Papers by František John
2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 2017

Abbott, Carter Eugene Abbott, James E. Abbott, William E., Jr. Abbott, William W. Abercrombie, Ma... more Abbott, Carter Eugene Abbott, James E. Abbott, William E., Jr. Abbott, William W. Abercrombie, Marvin Larry Abercrombie, Sharon Sidney Abrams, Russell L. Acuff, E. B. Acuff, Edward Blackburn, Jr. Adair, Charles C., Jr. Adair, Charlie C. Adair, Roger Adams, Amos Adams, Charles Eugene, Jr. Adams, Charles Richard Adams, Curtis *Adams, Curtis Paul, Sr. Adams, David Harry Adams, Everett B. Adams, E.S. Adams, Flemmie, Jr. Adams, George Adams, Guyton Gilmer Adams, Ira Lee Adams, Jack H. *Adams, Jack L. Adams, James L. Adams, Jim H. Adams, Mike Adams, Reuban David Adams, Reuben Edward Adams, Richard Adams, Robert Adams, Robert Dale Adams, Robert Zane Adams, Royce Horace *Adams, Royce Adams, Sam B. *Adams, Thomas B. Adams, Vana G. Adams, Varnice C. Adams, Webster Devone Adams, Willie Lee Adamson, Ambers T. Adamson, William O. Adcock, Andrew Adcock, David Adcock, S..N. Adcock, Stanley Nathan Adcock, Thomas Anthony Adderton, Ned Adderton, Major Sr. Addison, Jerry W. Addison, Jessie F., Jr. Add...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, 2014
In dual-hop multi-relaying wireless systems, the non-closed form expression in log-normal probabi... more In dual-hop multi-relaying wireless systems, the non-closed form expression in log-normal probability distributions and high varying standard deviations makes it impossible to effectively execute performance analyses of outage probability and bit-error-rate (BER) performance levels; thus, an analysis framework was proposed for use in a composite (Rayleigh plus log-normal) fading channel. Developing analytical derivations involved generalizing the standard approaches for the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative density function (CDF) of a composite fading channel at a conditioned constraint; that is, the signalto-noise power (SNR) of relay hop segments is relatively high to the targeted threshold when the max-mini relay selection scenario is adopted. The analytical deviations of outage probability and BER performance levels are closed-form expressions that are corroborated using Monte Carlo simulations and exact expression (integral form), yielding consistent results. Thus, the proposed analysis framework provides a simple and efficient approach for evaluating the influence of the shadowing effect and diversity order in system design applications.

The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2010
Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the conti... more Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the continued decline of threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, but basic information on habitat selection and space use patterns of barred owls is lacking for much of the region. We investigated space use and habitat selection by tracking radiotagged barred owls in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2006. We surveyed for barred owls across the 309‐km2 study area and confirmed presence of barred owl pairs at 21 sites. We collected movement data on 14 barred owls from 12 sites. Mean annual 95% fixed‐kernel home‐range size was 194 ha for females (n = 4, SD = 70) and 288 ha for males (n = 5, SD = 114). Home ranges were located more frequently than expected in areas with low topographic position, gentle slopes, large overstory tree‐crown diameter, high normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), overstory tree...

European Journal of Wildlife Research, Jan 22, 2010
Habitat selectivity by European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was studied in 226 km of river cha... more Habitat selectivity by European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was studied in 226 km of river channels during their colonization of the Morava River basin (the Czech Republic), which had not been occupied by beavers for hundreds of years. The colonization started after initial reintroductions in 1991 and 1992. Annual increases in colonization of the river system from 1995 to 2007 were 15.5±9.4 SD km year −1 and varied greatly between these years (min 0 km, max 33 km). Beavers appeared to be following a dispersal pattern, in which distant sites are often colonized before close-by sites. The selection of habitat variables during the colonization process varied. In the early phase of colonization, there were many areas with optimal habitat that were not occupied by beavers, and habitat selection appeared chaotic. After this early phase, the most significant habitat variable related to beaver occupation was shown to be the presence of willow (Salix spp.) species. In the later phases, the beaver population expanded into suboptimal habitat. Settlement distance from roads, railways, and urbanized areas became less. When comparing the generalized linear models, a model from the winter of 2003/2004 had the best overall accuracy and showed excellent agreement among observed and fitted values (Cohen's κ=0.75). The model suggests that beavers established their home ranges at first in optimal habitat, which had not been occupied before and then subsequently in suboptimal/marginal areas.

