Francis Joseph
Interested in deep research into social sciences. I have 10 books to my credit.
Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Drafts by Francis Joseph
1. The weight of her brain was only 720 grams. Almost half of that of a nomal adult female. She was almost half or even 1/3 rd of her husband. So her internal organs also would have been much smaller.
2. Any dose of medicine normally prescribed for a normal adult female would be heavy overdose for her. The so called antihistamines - cetrizine etc fall under “calcium channel blockers”. The side/ bad effects of these Hazardous, Toxic, Poisonous, Deadly chemicals are suppressed. And the life saving effects of medical intervention is promoted repetitively- which is a false claim. Why the medicines administered to her were not studied critically?.
3. Who / how the puncture wounds found on her body on both the incidents were confirmed to be snake bites? Any certification issued as to the veracity of the tests & personnel involved? Where is the Scientific Paper confirming the veracity of the so called tests being used to identify the snake envenomation.
4. Her father was a snake rescuer. Point 146. (Assume that’s not a typo.)
5. Why the cobra in the second instance was killed and disposed off in a hurry?. Why the body of Uthra was was cremated in a hurry?. Especially since the 1st alleged viper bite was doubted to be a scheme planned by her husband & the 2nd alleged cobra bite supposedly caused her death and her mother saw her lying in abnormal condition in the early morning.
6. Elisa test, the so called most confirmative test is actually a hoax, a joke.
7. The snake anti venom/ antivenom is just a concept. Never a proven science. Its a hoax, a joke. Its effects are unproven , its side effects are deadly. How its confirmed, what actually killed the person - snake venom or the so called antivenom?. https://www.academia.edu/41064350/Antivenom_dangers_are_gross_fatal_effectiveness_unproven_
you need to register with academia.edu its free.
8. DNA is just a concept. Never a proven science. Its a hoax, a joke. The system knows it well. Its described in this verdict even, that dna analysis, finger print is not confirmatory. Still being used, for what, only they know. Only they know whats Dna. As per published literature, no one has seen any DNA. https://www.academia.edu/60183348/DNA_Not_a_Fact_Its_a_Mystical_Theoretical_Concept_Its_Social_Control_Materialistic_Interpretation_of_Human_Body
you need to register with academia.edu . its free.
9. How many of the so called experts are really experts?. Why they are called experts, when they don’t even know the basics?.
10. How come everything the prosecution presented, and the witnesses & the doctors claimed are taken at face value.
1. If its not a typo. Why Uthra's father being a seasoned snake rescuer , never discussed.? In the court as well. Did vava Suresh have any connection with Jayasenan – Uthra’s father, even before the "cobra bite".?
2. Who decided to install cctv camers in UTHRA'S house.? Why those camera's were not made functional.? Who decided so. If Uthra & Suraj had issues, Uthra's family must have made it functional.
3. Was / is Uthra's mother under any kind of psychiatric treatment. Hysteria, Paranoid Schizophrenia etc.?
4. What were the puncture wounds on Uthra’s hand.? Suraj did not notice the abnormal lying of Uthra, when he woke up. Was she abnormally lying when Suraj woke up.? Uthra's mother went into the room. After how much time, Uthra's mother made the alarming scream.? Who made the puncture wounds.?
5. Suraj and Uthra's brother saw a cobra in the dressing room, when Uthra was in the hospital. Who brought that cobra into that room.?
Especially since that cobra was killed and disposed of in a hurry.
6. Some anti histamine tablets were recovered from under Suraj’s car mat of the front seat. Who placed it there.?
7. On the day of Uthra's death, Suraj woke up earlier than usual. He went to kitchen to wash his glass in which he fed Uthra with sedative. Its claimed. He could have washed the glass in the attached toilet in their bed room. Why presence of sedative is assumed assertively.?
8. Suraj was asked by uthra to come home , the day before her death. She insisted. She did insist on her own.?
9. Is the accused assumed to be guilty until proven innocent. Is the onus to prove innocence is on the accused. Martial law being brought in.?
ടൈം 6 .55 വീട്ടിലെ ആരോ ഒരാൾ . ഭർത്താവുതന്നെയാകണമെന്നില്ല .
(( ഉത്രയുടെ അച്ഛൻ പാമ്പുകളുമായി നല്ല അടുപ്പമുള്ളയാൾ .per point 146. of Special Court Verdict. ))
11 .50 = 30 ,000 പാമ്പുകളെ പിടിച്ചു . ഒരു ദിവസം എത്ര പാമ്പുകൾ.
15 . 25 പതിനായിരം ക്ളാസ്സുകൾ. ഒരു ദിവസം ഒരു ക്ളാസ് . ഒരു വര്ഷം 365 ക്ളാസ്. 25 വര്ഷ ത്തിലേറെ എല്ലാ ദിവസവും ക്ളാസ് എടുത്താൽ .
ഇയാൾ പറയുന്നത് എല്ലാം ഇതുപോലെയാണ് . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXiCsdwZIi8
DNA = deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid = de-OX-eye RIB-o new- CLAYic acid.
DNA is fiction. Our body is made up of cells is fiction.
Biology as taught to us is pure politics . Nothing science . World is run from Universities.
(( content of this FB link --- LSD May have played a role in the discovery of DNA's structure
Just nine years after Avery's discovery, James Watson and Francis Crick published an article in Nature describing the double helical structure of DNA — a structure which, according to some accounts, Crick claims to have perceived while high on LSD.
== Crick appears to have known far more about DNA than was made public, and he believed that it was made of “extraterrestrial” origin.
DNA was first “isolated” by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Its “molecular” structure was “identified” by James Watson and Francis Crick (BOTH FREEMASONS), in 1953, whose model-building efforts were guided by X-ray diffraction data acquired by Rosalind Franklin.
