Papers by Francisco Tadeo Reyes Rodriguez
ESEs en todo el país, ya que actualmente no existe una regulación que requiera la adopción de mej... more ESEs en todo el país, ya que actualmente no existe una regulación que requiera la adopción de mejoras de eficiencia a nivel industrial. Palabras clave: PLANEE; ESEs; energo-intensiva; multicriterio Figure 2 Electric energy consumption and electric losses by sector based on ARCONEL (2018).

Ciência Florestal, 2005
El presente estudio fue desarrollado con el propósito de cuantificar las relaciones existentes en... more El presente estudio fue desarrollado con el propósito de cuantificar las relaciones existentes entre raleos, podas y crecimiento tanto en plantaciones, como en árboles de Pinus taeda L., y con la finalidad de construir modelos que puedan predecir la producción y calidad de productos futuros. Se propuso como objetivo analizar la información de las variables diámetro a la altura del pecho (dap), altura total y volumen cilindrométrico (dap2* h) en un ensayo, instalado en el año 1996 en las cercanías de la localidad de Santo Tomé, Provincia de Corrientes (Argentina). Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto se generaron mediante raleo selectivo a los 3 años cuatro densidades diferentes (1666; 833; 416 y 208 pla/ha). En cada densidad se aplicaron cuatro intensidades de podas (0; 30; 50 y 70%, respecto de la profundidad de copa verde), las cuales se efectuaron en 2, 3 y 4 realces con intervalos de un año entre podas. Una vez analizados los datos obtenidos, después de 5 años de observación, ...
Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomia, Oct 6, 2011
Medicentro Electronica, 2009
Revista Facultad Nacional De Agronomia Medellin, Aug 15, 2012
Resumen. Se da información sobre la biología, comportamiento, hábitos e importancia económica de ... more Resumen. Se da información sobre la biología, comportamiento, hábitos e importancia económica de las chinches Leptoglossus zonatus Dallas, 1852 (Hemiptera: Coreidae) y Agonosoma trilineatum (Fabricius, 1781) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) y se advierte sobre su presencia en una parcela de Jatropha curcas establecida en Santa Fe de Antioquia. Además, se halló que la pringamosa, Echidoscolus rubulosus es el hospedero silvestre de la segunda especie, en este ecosistema de bosque seco tropical. Se considera que ambos artrópodos podrían ser plagas potenciales del cultivo de esta oleaginosa en la región del occidente de Antioquia.
Bosque, 2002
Predicción del diámetro máximo sobre muñón en árboles podados de Pinus taeda L. origen Marion en ... more Predicción del diámetro máximo sobre muñón en árboles podados de Pinus taeda L. origen Marion en el NE de Corrientes, Argentina* Prediction of the maximum diameter over stub in pruned trees of Pinus taeda L. origin Marion in the NE of Comentes, Argentina.

Revista de otorrinolaringología y cirugía de cabeza y cuello, 2013
En el presente trabajo queremos describir un caso poco común de trayecto fistuloso cervical. Se p... more En el presente trabajo queremos describir un caso poco común de trayecto fistuloso cervical. Se presenta en un niño y nos parece importante a tener en cuenta como diagnóstico diferencial, dentro de la otorrinolaringología infantil. Las anomalías branquiales pueden presentarse como quistes, trayectos sinusoidales o fístulas. Se explican por un mal desarrollo del arco branquial durante el periodo embriológico. Se presentan principalmente en la infancia entre los 2 a 3 años de edad y a veces también en la juventud. Aparecen igualmente en ambos sexos. Las fístulas del primer arco branquial son raras (1%-8%), las más comunes son las del segundo arco (90%). En nuestra experiencia el método de imagen de elección para evaluar las anomalías de los arcos branquiales es la fistulografía. El tratamiento de todas ellas es la exéresis quirúrgica.

