Franz Mechsner
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Papers by Franz Mechsner
The tension between atmosphere and mood, as revealed here, opens up a large space for exploring a new understanding of aesthetics. On this basis the special issue pursued to diversify this discussion on an international level.
8 Martina Sauer und Zhuofei Wang – Introduction
11 Zhuofei Wang – An Interview with Gernot Böhme
19 Elisabeth Neumann – Being Scared and Scaring Oneself in Video Games: The “Atmosfearic” Aesthetics of Amnesia: Rebirth
41 Paulo Gajanigo – The Mood for Democracy in Brazil: Controlling the Public Atmosphere During the Transitional Period 1974 – 1985
59 Zhuofei Wang – At Atmosphere and Moodmospheric Experience: Fusion of Corporeality, Spirituality and Culturality
77 Juan Albert and Lin Chen – Working with Atmospheres to Improve our Planet’s Mood
95 Andreas Rauh – Aesthetic Interest and Affectability
107 Katharina Brichetti and Franz Mechsner – Healing Atmospheres: A Design Based Study
127 Giada Lombardi, Martina Sauer, and Giuseppe Di Cesare – An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence our Mood