Johannes Friedrich Miescher = Friedrich (Fritz) Miescher was born in Basel, Switzerland. The Miescher family was well-respected and part of the intellectual elite in Basel. = ILLUMINATI . https://www.bizgraphic.ch/miescheriana/html/the_man_who_dicovered_dna.html
Professor Sir Alec John Jeffreys, FRS (born 9 January 1950 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) is a British geneticist, who developed techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling which are now used worldwide in forensic science to assist police detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration disputes. He is a professor of genetics at the University of Leicester, and he became an honorary freeman of the City of Leicester on 26 November 1992. In 1994, he was knighted for services to genetics. KNIGHTED = SUBSERVIENT TO BRITISH MONARCHY . FRS = Fellow of the Royal Society = FOUNDED AND RUN BY FREEMASONS.
2005 – Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research -- LASKER = ROTHSCHILDS AGENT.
2006 – Morgan Stanley Great Briton Award for the Greatest Briton = ROTHSCHILDS .
=== However, identification can be complicated if the scene is contaminated with DNA from several people. === Although 99.9% of human DNA sequences are the same in every person, enough? of the DNA is different that it is possible to distinguish one individual from another, unless they are monozygotic ("identical") twins.
=== The modern process of DNA profiling was developed in 1988.
The Human Genome Does Not Exist'.. Aug 01, 2012
what is called "the human genome" today in fact "doesn't exist," says Penn State Professor Ken Weiss at The Mermaid's Tale blog.
And if the human genome doesn't exist, he adds, nor do individual genes. "We use 'the' HG [human genome] sequence as a way of referring to a standardized set of nucleotide locations along the chromosomes in the individuals who were sequenced," Weiss says. "Each of us varies from that sequence in millions of places (in each copy that we carry)."
The reference sequence is useful, Weiss says, but it's important to remember that no one has that exact sequence. We are all "type specimens," he adds — and so are our genomes.
Companies Act 2013, made CSR compulsory.
Twenty20, The 'Food Security Market' came into being in 2017, set up by Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam - the charity outfit started by the Anna-Kitex Group, which was formed in 2015.
BDO is world’s 5th largest. Before BDO it was Varma & Varma – just for one year, there was controversy in extending their tenure for just one year. Before V&V, it was Kolath, and before Kolath it was Venkat & Hari – very average audit firms.
Did V&V or BDO investigate the carryover figures from the previous auditors?.
Arthur Anderson was world’s first. Got their license cancelled on Enron scandal.
PWC is the world’s 3rd largest. Got involved in Satyam fraud.
1. There are around 40,000 outside, minority shareholders. If Kitex had spent more that 2% of net profit, towards CSR, did the board take the prior permission in General Body. Even the minimum compulsory 2% requires prior permission in GBM.
2. Selective CSR is not CSR. It helps create a blind cult following. That is not the intended purpose. Twenty20 food security market is not accessible to all the poor people in kizhakkambalam panchayat.
3. Twenty20 food security market & Twenty20 political outfit run by one and the same person, Sabu M Jacob.
4. God’s Villa , per interview with Sabu, its claimed, each villa cost inr16.25 lakhs. Kitex spent inr15.25 lakhs. Whereas in independent opinion of experienced builders it is about inr 6 lakhs. Anyone did a formal independent valuation?.
5. Sabu claims 1,000 acres cultivated. What produce? How much was the expense, how much income, what documentation, for how long the cultivation continued?
6. Accounts of Twenty20 food security market, audited?
Cotton – the dirtiest crop. It demands excessive water consumption, leading to water scarcity. The so called organic cotton is just 1% of the total cotton production. But available in plenty. Its just paper work. The cotton farms use forced / slave labour extensively. Even the organic cotton uses hazardous chemicals extensively in processing.
Many hazardous heavy chemicals are officially allowed to be used in the production of organic cotton.
The very pertinent question is – what does the word “organic” really means.
Synthetic – even more dangerous.
Textile Industry – the world’s 5th largest environment polluting industry.
Many chemicals used in the processing are intended to stay in the garments.
Clothing production doubled in 2000 – 2015. The concept of Fast Fashion brought home the idea of – a new fashion every week, which has now become Ultra Fast fashion. 50 billion pieces in 2000 has become 100 billion pieces in 2015.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast fashion became a booming industry in America with people enthusiastically partaking in consumerism. Fast fashion retailers such as Zara, H&M, Topshop and Primark took over high street fashion.
The only possibility is , the CBI judge , Sanilkumar , followed Martial Law, Presumption Of Guilt , meaning the accused is Guilty Until Proven Innocent. Whereas the prevailing system is supposed to be following Presumption of Innocence , meaning the accused is Innocent Until Proven Guilty.
If Unchallenged this will become the norm in the future . Abhaya case will set precedence.
If 100 units of Truth Serum - Pentathol Sodium , is injected , the person dies. If 70 units is injected , he / she is in a state to be narco analysed , they say . The person is almost dead , exhausted , debilitated , almost unconscious. How can they hear / understand the questions properly in that state. If they can hear / understand the questions properly , then that person , the victim , the patient is conscious enough. Then that person can lie as well - intentionally. How do we get the real truth . The so called narco analysis is incapable , for sure. Narco analysis is unproven , unsafe , unscientific , baseless. It must be unconstitutional. It must be trashed.
Who is so interested in an uneducated poor girl from a pathetic family , to carry on the procedures for 28 long years. Why similar interest is not existing in other 100’s and 100’s of cases happening regularly. Why no one is interested other poor girls. How come an uneducated poor pathetic guy , Joemon Puthenpurackal , took over the charge to fight , on the day of death of Abhaya itself . How come he lead a luxutios life ever since . Who are the people running the show. Why Beena Thomas was given the name Abhaya , Why the Delhi rape victim , was given the name Nirbhaya.
Narco Analysis , Brain Fingerprinting , Lie derector Tests are misnomers. They are neither analyses , nor Tests. They are Non Science and Must Not Exist. Why such so called tests are available only in two centers in India - Bangalore & Gujarat . Is it so complex , that we lack experts. Then what makes Dr. Malini eligible . The CD of Narco done by her are produced before the court after heavy editing . She has performed more than 800 such so called analyses. How many innocents are sent to prison on the strength of non science , and then on the report by person of no integrity?
