Papers by Francisco Javier Cano García

Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2017
Conventional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) are accepted to identify asymptomatic individuals... more Conventional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) are accepted to identify asymptomatic individuals with high risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, AMI affects many patients previously classified at low risk. New biomarkers are needed to improve risk prediction. We propose to evaluate the NLRP3-inflammasome complex as a potential CVR indicator in healthy males and post-AMI patients and compare both groups by known CVRFs. We included 109 men with no history of cardiovascular disease (controls) and 150 AMI patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation program. AMI patients had higher mean of BMI and waist circumference than the controls. However, high percentages of the controls had a high BMI and a waist circumference >95 cm. The controls also had higher systolic blood pressure (P>0.001), total and LDLcholesterol, dietary nutrient and calorific intake. Fuster BEWAT Score (FBS) correlated more closely than Framingham risk score (FRS) with most CVRF, groups. However, only the FBS showed a correlation with inflammasome cytokine IL-1β. Several conventional CVRFs were significantly better in AMI patients; however, this group also had higher mRNA expression of the inflammasome gene NLRP3 and lower expression of the autophagy gene MAP-LC3. The controls had high levels of CVRF, probably reflecting unhealthy lifestyle. FBS reflects the efficiency of strategies to induce lifestyle changes such as cardiac rehabilitation programs, and could provide a sensitive evaluation cardiovascular risk. These results lead to the hypothesis that NLRP3inflammasome and associated IL-1β release have potential as CVR biomarkers, particularly in post-AMI patients with otherwise low risk scores.

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 2019
AimIn common clinical practice, potentially traumatic life events and the possible attribution of... more AimIn common clinical practice, potentially traumatic life events and the possible attribution of such events to fibromyalgia often go undetected. Having demonstrated in a previous study that hypnosis facilitates the exploration of such events, we now aim to explore and classify the content of these events and to determine whether there is an association between the type of event, the state of consciousness in which the patient verbalized it, and possible causal attributions of the disorder.MethodThirty‐two women (age 52 ± 7 years) suffering from fibromyalgia and receiving care in a primary healthcare center participated in the same semi‐structured interview twice: once in a wakeful state and once under hypnosis. They answered two questions: what other events in your life coincided with the onset of fibromyalgia? Are those events related to your fibromyalgia in any way? To counteract biases related to order or recall, the order of the two interviews was randomized with a 3‐month per...

Se realiza una revisión del papel del psicólogo en la intervención sobre el dolor desde una persp... more Se realiza una revisión del papel del psicólogo en la intervención sobre el dolor desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar y una concepción biopsicosocial de la salud. Tras una breve introducción a la evolución conceptual del trastorno se responde a las preguntas de por qué puede o debe intervenir el psicólogo en el tratamiento del dolor, cuáles deben ser los objetivos de su intervención dentro de un equipo interdisciplinar, en qué tipo de centro asistencial puede realizarse y, por último, describimos los procedimientos y técnicas más utilizados siempre que se dispongan de datos empíricos sobre su eficacia. Los principales temas de reflexión se refieren a la necesidad de considerar el dolor según las propuestas actuales en las que se incluyen procesos psicológicos de enorme relevancia tanto en el curso como en el pronóstico de los síndromes de dolor, especialmente en el caso del crónico. En consecuencia, se plantea la necesidad de la intervención multidisciplinar la conveniencia de di...

A pesar de que existe abundante literatura que muestra la efectividad del tratamiento cognitivo-c... more A pesar de que existe abundante literatura que muestra la efectividad del tratamiento cognitivo-conductual del dolor crónico, en nuestro país, se carecía de un manual del mismo. Por este motivo, diseñamos un protocolo donde se describen las diferentes técnicas de dicha terapia. En el presente artículo, realizamos una detallada descripción del mismo. Antes de adentrarnos en la terapia cognitivo-conductual, presentamos una revisión de las principales terapias psicológicas que se emplean en el tratamiento del dolor crónico.Although there is abundant literature showing the effectiveness of cognitive treatment of chronic pain, in our country, there was no manual for it. For this reason, we designed a protocol that describes the various techniques of this therapy. In this article, we conducted a detailed description. Before dealing with cognitive-behavioral therapy, we present a review of the main psychological therapies used in the treatment of chronic pain.Ministerio de Sanidad y Consum...
Terapia psicológica, 2020

Background: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome with unknown etiology and a wide spectru... more Background: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome with unknown etiology and a wide spectrum of symptoms such as allodynia, debilitating fatigue, joint stiffness and migraine. Recent studies have shown some evidences demonstrating that oxidative stress is associated to clinical symptoms in FM of fibromyalgia. We examined oxidative stress and bioenergetic status in blood mononuclear cells (BMCs) and its association to headache symptoms in FM patients. The effects of oral coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation on biochemical markers and clinical improvement were also evaluated. Methods: We studied 20 FM patients and 15 healthy controls. Clinical parameters were evaluated using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), visual analogues scales (VAS), and the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6). Oxidative stress was determined by measuring CoQ 10, catalase and lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels in BMCs. Bioenergetic status was assessed by measuring ATP levels in BMCs. Results: We found decr...

