A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney in... more A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). A report by the National Confi dential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2009).
Feminist critical theorist Nancy Fraser outlines in interview her concept of "parity of part... more Feminist critical theorist Nancy Fraser outlines in interview her concept of "parity of participation", or the representation of women in institutional structures. The concept, she argues, bridged the traditional leftwing theoretical dichotomy between distribution and recognition and in turn raises the question: who determines who is to be represented? Here Fraser emphasizes the centrality of the politics of interpretation in any dialogue about justice, such as that between western feminism and Islam.
Un feminismo para el 99%. Por eso las mujeres haremos huelga este año 1 We Need a Feminism For Th... more Un feminismo para el 99%. Por eso las mujeres haremos huelga este año 1 We Need a Feminism For The 99%. That's Why Women Will Strike this Year El 8 de marzo haremos huelga contra la violencia machista, contra los hombres que cometen actos de violencia y contra el sistema que los protege. El 8 de marzo del año pasado, las mujeres de todo tipo marchamos, dejamos de trabajar y tomamos las calles en cincuenta países del mundo. En los Estados Unidos, nos unimos, marchamos, dejamos los platos a los hombres, en todas las grandes ciudades del país y en innumerables más pequeñas. Cerramos tres distritos escolares para demostrarle al mundo, una vez más, que mientras nosotras sostenemos la sociedad, tenemos también el poder de dejar de hacerlo. El 8 de marzo vuelve y las cosas empeoraron para nosotras en este país. En un año de la administración Trump, no solo fuimos atacadas con violencia verbal y amenazas misóginas bajo la apariencia de declaraciones oficiales: el régimen de Trump puso en marcha políticas que van a hacer que esos ataques continúen contra nosotras a través de las vías institucionales. La Ley de Recorte de Impuestos y Empleos les quita los beneficios a lxs trabajadorxs de bajos salarios, de los cuales la gran mayoría son mujeres. Planea atacar con salvajismo a Medicaid y Medicare, los únicos dos programas de salud que quedan en este cruel paisaje neoliberal, para ancianxs y pobres, enfermxs y discapacitadxs, planificación familiar y niñxs y, por lo tanto para las mujeres, que hacen la mayor parte del trabajo de cuidado. Y mientras la ley le niega atención médica a lxs niñxs migrantes, introduce un fondo de ahorro universitario para los «niñxs por nacer», una manera escalofriante de establecer por una vía legal los «derechos» del/a «niñx por nacer» atacando así nuestro derecho fundamental a tomar decisiones sobre nuestros propios cuerpos.
... Page 93. After the Family Wage 85 today. By providing income directly to nonemployed wives, i... more ... Page 93. After the Family Wage 85 today. By providing income directly to nonemployed wives, it reduces their economic dependence on husbands. It also provides economic security to sin-gle women with children, reducing their liability to exploitation by employ-ers. ...
A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney in... more A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). A report by the National Confi dential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2009).
During the annual meeting of the research network “Alternatives to Capitalism” held at the New Sc... more During the annual meeting of the research network “Alternatives to Capitalism” held at the New School for Social Research in New York City in 2019, Professor Nancy Fraser engaged in a vibrant discussion about one of her latest books, “Capitalism. A Conversation in Critical Theory”, co-authored with Rahel Jaeggi (Polity Press, 2018). Here is a shortened and edited extract of the conversation
Les discriminations entre les femmes et les hommes, 2011
Ce chapitre presente des reflexions sur les perspectives du feminisme dans le cadre de la crise a... more Ce chapitre presente des reflexions sur les perspectives du feminisme dans le cadre de la crise actuelle du capitalisme neoliberal. Il se fonde sur les theories de Karl Polanyi, qui expliquait le processus historique de la crise par le conflit central entre deux axes – celui de la marchandisation et celui de la protection sociale. Mais Polanyi occultait les formes d’injustice qui ne reposent pas sur le marche et avait tendance a absoudre les formes de protection sociale qui sont des vecteurs de domination. Ce chapitre elargit les analyses du conflit entre marchandisation et protection sociale en integrant un troisieme axe, l’emancipation, par lequel passe tout conflit. L’introduction de ce tiers manquant a pour effet de transformer le double mouvement en un triple mouvement, qui forme le cœur d’une perspective quasi-polanyienne susceptible d’expliquer la crise du xxie siecle.Ce chapitre s’attache d’abord a construire cette nouvelle perspective puis l’utilise pour analyser les enjeux de l’emancipation de la hierarchie de genre. Le triple mouvement ainsi constitue permet de surmonter les ambivalences du feminisme, dont les reflexions ont ete souvent instrumentalisees par le neoliberalisme triomphant. La reappropriation d’une protection sociale definie par des objectifs democratiques donc participatifs, non hierarchiques donc non oppressifs, ouvre ainsi la voie a la definition d’une nouvelle politique feministe.