Its pathetic to see CBI Judge Sanilkumar , depending on a theoretical social so called scientist Emilie Durkheim. ( David Émile Durkheim 1858 –1917) was a Jewish-French sociologist. He formally established the academic discipline of sociology and—with Max Weber and Karl Marx—is commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science. ). Its pure theory , Not proven science . How come court of law play with the dignity & life of people , based unproven theories.
Not a single evidence available to convict the accused. But the Judge keep claiming , its proved beyond doubt.
Such a claim can be possible only under Martial Law. Under which the accused is guilty until proven innocent. Whereas the presently prevailing legal system , its the opposite . The accused is innocent, until proven guilty.
Sister Abhaya case is to intentionally set the precedence to move towards Martial Law?
Accused guilty unless proven innocent is new norm . https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/accused-guilty-unless-proven-innocent-is-new-norm-says-activist-gautam-navlakha-before-surrender
In the military justice system, the perception is that you’re guilty until proven innocent. https://www.bileckilawgroup.com/faq/guilty-until-proven-innocent/
Are You Guilty Until Proven Innocent in the Military? https://www.militarylawyer-defense.com/are-you-guilty-until-proven-innocent-in-the-military/
In the military justice system, are you “guilty until proven innocent”?
No. While it is true that when you join the military voluntarily, you may give up certain freedoms, your constitutional rights stay intact. Just like in the civilian justice system, an accused is always “innocent until proven guilty.” It is shocking that this comes as a surprise to some. Some of the individuals who believe that the military justice system operates under a “guilty until proven innocent” are servicemembers themselves, who might sometime find themselves in charge of others. https://courtmartial.com/in-the-military-justice-system-are-you-guilty-until-proven-innocent/
A presumption of guilt is any presumption within the criminal justice system that a person is guilty of a crime, for example a presumption that a suspect is guilty unless or until proven to be innocent. Such a presumption may legitimately arise from a rule of law or a procedural rule of the court or other adjudicating body which determines how the facts in the case are to be proved, and may be either rebuttable or irrebuttable. An irrebuttable presumption of fact may not be challenged by the defense, and the presumed fact is taken as having been proved. A rebuttable presumption shifts the burden of proof onto the defense, who must collect and present evidence to prove the suspect's innocence, in order to obtain acquittal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_guilt
As we note on our home page, at a court martial everyone assumes the defendant is guilty. You have probably heard that someone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. That’s only true in a strictly legal sense. But in terms of how people really think, once you’re accused of committing a crime, you can forget about the presumption of innocence. At a court martial the judge, the jury, the prosecutors, the commanders, the members of the defendant’s unit – everyone thinks the defendant did it, or else he wouldn’t be sitting there. https://ucmjlawyers.com/military-court-martial-lawyer/
PCR the ultimate in virus identification tests. Actually a joke , a hoax , a scam , a ploy , a fraud.
A “sample” is collected from a sick person. Who decided the blood or spinal fluid etc will have the sickness causing virus ? Even if something can be identified and isolated , it represents the result / the effect of that sickness . It doesn’t represent the cause . Even if that particular something is capable of causing sickness in another healthy person , it doesn’t represent the cause of the sickness . Nothing is identified & isolated from from a pure raw sample . HIV the most studied virus , till date is fiction , fabrication , fraud .No scientific paper available proving the existence of any such virus .
Coronavirus & HIV are retroviruses . They decided so . Without any basis . It was called RNA virus , later renamed retrovirus . Purely theoretical , assumptions , fraudulent claims . They climed something to be reverse transcriptase enzyme . They add that to the sample and they claim the RNA has transcribed into DNA . for a change they call it cDNA. DNA has a double helix structure . Based on findings of theoretical scientists Francis Crick & James Watson , freemasons who were into group sex orgies and late night parties . They supposedly stole it from the findings of another non scientist Rosalind Franklin from Rothschild family , whose whereabouts cannot be verified deeply.
They heat the so called sample many times , add many chemicals , plant hormones , infected animal materials , centrifuge , filter to get purified / isolated virus . Add dyes , flouroscents .
Then they keep this under a fancy property called Electron Microscope and get some weired picture on the computer screen and claim it to be the sickness causing virus . EM can , if at all , identify only inanimate substances , according to their own admissions .
Electron is fiction . Atom is fiction. Molecule is fiction . Atomic number / Molecular weight is fiction . Its atomism . Theosophy . Occult Chemistry . Results of EM , not verifiable . Its theoretical science . Pure fantasy or rather Political Conspiracy .
Human body is not made up of Cells. DNA /Gene / Chromosomes – Unproven science .
Antibody test is superior fantsy . fraud . Conspiracy .They claim to test for the antibody produced by body against unproven virus .
All claims , with no scientific backing .
Koch Postulates . Postulates means Assumptions ,
Suggestions , Beliefs. Robert Koch . Hitler called himself Robert Koch of Politics . RK played a prominent role in Nazi Germany . Koch Brothers funded Hitler . From same family ? Must be .
Any virus is unproven . Unfounded .
The below material is subject to above points.
Coronavirus is a single word . other so called viruses are 2 words.
Chittpavan Brahmins are said to be Jews – Godse , Savarkar were Chittpavans .
Swami Vivekananda ( born Narendranath Datta ) -- extremely racist , one of the Highest degree Freemason , in his time . Groomed and promoted by Freemasons & Knights of Queen of England. Hero of both Reformed Hinduism & Sanatanis . Sanata Dharma - promoted by Freemasons & Theosophists like Annie Besant …. Benares Hindu University was founded by British. They promoted Sanskrit . Madan Mohan Malavya was a just a front man.
How come Indus Valley Civilisation – if at all it existed - is applicable to everyone in the present day massive nation called India?. What is the justification? It must have been practiced by a very small number of people , if at all it existed .
The opposition is always controlled . Led by Freemasons. Example = CAA , NCR = Asaduddin Owaisi whose father was a protégé of Nizam of Hyderabad/ freemason ,who follows- MalcolmX , Maududi. – ( The All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen or AIMIM (translation: All India Council for Unity of Muslims) .. has its roots in the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen founded in 1927 in the Hyderabad State of British India . It was founded and shaped by Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan Qiledar of Hyderabad State with the "advice" of Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the Nizam of Hyderabad and in the presence of Ulma-e-Mashaeqeen in 1927 as a pro-Nizam party. Then it was only Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) and the first meeting was held in the house of Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan on November 12, 1927.