Background and objective: There is evidence that negative automatic thoughts and catastrophising ... more Background and objective: There is evidence that negative automatic thoughts and catastrophising influence chronic pain intensity. However, precise analyses of how these variables are associated are still required. We hypothesised that catastrophising would fully mediate the association between negative automatic thoughts and pain intensity. Participants: Two hundred and twenty-eight chronic pain patients treated at three public centres in the province of Seville. Method. This is an ex post-facto cross-sectional study with thirteen simple mediation analyses (PROCESS for SPSS v3.5 with 10,000 bootstrap samples and a 95 % confidence interval) using thirteen types of negative thoughts as predictors, catastrophising as the mediator and pain intensity as the criterion. Results: Controlling for the effect of sociodemographic variables, there was a total mediation of catastrophising in the association of negative automatic thoughts and pain intensity, reaching percentages of explained vari...

Psychological treatments that emphasize the auto management have turned out to be commonly adapte... more Psychological treatments that emphasize the auto management have turned out to be commonly adapted like alternative to the medical intervention in the chronic pain, Unfortunately this approximation often fails in compromising to a significant portion of individuals towards the treatments and many abandons and relapses. The aim of this study was to verify the predictive validity of States of Change Model in chronic pain using the Pain States of Change Questionnaire (PSOCQ) to predict adherence and therapeutic results. The sample consisted of48 patients of chronic pain —fibromyalgia- recruited in a public pain clinic of Seville (Spain). The half of them followed a cognitive - behavioral intervention, and another half a program of auto management guided by expert patients. The results support the predictive validity of the PSOCQ, while in ah that: a) patients with less change motivation had less probability of completing the treatment; b) change motivation increased as effect of the tr...

(CSI) al ámbito español. Esta necesidad se justifica por una parte por la escasez y limitaciones ... more (CSI) al ámbito español. Esta necesidad se justifica por una parte por la escasez y limitaciones de los instrumentos disponibles en nuestro idioma y, por otra, por las excelentes potencialidades que ofrece el CSI. Metodología. Fue traducido y aplicado a una muestra de 337 personas adultas de características sociodemográficas diversas, recogida de forma incidental en actividades formativas en la provincia de Sevilla. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron unas excelentes propiedades psicométricas superando incluso las del estudio original: ocho factores explicaron un 61% de la varianza con sólo 40 ítems (frente a los 72 que explicaban un 47% en el instrumento original) y obtuvieron coeficientes de consistencia interna entre 0,63 y 0,89. La validez convergente se comprobó utilizando las intercorrelaciones entre escalas y las correlaciones con disposiciones de personalidad (NEO-FFI) y eficacia percibida del afrontamiento. Conclusiones. El CSI se comportó de forma válida y fiable en la evaluación de la utilización de estrategias de afrontamiento en una amplia variedad de situaciones.

Background and objectives: Social factors have demonstrated to affect pain intensity and quality ... more Background and objectives: Social factors have demonstrated to affect pain intensity and quality of life of pain patients, such as social support or the attitudes and responses of the main informal caregiver. Similarly, pain has negative consequences on the patient’s social environment. However, it is still rare to include social factors in pain research and treatment. This study compares patient and caregivers’ accuracy, as well as explores personality and health correlates of empathic accuracy in patients and caregivers. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 292 chronic pain patients from the Pain Clinic of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Spain (main age = 59.4 years; 66.8% females) and their main informal caregivers (main age = 53.5 years; 51.0% females; 68.5% couples). Results: Patients were relatively inaccurate at estimating the interference of pain on their counterparts (t = 2.16; p = 0.032), while informal caregivers estimated well the patient’s status (all differences p ...

