Papers by Francesco Zirpoli
Coordinamento progetto di ricerca: Barbara Barazza (Responsabile settore Studi, statistica e prez... more Coordinamento progetto di ricerca: Barbara Barazza (Responsabile settore Studi, statistica e prezzi Camera di commercio di Torino) Andrea Debernardis (Responsabile Gruppi Componenti e Carrozzieri Progettisti ANFIA) Elaborazioni statistiche e normalizzazione database: Pierfrancesca Giardina (Studi, statistica e prezzi Camera di commercio di Torino) Marisa Saglietto (Responsabile Ufficio Studi e Statistiche ANFIA) Qualunque parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, memorizzata in un sistema di recupero dati o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico o meccanico, senza autorizzazione, a condizione che se ne citi la fonte. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission provided that the source is fully credited.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2002
Complex networks theory allows researchers to deal with systems characterised by uncertainty and ... more Complex networks theory allows researchers to deal with systems characterised by uncertainty and unpredictability. It also enables investigating interactions between transport networks and their topology. Recently it has been used to analyse socioeconomic processes in urban, regional, and environmental planning. In the light of these advances, the aim of this paper is to present the results of the application of complex networks theory techniques to the characterisation of topological, traffic and spatial properties of commuters' systems in insular Italy. 186 A. De Montis et al.
Ricerche per l'innovazione nell'industria automotive, Oct 21, 2019
Qualunque parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, memorizzata in un sistema di recup... more Qualunque parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, memorizzata in un sistema di recupero dati o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico o meccanico, senza autorizzazione, a condizione che se ne citi la fonte. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission provided that the source is fully credited.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
This Working Paper is published under the auspices of the Department of Management at Università ... more This Working Paper is published under the auspices of the Department of Management at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not those of the Department or the University. The Working Paper series is designed to divulge preliminary or incomplete work, circulated to favour discussion and comments. Citation of this paper should consider its provisional nature.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2020
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 2005

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018
This paper investigates the link between how firms govern the relationships with their counterpar... more This paper investigates the link between how firms govern the relationships with their counterparts in vertical networks and the likelihood of developing product and/or process innovation by reporting the results of a survey on Italian automotive suppliers. Results show that actors do not select coordination mechanisms according to the type of innovation activity carried out. Conversely, different patterns of governance emerge if one distinguishes between companies transacting downstream (e.g. a second tier supplier selling their components/systems to a first tier one) and upstream (e.g. a second tier supplier buying component/system by a third tier one). In the first case, firms are more likely to innovate with their counterpart when adopting contractual governance tools. In the second case, companies innovate with their counterpart when ?trust? and ?trust building practices? are in place.
Papers by Francesco Zirpoli