How come everyone involved at the top are high ranking freemasons , british agents , and many non scientists.
A major reason for death from a snakebite is fear.
When they say polyvalent antivenoms are only 25% effective ( while that too is actually not proven ) , how come its being administered extensively & promoted as if it is well proven ??
Detoxified ( how a detoxified venom is useful in creating immunity / resistence creating antivenom , since we are trying to create immunity / resistence against toxicity? what processes make it detoxified ? ) venom collected from 10’s of 1000’s of snakes of the same or different species ( for mono / poly valent ) injected into horse or certain other animals to make them immune / resistant to those venoms , then their blood is processed to make antivenom – the theory says . How it is confirmed , these animals develop immunity / resistence to venoms – which study proves that ? How can polyvalent antivenom be effective at all , since the quantity of each will be much lesser than the quantity in monovalent? What about cross interactions between venoms , when put together – nullifying or even creating altogether different substance which could be dangerous or useless? Is it proven scientifically ? If at all , the particular animal becomes immune / resistant , what proof do we have to claim that the blood represents the immunity / resistence? If at all the blood represents immunity / resistence , how do we isolate purified , immunity / resistence carrying material from that blood ? How do we identify / know that , a particular factor is the one carrying immunity / resistence ? What about the person taking the so called antivenom getting infested with the diseases of that animal? . What about the health issues because of foreign bodies injected into human bodies? . What is the meaning of purification ? How it is made certain , that the so called purified antivenom is really safe , since we don’t know almost anything about what constitute blood? what processes make purified antivenom?
Even when there is , supposedly, randomized double blind control studies , proving the effectiveness & safety of medicines , we see them creating havocs and the products being recalled / banned for their previously unforeseen dangers and uselessness . Since we don’t have any such studies in the cases of antivenom , what confirms the usefulness & safety ?
If death occurs after antivenom vaccine , how to confirm the cause of death –caused from venom or antivenom ??
Antivenom comes from the same people / gang that brought us , unproven virus & preventive vaccines & who claimed elephentiasis is caused by certain kinds of mosqitos & bcg is effective treatment for tuberculosis – All Fraudulent , Baseless.
What data do we have on snakes , its actions ? when the bad effects of antivenom is confirmed / certain , grave , cab even cause death in many cases , do we have any credible truly scientific record proving the usefulness ? when death / complications occur , how do we identify the causes ? fear , effects of antivenom ? how the interpretation / confirmation by the medical cartel /mafia to be trusted ? what data do they have to substantiate their claims ?
More than 95% of the snakes are Non venomous . Of the venomous ones , they will not be venomous all the time. Even when their fangs are full , mostly they give DRY bites , meaning they bite without injecting venom , seems like they don’t want to waste their venoms unnecessarily .
Are we talking about truly scientific treatment , in the sense we perceive what science to be or it is modern day witchcraft ?? How much of science is scientific ?
What authority do the medical doctors , ascertaining / confirming these treatment to be truly scientific / useful , really have . Do they study the concepts in deapth or they are just executives ? Why do we see even the very young doctors with just the basic medical degrees being so assertive on everything medical ( many a times even on non medical ) ? are they knowledgeable at all ?
Indian medical association is a member of world medical association , which has the top most pharma giants run by rothschilds , as their corporate partners . how genuine their intentions will be . bill gates & his wife run the whole show for queen of England & rothschilds . They are Commanders of British Empire & Padma Vibhushan .
Bill Gates & his father – prominent in Planned Parenthood ,which kills millions of unborn children all over the world & recommending post birth abortion, up to one year after birth ( one of the prominent agent of which is Vegan Peter Singer ). Planned Parenthood, a branch of British Eugenics Society , the utmost racist ,depopulation promoting outfit.
Abhijit Banerjee–Amartya Sen– CHARLES FOURIER the wealthy Owenite wealthy utopian socialist Rothschild’ puppet – Nobel --- Flat Earth = Samuel Birley Rowbotham – Alexander Gleason – Seventh Day Adventist SDA – Nazi Vegan Agenda. Alexander Gleason himself said his flat earth map is the flattened version of globe earth ,but for the flat earthers ,its the real map of a real flat earth .
Charles Fourier promoted free love / free expression of passions which is followed by ‘ freethinkers’, too much government , MINIMUM WAGES , cramped up living for the poor , which in India is taken up by Abhijit & Sen. Follower of Rousseau. Phalanstare , where everything goes , passions prevail , unsuppressed = precursor to Freud & Crowley.
But only those who are useful , survives !!
Abhijit Banerjee got Nobel MEMORIAL prize sponsored by Swedish & world’s first , central bank = Sveriges Riksbank – one of the “founding” initial members of Bank for International Settlements aka Hitler’s bank , World’s Central Bank. -- "for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty." = no success yet!!!
Abhijit Banerjee is Protégé of Amartya Sen . Sen married Emma Rothschild – his 3rd & current wife.
Abhjit’s book ‘Poor Economics’ is one of Emma’s
most favourite .
All of the foot soldiers are from Manhattan Project –the so called Atomic Bomb makers .
Radiocarbon dating is not based upon fact, but on three assumptions: 1) that an accurate half-life for carbon-14 is precisely measurable; 2 ) that cosmic radiation has been constant for many thousands of years; and 3 ) that the nitrogen supply available to be acted upon by this radiation has been constant.
1. The weight of her brain was only 720 grams. Almost half of that of a nomal adult female. She was almost half or even 1/3 rd of her husband. So her internal organs also would have been much smaller.
2. Any dose of medicine normally prescribed for a normal adult female would be heavy overdose for her. The so called antihistamines - cetrizine etc fall under “calcium channel blockers”. The side/ bad effects of these Hazardous, Toxic, Poisonous, Deadly chemicals are suppressed. And the life saving effects of medical intervention is promoted repetitively- which is a false claim. Why the medicines administered to her were not studied critically?.