Resumen: El compromiso organizacional es un constructo que presenta gran interés para la psicolog... more Resumen: El compromiso organizacional es un constructo que presenta gran interés para la psicología organizacional. Los investigadores han dirigido sus esfuerzos a determinar su conceptualización y medición, sin embargo hay indicios que evidencian que existen diferencias. La presente investigación adopta la propuesta de Peiró y Prieto (1996), donde se resalta la vertiente actitudinal del compromiso. Se realizó una revisión de las dimensiones reportadas e instrumentos más usados, se seleccionó un banco de reactivos de estos y se agruparon en tres escalas: compromiso afectivo, compromiso de continuidad e implicación. Se analizó la estructura factorial y consistencia interna a partir de la respuesta de 369 empleados de una empresa de telecomunicaciones, el análisis factorial exploratorio arroja tres factores empíricos. Posteriormente mediante un análisis factorial de segundo orden, estos factores quedan agrupados en un macrofactor que tiene un valor propio de 2.2, explica el 71.8% de la varianza y muestra una adecuada consistencia interna α = 0.80. Este factor se denominó compromiso organizacional, y representa el estado en el que el trabajador se identifica y extiende una liga afectiva con la organización, con sus metas, y desea seguir siendo miembros de esta. Compartiendo el triple componente de las variables actitudinales: cognición, afecto y comportamiento. Palabras clave: Compromiso organizacional; actitudes; compromiso afectivo; involucramiento; compromiso de continuidad; confiabilidad; psicometría.
SPIE Proceedings, 2008

Revista chilena de cirugía, 2013
Immunohistochemical detection of parafibromin in parathyroid pathology Introduction: The definiti... more Immunohistochemical detection of parafibromin in parathyroid pathology Introduction: The definitive diagnosis of parathyroid cancer is extremely difficult, from the clinical approach to the molecular diagnosis. A gene mutation was detected recently in patients with parathyroid cancer. It is a suppressor tumor gene called HRPT2, which codifies for a protein that participates in PAF1 complex, the parafibromin. It has been observed that the expression of this protein it's altered in parathyroid cancer, what would serve like method of diagnosis by immunohystochemistry, with a sensitivity and specificity of 73-96% and 99-100%, respectively. Material and Method: The anti-parafibromin immunohystochemistry staining was made in 23 parathyroids tissue samples (5 adenomas, 6 hyperplasia, 7 normal and 5 carcinomas). Results: A positive pattern is observed in almost 100% of benign pathology and 100% in normal tissue. In the cases of carcinoma only 2 of 5 had a strong positivity. Conclusions: The pathological clinical correlation does not allow the association of the loss of parafibromin immunoreactivity in some unequivocal cases of parathyroid cancer. The parafibromin immunostaining does not allow to discriminate between benign or malign pathologies.

Revista médica de Chile, 2007
Incidence of hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy Background: Postoperative hypocalcemia is one... more Incidence of hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy Background: Postoperative hypocalcemia is one of the most common complications of thyroid surgery. It is related to the type of disease (malignant or benign), the number of identified parathyroid glands during the surgical procedure, and the surgeon's experience. Total thyroidectomy is the procedure of choice in our hospital for benign and malignant thyroid disease, but it can increase the incidence of complications. Aim: To evaluate the incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients subjected to a total thyroidectomy. Material and methods: Two studies were performed. A retrospective review of medical records of 448 patients subjected to total thyroidectomy, looking for serum calcium levels of less than 8 mg/dl and clinical signs of hypocalcemia. In a second study, 45 patients were followed with measurements of preoperative and postoperative serum calcium levels. Results: In the retrospective study, only 136 records had reliable information. Clinical signs of hypocalcemia were registered in 14% of patients and a low serum calcium level was detected in 50%. In the prospective study, 42% of patients had a postoperative low serum calcium level and seven patients (15%) had symptoms. Patients were handled with oral calcium and calcitriol in some cases. Ninety nine percent of patients had normal serum calcium levels two moths after surgery. Conclusions: In this series, the rate of postoperative hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy is similar to internaitonal reports (Rev Méd Chile 2007; 135: 26-30).
Bosque (Valdivia), 2004
Efectos de la roturación del suelo y fertilización con fósforo en el crecimiento… 69 BOSQUE 25(2)... more Efectos de la roturación del suelo y fertilización con fósforo en el crecimiento… 69 BOSQUE 25(2): 69-76, 2004 NOTA TECNICA Efectos de la roturación del suelo y fertilización con fósforo en el crecimiento inicial de plantaciones de Pinus taeda, en suelos rojos del Noreste de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina*
Ciencia, docencia y …, 2006
… Facultad Nacional de …, 2010
Resumen. Las larvas de Symmetrischema insertum ocasiona la caída del botón floral en cultivos de ... more Resumen. Las larvas de Symmetrischema insertum ocasiona la caída del botón floral en cultivos de lulo pero los métodos tradicionales de control con insecticidas no han sido suficientes para bajar las poblaciones de este insecto; sin embargo, las prácticas ...
NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2000