, she holds the Chair «Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world» at the Collège d' études... more , she holds the Chair «Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world» at the Collège d' études mondiales, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme.
Starting from the conviction that the present multi-dimensional crisis of the capitalist formatio... more Starting from the conviction that the present multi-dimensional crisis of the capitalist formation cannot be adequately understood through the received paradigms of critical theory the paper aims to expand these paradigms through the integration of Karl Marx’ and Karl Polanyi’s analytical concepts. The text discusses the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. It shows what insights each can contribute towards a better understanding of the current crisis–both on a structural level as well as on the level of social action. In a last step the author sketches an outline of an integrated perspective that helps to clarify the capitalist crisis. Address of the Author Prof. Nancy Fraser Henry A. & Louise Loeb Professor of Political & Social Science The New School New York, NY, USA Email: [email protected] Nancy Fraser: Why two Karls are Better than One 1 The situation we face today is a genuine crisis. But it cannot be adequately grasped through the received paradigms of critical ...
Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre have proposed a new way to think about capitalism. First, they ... more Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre have proposed a new way to think about capitalism. First, they develop a novel, pragmatic approach to value, which allows them to distinguish three distinctive «economies» within capitalism: industry, finance and what they call «enrichment». Then, they analyze a growing «enrichment economy», which encompasses markets in fine arts, limited-edition luxury goods, high-end collectibles and the creation and exploitation of national patrimonies, heritage sites and appellation controllée regimes. My essay details the originality and insightfulness of their contribution. But I also air doubts about what precisely the authors mean by capitalism; whether and in what sense they have offered a critique of it; and whether and in what respects their diagnosis clarifies the current conjuncture and the prospects for emancipatory struggle. I conclude by sketching an account that incorporates their contribution within a broader conception of expropriative-financializ...
A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney in... more A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). A report by the National Confi dential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2009).
Feminist critical theorist Nancy Fraser outlines in interview her concept of "parity of part... more Feminist critical theorist Nancy Fraser outlines in interview her concept of "parity of participation", or the representation of women in institutional structures. The concept, she argues, bridged the traditional leftwing theoretical dichotomy between distribution and recognition and in turn raises the question: who determines who is to be represented? Here Fraser emphasizes the centrality of the politics of interpretation in any dialogue about justice, such as that between western feminism and Islam.
Un feminismo para el 99%. Por eso las mujeres haremos huelga este año 1 We Need a Feminism For Th... more Un feminismo para el 99%. Por eso las mujeres haremos huelga este año 1 We Need a Feminism For The 99%. That's Why Women Will Strike this Year El 8 de marzo haremos huelga contra la violencia machista, contra los hombres que cometen actos de violencia y contra el sistema que los protege. El 8 de marzo del año pasado, las mujeres de todo tipo marchamos, dejamos de trabajar y tomamos las calles en cincuenta países del mundo. En los Estados Unidos, nos unimos, marchamos, dejamos los platos a los hombres, en todas las grandes ciudades del país y en innumerables más pequeñas. Cerramos tres distritos escolares para demostrarle al mundo, una vez más, que mientras nosotras sostenemos la sociedad, tenemos también el poder de dejar de hacerlo. El 8 de marzo vuelve y las cosas empeoraron para nosotras en este país. En un año de la administración Trump, no solo fuimos atacadas con violencia verbal y amenazas misóginas bajo la apariencia de declaraciones oficiales: el régimen de Trump puso en marcha políticas que van a hacer que esos ataques continúen contra nosotras a través de las vías institucionales. La Ley de Recorte de Impuestos y Empleos les quita los beneficios a lxs trabajadorxs de bajos salarios, de los cuales la gran mayoría son mujeres. Planea atacar con salvajismo a Medicaid y Medicare, los únicos dos programas de salud que quedan en este cruel paisaje neoliberal, para ancianxs y pobres, enfermxs y discapacitadxs, planificación familiar y niñxs y, por lo tanto para las mujeres, que hacen la mayor parte del trabajo de cuidado. Y mientras la ley le niega atención médica a lxs niñxs migrantes, introduce un fondo de ahorro universitario para los «niñxs por nacer», una manera escalofriante de establecer por una vía legal los «derechos» del/a «niñx por nacer» atacando así nuestro derecho fundamental a tomar decisiones sobre nuestros propios cuerpos.
... Page 93. After the Family Wage 85 today. By providing income directly to nonemployed wives, i... more ... Page 93. After the Family Wage 85 today. By providing income directly to nonemployed wives, it reduces their economic dependence on husbands. It also provides economic security to sin-gle women with children, reducing their liability to exploitation by employ-ers. ...