3. Who / how the puncture wounds found on her body on both the incidents were confirmed to be snake bites? Any certification issued as to the veracity of the tests & personnel involved? Where is the Scientific Paper confirming the veracity of the so called tests being used to identify the snake envenomation.
4. Her father was a snake rescuer. Point 146. (Assume that’s not a typo.)
5. Why the cobra in the second instance was killed and disposed off in a hurry?. Why the body of Uthra was was cremated in a hurry?. Especially since the 1st alleged viper bite was doubted to be a scheme planned by her husband & the 2nd alleged cobra bite supposedly caused her death and her mother saw her lying in abnormal condition in the early morning.
6. Elisa test, the so called most confirmative test is actually a hoax, a joke.
7. The snake anti venom/ antivenom is just a concept. Never a proven science. Its a hoax, a joke. Its effects are unproven , its side effects are deadly. How its confirmed, what actually killed the person - snake venom or the so called antivenom?. https://www.academia.edu/41064350/Antivenom_dangers_are_gross_fatal_effectiveness_unproven_
you need to register with academia.edu its free.
8. DNA is just a concept. Never a proven science. Its a hoax, a joke. The system knows it well. Its described in this verdict even, that dna analysis, finger print is not confirmatory. Still being used, for what, only they know. Only they know whats Dna. As per published literature, no one has seen any DNA. https://www.academia.edu/60183348/DNA_Not_a_Fact_Its_a_Mystical_Theoretical_Concept_Its_Social_Control_Materialistic_Interpretation_of_Human_Body
you need to register with academia.edu . its free.
9. How many of the so called experts are really experts?. Why they are called experts, when they don’t even know the basics?.
10. How come everything the prosecution presented, and the witnesses & the doctors claimed are taken at face value.
1. If its not a typo. Why Uthra's father being a seasoned snake rescuer , never discussed.? In the court as well. Did vava Suresh have any connection with Jayasenan – Uthra’s father, even before the "cobra bite".?
2. Who decided to install cctv camers in UTHRA'S house.? Why those camera's were not made functional.? Who decided so. If Uthra & Suraj had issues, Uthra's family must have made it functional.
3. Was / is Uthra's mother under any kind of psychiatric treatment. Hysteria, Paranoid Schizophrenia etc.?
4. What were the puncture wounds on Uthra’s hand.? Suraj did not notice the abnormal lying of Uthra, when he woke up. Was she abnormally lying when Suraj woke up.? Uthra's mother went into the room. After how much time, Uthra's mother made the alarming scream.? Who made the puncture wounds.?
5. Suraj and Uthra's brother saw a cobra in the dressing room, when Uthra was in the hospital. Who brought that cobra into that room.?
Especially since that cobra was killed and disposed of in a hurry.
6. Some anti histamine tablets were recovered from under Suraj’s car mat of the front seat. Who placed it there.?
7. On the day of Uthra's death, Suraj woke up earlier than usual. He went to kitchen to wash his glass in which he fed Uthra with sedative. Its claimed. He could have washed the glass in the attached toilet in their bed room. Why presence of sedative is assumed assertively.?
8. Suraj was asked by uthra to come home , the day before her death. She insisted. She did insist on her own.?
9. Is the accused assumed to be guilty until proven innocent. Is the onus to prove innocence is on the accused. Martial law being brought in.?
ടൈം 6 .55 വീട്ടിലെ ആരോ ഒരാൾ . ഭർത്താവുതന്നെയാകണമെന്നില്ല .
(( ഉത്രയുടെ അച്ഛൻ പാമ്പുകളുമായി നല്ല അടുപ്പമുള്ളയാൾ .per point 146. of Special Court Verdict. ))
11 .50 = 30 ,000 പാമ്പുകളെ പിടിച്ചു . ഒരു ദിവസം എത്ര പാമ്പുകൾ.
15 . 25 പതിനായിരം ക്ളാസ്സുകൾ. ഒരു ദിവസം ഒരു ക്ളാസ് . ഒരു വര്ഷം 365 ക്ളാസ്. 25 വര്ഷ ത്തിലേറെ എല്ലാ ദിവസവും ക്ളാസ് എടുത്താൽ .
ഇയാൾ പറയുന്നത് എല്ലാം ഇതുപോലെയാണ് . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXiCsdwZIi8
DNA = deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid = de-OX-eye RIB-o new- CLAYic acid.
DNA is fiction. Our body is made up of cells is fiction.
Biology as taught to us is pure politics . Nothing science . World is run from Universities.
(( content of this FB link --- LSD May have played a role in the discovery of DNA's structure
Just nine years after Avery's discovery, James Watson and Francis Crick published an article in Nature describing the double helical structure of DNA — a structure which, according to some accounts, Crick claims to have perceived while high on LSD.
== Crick appears to have known far more about DNA than was made public, and he believed that it was made of “extraterrestrial” origin.
DNA was first “isolated” by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Its “molecular” structure was “identified” by James Watson and Francis Crick (BOTH FREEMASONS), in 1953, whose model-building efforts were guided by X-ray diffraction data acquired by Rosalind Franklin.
Johannes Friedrich Miescher = Friedrich (Fritz) Miescher was born in Basel, Switzerland. The Miescher family was well-respected and part of the intellectual elite in Basel. = ILLUMINATI . https://www.bizgraphic.ch/miescheriana/html/the_man_who_dicovered_dna.html
Professor Sir Alec John Jeffreys, FRS (born 9 January 1950 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) is a British geneticist, who developed techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling which are now used worldwide in forensic science to assist police detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration disputes. He is a professor of genetics at the University of Leicester, and he became an honorary freeman of the City of Leicester on 26 November 1992. In 1994, he was knighted for services to genetics. KNIGHTED = SUBSERVIENT TO BRITISH MONARCHY . FRS = Fellow of the Royal Society = FOUNDED AND RUN BY FREEMASONS.
2005 – Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research -- LASKER = ROTHSCHILDS AGENT.
2006 – Morgan Stanley Great Briton Award for the Greatest Briton = ROTHSCHILDS .