Journal of Urban History, 2009
Hilarión González del Castillo (HGC) has made a place for himself in the history of urbanism as p... more Hilarión González del Castillo (HGC) has made a place for himself in the history of urbanism as propagandist for the Linear City and theoretical town planner. The appearance of the first motorway projects in Spain at the end of the 1920s, inspired him to propose a colonising motorway, that would take advantage of the infrastructure for the construction of linear cities. HGC's proposal had influence in the draft of some of the first Spanish motorways but has practically disappeared until the present. While few town planners of the age considered the role of the automobile (Le Corbusier, Benton Mackaye), HGC explained the relation of the motorways with the environment, spotting conflicts that passed unnoticed by the highway engineers. From this, the proposal evolved into an attempt to resolve the conflict between the intercity traffic and the urban activities situated on the margins of the motorway.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 2003

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2014
Roads built by civil or military engineers from the 18th century onwards form an essential part o... more Roads built by civil or military engineers from the 18th century onwards form an essential part of our heritage, but currently considered on a very infrequent basis. They represent one of the main turning points in the development of the transport system and serve to gain a better understanding of the historic construction of many landscapes and their current arrangement and operation. Their consideration as heritage has to be made on a territorial scale. This approach regards landscape as a cultural artifact, which is undergoing constant design, construction and transformation, where the road is considered as an axis that shapes the landscape and that contains individual elements such as associated structures or buildings. One of the most important characteristics of historic roads undoubtedly lies in the fact that they are a heritage that is still in use. Many of the roads built for carriages or the first automobiles have, in fact, served to trace the current network of roads and motorways. For this reason, many historic routes have undergone considerable modification and a large percentage of their heritage has disappeared. Likewise, their original or more intact sections, that is to say those that were replaced during their gradual adaptation to the automobile in the 20th century, are not always easy to identify. The distinction and undoubted documental value of historic roads, together with the neglect and vulnerability of these assets, makes it essential to define specific strategies with some degree of urgency in order to appraise this heritage. In this respect, the purpose of this article is to establish a methodology with which to identify sections of historic roads that were replaced by new alignments. The decision to focus the work on these sections is based on the fact that the infrastructure of these and particularly the older sections, have undergone a smaller degree of change and subsequently retain their original routing and geometry and a far higher number and variety of heritage elements more intact. This has made it possible to ascertain the diversity of elements composing the heritage of historic roads and enables the classification of the same. The identification methodology has been applied to a significant proportion of the Spanish main road network on selecting some 15 sections of historic roads of very different characteristics. Files have been prepared for each of these sections on the basis of cartographic analysis and detailed field work, these files including data related to location, characteristics and inventory of historic elements forming the road's heritage and will subsequently include references to road layout (both longitudinal and cross-sectional), structures (essentially drainage works), auxiliary elements (signalling) and associated buildings (inns, roadworkers' houses.. .). Finally, and on the basis of the experience gained during the research, an initial proposal is laid out for the heritage assessment of these assets, considering aspects such as historic, technological and documental singularity which will depend on the degree of transformation and definition of the section in question.
Papers by Francisco Tadeo Reyes Rodriguez