A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney in... more A review of the care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). A report by the National Confi dential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2009).
During the annual meeting of the research network “Alternatives to Capitalism” held at the New Sc... more During the annual meeting of the research network “Alternatives to Capitalism” held at the New School for Social Research in New York City in 2019, Professor Nancy Fraser engaged in a vibrant discussion about one of her latest books, “Capitalism. A Conversation in Critical Theory”, co-authored with Rahel Jaeggi (Polity Press, 2018). Here is a shortened and edited extract of the conversation
Les discriminations entre les femmes et les hommes, 2011
Ce chapitre presente des reflexions sur les perspectives du feminisme dans le cadre de la crise a... more Ce chapitre presente des reflexions sur les perspectives du feminisme dans le cadre de la crise actuelle du capitalisme neoliberal. Il se fonde sur les theories de Karl Polanyi, qui expliquait le processus historique de la crise par le conflit central entre deux axes – celui de la marchandisation et celui de la protection sociale. Mais Polanyi occultait les formes d’injustice qui ne reposent pas sur le marche et avait tendance a absoudre les formes de protection sociale qui sont des vecteurs de domination. Ce chapitre elargit les analyses du conflit entre marchandisation et protection sociale en integrant un troisieme axe, l’emancipation, par lequel passe tout conflit. L’introduction de ce tiers manquant a pour effet de transformer le double mouvement en un triple mouvement, qui forme le cœur d’une perspective quasi-polanyienne susceptible d’expliquer la crise du xxie siecle.Ce chapitre s’attache d’abord a construire cette nouvelle perspective puis l’utilise pour analyser les enjeux de l’emancipation de la hierarchie de genre. Le triple mouvement ainsi constitue permet de surmonter les ambivalences du feminisme, dont les reflexions ont ete souvent instrumentalisees par le neoliberalisme triomphant. La reappropriation d’une protection sociale definie par des objectifs democratiques donc participatifs, non hierarchiques donc non oppressifs, ouvre ainsi la voie a la definition d’une nouvelle politique feministe.
, she holds the Chair «Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world» at the Collège d' études... more , she holds the Chair «Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world» at the Collège d' études mondiales, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme.
Starting from the conviction that the present multi-dimensional crisis of the capitalist formatio... more Starting from the conviction that the present multi-dimensional crisis of the capitalist formation cannot be adequately understood through the received paradigms of critical theory the paper aims to expand these paradigms through the integration of Karl Marx’ and Karl Polanyi’s analytical concepts. The text discusses the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. It shows what insights each can contribute towards a better understanding of the current crisis–both on a structural level as well as on the level of social action. In a last step the author sketches an outline of an integrated perspective that helps to clarify the capitalist crisis. Address of the Author Prof. Nancy Fraser Henry A. & Louise Loeb Professor of Political & Social Science The New School New York, NY, USA Email: [email protected] Nancy Fraser: Why two Karls are Better than One 1 The situation we face today is a genuine crisis. But it cannot be adequately grasped through the received paradigms of critical ...
Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre have proposed a new way to think about capitalism. First, they ... more Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre have proposed a new way to think about capitalism. First, they develop a novel, pragmatic approach to value, which allows them to distinguish three distinctive «economies» within capitalism: industry, finance and what they call «enrichment». Then, they analyze a growing «enrichment economy», which encompasses markets in fine arts, limited-edition luxury goods, high-end collectibles and the creation and exploitation of national patrimonies, heritage sites and appellation controllée regimes. My essay details the originality and insightfulness of their contribution. But I also air doubts about what precisely the authors mean by capitalism; whether and in what sense they have offered a critique of it; and whether and in what respects their diagnosis clarifies the current conjuncture and the prospects for emancipatory struggle. I conclude by sketching an account that incorporates their contribution within a broader conception of expropriative-financializ...
The current sense of crisis/in economy, ecology, politics, and society/is prompting many critical... more The current sense of crisis/in economy, ecology, politics, and society/is prompting many critical theorists to revisit the question of capitalism. We salute this return to core questions of social theory after a period of neglect. But received models of capitalism, crisis and critique may no longer be adequate to 21st century conditions. We propose, accordingly, to re-examine some basic theoretical questions, with a view to determining how best to revive the critique of capitalism in the present era. Our questions include: How is capitalism best conceptualised/as an economic system, a grammar of life, or an institutional order? What genres of critique are best able to clarify its fundamental mechanisms and practical effects/moral critique, ethical critique, genealogical critique, and/or crisis critique? How can we best understand current struggles surrounding capitalism, and what, after all, is to be done?
Papers by Nancy Fraser