Papers by Francisco M A Vázquez Pardo

espanolEn el presente trabajo se revisa un grupo de nombres del genero Quercus L., que ha sido ut... more espanolEn el presente trabajo se revisa un grupo de nombres del genero Quercus L., que ha sido utilizado de forma puntual o generalizada en la Peninsula Iberica y el NW de Africa a lo largo de los ultimo dos siglos. La revision de estos nombres ha evidenciado la necesidad de cambios nomenclaturales en algunos taxones que viven en el territorio como Q×avellaniformis Colmeiro & Boutelou, para designar al hibrido entre Q. rotundifolia Lam x Q. suber L.; o la necesidad de utilizar el nombre Q. tlemcenensis Trab., para designar al taxon que tradicionalmente se ha denominado Q. faginea Lam. subsp. broteroi (Coutinho) A.Camus (=Q. broteroi (Coutinho) Rivas-Martinez & C.Saenz), entre otras propuestas. Adicionalmente se clarifican muchos nombres en desuso o con uso reducido como Q. ×hispanica Lam., y Q. pseducoccifera Desf., que posiblemente se deben utilizar de forma mas frecuente. Globalmente se revisan mas de 45 nombres y se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones nomenclaturales: Q. ×avellanif...
Revista de estudios extremeños
In the present work is unveiled some botanical itineraries to development the naturalist and bota... more In the present work is unveiled some botanical itineraries to development the naturalist and botanical José Antonio Pavón y Jiménez ((Casatejada (Cáceres)) 1754-1840 (Madrid)) during the first years of the 19th century, and is reported form approximate on the composition of the herbal staff based on a detailed study of thirty sheets, a lot of preserved in Pierre Edmond Boissier ((Ginebra) 1810-1885 (Valeyres))Herbarium within the general collection of the Herbarium in Geneva. The results show frequent relations between Pavón and many botanists of the time: Hispanic, French, and German, which enriched and shaped an important collection of plants of the Iberian Peninsula
Revista de estudios …, 2004
Acta Botánica Malacitana, Dec 1, 2002
Aceptado para su publicación en julio de 2002 Dirección de los autores. F. LLAMAS GARCÍA y R.
Conservación vegetal, 2020
En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial de Thy... more En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial de Thymus mastichina (L.) L para siete poblaciones silvestres del Suroeste de la Península Ibérica, en los que se encontraron diferencias significativas de actividad entre los estados de floración y fructificación. Para el estado de floración, los valores de actividad antioxidante estuvieron entre 0,037-0,106 mmol Trolox/L (TEAC, Trolox equivalent antioxidant activity) y para el de fructificación entre 0,046-0,122 mmol•Trolox/L.
El aceite esencial de Salvia sclarea L. está muy valorado en todo el mundo por sus aplicaciones f... more El aceite esencial de Salvia sclarea L. está muy valorado en todo el mundo por sus aplicaciones farmacológicas, agroalimentarias y cosméticas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el aceite esencial de una población de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura y evaluar su actividad antioxidante. Los componentes mayoritarios del aceite esencial estudiado fueron acetato de linalilo (37,3%), linalol (30,6%), -terpineol (8,9%), germacreno D (5,8%). Los valores de actividad antioxidante lipófila (AAL) estuvieron en el intervalo de 0,167-0,190 mmol Trolox/L. Comparados estos resultados con los obtenidos por otros autores con material de esta planta de otras procedencia podemos considerar esta población de S. sclarea L. como un interesante recurso fitogenético de Extremadura.

Acta Botanica Gallica, 2010
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is a fruit tree species widespread in Europe due to the high nutrit... more Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is a fruit tree species widespread in Europe due to the high nutritional value of its fruit. In this study, the changes in the chemical composition of seven apricot cultivars were studied during three fruit ripening stages. Proximate composition (water content, ash, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates) was determined by official AOAC methods, macro-and microelements (potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe)) were detected by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), while antioxidant capacity and total phenolic compounds were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Vitamin C content was determined by titration using 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol dye. The present research highlighted the variation between chemical composition as related to variety and stage of maturity. Protein and moisture of apricot fruit decreased during the different ripening stages in all cultivars, while lipids, carbohydrates, and ash content increased during ripening. The water content ranged from 79.87% to 88.6%, protein between 0.66% and 1.3%, and lipids between 0.1% and 0.57%. Generally, the highest macro-element content was detected in the first ripening stage. The total phenolic content dynamics displays a significant increase during ripening. The highest value of ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) activity (0.357 μM Fe 2+ g-1 FW) was obtained for 'Sirena' at the halfripe stage, while the lowest value was detected for the same cultivar at the unripe stage (0.045 μM Fe 2+ g-1). In conclusion, the study of the chemical composition in different development stages represents a useful tool in horticulture to optimize the management of the nutritional potential of apricot fruit.

espanolEn el presente estudio se pone de manifiesto la presencia de al menos 61 especies vegetale... more espanolEn el presente estudio se pone de manifiesto la presencia de al menos 61 especies vegetales representadas en los tapices flamencos conservados en la Catedral de Badajoz, titulados “Fidelidad de Penelope”. Las especies vegetales se analizan en relacion a su presencia, disposicion en los tapices y se contrasta con estudios previos. El resultado es un listado de 360 especies vegetales que han aparecido en los tapices flamencos de los siglos XV-XVII (Apendice II). El analisis fenologico de los motivos indica que las escenas se desarrollaban durante la primavera-verano, no existiendo coincidencia plena en el estado fenologico de las especies vegetales representadas. EnglishIn the present study highlights the presence of at least 61 plant species represented in the Cathedral of Badajoz Flemish tapestries, titled “Fidelity of Penelope”. Plant species discussed in relation to its presence, available at tapestries and contrasts with previous studies. The result is a checklist of 360 p...

