Papers by Franz Magnis-Suseno

ADI International Conference Series, May 10, 2023
Christian social ethics mean the unfolding of the basic Christian witness into the multiple dimen... more Christian social ethics mean the unfolding of the basic Christian witness into the multiple dimensions of human existence. This paper proceeds in five steps. First it recalls the basic witness Christians are called to give: that God is with us, that we may trust God and that we give witness to God's love thru our love. Second, it is stressed that by love is not meant an emotion, but an attitude and action: respect for a person, including her rights, care and responsibility for her well being, refusal to give room to hatred, jealousy and arrogance. Third this Christian love has to be unfolded thru the whole expanse of human existence, the cultural, political, social and economic dimensions. Humankind faces five serious challenges. The fourth section asks what specific challenges Indonesia faces and what is demanded of us. The paper ends, fifth, by suggesting four concrete areas where every follower of Jesus could make her or his witness become real.
Penerbit Kanisius eBooks, 2006
xv, 404 hal.: bib.; ind.; 22 c
... barangkali pe-mikir paling mendalam, dengan bahasa paling sulit abad ini - sampai ke BF Skinn... more ... barangkali pe-mikir paling mendalam, dengan bahasa paling sulit abad ini - sampai ke BF Skinner yang mau menggantikan etika dengan rekayasa budaya; dari AJ Ayer yang menganggap etika sebagai kesalahan berpikir sampai ke Hans Jonas yang mengharapkan agar ...
Gramedia Pustaka Utama eBooks, 2005
viii;264 hlm;bibl;ind;14 x 21 c
Kanisius eBooks, 1997
211 ha
Penerbit Kanisius eBooks, Jul 2, 2008
... selanjutnya, teori kritis Mazhab Frank-furt dan Jiirgen Habermas, komunitarisme, postmodernis... more ... selanjutnya, teori kritis Mazhab Frank-furt dan Jiirgen Habermas, komunitarisme, postmodernisme, dan usaha pem ... 3. Akan tetapi, memang betul juga: Mengatakan saja bahwa tidak ada ma ... Tesis saya adalah bahwa agama-agama justru tidak perlu takut kalah rasionalitasnya. ...
Dekonstruksi, Mar 27, 2023
Penerbit Kanisius eBooks, 1993
Yogyakarta212 p.; 21 c
Papers by Franz Magnis-Suseno