and hence it does not propagate.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are the elementary fermionic par... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are the elementary fermionic particles that are so far observed have such low mass-energy compared to the Planck energy scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravity-induced self-interaction in the ECSK theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
In a recent paper [1], it has been proposed that relativistic wave–particle duality can be embodi... more In a recent paper [1], it has been proposed that relativistic wave–particle duality can be embodied in a relation that shows that the four-velocity of a particle is proportional to the Dirac four-current. In this note we bring out some problems with that idea. In particular, we point out that, in line with existing literature on Einstein-Cartan gravity with torsion, the spin-torsion term should represent negative energy. Moreover, if what is proposed in Eq. (20) of [1] is correct, then the spin torsion term would be zero in the rest frame of the fermion. We suggest a possible resolution of that dilemma.
We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in ... more We present an event-by-event numerical simulation of the strong singlet correlations observed in the Bell-test experiments using the programming language Mathematica. Our simulation produces a very close approximation to the observed negative cosine correlations. Our starting proposition is manifestly local-realistic analytical prescriptions for the binary results observed by Alice and Bob, representing their detection processes. We also present a Bell-CHSH analysis using our simulation.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why do the elementary fermionic part... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why do the elementary fermionic particles that are so far observed have such low mass-energy compared to the Planck energy scale? (2) What mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognised mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of the Dirac equation known as the Hehl–Datta equation within the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble (ECSK) extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravitationally coupled self-interaction in the ECSK theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermioni... more Two of the major open questions in particle physics are: (1) Why are there no elementary fermionic particles observed in the mass-energy range between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale? And (2), what mechanical energy may be counterbalancing the divergent electrostatic and strong force energies of point-like charged fermions in the vicinity of the Planck scale? In this paper, using a hitherto unrecognized mechanism derived from the non-linear amelioration of Dirac equation known as the Hehl-Datta equation within Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble (ECSK) extension of general relativity, we present detailed numerical estimates suggesting that the mechanical energy arising from the gravity-induced four-fermion self-interaction in this theory can address both of these questions in tandem.
The following is a way of deriving the quantum mechanical (QM) prediction for the EPR-Bohm experi... more The following is a way of deriving the quantum mechanical (QM) prediction for the EPR-Bohm experiment (EPRB) via local measurement functions.
Papers by Fred Diether
Drafts by Fred Diether