Papers by Francisco Sabatini
Sede de la CEPAL en Santiago (Estudios e Investigaciones), 1986
Consultants to the Joint ECLAC/UNEP Development and Environment Unit and the Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Hu... more Consultants to the Joint ECLAC/UNEP Development and Environment Unit and the Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Human Settlements Unit. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Organization.
Estructurado como una matriz de metodos, procedimientos y politicas para la adquisicion de tierra... more Estructurado como una matriz de metodos, procedimientos y politicas para la adquisicion de tierras por parte del sector publico, el informe muestra seis variables relacionadas con el tema.
Consultants to the Joint ECLAC/UNEP Development and Environment Unit and the Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Hu... more Consultants to the Joint ECLAC/UNEP Development and Environment Unit and the Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Human Settlements Unit. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Organization.

Revista de Urbanismo, 2021
La política de vivienda social subsidiada, de masiva aplicación durante los años noventa en Santi... more La política de vivienda social subsidiada, de masiva aplicación durante los años noventa en Santiago de Chile, conformó una periferia popular altamente segregada. Desde el año 2000, la aplicación de este instrumento decrece, lo que se interpreta como un movimiento de expulsión de la vivienda social hacia el área periurbana de la ciudad. En este marco, este trabajo analiza la localización de las viviendas sociales construidas entre los años 2000 y 2017 en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, para identificar patrones de expulsión, desplazamiento y/o segregación de los beneficiarios de esta política. A través de una estrategia mixta que combinó análisis de información secundaria, fotointerpretación de imágenes satelitales y entrevistas a los directores de obras de comunas periurbanas, concluimos que: 1) no existe evidencia de un proceso de desplazamiento masivo de hogares en vivienda social hacia el periurbano de la ciudad con posterioridad a la década de los noventa, y 2) la producci...

Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica
El artículo explora las relaciones entre desigualdad social y segregación residencial en Barcelon... more El artículo explora las relaciones entre desigualdad social y segregación residencial en Barcelona, ciudad europea que ha sido presentada como modelo de políticas urbanas reformistas, y en Santiago de Chile, arquetipo del desarrollo urbano neoliberal en América Latina. El análisis muestra la complejidad de la relación entre la desigualdad y la segregación, y problematiza la existencia de una relación directa y simple entre una variable y otra, puesto que ambas se alimentan mutuamente, sus efectos pueden ser demorados en el tiempo y, en determinadas circunstancias, el incremento de la primera puede ir acompañado de una reducción de la segunda. Asimismo, se subrayan las convergencias y divergencias entre las políticas urbanas aplicadas en ambas ciudades, y se señala la importancia que los procesos históricos y las tendencias globales han tenido en su configuración. Finalmente, se indica la relevancia de la acción colectiva de la ciudadanía en la evolución de la segregación y de las po...
Attracting residents from a higher-income bracket to popular areas, or gentrification, is common ... more Attracting residents from a higher-income bracket to popular areas, or gentrification, is common practice among real estate developers in Santiago, Chile. Although displacing the original residents is not part of their business strategy, in the long term, gentrification leads to social exclusion. New home purchasers do not seek the displacement of the original residents either. Using interviews with developers, a real estate project register and a residents’ survey, this text studies the gentrification strategies used by promoters, focusing on the role played by spatial proximity between social groups and the displacement of residents in these business strategies.

dEsdE finalEs dE la década de 1970 la economía, la sociedad y las ciudades chilenas han sobrellev... more dEsdE finalEs dE la década de 1970 la economía, la sociedad y las ciudades chilenas han sobrellevado una transformación de gran alcance. El tradicional modelo de crecimiento económico “hacia adentro”, basado en la así llamada “estrategia de sustitución de importaciones”, ha dejado paso a una economía abierta, decididamente orientada hacia los mercados externos y fundada en los principios del liberalismo económico. La estructura social, el mundo del trabajo y la evolución de las ciudades han sufrido cambios que pueden ser considerados tanto efectos como factores de la mutación de la economía. Todos ellos forman parte de un mismo proceso de transformación de la sociedad chilena. Nuestro foco en este capítulo será analizar el impacto que ha tenido este proceso sobre las oportunidades de vida y formas de integración social en la ciudad de Santiago en las últimas dos décadas del siglo xx. Nos concentraremos en las oportunidades que ofrece el mundo del trabajo, lo mismo que analizaremos e...