=== However, identification can be complicated if the scene is contaminated with DNA from several people. === Although 99.9% of human DNA sequences are the same in every person, enough? of the DNA is different that it is possible to distinguish one individual from another, unless they are monozygotic ("identical") twins.
=== The modern process of DNA profiling was developed in 1988.
The Human Genome Does Not Exist'.. Aug 01, 2012
what is called "the human genome" today in fact "doesn't exist," says Penn State Professor Ken Weiss at The Mermaid's Tale blog.
And if the human genome doesn't exist, he adds, nor do individual genes. "We use 'the' HG [human genome] sequence as a way of referring to a standardized set of nucleotide locations along the chromosomes in the individuals who were sequenced," Weiss says. "Each of us varies from that sequence in millions of places (in each copy that we carry)."
The reference sequence is useful, Weiss says, but it's important to remember that no one has that exact sequence. We are all "type specimens," he adds — and so are our genomes.
Companies Act 2013, made CSR compulsory.
Twenty20, The 'Food Security Market' came into being in 2017, set up by Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam - the charity outfit started by the Anna-Kitex Group, which was formed in 2015.
BDO is world’s 5th largest. Before BDO it was Varma & Varma – just for one year, there was controversy in extending their tenure for just one year. Before V&V, it was Kolath, and before Kolath it was Venkat & Hari – very average audit firms.
Did V&V or BDO investigate the carryover figures from the previous auditors?.
Arthur Anderson was world’s first. Got their license cancelled on Enron scandal.
PWC is the world’s 3rd largest. Got involved in Satyam fraud.
1. There are around 40,000 outside, minority shareholders. If Kitex had spent more that 2% of net profit, towards CSR, did the board take the prior permission in General Body. Even the minimum compulsory 2% requires prior permission in GBM.
2. Selective CSR is not CSR. It helps create a blind cult following. That is not the intended purpose. Twenty20 food security market is not accessible to all the poor people in kizhakkambalam panchayat.
3. Twenty20 food security market & Twenty20 political outfit run by one and the same person, Sabu M Jacob.
4. God’s Villa , per interview with Sabu, its claimed, each villa cost inr16.25 lakhs. Kitex spent inr15.25 lakhs. Whereas in independent opinion of experienced builders it is about inr 6 lakhs. Anyone did a formal independent valuation?.
5. Sabu claims 1,000 acres cultivated. What produce? How much was the expense, how much income, what documentation, for how long the cultivation continued?
6. Accounts of Twenty20 food security market, audited?
Cotton – the dirtiest crop. It demands excessive water consumption, leading to water scarcity. The so called organic cotton is just 1% of the total cotton production. But available in plenty. Its just paper work. The cotton farms use forced / slave labour extensively. Even the organic cotton uses hazardous chemicals extensively in processing.
Many hazardous heavy chemicals are officially allowed to be used in the production of organic cotton.
The very pertinent question is – what does the word “organic” really means.
Synthetic – even more dangerous.
Textile Industry – the world’s 5th largest environment polluting industry.
Many chemicals used in the processing are intended to stay in the garments.
Clothing production doubled in 2000 – 2015. The concept of Fast Fashion brought home the idea of – a new fashion every week, which has now become Ultra Fast fashion. 50 billion pieces in 2000 has become 100 billion pieces in 2015.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast fashion became a booming industry in America with people enthusiastically partaking in consumerism. Fast fashion retailers such as Zara, H&M, Topshop and Primark took over high street fashion.
The only possibility is , the CBI judge , Sanilkumar , followed Martial Law, Presumption Of Guilt , meaning the accused is Guilty Until Proven Innocent. Whereas the prevailing system is supposed to be following Presumption of Innocence , meaning the accused is Innocent Until Proven Guilty.
If Unchallenged this will become the norm in the future . Abhaya case will set precedence.
If 100 units of Truth Serum - Pentathol Sodium , is injected , the person dies. If 70 units is injected , he / she is in a state to be narco analysed , they say . The person is almost dead , exhausted , debilitated , almost unconscious. How can they hear / understand the questions properly in that state. If they can hear / understand the questions properly , then that person , the victim , the patient is conscious enough. Then that person can lie as well - intentionally. How do we get the real truth . The so called narco analysis is incapable , for sure. Narco analysis is unproven , unsafe , unscientific , baseless. It must be unconstitutional. It must be trashed.
Who is so interested in an uneducated poor girl from a pathetic family , to carry on the procedures for 28 long years. Why similar interest is not existing in other 100’s and 100’s of cases happening regularly. Why no one is interested other poor girls. How come an uneducated poor pathetic guy , Joemon Puthenpurackal , took over the charge to fight , on the day of death of Abhaya itself . How come he lead a luxutios life ever since . Who are the people running the show. Why Beena Thomas was given the name Abhaya , Why the Delhi rape victim , was given the name Nirbhaya.
Narco Analysis , Brain Fingerprinting , Lie derector Tests are misnomers. They are neither analyses , nor Tests. They are Non Science and Must Not Exist. Why such so called tests are available only in two centers in India - Bangalore & Gujarat . Is it so complex , that we lack experts. Then what makes Dr. Malini eligible . The CD of Narco done by her are produced before the court after heavy editing . She has performed more than 800 such so called analyses. How many innocents are sent to prison on the strength of non science , and then on the report by person of no integrity?
Its pathetic to see CBI Judge Sanilkumar , depending on a theoretical social so called scientist Emilie Durkheim. ( David Émile Durkheim 1858 –1917) was a Jewish-French sociologist. He formally established the academic discipline of sociology and—with Max Weber and Karl Marx—is commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science. ). Its pure theory , Not proven science . How come court of law play with the dignity & life of people , based unproven theories.
Not a single evidence available to convict the accused. But the Judge keep claiming , its proved beyond doubt.
Such a claim can be possible only under Martial Law. Under which the accused is guilty until proven innocent. Whereas the presently prevailing legal system , its the opposite . The accused is innocent, until proven guilty.
Sister Abhaya case is to intentionally set the precedence to move towards Martial Law?
