Papers by Francisca Dussaillant

Springer eBooks, 2014
ABSTRACT SynonymsFemale poverty; Gendered deprivationDefinitionGender and poverty refers to gende... more ABSTRACT SynonymsFemale poverty; Gendered deprivationDefinitionGender and poverty refers to gendered deprivation, encompassing capabilities, livehoods, subjectivities, and exclusion. A broader concept of gendered poverty is more useful than a focus only on household income because it allows a better grasp of the multidimensional aspects of gender disadvantage, such as the lack of power to control important decisions that affect one’s life.DescriptionFrom a multidimensional perspective, gender and poverty refers to gendered deprivation, encompassing capabilities, live hoods, subjectivities, and exclusion. Broader concepts of poverty such as those developed by Amartya Sen are more useful than a focus only on household income because they allow a better grasp of the multidimensional aspects of gender disadvantage, such as lack of power to control important decisions that affect one’s life (Chant 2006).Women are indeed poorer in most societies in many dimensions of capa ...
Secondary vocational educational represents around 45% of students who graduate from secondary sc... more Secondary vocational educational represents around 45% of students who graduate from secondary schools in Chile. This study provides empirical evidence about the educational trajectories and labor market insertion of the complete cohort of students that attended 10th grade in the year 2003. We use administrative data which allows for following individual students through secondary education, higher education and into the labor market. The paper addresses the choice between vocational and general secondary education, learning outcomes in the 10th grade Simce Standardized Test and the University Entry Test, the dropout rate in secondary education, entry to higher education, the dropout versus graduation rates in higher education institutions, labor market participation and labor earnings

This is a comparative study that analyzes the issues and the sources usage related to the conflic... more This is a comparative study that analyzes the issues and the sources usage related to the conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people in El Mercurio, national press, and El Austral de La Araucanía, regional press. Front pages published during the first two years of Michelle Bachelet’s presidency (2014-2016) conform the corpus of this research. A mixed methodology was applied and a multivariable content analysis was developed (N=603). Although both media belong to the same conglomerate, proximity with Mapuche’s traditional land had a decisive influence in news content. El Austral gave priority to the political discussion meanwhile El Mercurio emphasized violent events and their consequences in regional economic development. Mapuche’s were considered main actors in the news selection of the national newspaper but they were not quoted as sources. El Austral, instead, included Mapuches with political –national and regional– sources.
Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), Jan 17, 2015
To assess the degree to which relationships with heavy drinkers affect health and well-being of t... more To assess the degree to which relationships with heavy drinkers affect health and well-being of the Chilean population, and how this compares with previously published analyses of an Australian sample in order to establish intercultural differences in the effects of others' heavy drinking. Data are from a face-to-face survey of 1500 Chileans. Respondents were asked to identify people in their lives who were heavy drinkers. Information on…

Social Indicators Research Series, 2014
ABSTRACT This chapter explores the empirical relationship between capabilities and lifetime suffe... more ABSTRACT This chapter explores the empirical relationship between capabilities and lifetime suffering using a unique data set produced by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Chile in 2011. For this purpose, direct measures of lifetime suffering and capabilities were used. The capabilities we studied were Health, Income, Pleasure, Social Bonds, and Respect. Each of them is represented by an evaluation index that summarizes the individual’s subjective assessment of their capability endowment, and variables related to functionings, or achieved levels, in each dimension. Our models also include basic demographics (sex, age, and its square), positive and negative events in the last 6 months, and personality traits. Standard regression techniques were used to explain lifetime suffering as a function of capabilities and standard controls. Results show that some capabilities are associated with suffering mainly through their subjective evaluations (Pleasure and Health) while others are predictive through their functionings (Respect and Income). Only Social Bonds is significant both through its evaluation index and through its functionings. On the other hand, as expected, age and negative recent events are positively correlated with suffering. Of the Big Five personality traits, only neuroticism is positively related to suffering.
Economics Letters, 2011
An intergenerational effect of maternal (and not paternal) human capital on offspring's human cap... more An intergenerational effect of maternal (and not paternal) human capital on offspring's human capital production is a mechanism that induces males and females to attain different education levels. This mechanism allows for explanations of the reversal in the gender education gap.

