Francois Grunewald
Over the years, I have been involved in different exercises aiming at improving the aid sector in complex contexts. This involved major research and evaluation project redulting into strategic policy with a strong focus on resilience, disaster preparedness, civil protection, humanitarian response, and links between emergency, rehabilitation and development. I have been involved in disaster management over more than 20 years in the Middle east, the Horn of Africa, Sahel, Caribeans, Central America and Asia. As UNDAC member an working frequently with the European Civil Protection Mechanisms, I am very familiar with the functioning of National Disaster Management Agencies.Among others, I have been pioneering innovative iterative and immediate post disaster Real Time Evaluation (RTE) processes with many RTE since 1999 (Mitch Hurricane) up to the most recent post-Mathew Hurricane in Haiti and have developed many methodological approaches in Afghanistan, Haiti, Sahel, the Syrian context -in particular Mali and Lake Chad area.My competence is by essence multisectoral. WASH, Food security, health, IHL, urban contexts, etc. It is rooted in many experiences, including many multisectoral evaluations, years of work with ICRC, UN and NGO where I was frequently involved in multidisciplinary teams. covering among other, health responses in the Horn of Africa, in Haiti, in Yemen (as team leader of the MSF response to the cholera) and different pieces of work on Ebola for the IFRC, DG ECHO and Transparency International. I led some of the first studies on humanitarian aid in urban sectors with Groupe URD’s research Programme “War in cities,cities at war” and several researches in Mogadishu, Bangui, etc..I have developed very strong facilitation capacities as university professor (as associate professor in charge of a Master degree at Paris XII University, as a visiting professor in Université du Quebec à Montréal (UCAM) and in Evory University in Atlanta, as a trainer in several training activities with the Help Course (ICRC) and UNDAC (UN, as well as for NGO in the field (DRC, ACF, etc.). I have also been involved in many conferences and workshops where my skills as facilitator have been always appreciated.
Phone: +33668645226
Address: LA FONTAINE DES MARINS, 26170, Plaisians
Phone: +33668645226
Address: LA FONTAINE DES MARINS, 26170, Plaisians
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Papers by Francois Grunewald