This article presents a preliminary study of links between personal constructs and traits. The co... more This article presents a preliminary study of links between personal constructs and traits. The con- ceptual framework for this study is the domains of personality model postulated by McAdams (1995) and McAdams & Pals (2006), and we tried to find concomitances between variables of two different levels, the dispositional level and the identity level. A repertory grid and the NEO- FFI inventory were distributed to a total of 273 individuals, 146 representing the general popula- tion, and 137 having pathologies. By applying an exploratory design ex post facto in which Pear- son's correlations and ANOVAs were used, we found associations between the content of the constructs used and the traits. The neuroticism trait was most closely related to the content of the constructs. There were also clear associations between construct structure and scores on traits. Neurotic subjects were more rigid, whereas agreeable and conscientious subjects were more complex. However, the type of sample (...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
In order to determine whether or not hypnosis is more effective than conventional interviewing to... more In order to determine whether or not hypnosis is more effective than conventional interviewing to find traumatic life events in patients with fibromyalgia, a within-subject experimental design with complete intragroup counterbalancing was carried out. Thirty-two women under care in a public primary care center gave two identical interviews, with an interval of three months, in which the occurrence of traumatic life events was explored, once in state of wakefulness and once in a state of hypnosis. The state of consciousness was evaluated using three measures: bispectral index, skin conductance level and pain intensity. In the hypnotic state, the patients expressed 9.8 times more traumatic life events than in the wakefulness state, a statistically significant difference and with a large effect size.
Análisis y Modificación de Conducta
Frontiers in Psychology, 2017
No resulta ni extraño ni difícil justificar la importancia de las estrategias de afrontamiento en... more No resulta ni extraño ni difícil justificar la importancia de las estrategias de afrontamiento en los trastornos por

Pain research & management : the journal of the Canadian Pain Society = journal de la société canadienne pour le traitement de la douleur
Locus of control (LOC) is related to the impact of headaches and chronic pain; however, literatur... more Locus of control (LOC) is related to the impact of headaches and chronic pain; however, literature evidence regarding LOC is not always consistent. Several authors consider this to be due, in part, to the separate interpretation of LOC factors, during which the interaction among them is ignored. In 1982, Wallston and Wallston proposed eight possible LOC health patterns depending on whether the individual scored high or low in each of three dimensions. To identify these LOC patterns in patients with headaches and chronic pain, and to validate them in terms of their association with a selection of the main pain indicators. A total of 228 individuals were recruited at three public centres in Seville, Spain. Participants completed a semistructured clinical interview and several questionnaires assessing psychological variables related to pain. The main statistical analyses used were two-step cluster analysis and ANCOVA. The six-cluster solution was optimal. The patterns observed coincide...

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2015
Studies of the dimensionality of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), considered as the gol... more Studies of the dimensionality of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), considered as the gold standard in the measurement of dispositional optimism, yield controversial results due to the various factorial solutions found. Consequently, the factorial structure of the test has not yet been fully established. The aim of this study is to determine the factorial structure of the LOT-R by comparing seven previous models and their empirical evidence. The test was administered to 906 Spanish participants, ages 18 to 61 (mean age: 23; 56% males). Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted using polychoric correlations. Considering the theoretical background and the best model fit indices (RMSEA=.038; CFI=.98), we conclude that the test presents a factorial structure of a second-order factor (life orientation) composed of two factors (optimism and pessimism). Thus, we recommend using a single global score that could be referred to as life orientation but which ultimately represents the level of dispositional optimism.

Rheumatology International, 2014
In order to analyze the association between 10 body mass index (BMI), lipid profile and clinical ... more In order to analyze the association between 10 body mass index (BMI), lipid profile and clinical symp-11 toms in patients with fibromyalgia, we assessed BMI lev-12 els, lipid profile and its association with clinical symptoms 13 in 183 patients with fibromyalgia. The patients were 14 evaluated using tender points, FIQ and Visual Analogue 15 Scales of pain (VAS). Serum lipid profile analysis (total 16 cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL and VLDL), and 17 biochemical parameters were measured in the biochemistry 18 laboratory. The BMI distribution of the nonobese, overweight and obese patients' groups were relatively even with 37.7, 35.5 and 26.8 %, respectively, with a mean BMI of 27.3 ± 4.9. The number of tender points showed significantly positive correlation with higher BMI (P \ 0.05). A total of 57.9 % of patients showed increased levels of total cholesterol, 63.4 % increased levels of LDL cholesterol and 19.9 % high levels of triglycerides. BMI, total cholesterol and triglycerides showed high association with some clinical parameters. Overweight and lipid profile could be associated with fibromyalgia symptoms. A treatment program with weight loss strategies, and control in diet and increased physical activity is advised to patients.
Papers by Francisco Javier Cano García