Papers by Franck Blokhuis
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Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education, 1999
People with a secondary school education are being confronted with constant changes in their work... more People with a secondary school education are being confronted with constant changes in their work in the area of technology, the organization of work, the structure of work organizations and personnel management. Employers are far from being able to predict what qualifications employees will need to have in the future. There is an increasing risk that problems of quality in the link-up between education and work will continue to grow. This has resulted in an increasing consensus developing on the necessity for pupils to acquire key qualifications in broad, initial vocational education and training (Nijhof & Streumer, 1994). The thinking behind this is that key qualifications enable new employees to react flexibly and effectively to changes in work, in the work organization, in their occupation and in their career (Van Zolingen, 1995). In broad, initial vocational education and training there is less of a bias towards the acquisition of knowledge, and the acquisition of skills receives relatively more attention. One problem is that in the attainment targets for vocational training, which are based on methods for the development of an occupational profile, too little attention is still paid to a broad interpretation of occupations. What is missing in the application of these methods is the full complexity of the world of work. From the standpoint of educational support organizations and curriculum development, more and more people are giving preference to vocation-oriented cuniculum development, which is broader than the ‘royal road’ (Romkens & Westerhuis, 1997).
The Learning Potential of the Workplace, 2008

Onderwijs en gezondheidszorg, 2007
Werkplekleren is een essentieel onderdeel van elke middelbare beroepsopleiding. In diverse landen... more Werkplekleren is een essentieel onderdeel van elke middelbare beroepsopleiding. In diverse landen wordt de werkplek gezien als een omgeving met een groot leerpotentieel (Bailey, Hughes, & Moore, 2004; Billett, 1999). Het leren in zo’n omgeving wordt onmisbaar geacht als het gaat om de verwerving van beroepsrelevante competenties. Het gevolg is dat een substantieel deel van de opleidingstijd wordt besteed aan werkplekleren. Ondanks het belang blijkt dat werkplekleren de nodige problemen kent. Studies wijzen op gebrekkige voorbereiding, interactie en organisatie van het leerproces (zie onder andere Billett, 2001; Blokhuis, Jellema, & Nijhof, 2002; Saljö 2003). Volgens alle partijen die betrokken zijn bij het beroepsonderwijs is het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van werkplekleren noodzakelijk. Dit artikel gaat in op een onderzoek onder mbo-studenten en werkbegeleiders in een ziekenhuis naar de effecten van ontworpen richtlijnen voor leren en begeleiden op de werkplek.

Education + Training, 2007
PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to show that The Netherlands offers an interesting case of app... more PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to show that The Netherlands offers an interesting case of apprenticeship as part of an elaborated system of vocational education, combining school and workplace learning. For reaching objectives of vocational education with regard to effective problem solving on the job and work process knowledge the quality of workplace learning is essential.Design/methodology/approachThe research in this paper is explorative. It is based on policy analysis, literature review and meta‐analysis of recent research on workplace learning, done by the authors and some colleagues. New theoretical approaches on workplace learning are used to throw new light on developments in Dutch apprenticeships.FindingsThe paper finds that governments as well as schools and companies are attempting to uphold the quality of learning in apprenticeships. More intensive interaction between workplaces and vocational schools are developed. Still, there are two main issues in dispute: the q...
Papers by Franck Blokhuis