espanolThymus mastichina (L.) L. es un tomillo endemico de la Peninsula Iberica con un elevado va... more espanolThymus mastichina (L.) L. es un tomillo endemico de la Peninsula Iberica con un elevado valor tanto real como potencial. A pesar de ello existe escasa informacion relativa al cultivo de esta especie, imprescindible para abastecer a la industria al aumentar cada dia la demanda de material estandarizado en calidad y las restricciones legales de su recoleccion silvestre. En este trabajo se muestra unos antecedentes bibliograficos relativos a este tema, se proponen unas condiciones de cultivo, se ofrecen los resultados de una experimentacion y por ultimo se presenta una propuesta metodologica para la implantacion del cultivo de este tomillo en las Vegas del Guadiana (Badajoz). EnglishThymus mastichina (L.) L. is an endemic thyme of the Iberian Peninsula with a high added value. There is little information on the cultivation of this species. Even though it is essential to supply the increasing demand of standarized raw materials and to avoid the legal restrictions for collecting i...

Diversity, 2021
Prunus lusitanica L. is a paleotropical relic species with an Ibero-Maghrebian distribution, whic... more Prunus lusitanica L. is a paleotropical relic species with an Ibero-Maghrebian distribution, which is presently considered as an endangered species, recognized by the Natura 2000 Network (92/43/EEC) as a priority habitat for conservation in Europe. The mountains in the Portuguese mainland central region offer the best location for this species to occur. The main objective of this study is to measure the current conservation status of the communities of P. lusitanica, through the collection of field data, such as the number of existing individuals of each population and their location, which will then be comparatively analyzed based on the previous literature, published at least 15 years ago. Soil characterization analysis was carried out and the main threats to conservation were identified. As a result, a decline of approximately 40% was observed in the number of individuals and in the quality of their habitat. The main threats to their conservation were found to be the seasonal occ...
Folia Botanica Extremadurensis, 2008
espanolEn este articulo se presentan los resultados del estudio palinologico de las muestras recu... more espanolEn este articulo se presentan los resultados del estudio palinologico de las muestras recuperadas durante la excavacion de urgencia desarrollada en el yacimiento arqueologico del Baluarte de Santiago (Badajoz) (anos 2000-2001), que comprende periodos cronoculturales de ocupacion visigoda (600-900 d. de C.) e islamica (900-1100 d. de C.). EnglishThe palynological results of the samples of the urgency archaeological prospection in the Baluarte de Santiago (Badajoz) (2000-2001 years ) are show in this article. The cronological periods represented are: Visigoty (600-900 d. a. C.) and Islamic (900-1100 d. a. C.).
A wild population of Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpiniacea) is located for the first time in Ex... more A wild population of Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpiniacea) is located for the first time in Extremadura (Spain). The study population is already wreaking economic and environmental problems. Se cita por primera vez para una región española (Extremadura) a la especie Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpiniacea) en estado silvestre. La población estudiada de esta especie está causando ya problemas económicos y medioambientales.

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2012
The essential oil of a protected Spanish species, Thymus praecox ssp. penyalarensis, was firstly ... more The essential oil of a protected Spanish species, Thymus praecox ssp. penyalarensis, was firstly analyzed [Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)] from wild populations during the phenological stages of flowering and fruiting. In flowering, the yield was 1.2%, and the major components were identified as thymol (18.5%), p-cymene (14.6%), carvacrol (11.6%), and γ-terpinene (10.1%). In fruiting, the yield was 0.9% and the major components resulted to be p-cymene (19.0%), carvacrol (16.5%), and borneol (10.5%). An experimental cultivation of the taxa was made also in order to analyze its essential oil as well. The yield was 1.3%, and the main compounds were thymol (19.1%), p-cymene (17.0%), and γ-terpinene (12.3%). Finally, the composition of the essential oil of this plant is discussed in relation to chemotaxonomic and biogeographical aspects.
Acta Botanica Gallica, 2006
Biosystematic study of the subsection Thymastra (Nyman ex Velen.) R. Morales of the Thymus L. gen... more Biosystematic study of the subsection Thymastra (Nyman ex Velen.) R. Morales of the Thymus L. genus (Lamiaceae)
El llamado camalote o jacinto de agua, especie de la familia Pontederiaceae nativa del Amazonas, ... more El llamado camalote o jacinto de agua, especie de la familia Pontederiaceae nativa del Amazonas, se ha expandido sin control en la mayoria de los paises tropicales y ecuatoriales. La causa es su empleo en jardineria y como depuradora de aguas, iniciada ya en el siglo XIX en los EE.UU.

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2011
We analysed the essential oils of cultivated material of <em>Thymus xtoletanus</em> L... more We analysed the essential oils of cultivated material of <em>Thymus xtoletanus</em> Ladero and its parents, <em>Th. mastichina</em> (L.) L. and <em>Th. villosus</em> subsp. <em>lusitanicus</em> (Boiss.) Coutinho, with seeds from the same locality in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. The essential oil of <em>Th. xtoletanus</em>, which had not been analyzed previously, presented 1,8-cineole as the major component (25.5%), as was also the case for <em>Th. mastichina</em> (76.1%). Other components with a major presence in <em>Th. xtoletanus</em> and <em>Th. villosus</em> subsp. <em>lusitanicus</em> were [(Z)-β-ocimene (8.1%); camphor (4.5%); sabinene (3.2%); α-pinene (2.8%)], and [(Z)-β-ocimene (4.1%), camphor (9.8%), sabinene (2.8%), α-pinene (7.1%)], respectively. However, in the hybrid the components β-phelandrene (14.5%), limonene (6.9%), (E)-γ-bisabolene (3.5%), and viridi...
Papers by Francisco M A Vázquez Pardo