Journal of Social Policy, 1989
ABSTRACTA recent edition of this Journal (Volume 16, Part 2, April 1987) was devoted to a number ... more ABSTRACTA recent edition of this Journal (Volume 16, Part 2, April 1987) was devoted to a number of articles on the definition and measurement of poverty. Surprisingly, perhaps, this did not include any specific discussion of gender differences in the causes, extent and experience of poverty. But such gender differences do exist, though they are often obscured by much research on poverty. Our initial response to the special edition on poverty was to write a reply discussing how the various contributors had ignored the issue of gender. But women cannot simply be ‘added in’ to existing analyses; instead a different analytic framework is required. This article therefore begins by looking at some of the widespread evidence of the economic disadvantage of women compared with men. We then go on to discuss why it is necessary to focus on the gender dimensions of poverty. We argue that this involves far more than simply disaggregating data to produce statistics about the situation of women....
La compatibilización de maternidad y trabajo es uno de los principales problemas a los que se ven... more La compatibilización de maternidad y trabajo es uno de los principales problemas a los que se ven enfrentadas las madres. La dirección que ha tomado nuestro país para facilitar esa conciliación de roles, priorizando el acceso a salas cuna por sobre un mejoramiento de la política de permisos posnatales, difiere sin embargo de lo que se está observando en otras sociedades, sobre todo en los países desarrollados. Este estudio se propone contrastar dos alternativas-un posnatal más prolongado o el acceso universal a salas cuna
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, 2016

ABSTRACT In Sen´s and Nussbaum´s capability theory, subjective wellbeing or suffering as usually ... more ABSTRACT In Sen´s and Nussbaum´s capability theory, subjective wellbeing or suffering as usually measured is a functioning, i.e. a realization or state of being. This mental and emotional state is a result of different factors including the capabilities that each individual enjoyed to pursue her life projects. The chapter examines the factors associated with different indicators of suffering - negative affect, depressive symptoms, scale of suffering and life dissatisfaction- using a unique Chilean survey conducted by UNDP to evaluate subjective well being in Chile. These factors include different variables considered in the literature such as sex, age, civil status, labor status, personality, recent negative or positive events, etc., as well as individual capabilities. By doing so, the paper provides a novel empirical assessment of the relationship between suffering and capability deprivation. The results suggest that some capabilities are more related to suffering than others.

ABSTRACT Violence and the resulting victimization have a serious impact on individuals and societ... more ABSTRACT Violence and the resulting victimization have a serious impact on individuals and societies. The result of the experience of violence, whether at home, in the community or as a result of personal assault or abuse, has a devastating effect. Politicians around the world have been expressing concern for decades about the extent to which rising crime rates can affect the lives of individuals in the society. The growing distress over the effects of crime on individuals in rich and poor countries alike is thought to have been fueled by the perception that crime victims suffer greatly in terms of financial loss and psychological trauma from their experiences. These exposures to crime can have long lasting impacts on the victims and those close to them. Therefore, crime and the perception of personal safety are important factors in any assessment of social well-being and an individual’s happiness levels. (Powdthavee, 2005; Meadows, 2009) In Chile two surveys have gathered both victimization and subjective well being data. The first was developed as part of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative ( in 2009. The second is the 2011 UNDP Subjective Well Being Survey, whose data will be available on 2012 after the 2011 Human Development Report for Chile is released. Using the above mentioned data together with the ENUSC, a biennial victimization survey carried out by the Chilean Ministerio del Interior, an analysisi is performed in order to measure the relation between victimization and well being. An argument can be made as to the (approximate) exogeneity of victimization, so the analysis corresponds to a simple ordered probit or probit. Analyses using the OPHI survey show a relation between victimization and well being, especially regarding the less severe (but more common) forms of victimization. The UNDP survey has not been yet relased but it will be soon.

Communication & Society, 2018
This is a comparative study that analyzes the issues and the sources usage related to the conflic... more This is a comparative study that analyzes the issues and the sources usage related to the conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people in El Mercurio, national press, and El Austral de La Araucanía, regional press. Front pages published during the first two years of Michelle Bachelet’s presidency (2014-2016) conform the corpus of this research. A mixed methodology was applied and a multivariable content analysis was developed (N=603). Although both media belong to the same conglomerate, proximity with Mapuche’s traditional land had a decisive influence in news content. El Austral gave priority to the political discussion meanwhile El Mercurio emphasized violent events and their consequences in regional economic development. Mapuche’s were considered main actors in the news selection of the national newspaper but they were not quoted as sources. El Austral, instead, included Mapuches with political –national and regional– sources.

SAGE Open, 2016
The Chilean Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey was used to model the choices made by households ... more The Chilean Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey was used to model the choices made by households with respect to day care or preschool (DC/PS) attendance. We also use georeferenced data on the location of centers that could take care of children. We present a detailed analysis of the correlates of DC/PS attendance choices, giving special attention to the distance between the household and the center as predictors. For these purposes, the joint decision of child attendance to DC/PS and mother's employment is modeled. The measurement of this association is relatively new to the literature because it requires georeferenced data, which only recently have begun to be collected systematically by public policy agencies. The association we find between distance and attendance to DC/PS centers is significant but smaller than the association to the age of the child. Separate analyses for 0-to 14-month-olds and 25-to 54-month-olds show some heterogeneous effects on the joint decision of attendance and education.
Papers by Francisca Dussaillant