European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2010
Habitat selectivity by European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was studied in 226 km of river cha... more Habitat selectivity by European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was studied in 226 km of river channels during their colonization of the Morava River basin (the Czech Republic), which had not been occupied by beavers for hundreds of years. The colonization started after initial reintroductions in 1991 and 1992. Annual increases in colonization of the river system from 1995 to 2007 were 15.5±9.4 SD km year −1 and varied greatly between these years (min 0 km, max 33 km). Beavers appeared to be following a dispersal pattern, in which distant sites are often colonized before close-by sites. The selection of habitat variables during the colonization process varied. In the early phase of colonization, there were many areas with optimal habitat that were not occupied by beavers, and habitat selection appeared chaotic. After this early phase, the most significant habitat variable related to beaver occupation was shown to be the presence of willow (Salix spp.) species. In the later phases, the beaver population expanded into suboptimal habitat. Settlement distance from roads, railways, and urbanized areas became less. When comparing the generalized linear models, a model from the winter of 2003/2004 had the best overall accuracy and showed excellent agreement among observed and fitted values (Cohen's κ=0.75). The model suggests that beavers established their home ranges at first in optimal habitat, which had not been occupied before and then subsequently in suboptimal/marginal areas.
Západní Morava, 2021
Velké Meziříčí bylo v době pozdní gotiky a renesance významným centrem konvářského řemesla, produ... more Velké Meziříčí bylo v době pozdní gotiky a renesance významným centrem konvářského řemesla, produkce zde působících dílen v některých obdobích dokonce předčila srovnatelná moravská centra s mnohem delší kontinuitou kovolitectví, Brno a Olomouc. Příspěvek se věnuje činnosti ve Velkém Meziříčí usedlých zvonařských dílen, přináší jejich charakteristiku v kontextu s dalšími konvářskými centry.

František John – Filip Srovnal: Bell from the year 1393 in Brno. Monument to the Moravian margrav... more František John – Filip Srovnal: Bell from the year 1393 in Brno. Monument to the Moravian margrave Jošt and Prokop.
Bell from 1393 is hanging in the south tower of church of st. Thomas in Brno. In the Latin inscription
bears the legend written in majuscules names of donors, which were Moravian Margrave Jošt and Prokop.
In the inscription is also noticed the name of bell-founder, John (Ioannes) Burgess of Vienna, together
with the city, whence came. Unfortunately just this word is badly legible. Based on rigorous analysis we
would tend to read the city studies the origin as Aystet, an important medieval town in Bavaria (in the
present called Eichstätt). It can therefore be regarded as quite reliable place of origin. Besides the bell
hanging in Brno John of Aystet also founded bells at St. George (Svätý Jur) near Bratislava (Slovakia)
(1400) and Gobelsburg in Lower Austria (1410). Typical phenomenon of this era is replacing of the Gothic
Capital letters with minuscule characters, as John of Aystet used to do. Work of the Viennese bellfounder
John characterize many progressive elements which correspond with the development of bell foundry in
central Europe."
Název z obálky Vydáno v rámci projektu Památky zvonařství
Papers by František John
Bell from 1393 is hanging in the south tower of church of st. Thomas in Brno. In the Latin inscription
bears the legend written in majuscules names of donors, which were Moravian Margrave Jošt and Prokop.
In the inscription is also noticed the name of bell-founder, John (Ioannes) Burgess of Vienna, together
with the city, whence came. Unfortunately just this word is badly legible. Based on rigorous analysis we
would tend to read the city studies the origin as Aystet, an important medieval town in Bavaria (in the
present called Eichstätt). It can therefore be regarded as quite reliable place of origin. Besides the bell
hanging in Brno John of Aystet also founded bells at St. George (Svätý Jur) near Bratislava (Slovakia)
(1400) and Gobelsburg in Lower Austria (1410). Typical phenomenon of this era is replacing of the Gothic
Capital letters with minuscule characters, as John of Aystet used to do. Work of the Viennese bellfounder
John characterize many progressive elements which correspond with the development of bell foundry in
central Europe."
Bell from 1393 is hanging in the south tower of church of st. Thomas in Brno. In the Latin inscription
bears the legend written in majuscules names of donors, which were Moravian Margrave Jošt and Prokop.
In the inscription is also noticed the name of bell-founder, John (Ioannes) Burgess of Vienna, together
with the city, whence came. Unfortunately just this word is badly legible. Based on rigorous analysis we
would tend to read the city studies the origin as Aystet, an important medieval town in Bavaria (in the
present called Eichstätt). It can therefore be regarded as quite reliable place of origin. Besides the bell
hanging in Brno John of Aystet also founded bells at St. George (Svätý Jur) near Bratislava (Slovakia)
(1400) and Gobelsburg in Lower Austria (1410). Typical phenomenon of this era is replacing of the Gothic
Capital letters with minuscule characters, as John of Aystet used to do. Work of the Viennese bellfounder
John characterize many progressive elements which correspond with the development of bell foundry in
central Europe."