Papers by Frank Rabenstein

Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes, Mar 15, 2017
In Zusammenarbeit mit den Pflanzenschutzamtern verschiedener Bundeslander wurde der Befall mit de... more In Zusammenarbeit mit den Pflanzenschutzamtern verschiedener Bundeslander wurde der Befall mit dem Wasserrubenvergilbungsvirus (turnip yellows luteovirus, TuYV; Syn. Westliches Rubenvergilbungsvirus, beet western yellows luteovirus, BWYV) in 198 Winterrapsbestanden des Anbaujahres 1995/96 mittels DAS-ELISA bzw. tissue blot immunoassay untersucht. Im Befallsgrad konnten grose regionale Unterschiede festgestellt werden. In Nord-, West- und Ostdeutschland wurden in 147 von 152 untersuchten Bestanden Infektionsraten von 2 % bis 100 % nachgewiesen, wobei im Durchschnitt 71,5 % dieser Proben mit TuYV infiziert waren. Im Gegensatz dazu wiesen in Baden-Wurttemberg und Bayern die Proben aus 34 von 46 untersuchten Winterrapsfeldern einen mittleren Befallsgrad von lediglich 12,6 % bzw. 16,4 % auf. In Proben aus 12 Feldern konnte serologisch kein TuYV nachgewiesen werden. Verursacht wurde das epidemische Vorkommen des TuYV in Winterrapsbestanden im mittleren und nordlichen Teil Deutschlands durch das starke Auftreten von Virusvektoren im Herbst 1995. Epidemic infestation of winter oilseed rape by turnip yellows luteovirus (syn. beet western yellows luteovirus) in the 1995/96 growing season In co-operation with the plant protection service, the infestation of winter oilseed rape crops by turnip yellows luteovirus (TuYV; syn. beet western yellows luteovirus, BWYV) was tested in several German growing regions in the 1995/96 growing season. Distinct regional differences in the infestation degree were detectable. In the northern, western and eastern part of Germany 147 crops of 152 crops tested were infested by TuYV. The degree of infections ranged from 2 % to 100 %, with an average of 7l,5 % of the plants being infected. In contrast of these observations, an average infection level of 12,9 % and 16.4 % could be found in samples of 34 crops of 46 crops tested in the two southern federal countries Baden-Wurttemberg and Bayern. Samples of 12 crops from this region were virusfree. The epidemic infestation of oilseed rape by TuYV in the central and northern part of the growing regions is related to a dynamic flight activity of aphids in autumn l995.

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2004
The article presents results form a research project directed towards the viruses composing the i... more The article presents results form a research project directed towards the viruses composing the infectious background of the wheat and barley in Bulgaria. The presence of five new for Bulgaria viruses BaMMV, BaYMV, BStMV, CDV and WDV was registered. During the autumn period in favourable weather conditions Sitobion avenae is the usual harmful agent among the crops of winter barley. The other aphid Schizaphis graminum appears more rarely. Later among the crops of winter barley the share of Rhopalosiphum maidis and Rhopalosiphum padi increase. During the spring period seven ahids species: Metopolophium dirhodum, M. festucae, R. maidis, R. padi, S. graminum, S. avenae and Sipha maydis are found in the crops of wheat, winter and spring barley. Fife of them: M. dirhodum, R. maidis, R. padi, S. avenae and S. graminum are known as vectors of BYDV. S. avenae has the greatest share in the aphid infestation of the wheat, winter and spring barley crops.
Archives of Virology, May 23, 2005
Ryegrass mosaic virus (RGMV) is considered the most serious and widespread virus infecting temper... more Ryegrass mosaic virus (RGMV) is considered the most serious and widespread virus infecting temperate pasture grasses. The use of visible symptoms to diagnose infection is unreliable and ELISA analysis requires antibodies with broad cross-reactivity. Here we describe the production of a polyclonal antiserum (PAb-cp3'Delta) using a bacterially expressed RGMV coat protein fragment. The PAb-cp3'Delta antiserum is specific for RGMV and recognises RGMV strains from each major phylogenetic cluster. PAb-cp3'Delta may be used in ELISAs for fast, accurate and inexpensive detection of RGMV.
56. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung in Kiel : 22. - 25. September 2008 ; [Pflanzenproduktion in Wandel - Wandel im Pflanzenschutz?], 2008
Acta horticulturae, May 1, 2012
Pflanzenschutzberichte, 2000

PubMed, Jun 1, 1998
A sap transmissible virus, causing mosaic and leaf curl disease of Celosia argentea, was isolated... more A sap transmissible virus, causing mosaic and leaf curl disease of Celosia argentea, was isolated at vegetable farms in Amuwo Odofin, Tejuoso, and Abule Ado, Lagos, Nigeria. The virus had a restricted host range confined to a few species of the Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Solanaceae families. It failed to infect several other species of the Aizoaceae, Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae and Tiliaceae families. The virus was transmitted in a non-persistent manner by Aphis spiraecola and Toxoptera citricidus but not by eight other aphid species tested. There was no evidence of transmission by seeds of C. argentae varieties. The viral coat protein had a relative molecular mass (M(r)) of about 30.2 K. Electron microscopy of purified virus preparations revealed flexuous rod shaped particles of about 750 nm in length. Serological studies were performed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) and Western blot analysis. The virus reacted positively with an universal potyvirus group monoclonal antibody (MoAb) and MoAb P-3-3H8 raised against peanut stripe potyvirus. It also reacted with polyclonal antibodies raised against several potyviruses including asparagus virus-1 (AV-1), turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), watermelon mosaic virus (WMV-2), plum pox virus (PPV), soybean mosaic virus (SoyMV), lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and beet mosaic virus (BMV) in at least one of the serological assays used. On the basis of host range, mode of transmission, and available literature data, the celosia virus seems to be different from potyviruses previously reported to infect vegetables in Nigeria. The name celosia mosaic virus (CIMV) has been proposed for this virus.

Euphytica, 2004
Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat and triticale leads to contamination of the grain with the my... more Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat and triticale leads to contamination of the grain with the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) that is harmful to animal and man. A fast, low-cost, and reliable method for quantification of the DON content in the grain is essential for selection. We analysed 113 wheat and 55 triticale genotypes for their symptom development on spikes, Fusarium exoantigen (ExAg) and DON content in the grain after artificial inoculation with a highly aggressive isolate of F. culmorum in three (wheat) and six (triticale) location-by-year combinations. Additionally, in triticale the amount of Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) was assessed. ExAg content was analysed by a newly developed Fusarium-specific plate-trapped antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PTA-ELISA) and DON content by an immunoassay. A moderate disease severity resulted in an ExAg content of 0.87 optical density (OD) units in wheat and 1.02 OD in triticale. DON content ranged from 12.0 to 105.2 mg kg −1 in wheat and from 24.2 to 74.0 mg kg −1 in triticale. Genotypic and genotype-by-environment interaction variances were significant (P < 0.01). Coefficient of phenotypic correlation between DON content analysed by the immunoassay and ExAg content was r = 0.86 for wheat and r = 0.60 for triticale. The highest correlation between DON content and symptom rating was found by FHB rating in wheat (r = 0.77) and by FDK rating in triticale (r = 0.71). In conclusion, selection for reduced FHB symptoms should lead to a correlated selection response in low fungal biomass and low DON content in the grain.
Papers by Frank Rabenstein