Accused guilty unless proven innocent is new norm . https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/accused-guilty-unless-proven-innocent-is-new-norm-says-activist-gautam-navlakha-before-surrender
In the military justice system, the perception is that you’re guilty until proven innocent. https://www.bileckilawgroup.com/faq/guilty-until-proven-innocent/
Are You Guilty Until Proven Innocent in the Military? https://www.militarylawyer-defense.com/are-you-guilty-until-proven-innocent-in-the-military/
In the military justice system, are you “guilty until proven innocent”?
No. While it is true that when you join the military voluntarily, you may give up certain freedoms, your constitutional rights stay intact. Just like in the civilian justice system, an accused is always “innocent until proven guilty.” It is shocking that this comes as a surprise to some. Some of the individuals who believe that the military justice system operates under a “guilty until proven innocent” are servicemembers themselves, who might sometime find themselves in charge of others. https://courtmartial.com/in-the-military-justice-system-are-you-guilty-until-proven-innocent/
A presumption of guilt is any presumption within the criminal justice system that a person is guilty of a crime, for example a presumption that a suspect is guilty unless or until proven to be innocent. Such a presumption may legitimately arise from a rule of law or a procedural rule of the court or other adjudicating body which determines how the facts in the case are to be proved, and may be either rebuttable or irrebuttable. An irrebuttable presumption of fact may not be challenged by the defense, and the presumed fact is taken as having been proved. A rebuttable presumption shifts the burden of proof onto the defense, who must collect and present evidence to prove the suspect's innocence, in order to obtain acquittal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_guilt
As we note on our home page, at a court martial everyone assumes the defendant is guilty. You have probably heard that someone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. That’s only true in a strictly legal sense. But in terms of how people really think, once you’re accused of committing a crime, you can forget about the presumption of innocence. At a court martial the judge, the jury, the prosecutors, the commanders, the members of the defendant’s unit – everyone thinks the defendant did it, or else he wouldn’t be sitting there. https://ucmjlawyers.com/military-court-martial-lawyer/
PCR the ultimate in virus identification tests. Actually a joke , a hoax , a scam , a ploy , a fraud.
A “sample” is collected from a sick person. Who decided the blood or spinal fluid etc will have the sickness causing virus ? Even if something can be identified and isolated , it represents the result / the effect of that sickness . It doesn’t represent the cause . Even if that particular something is capable of causing sickness in another healthy person , it doesn’t represent the cause of the sickness . Nothing is identified & isolated from from a pure raw sample . HIV the most studied virus , till date is fiction , fabrication , fraud .No scientific paper available proving the existence of any such virus .
Coronavirus & HIV are retroviruses . They decided so . Without any basis . It was called RNA virus , later renamed retrovirus . Purely theoretical , assumptions , fraudulent claims . They climed something to be reverse transcriptase enzyme . They add that to the sample and they claim the RNA has transcribed into DNA . for a change they call it cDNA. DNA has a double helix structure . Based on findings of theoretical scientists Francis Crick & James Watson , freemasons who were into group sex orgies and late night parties . They supposedly stole it from the findings of another non scientist Rosalind Franklin from Rothschild family , whose whereabouts cannot be verified deeply.
They heat the so called sample many times , add many chemicals , plant hormones , infected animal materials , centrifuge , filter to get purified / isolated virus . Add dyes , flouroscents .
Then they keep this under a fancy property called Electron Microscope and get some weired picture on the computer screen and claim it to be the sickness causing virus . EM can , if at all , identify only inanimate substances , according to their own admissions .
Electron is fiction . Atom is fiction. Molecule is fiction . Atomic number / Molecular weight is fiction . Its atomism . Theosophy . Occult Chemistry . Results of EM , not verifiable . Its theoretical science . Pure fantasy or rather Political Conspiracy .
Human body is not made up of Cells. DNA /Gene / Chromosomes – Unproven science .
Antibody test is superior fantsy . fraud . Conspiracy .They claim to test for the antibody produced by body against unproven virus .
All claims , with no scientific backing .
Koch Postulates . Postulates means Assumptions ,
Suggestions , Beliefs. Robert Koch . Hitler called himself Robert Koch of Politics . RK played a prominent role in Nazi Germany . Koch Brothers funded Hitler . From same family ? Must be .
Any virus is unproven . Unfounded .
The below material is subject to above points.
Coronavirus is a single word . other so called viruses are 2 words.
Chittpavan Brahmins are said to be Jews – Godse , Savarkar were Chittpavans .
Swami Vivekananda ( born Narendranath Datta ) -- extremely racist , one of the Highest degree Freemason , in his time . Groomed and promoted by Freemasons & Knights of Queen of England. Hero of both Reformed Hinduism & Sanatanis . Sanata Dharma - promoted by Freemasons & Theosophists like Annie Besant …. Benares Hindu University was founded by British. They promoted Sanskrit . Madan Mohan Malavya was a just a front man.
How come Indus Valley Civilisation – if at all it existed - is applicable to everyone in the present day massive nation called India?. What is the justification? It must have been practiced by a very small number of people , if at all it existed .
The opposition is always controlled . Led by Freemasons. Example = CAA , NCR = Asaduddin Owaisi whose father was a protégé of Nizam of Hyderabad/ freemason ,who follows- MalcolmX , Maududi. – ( The All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen or AIMIM (translation: All India Council for Unity of Muslims) .. has its roots in the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen founded in 1927 in the Hyderabad State of British India . It was founded and shaped by Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan Qiledar of Hyderabad State with the "advice" of Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the Nizam of Hyderabad and in the presence of Ulma-e-Mashaeqeen in 1927 as a pro-Nizam party. Then it was only Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) and the first meeting was held in the house of Nawab Mahmood Nawaz Khan on November 12, 1927.
How come everyone involved at the top are high ranking freemasons , british agents , and many non scientists.
A major reason for death from a snakebite is fear.
When they say polyvalent antivenoms are only 25% effective ( while that too is actually not proven ) , how come its being administered extensively & promoted as if it is well proven ??