Revista Urbano
It has always been difficult to define what a city is and now even more so as the boom in real-es... more It has always been difficult to define what a city is and now even more so as the boom in real-estate business has subjected it and its peri-urban areas to constant transformation. With this, segregation has also acquired a state of constant mutation and in fact, no longer seems to stabilize itself, as it did in the past, into recognizable spatial patterns. This has been happening in Chilean cities, just as it has in many other countries.Thus, the temptation of substituting physical-geographical and planimetric definitions, both of city and segregation, for others that emphasize processes, is understandable. Does this mean to say then, that the physical-spatial dimension of the city implicitly or explicitly lacks importance as neoliberal economists and urbanist devotees of structural-determinist approaches argue? It is true that the COVID-19 pandemic makes the feebleness of these approaches, which ignore the spatial aspect, patently clear, but this does not make it any less relevant to examine their theoretical setup, which we will do based on a critical review of the specialized literature and testimonies of specialists collected in a research project on segregation in three Chilean cities that we recently finished. We conclude these pages in the need to reinforce empirical research of the city and segregation, just as our attention to their subjective dimensions.

Numerous papers have shown the negative consequences of large-scale low-income households segrega... more Numerous papers have shown the negative consequences of large-scale low-income households segregation. However, both (i) the development of gated communities that have transformed Latin-American peripheries, as well as (ii) the emergence of new forms of urbanization in urban expansion areas, generate a diversification of segregation experiences among low-income households. This article presents a comparison of the experience of segregation among those households living in social housing in the compact periphery, and those living in urban expansion areas. Based on a mixed-methods research focused on three Chilean cities, findings confirm differences in (i) access to local services and infrastructure, (ii) perception of security, and (iii) territorial identities. In consequence, segregation is lived differently both in objective or material terms, and in symbolic and territorial stigma terms. We conclude discussing the applicability of the term “segregations” (in plural) and multiple ...

Revista 180, 2009
La colonizacion de areas residenciales internas de las ciudades por ocupantes de mayor nivel soci... more La colonizacion de areas residenciales internas de las ciudades por ocupantes de mayor nivel social o gentrificacion, esta emergiendo en las ciudades de America Latina con trazos ineditos. En lugar de verificarse en las areas centrales como Europa y Estados Unidos, la gentificacion latinoamericana se despliega en la periferia urbana y otras areas de cada ciudad; y a diferencia de la experiencia europea y estadounidense, no conlleva necesariamente el desplazamiento o expulsion de los antiguos residentes de las areas afectadas. Despues de discutir y redefinir el concepto de gentrificacion y hacerlo relevante para la realidad latinoamericana, se escudrina en sus variantes empiricas con base en el caso de Santiago de Chile, de paso constatando que la expulsion de residentes no es ineluctable, para finalmente ofrecer algunas reflexiones sobre sus implicancias practicas o de politica publica.

I n Latin american cities, especially in the larger ones, location is critical for vulnerable gro... more I n Latin american cities, especially in the larger ones, location is critical for vulnerable groups. in buenos aires, the population of shantytowns in the central area doubled in the last inter-census period (1991–2001), even though total population declined by approximately 8 percent. in rio de Janeiro during the same decade, the fastest growing informal settlements were those considered to be in the best locations, generally near the beach in middleand upper-income neighborhoods, although they were already the most crowded and congested slums. this trend can also be observed in Chile, although the problem of informal settlements is much smaller than in the rest of Latin america. only about 28,600 families (1 percent of the total population of Chile) live in 533 identified slums. successive cadastres show that even as old slums are redeveloped, new slums continue to be created. more than half of the existing slums were established between 1991 and 2007 (Fundación un techo para Chi...

This book highlights the importance of renting and its potential to help solve the most pressing ... more This book highlights the importance of renting and its potential to help solve the most pressing housing problems in Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently, 1 in 5 households in the region rent their homes, a trend which is most prevalent among the fastest-growing segments of the population, such as young people, single-person households and divorced people. This alternative can therefore help satisfy demand preferences and create greater residential mobility. Also, the quality of rented property is often similar to that of formal homes, even for households in the lowest income quintiles, proving it is an efficient and cost-effective alternative for resolving the qualitative and quantitative housing deficits in the region, suggesting that housing policies linked to better planning and improved territorial organization can lead to more dense, compact cities. For these reasons, the rental market may become a key instrument to compliment the region's housing policy.
ARQ (Santiago), 2006
Inicialmente demonizado por una parte de los llamados sectores cultos, el esquema propuesto por e... more Inicialmente demonizado por una parte de los llamados sectores cultos, el esquema propuesto por el mall se ha incorporado sin complejos al repertorio de actividades ciudadanas, replicándose en diferentes barrios y escalas. Y el mall mismo se ha ablandado, desplazando sus primeros modelos hacia estructuras que incorporan al peatón e integran usos mixtos.
Housing Policy Debate, 2007
Abstract In Santiago, Chile, the number of gated communities has increased sig-nificantly during ... more Abstract In Santiago, Chile, the number of gated communities has increased sig-nificantly during the past few years. Although these communities are aimed at the elite, they are often located on the fringes of low-income neighbor-hoods and thus change traditional segregation ...
Papers by Francisco Sabatini