Detoxified ( how a detoxified venom is useful in creating immunity / resistence creating antivenom , since we are trying to create immunity / resistence against toxicity? what processes make it detoxified ? ) venom collected from 10’s of 1000’s of snakes of the same or different species ( for mono / poly valent ) injected into horse or certain other animals to make them immune / resistant to those venoms , then their blood is processed to make antivenom – the theory says . How it is confirmed , these animals develop immunity / resistence to venoms – which study proves that ? How can polyvalent antivenom be effective at all , since the quantity of each will be much lesser than the quantity in monovalent? What about cross interactions between venoms , when put together – nullifying or even creating altogether different substance which could be dangerous or useless? Is it proven scientifically ? If at all , the particular animal becomes immune / resistant , what proof do we have to claim that the blood represents the immunity / resistence? If at all the blood represents immunity / resistence , how do we isolate purified , immunity / resistence carrying material from that blood ? How do we identify / know that , a particular factor is the one carrying immunity / resistence ? What about the person taking the so called antivenom getting infested with the diseases of that animal? . What about the health issues because of foreign bodies injected into human bodies? . What is the meaning of purification ? How it is made certain , that the so called purified antivenom is really safe , since we don’t know almost anything about what constitute blood? what processes make purified antivenom?
Even when there is , supposedly, randomized double blind control studies , proving the effectiveness & safety of medicines , we see them creating havocs and the products being recalled / banned for their previously unforeseen dangers and uselessness . Since we don’t have any such studies in the cases of antivenom , what confirms the usefulness & safety ?
If death occurs after antivenom vaccine , how to confirm the cause of death –caused from venom or antivenom ??
Antivenom comes from the same people / gang that brought us , unproven virus & preventive vaccines & who claimed elephentiasis is caused by certain kinds of mosqitos & bcg is effective treatment for tuberculosis – All Fraudulent , Baseless.
What data do we have on snakes , its actions ? when the bad effects of antivenom is confirmed / certain , grave , cab even cause death in many cases , do we have any credible truly scientific record proving the usefulness ? when death / complications occur , how do we identify the causes ? fear , effects of antivenom ? how the interpretation / confirmation by the medical cartel /mafia to be trusted ? what data do they have to substantiate their claims ?
More than 95% of the snakes are Non venomous . Of the venomous ones , they will not be venomous all the time. Even when their fangs are full , mostly they give DRY bites , meaning they bite without injecting venom , seems like they don’t want to waste their venoms unnecessarily .
Are we talking about truly scientific treatment , in the sense we perceive what science to be or it is modern day witchcraft ?? How much of science is scientific ?
What authority do the medical doctors , ascertaining / confirming these treatment to be truly scientific / useful , really have . Do they study the concepts in deapth or they are just executives ? Why do we see even the very young doctors with just the basic medical degrees being so assertive on everything medical ( many a times even on non medical ) ? are they knowledgeable at all ?
Indian medical association is a member of world medical association , which has the top most pharma giants run by rothschilds , as their corporate partners . how genuine their intentions will be . bill gates & his wife run the whole show for queen of England & rothschilds . They are Commanders of British Empire & Padma Vibhushan .
Bill Gates & his father – prominent in Planned Parenthood ,which kills millions of unborn children all over the world & recommending post birth abortion, up to one year after birth ( one of the prominent agent of which is Vegan Peter Singer ). Planned Parenthood, a branch of British Eugenics Society , the utmost racist ,depopulation promoting outfit.
Abhijit Banerjee–Amartya Sen– CHARLES FOURIER the wealthy Owenite wealthy utopian socialist Rothschild’ puppet – Nobel --- Flat Earth = Samuel Birley Rowbotham – Alexander Gleason – Seventh Day Adventist SDA – Nazi Vegan Agenda. Alexander Gleason himself said his flat earth map is the flattened version of globe earth ,but for the flat earthers ,its the real map of a real flat earth .
Charles Fourier promoted free love / free expression of passions which is followed by ‘ freethinkers’, too much government , MINIMUM WAGES , cramped up living for the poor , which in India is taken up by Abhijit & Sen. Follower of Rousseau. Phalanstare , where everything goes , passions prevail , unsuppressed = precursor to Freud & Crowley.
But only those who are useful , survives !!
Abhijit Banerjee got Nobel MEMORIAL prize sponsored by Swedish & world’s first , central bank = Sveriges Riksbank – one of the “founding” initial members of Bank for International Settlements aka Hitler’s bank , World’s Central Bank. -- "for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty." = no success yet!!!
Abhijit Banerjee is Protégé of Amartya Sen . Sen married Emma Rothschild – his 3rd & current wife.
Abhjit’s book ‘Poor Economics’ is one of Emma’s
most favourite .
All of the foot soldiers are from Manhattan Project –the so called Atomic Bomb makers .
Radiocarbon dating is not based upon fact, but on three assumptions: 1) that an accurate half-life for carbon-14 is precisely measurable; 2 ) that cosmic radiation has been constant for many thousands of years; and 3 ) that the nitrogen supply available to be acted upon by this radiation has been constant.
What all things are pushed onto us as food. How can we make independent evaluations , as to the long term bad effects , when ingested combined and with other so called foods. What are the effects of nano technology in food. What is mentioned on the label is to be believed? The food is changing us from inside. Food is being used as weapon. All companies from all sectors are run by one single syndicate.
Any virus has not been scientifically proven to exist. They use the term virus in their literature. Only they know what it is.
Same with DNA & Cells.
Biotech company using “cell” lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing. Senomyx is a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in their research and development of "artificial flavors." This is being put into our food!!
Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below, we are participating in a satanic ritual.
We have been mind-controlled to believe this is appropriate behavior for humans.
It is time to snap out of the trance. Senomyx is using aborted fetal cells to develop their "flavors.
Ever heard of the movie Soylent Green?
This is a list of brands that make these companies that support Senomyx.
Waldorf represents Waldorf Asoria of John Jacob Astor –Freemason . Rudolf Steiner –Theosophist Freemason , MI6 Chief of Aleister Crowly , Top Most Satanist . Racist.
We are disease economy – the economy which survives on disease. Gor the economy to grow , the sick people should keep growing in depth and numbers - which is not sustainable .
Selling Body Parts is Big Business.